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One of the most interesting things Biden has said over the last few months is...


I wonder what he actually meant by that... is it that Progressives have their own truths and facts that actually conflict with reality or is it just the normal for Progressives that their Truth is what matters and no dissent no matter how factual will be accepted.

It is interesting considering what has happened since then.

Do Progressives have an alternate reality with alternate facts and truths?

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Lightman 8 Dec 31
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Both sides are guilty of their own narratives and biases. It is the height of cognitive dissonance to peddle a narrative that Progressives live in an alternative reality and Conservatives are strictly fact-based. Just look at Ben Shapiro, Conservative poster boy and "facts don't care about your feelings" hypocrite.

"Ok, you have these religious principles, is there any justification outside of 'the Bible says so' for why this is correct... As a religious person, I believe that God didn't create stupid rules. So if you believe that God didn't create stupid rules, then you have to come up with some sort of justification for the rules that are being expressed."

Ben Shapiro, explaining why he uses his FEELINGS to form his "facts".

Let's not forget the whole "alternative facts" term was birthed when Kellyanne Conway, Trump's Senior Counselor, tried to defend a provable lie from Trump's Press Secretary. Let's also not forget the hundreds of provable lies and hyperbole spewed from Trump's mouth which his sycophants make excuses for, anything to not have to admit Trump is wrong in any way. The whole QAnon conspiracy is nothing more than bending over backwards to avoid any negativity towards Trump.

The GOP is the party of borderline Christian theocracy, trying to erode freedom in favor of Bronze Age fairytales, and they are supposed to be the party of facts? The GOP continues to stand by their provably false insistence of trickle-down economics. They support the border wall to stop illegal immigration, which is also based in fantasy. They think Biden is a senile dementia-ridden skeleton who needs to be on constant drugs to form a full sentence, but at the same time is a mastermind of an extremely coordinated voter fraud conspiracy... while at the same time dismissing Trump's slurred words or ramp troubles or mini-strokes. They think Biden is full of nepotism and corruption, while dismissing Trump's bold-faced nepotism and clear corruption. They think Trump supports the troops and is the most patriotic president ever, despite his dodging of the draft, comparing his sexual exploits to Vietnam, attacking veterans and gold-star families, and calling soldiers "losers and suckers". They think the man who wears bronzer, spends $70k on his hair, and is obsessed with his appearance and petty gossip, is a "caricature of hyper-masculinity". They think the New York coastal elite billionaire with gold-plated toilets, who destroyed small businesses by refusing to pay for contracted work, actually cares about the common working man. They think the man who bragged about intentionally walking in on naked underage girls, and was friends with Epstein and wished Maxwell well, is trying to combat pedophilia. They think the man who has never read a Bible in his life, and is the antithesis of "Christian values", is the most Christian person in history and anointed by God.

Get out of here with your bullshit narrative.

WOW that Shapiro quote certainly makes your case for you.... not.
How about addressing some of the illogical stupid ideas postmodernists/progressives have and how they affect our lives eh...

@Lightman wow, are you still in primary school?

How about I read from the Lightman playbook, hm? You are such a blatant anti-Biden anti-Progressive shill, your bias has clouded your judgment and you can't think straight, only parrot what you read from your Conservative overlords. Why don't you comment on the positive things that Progressive policies have enabled, and show that you can be critical by condemning instances of fantasy-land Conservative errors. If you can't, you're clearly a brainwashed stooge.

@JacksonNought Oh yes I'm anti-Progressive... never met a sane one... that includes you.
Why don't you name some things Progressives have done to make the world a better place?
Good luck with that.
I'm a Conservative in the real sense of the word and I'm proud of it.
CONSERVATISM is: a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change, or simply change for its own sake.
Just what do you find wrong with that? hmmmm.
According to you that makes me a stooge. ROTFLMAO

@Lightman you're disingenuous. You've identified with atheism before, but align yourself with the group trying to force in Christian theocracy. You say you're a true Conservative in the classical / literary definition, but align yourself with those who oppose any change and want to revert civil rights. You are so biased and so radically pro-Trumpism.

