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I have made the analogy before but it is time to resurrect it.

The current "elites" are remarkably similar to the petite nobility of France prior to the French Revolution.   The distinction is the lack of hereditary titles.  In the place of hereditary titles is a kind of branding not dissimilar to the scholars who ran China.  Which were equally incompetent managers. 

Large segments of our population are vested in a branding educational system.  For example there are hundreds of thousands of theoretical Physicists making on average $70,000 dollars a year.  That is not a lot but it is a lot for those pursuing what amounts to a hobby.  There are 1.5 million college faculty members earning about the same average salary.  Arguably more productive and underpaid but considering the quality of graduates they produce still questionable as an investment.  As far as the analogy goes most of the petite nobility were relatively poor, it's what they mismanaged that was the problem.  Teaching staff only makes up about 40 percent of college salaries so you could estimate there are an additional 2.3 million administrative or other positions at U.S. colleges.  That is a lot of resources when you consider that it represents a high percentage of the cognitively elite.  The cost of higher education is however the least of the problem.

The next category is Federal employees.  There are 2.1 million Federal civilian employees. The median annual salary is $$77,000.  Again it's not a lot of money to make in today's world but it is more than the private sector median annual salary of  $49,764. 

Next financial services which employ 6.3 million people.  Average salary $77,289.

There are 9.2 million people employed in primary education.

There are 8,054,120 management positions in the U.S. with a mean annual salary of $122,480.  Maybe half of which are included in the above categories.  Combined that makes up 12 percent of the work force. 

The argument isn't that these people are not essential workers for the most part but that they represent a block of people with a vested interest in the system unrelated to direct productivity.  They also have outsized influence on politics and policy for a variety of reasons.

Perhaps all would be well if these jobs created innovations but the rate of innovation has steadily declined over the last century. 

"the pace of total factor productivity (TFP) – which statistically measures total growth in output relative to the growth in labor and capital – has grown slower since 1970 (at a rate which is roughly a third of the rate achieved between 1920 and 1970). Recognizing that the digital revolution has made progress in the fields of entertainment, communications and information processing, he claims there has not been many meaningful advances in basic areas that are critical for most individuals, e.g., food, clothing, shelter and transportation. For example, Gordon argues that even when cars today are safer and more comfortable than 50 years ago, they still perform the role of transporting people as they did back in 1970. Regarding the much-hyped invention of driverless cars, he quips: Does it really matter whether one has to drive his own car or whether the car drives itself?"


wolfhnd 8 Jan 29
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I've made many of the same arguments (re innovation, the lack of it, over the last 30 yrs) in discussions with industry people (R&D scientists and managers and academics) over the last 4 years. We have plans, but they keep coming up against the bean counters....

This highly educated managerial class the one who can't be named speaks of is interesting. My observation is that the best of them are competent technically and not so ideologically driven that they are selected for managerial positions they are not equipped to deal with.


Strictly speaking, the petit bourgeois are still the low-educated small business owners, shop keepers, real estate agents, etc. We saw their fascistic outburst on 1/6. You describe the highly-educated Professional Managerial Class (PMC). They are different in character but ultimately have the same function serving different capitalist masters. Much of our political conflict revolves around the former's resentment of the latter's relative economic freedom.

PMC = priesthood....

Well I can see you had a idiot Marxist professor with zero imagination as a professor.

It is clear you are just repeating the misleading if somewhat persistent belief that it was the protestant middle class and rural areas that gave Hitler his victory in 1933. New research indicates that Hitler also had strong support from the young white collar urban demographic for which socialism had an appeal. Even after a year of Nazi terror to suppress the other candidates Hitler only received 44 percent of the vote. Painting Hitler as a populace dictator is very misleading. In any case the class you refer to at most made up 20 percent of the electorate. Additional you have fallen for the myth that Hitler had little support from intellectuals. Leading intellectuals such as Martin Heidegger and Carl Schmitt willingly lent their credibility to the Nazi cause and large segments of the SS were made up of young intellectuals with advanced degrees. Hitler as an analogy for anything in recent U.S. politics is almost useless or misleading.

What I was describing is not a "highly-educated Professional Managerial Class". It is a class of people with branding much like a feedlot produces. In one door and out the other without any real education outside of some narrow scope. They have no more any real understanding of history than you do just a piece of paper to say they have absorbed what the institution wanted them to.

As to the "Fascistic outburst on 1/6" it's clear you wouldn't know a Fascist if they spit in your eye. For the most part the last Fascist died when they hung Mussolini. Equating the Nazis and Fascism is sophomoric. The Nazis were a fairly unique phenomenon arising out of fairly unique circumstances.

Because the Democratic party is now the party of oligarchs, corporatists, banksters, and multinationals the riot in Washington D. C. resembles the French revolution more than anything Fascistic. If anything Joe Biden's close ties with China makes him the Nazi. Everything about the Chinese regime stinks of the same delusions. The Chinese Communist party has all the elements of Hitler's party, a dictator for life, extensive propaganda machine. brutal secret police. racism, interment camps for religious minorities, aggressive military incursions against neighbors, manipulative half hearted socialism, exploitation of capitalism when convenient, a reworking of biology and history to promote a Chinese master race, the breaking of treaties and no commitment to international standards of behavior, rapid but somewhat disorganized expansion of infrastructure, bitterness over it's place in history, indifference to human suffering, one party system, so on and so forth. The one thing it lacks is Hitlers odd sensitivity for children, animals and art.

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