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City psychosis. There are people who can only live in cities, and cities corrode the brain. They remove you from reality.

Would you rather live in a shoe-box sized studio on the 10th floor of a skyscraper, or have a house and a yard? Personally I prefer a yard, with pets running around the yard.

Cities are noisy, and noise is bad for the brain.

Bruce Lee: "If you can't hear the birds, you can't hear your opponent".

It's well known that the more rural, the better the wrestlers. The wrestling superpower states are Iowa and Oklahoma. This is because the foundation of wrestling is balance, and ruralfolk learn balance from walking on uneven terrain. Cityfolk walk on pavement and don't learn balance.

If you have a house and a yard you can get in your car and start moving immediately. In a city you have to:

Wait for the elevator.
Walk to a subway.
Wait for the subway.
Change subways and wait for a 2nd subway.
Walk from the subway to the destination building.
Wait for the elevator.

Or you could take a cab, but most cities are traffic jams.

Mock cityfolk. Let the new fashion be plaid.

jaymaron 8 Jan 30
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There is some truth to the madness of crowds, I prefer to think that the madness has to be there to be drawn out.

Country life has been destroyed by the exportation of jobs, the meth and opioid epidemics, gentrification, regulation, commercial agriculture, break down of family and religious values, land prices, lose of community, income inequality, chemical based agriculture, even hobby farms to some extent.

As a farm owner up until the last year I preferred the city. Easy access to quality health care, vibrant relatively friendly neighborhoods, minimal yard care, cultural resources, the intellectual environment, diversity, freedom from gossip and judgemental neighbours, purchasing choices, quality dinning and entertainment, high paying jobs in any field you are interested in, public services, for the most part noise, crime, and traffic the major downsides.

The last year changed everything. Covid took away most of the advantages of city life. The new dystopian Democratic regime is working overtime to take away the rest. Well managed cities like NY have been destroyed by emotionally and intellectually crippled Democrats. San Francisco is literally a cess pool. Crime is sky rocketing in every urban area. Riots are being encouraged for political ends. Law enforcement, especially the courts are corrupt. Every major city is bankrupt, mostly because of unfunded pensions and dystopian spending. I'm just not sure that you can runaway and hide in the country. The natives are restless and eventually they will leave the reservation.

wolfhnd Level 8 Jan 30, 2021

Dems have destroyed every urban area they "rule". Now that Dems have the Presidency and both Houses I suspect the destruction will simply amplify at greater rates while we taxpayers get to foot the bill for the utter inability to understand basic accounting.

At the same time Dem governors have gutted the rural areas of any good paying jobs unless you work in the medical field. Guess they figure we move to the country to rot and die.


The key I think is when I said emotionally crippled. To me large segments of the population are emotionally retarded. They never matured into responsible adults. That includes most of the intelligensia. It's why farm boy Victor Hanson sounds more in touch than say Sam Harris. If you listen carefully even people like Douglas Murray sound a bit unhinged.

When you look at exceptional intelligence people you often find a hidden anti social aspect. In part driven by how genetics work. It's always a trade off you get nothing for nothing. If you are bright you see the hopelessness of the human condition if you have the right genes it doesn't make you bitter or narcistic and nihilistic.

That is not to be confused with some sort of deeper truth. I'm highly suspicious of truth seekers. Just give me the facts. I will then subjectively apply them like everyone else. Your truth like your identity has to be negotiated with society. In a healthy society those negotiations take place freely with the expectation of minimal enforcement of norms. That is impossible in the current environment because freewill has been stripped away by the intellectual class leaving people without agency. The counter balance to freewill is punishment. Without punishment for transgression agency is as impossible as without freewill. Until yesterday this was common knowledge.

@wolfhnd My sentiments exactly. Was just saying to hubby how maturity is truly rare these days. I would say emotionally crippled to me translates to the immaturity of a child who has not learned natural consequences, true responsibility of self to both self and the whole of society.

I'm wondering if our entire education system is not complicit in this loss. When one is taught from the time they enter school that regurgitation is the means to success then all achievement and mores are based on external "authorities" as opposed to one's internal compass.


I have enjoyed both very much. Cities offer infinite variety of restaurants, galleries, entertainment (sports to live theater) some of the joys of multiculturalism, higher paying jobs and far more jobs, and top quality transit (which allowed me to eat books traveling to and from work). I loved the years I spent in Toronto.

I now live 5 miles from the nearest small town on several acres of land. As my husband says joyfully, he can piss off the front porch and no one is the wiser. My views are gorgeous, my days peaceful. Privacy is a wonderful gift and when we choose to we can raise any animals we want with a beautiful barn and plenty of pasturage.

There are lots of great benefits to both lifestyles but only if the city you speak of is safe. Toronto always was as long as you weren't a fool.

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