How about giving more freedom? Progressivism gave us civil rights, bodily autonomy, decriminalized what consenting adults could do in the bedroom, legalized marriage equality, is making marijuana legal. The Conservatives are the ones railing against this, trying to cling to their "traditional" values of making all non-white non-cisgendered-heterosexuals second class citizens.

@JacksonNought I've never identified with atheism you must have me confused with someone else.
BTW a Conservative does not necessarily espouse or support a theocracy... don't confuse religion and politics.
Oh and don't lie about what I think or say I gave you the defn of a Conservative. You have heard the word Conservation before right?
Nice fantasy you have there about Progs giving us civil rights... most rights and laws have their beginnings in religious doctrine. thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, the Golden rule etc, etc, ect... Don't think today's Progressivism, this Woke mentality has anything to do with the Original Progressivism... it doesn't.
Oh and how about speaking in English and leave off the Woke gobledygook.

@JacksonNought You'd have to make a LIST of the "positive" positions of Progressives as I can't find ANY!


We all share the same reality. Some just chose to interpret it differently.

Remember a few years ago when "finding your own truth" was a thing? Progressives don't do it exclusively, but they do it a lot. Many of us call it their narrative because it often has little to do with the truth. It's a familiar pattern....develop a story line and then cherry-pick the facts to support it. If said facts aren't available, fabricate them. The fact that the media is largely complicit in this nonsense makes things difficult for the average citizen.

The facts always support the truth. They're inseparable. My hope this year is that we only look to the media for the reporting of EVENTS. For everything else, look to each other to find out how things really are. And for goodness sake, let's stop looking to social media or politicians for the truth...their survival depends on lies.

Well said, my friend.


I voted no, just because they think they have their own facts does not make them true. I still believe in absolutes that are true and factual wither or not nobody or everybody accepts those absolute truth. There is still a King who rules over this world, and one day even they will recognize the King.


Doing polls to try and figure out what Biden means could lead to mental health problems.


Most so-called "progressives" (they are, in reality, regressive) are postmodernists.

yes they are... we call them Progressives though.
They came out of Postmodernism and socialism.


the answer to your question is NO - No because the question and the statement are a contradiction unto themselves.
I find it very off putting that the media and the left (that's a redundancy I know) have taken the words "fact" and "facts" and bastardized their meaning - separated from its objective definition.
Statements of opinion are NOT "facts"
The first time I heard that idea was from AOC some months ago. She said something like "we would rather be morally correct than factually correct"
Biden simply repeated that same idea in the statement "we choose truth over facts".

So what Biden, Democrat Socialists - the Left has is a false narrative. A narrative NOT based in objective fact in any way shape or form. They have the (false) narrative of some imaginary "kind of truth" which also is devoid of any true and factual foundation.

The Socialists have always been masterful at manipulating language - separating words and ideas from any kind of objective reality and expressed in ways that quite effectively manipulate the emotions of those who lack the ability and or the will to think for themselves.

iThink Level 9 Jan 1, 2021

Did Kamala Harris choose truth over facts when she played the race card on Biden during the debates, or was she trying to capitalize by whipping up hatred?

His opportunistic choice of Harris based on her identity credentials, but ignoring her deplorable race baiting behaviour, shows the President-Elect would sooner piss on the “soul of America”, than save it.

GeeMac Level 8 Jan 1, 2021

Both Biden & Harris are LOSERS - yet the biggest losers are Americans thanks to a corrupt voting system

The PresidentSUSPECT & that non-AfricanAmerican VpSUSPECT's blatant hypocrisy reeks - Harris attacked Biden in one debate over racial bussing & is now his "running comrade" & don't forget Harris pulled out of a primary as she did not receive votes.

US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his vice-presidential pick Kamala Harris have appeared on stage to launch their campaign for the White House.

But their appearance has reminded viewers of another time the two shared a stage in 2019, when Senator Harris confronted Mr Biden on his opposition to something called "bussing".

Kamala Harris has suspended her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, a dramatic reversal of fortunes for a candidate who began the race with promise. She struggled to define a clear rationale for her candidacy and in recent weeks her campaign was beset upheaval and layoffs.

The Democrats = Hypocrisy101


conservative views are based on fact where liberals are because i told you so....sound like my mother

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