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Another right wing massacre.


Seems the right are just addicted to shooting people?

I'm sure you can make excuses:

fake news!
He was a democrat!
They were asking for it.

You'll never admit that right wing politics frequently end up in horrible massacres will you, just do the usual whataboutery about BLM and antifa.

bastion 7 Mar 17
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No single group has massacred more people in history than the communists...
but it's 'right wing politics' that end up in frequent massacres...
Get off the internet and read a history book.

Tom81 Level 8 Mar 17, 2021

Bastion is a communist - his head will spin 360 degrees non-stop.
Might shake up the vacuum between his ears

@w0tn0t yeah, I know. The only reason anyone responds to his posts is to point out how wrong he is or to just dump 💩 on him.


If you are looking for mass murder of minorities and someone to blame you should be looking to "liberals" and their cozy relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. Communists can be as ethnocentric as any other political group. Even Marx was a racist.

If your looking for answers you are barking up the wrong tree.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 17, 2021

Man when you get triggered you go off the deep end.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 17, 2021

Looks now as though he told police he is addicted to sex, these establishments were service providers he had visited, and he was eliminating the temptation...


govols Level 8 Mar 17, 2021
  1. Killing innocent people is bad.
  2. What evidence is there of this individual's political affiliation?
  3. What evidence is there that this atrocity was politically motivated?

I can understand why you would think this.

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been stories about attacks on Asian people in the Seattle area. Most of the news stories failed to describe the attackers. One finally did(1) and it turns out that the suspect - at least on that occasion - is black.

The end result? A story from Vox decrying how white supremacy is responsible for the Black/Asian divide.(2) Even when white people have nothing to do with a violent assault, it's indirectly their fault.

So what we have here is a media that tries very hard to avoid reporting any stories about "hate crimes" (3) unless the suspect is white. And then, when one happens, it's front-page news followed by so much hand-wringing about how racist white people are. It's quite the formed narrative.

Perfectly understandable how you would come to this conclusion.

(1) []
(2) []
(3) In other words, one "race" vs a different "race;" the very definition of "hate crime" has been so watered down that I could be accused of a hate crime because I let my dog piddle on my Latino neighbor's lawn and they complained to police about it.

What do you think has happened with this recent shooting then?


I haven't read into it at all, so I'm ill-qualified to state an opinion at this time. But I would suspect that it's most likely some nutjob going on a killing rampage for reasons no sane person could truly understand because sane people don't harbor thoughts about killing other people much less a group of people.

That is, I would not assume that his race or his politics have anything to do with it until there is incontrovertible evidence otherwise.

@Alysandir No thoughts on why he seems to be targeting Asian people then?


I'm pretty sure I just got done saying that I am ill-qualified to state an opinion at this time.

But based on what little I do know, I would question the assertion that "he seems to be targeting Asian people." One, his alleged victims were not exclusively Asian. Two, I would not expect any rational thought process from someone who allegedly committed a murder spree; so to talk about what his rational motivations were for doing this seems a little strange.


I love how your telescope has a universal wide angle lens.

350000000 + people in the usa and this shooter happens to fall into your two color sorting box.

I'm game.

Another tragic shooting perpetrated by progressive policies encouraging violence and looting has left us with a swath of murdered people of color, and a couple of white people too!


Horrible that several people have been killed in horrendous circumstances. Even more horrible is you trying to tie the idiot responsible to an imagined parody of any group that you think would condone or applaud that kind of behaviour. You’re a straw grasper.

Jedly Level 7 Mar 17, 2021



@bastion is there a slight possibility that any crime committed where the race of the victim is put at the top of the list that the focus becomes race related rather than crime related? Asian victim = hate crime. Black victim = hate crime. Hispanic victim = hate crime. LGBTQ+ victim = hate crime. Caucasian victim = tumbleweeds. You get the picture? When they catch and interview the offender and they provide the reason that they targeted an Asian, black, Hispanic, LGBTQ+ person for that reason, then yep, that’s proof. All other accusations are media beat-ups looking to divide the nations into racial hatred and distrusting societies.


"You'll never admit that right wing politics frequently end up in horrible massacres"
"Authorities said four people – including two women of Asian descent, one white woman and one white man – were killed and a Hispanic man was hurt after a gunman opened fire"
Explain to me how his actions are "right wing politics"? If he was after free money, that is left wing politics.


A scraggly bearded vacant visage is more of a lefty kind of thing.

Murdering ethnic minorities is very much a rightwing thing.

@bastion "Murdering ethnic minorities is very much a rightwing thing."
He killed two whites, so obviously he is left wing.
"Authorities said four people – including two women of Asian descent, one white woman and one white man – were killed and a Hispanic man was hurt after a gunman opened fire"

@bastion you just said, "Murdering ethnic minorities is very much a rightwing thing."
I must disagree. If the last hundred years have taught us anything it's that murdering ethnic minorities is overwhelmingly a Left-Wing phenomenon. The Nazis, the Bolsheviks, Maoists to the current CCP and every other authoritarian socialist regime that tried to copy them.

@stevie-f Only people that post on sites like this think the nazis were leftwing.

@bastion dude, you've clearly bought into the lie that Hitler was a conservative. Read a history book lol. Hitler and Stalin were two sides of the same coin. One was a Marxist Class Socialist, the other was a national racial Socialist - but they were both socialists.

@stevie-f Can you point me to a history book that says the nazis were on the left? I know that's the sort of thing Tucker Carlson or Dinesh D'Souza or Sargon of Akkad might say, but an actual history book that says this?

