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Palin: Drill baby drill!

Biden: Thou shalt not drill.

I feel this should be a political litmus test. Are you pro-drill or anti-drill?

Trump proved he is pro-drill. Oil and natural gas spiked under Trump.

The best drilling lubircant is caesium formate, and the price of caesium jumped
under Trump. From 2016 to 2020, the price of caesium jumped from 11000 $/kg to 61000 $/kg.

Space Guilder from Dune: The spice must flow!

Trump: The oil must flow!

Biden: Pipelines bad.

Energy = Wealth. If you are anti-energy you are anti-wealth. Make this a litmus test.

The Scotch must flow!

jaymaron 8 Jan 31
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May be we should go back to the days of horse and buggy, shit covered streets that were ground to dust and breathed by the people that lived in the cities and every time it rained turned to open sewers that ran into nearby water ways. those where the good old day's of cholera and dysentery.

Coal saved the trees. If it wasn't for coal, every tree in America would have been cut down
to fuel trains.

@jaymaron coal was also used for making liquid fuel much like gasoline,coke, synthetic fibres and tar like crude oil.

@jaymaron simple list of things made from coal

@jaymaron this is the coal to gasoline that is still used in South Africa


Rich topic.

Another use of coal is as a foreign policy tool. Many nations don't have an indigenous energy source and many don't have a pipeline infrastructure. Everybody has power plants that are coal-ready. If I were president I would have ships full of coal cruisiing around and I would dangle them like carrots.


I simply wish we could just have a chart that everyone agrees on, where we could see the pros and cons to all energy types, instead of having to deal with politic rhetoric that picks and chooses what it believes.

For example, everyone driving electric cars, believing that they're doing "their part" to save the environment, probably doesn't give any thought as to how much pollution was generated to make their car relative to a gasoline-powered car, nor how much pollution is generated to create the electricity used to power their car, nor the pollution that will be generated - again, relative to a gasoline-powered car - at the end of an electric car's lifecycle, when you now have to deal with the batteries. I've seen at least a couple studies suggest that the carbon footprint of an electric car could ultimately be more than TWICE that of a gas-powered car...but that gets completely left out of the narrative, doesn't it?

We can't come to consensus so long as don't admit the problems with our suggested solutions.

Yes, the manufacture of the battery releases CO2.

The true value of electric vehicles is stealth and reliability.

An EV is quiet while small gasoline vehicles are noisy. A small gasoline vehicle can't be soundproofed. This is important for the livability of cities.

An EV is reliable because it consists only of a battery and electric motors.
A gasoline car has a gasoline motor, flywheel, gears, a crankshaft, and a muffler, all of which are expensive and can break.

Leftists are irrationally afraid of gasoline. Equip an EV with a detachable gasoline generator. Detach the generator if in a city or in sport mode. If driving long distance, include the generator.

Gasoline cars are far from the most significant contributor of CO2. The right way to save on driving energy is to have compact city vehicles with low air drag.

Magnitudes. []


Leftist are trapped in the nutshell of "which energy source is best".
The answer is all of them. The prime goal is to make energy as cheap as possible, and this is done by maximizing all forms of energy.

Each energy source is unique. You need methane for hydrogen production, you need coal for metal smelting, and you need oil for vehicle fuel. You can't do without any of these.


Intergenerational wealth and environmental externalities made this country great, which is to say--- wealth is built, and if it is to be used in any meaningful way, will necessarily be diffused through the creation of jobs producing environmental changes. Think roads, agriculture, medicine, power grid,
infrastructure, technology, etc.

You can do nothing without energy. I'm for solar power. Solar power created oil, coal and gas, energy put into the form of a "battery," stored power. And I'll take nuclear any time as well---more stored power.


I feel like triggering leftists with open carry. In one holster will be a Smith & Wesson 50 caliber magnum, and in the other, a drill.


Yes, we need more intergenerational wealth for oil barons and intergenerational environmental externalities for the rest of us!

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