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Congratulations President Elect Biden and soon to be President Biden! With that said, I’m going to need some help from my new Democratic Liberal friends:

  1. Can I borrow the #NotMyPresident hashtag or is that reserved for President Trump?
  2. Who do I contact to see if Republicans are boycotting the Inauguration, like the Democrats did for President Trump?
  3. Do I have to accept the election results, or can I cry for four years, claiming election interference?
  4. Am I entitled to see Biden’s tax returns to learn how his income jumped dramatically in one year (I mean, we all know how and why. Just show the proof.)?
  5. Am I allowed to trash anything that Biden says, without repercussion, because I’m just expressing myself?
  6. Is there a sign-up somewhere for riots, do organizers call me, or how does that work, since I didn’t get my way?
  7. Are businesses targeted because they supported Biden, or do I just pick a business that has something I want to take home?
  8. Were the thousands of businesses that boarded up for fear of riots, for Conservatives or Liberals? If they were for Conservatives, did I miss the riots already???
  9. Where are the safe spaces at? Is there a map or something? I may need to go cry for a little while (because of how stupid our country has become).
  10. Does all the free stuff your party has promised, just come or do I have to quit my job first?
  11. What is the address you guys have been sending all that extra tax money to, since you think people aren’t paying enough in taxes? I’m sure you have been voluntarily sending in more than required...
  12. When my 401K crashes, will the President Elect make up for that in give-a-ways, or am I just screwed?
  13. Since Socialism is what you just voted in, if my neighbor has something I want, do I just take it or do I have to let him know I’m taking it (Personally, I have had my eye on the brand NEW Mercedes SUV, a couple of doors down ... Biden sign in yard.).
  14. When gas gets unaffordable, is there an EBT card for that?
  15. I have seen the gatherings of Conservatives protesting the election results, but something is wrong, nothing is getting destroyed. Did you guys go to a class for that, or could you provide some pointers on how to do it right, please?
  16. The Conservative gatherings were dubbed super spreader events, yet the protests and now election gatherings by Liberals, are not. Did you guys secretly come out with the vaccine?
  17. Funny how the CDC has come up with a vaccine, soon after you were pronounced the President Elect. Can you, all your family, and colleagues take it first, to ensure it works?
  18. So, now you are the President Elect and soon to be President Biden, Is every death now on you, or is it President Trump's responsibility, just at your convenience?
  19. During Biden's State of the Union Address, is Nancy going to tear up the speech on national television, or does she only do that with President Trump?
    I’m sorry for all the questions, this is all new to me. I want to make sure I get it right!
2peros 8 Jan 12
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Let us have a minutes silence for the once great USA.


What a nice well written piece. Get it printed on aged parchment paper and sell It online at
I could stick it on the back of my toilet door to remind me of what asses the Democrats are and went I should flush!

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 12, 2021

Just do everyone a favor and make sure you move forward with dignity and grace just like leftists, liberals and Democrats did in 2016.

Wait, what? Where was I when that happened? Oh, yeah, I was deafened by all the visceral screams of lefties in the streets.


It's a free country. You don't have to let Democrats live rent free in your mind!

Listening to fake news again, eh? What's 'free' about a place where you have to buy your right to eat back? You know, fishing license, hunting license, driver's license to get to the 'government approved' semi-food-like corporate store that sells it, when you get your 'government approved' paycheck after the IRS has ransacked it? Sorry for the runon sentence.

Just wondering, what's your opinion of Biden?

You and @JacksonNought are a pair, or are you both just Antifa aficionados/devotees?
Sorry, I mean are you just the idea, or the manifestation of the idea?
You sure look like you are co-conspiritor.

@Rick-A it appears that they are antifa rejects, at least the real antifags get out of their moms basement...

Allow me to impose and guess?
Biden isn’t who he wanted, but he had to choose him because he was the closest ideological option he had. His choice is clearly reflected in his emoji.
Now let see if he confirms this or if hypocrisy will be the adjective to ponder.

@jamesdomus1861 you know it's been that way for decades. Not sure what Biden has to do with any of that?

@JacksonNought It was pretty obvious, wasn't it? He said it was a 'free' country and I was commenting on how it's not 'free' when you have to pay for anything. What he said really had nothing to do with Biden either, now did it?

@MichelleD Biden is a neoliberal. Not a fan. But at least he's not an aspiring fascist. He's a better adversary.

@MichelleD, @Rick-A I didn't vote for Biden.

@WilyRickWiles That figures. You are confused.

@WilyRickWiles that's actually what I thought. I have my guesses who your third party was but I'll leave it alone. It's none of my business.

@jamesdomus1861 ok, that is fair, you are commenting directly on his statement. My confusion was that this specific post is about Biden.

@JacksonNought Cool. Fair is fair. But I AM snarky by nature, so be warned that I don't discriminate in my snarkiness.

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