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Disturbing... LOL I know people who would say burn all children

RemiDallaire 9 Jan 11
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Just a small point of clarification: Fascism was not invented by Mussolini. Fascism's pioneering philosopher (if you can call it that) was an Italian Marxist named Giovani Gentilé, who was idolized by Mussolini, and who ghost-wrote books and articles for the Fascist dictator. Gentilé sought to correct certain flaws in Marx's ideas. Having seen the proletariat rally to their flags in WW1, he sought to make Socialism a nationalist movement. And having seen government's ineptness at running businesses as what happened in Russia under Stalin, he sought to allow private businesses to continue, but under total state control. Given these two premises, China can be viewed as having morphed itself into a Fascist state.


A Pavlik Morozov for our time. Like Horst Wessel, Pavlik Morozov was a legend crafted almost entirely out of Party lies. Pavlik supposedly reported his father to Stalin's secret police to be shot. Pavlik was in turn murdered by his family. He became a martyr for the communist party, a victim of petty bourgeois ideals of the family. Interestingly, a statue of Pavlik was placed in front of the KGB headquarters where it stood until the fall of the Soviet Union. A true child of the left.


No one did anything to the takeover of our schools because it was too 'inconvenient'. It started, really, to be honest, back in the early 20th, not even the radical 60s.

This is the ultimate product of that takeover. Children who think they're 'educated' so it's harder to talk them out of their ignorance, but are really so far gone it staggers the mind.

And yes, I'm a product of the 70s, 80s and early 90s school system, so I get it. I had to sift through a LOT of propaganda as well. Fortunately, I am naturally skeptical of anyone in 'authority' over me and sought answers on my own. It wasn't always easy, and to get through high school, I had to pretend to buy into the B.S. and at times I'm sure I DID fall for some of it.

But some of us Gen X'ers also still had parents who cared. A lot of us didn't, but it's gotten more like that with each passing generation. Yeah, yeah, I'm doing the old guy rant that I scoffed at when I was a kid. That's one of the downsides of getting old: you see stuff that young people don't, but young people think they're the first ones who ever thought a certain thought.

Anyway, forgot the purpose of my rant du jure. Oh, yeah, the takeover of schools. Too many people were riding high on the hog back in the 40s (because of the war and victory and 'everything's solved now' mentality that went with it, what, you thought Clinton was the first one to come up with the 'end of history'?) and 50s and you had Joe McCarthy hunting communists with his shotgun and his lisp, oh, wait, that was Elmer Fudd.

Did you know McCarthy didn't find ONE communist? I've wondered for dozens of years now if HE wasn't the distraction. "Look here, look right here, commies!" While the commies sneak in from the other side. Joe McCarthy a 'useful idiot'. It bears thinking about. But that makes people uncomfortable. Thinking that all you've ever believe might be untrue. Well, I'll tell you: commies LIE. They pretend they're on your side so they can forward their agenda and make you doubt yourself and doubt everyone around you. The only real measure is what is ACCOMPLISHED. People can rant all they want (yes I'm aware that's what I'm doing now), but if they don't accomplish a darned thing, well, maybe, just maybe, they weren't genuine to begin with.

Anyone who has a big platform, in my opinion, is suspect today. Because, ask yourself this: how did they get the money/connections to HAVE such a big platform? It's just about impossible given how many people are in this world today, for the old way of getting up on a soapbox and haranguing a crowd to be effective. You have to go digital, get lots of money to plaster yourself all over the internet. How do you accomplish that when most of the people with big money are on the opposite side?

Anyway, just thought I'd lay out a few things. Gotta go to the store now. Have a good one, and God bless.

I agree, there had been storm clouds on the education horizon in the early 20th century (communists,, socialists, etc). But I don’t believe the infiltration of the national education system really began until the late 1960s. Radical Muslims, for example, have clearly stated their agenda began then in the universities, preying upon the impressionable, some would say gullible minds of the idealists.

That crop of free thinkers spread their collected “wisdom” wherever they went, including many into their jobs as was like a virus infecting all children at all levels, repeated ad nauseum through twelve to twenty years of indoctrination.

The poison flower now in full bloom are “the woke”, more than a few here - for example the one, a self- described educator, who cannot see his own racism in his racist comments.

And on the flip side has been the removal of religion, patriotism, and morality - the underpinnings of the nation that persisted until “the woke” assumed their positions in our society.

@parsifal I refer, in part to Edwin Bearss, who said the corruption of 'Civil War' history began around 1912.

@jamesdomus1861 I am not familiar with Bearss or his work despite having travelled to Gettysburg several times and also to Antietam...and I believed I had covered other specific concerns in the “storm clouds” comment, yes?

@parsifal Yes, was merely pointing out what specifically I was talking about instead of when I said earlier that it started early in the 20th. A specific instead of a general.

Here's an article on Ed Bearss' passing. He was 97 and appeared on Ken Burns' Civil War miniseries I taped and watched over and over as a teen-heading-toward 20.


@jamesdomus1861 thanks. Will have a look...loved Burns’ series on the Civil .war and others. Quite the storyteller

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