You could try reading this?


@bastion You must be a local troll. Maybe if you had a job you could find something productive to do. I get the trolling thing was fun years ago, but it's been overdone and now quite boring.

@bastion We can throw articles at each other all night. I don't expect to change your mind. And you should not expect to change mine. But it's fun sparring.

@stevie-f lol []

"Welcome to The Other Half of History, where we look at US history from the other side of the aisle. We formed this site because too many teachers and professors portray this country’s history as nothing more than a litany of racial and gender grievances, and we know that real American history is far more than that.

The political environment on most college campuses is well to the left of the American mainstream, and too many history professors try to indoctrinate, rather than educate. If you are a student who’s tired of getting only half of the story from your teachers, this website is for you. If you’re a no longer a student, but would like to see the side of the story that you never got in high school or college, this site is for you. If you are a parent who has traditional values, and wonders what kind of propaganda the schools are feeding your children, this site is most definitely for you.

Take a look at our columns to learn why liberals call counter-espionage “McCarthyism,” or why “Reagan Deficits” is a misnomer, or what Thomas Jefferson really thought about the Koran.

Thanks for visiting, and (we’re not afraid to say it) God Bless America!"

lol this is amazing, you must realise this site is just feelgood safespace nonsense for rightwingers? You must realise it's not a good source of information?


@bastion You're on crack!

@Letemdangle Maybe just ignore me if my posts upset you?

@bastion Racist!

@bastion already read that one. I remain unconvinced

@stevie-f I mean if the nazis are lefties why are antifa (anti-nazis) lefties also?

@bastion Hitler never tried to conserve anything. He completely broke German society down and rebuilt it in his own image.
I think people, like you, who call the Nazis right wing confuse their authoritarianism with conservatism.
But I would argue that Nazi authoritarianism is identical to what we see from Left wing socialist regimes.

TIK does a good job of explaining it.

@bastion it's interesting that you mention antifa. They are a mob of left-wing thugs but I see a strong parallel between them and Hitler's Brownshirts from the 1930s. They will be useful to the authoritarian left in the US until they are not. And then you should expect their masters to turn on them just as Hitler turned on Ernst Rohm

@stevie-f Antifa fought the Brownshirts lol


@Letemdangle I find it hard to agree with @bastion on almost anything. But I'll always stand up for his right to be as wrong as he wants. So let's not resort to name calling. This isn't twitter and I think we are all better than that.

@bastion You wrote, "Antifa fought the Brownshirts lol"
You completely miss my point. in 2021 antifa in the USA is serving the same function for the Left as the brownshirts did for Hitler.
And pro-tip; please don't cite wikipedia to me as any sort of credible source of unbiased information lol

@stevie-f You don't dispute that antifa fought the brownshirts then?

I assume you think that wikipedia has a dreadful leftist bias and is lying about things to make the right look bad and that's why it probably describes fascism as rightwing ideology, as opposed to unbiased sources like "historyhalf" and "conservapedia" etc?

@bastion wikipedia may not be overtly left-biased but it is notoriously unreliable on many topics. It's the lazy person's reference library. Did you even know who the Brownshirts were before running to wikipedia?

@stevie-f This just sounds like an excuse so you can continue believing in nonsense. Yes I knew who the brownshirts were.

It's only American rightwingers that say the nazis were lefties. Never come across it from anyone else.

@bastion TIK is a brit lol. And I'm Australian

@stevie-f I don't have five hours to watch this video by "TheImperatorKnight" to be honest but it's funny if he's a better source than the ones I've posted lol.

Encyclopaedia Britannica + Wikipedia = bad
"the Imperator Knight" + "historyhalf" = good sources.

@bastion You wrote, "You don't dispute that antifa fought the brownshirts then?"
True, but you're completely avoiding my point. antifa today should not be compared to Antifaschistische Aktionof 1930s Germany. They were hard men, committed Communists, Many were veterans of the Great War. antifa today are a pale soy facsimile who only have a name in common. antifa in the US in 2021 don't even realise they're just a tool of the Left, a pack of useful idiots who'll be eliminated when they no longer any use. In that respect I believe they are more like the Brownshirts.

@bastion when it comes to history - especially history of the Third Reich, TIK is one of the finest sources you'll find. But it's 01:20hrs here and I must sleep. This has been fun. Catch you next time.

@stevie-f If you were around in Germany in the 1930's you'd have hated Antifa then also I'd have thought, you'd have found good reasons to loathe them.

@bastion After the Tsar was dethroned, a whole bunch of leftist factions fought each other over which one would take power. And they al fought against the White Army too. Why can't Nazis and Commies both be on the left? Like Antifa and Commies and Socialists.

@bastion you say, "If you were around in Germany in the 1930's you'd have hated Antifa then also I'd have thought"
You're probably correct. They were communists. I dislike Soviet Socialism just as much as Nazi Socialism. I expect I would have happily watched them chew each other to pieces.
What I can say for sure is this. I'm around now and I detest antifa in its current incarnation. Like BLM; it has a catchy name that completely belies its true nature.
But all this back and forth about the National Socialists went completely off-topic. You assert that it's the Right who murder minority groups. Even if you remove the victims of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust - the body count from Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and a coterie of other left-wing dictators dwarfs anything that could be reasonably laid at the feet of capitalism and right-wing or conservative liberal democracies.

@bastion how many asians did Mao massacre? How many many asians did Stalin throw in the gulags to die? How many asians were executed, starved to death or put into concentration camps in Nth Korea? Yep, it's just a right wing thing🙄

@bastion Its a communist trait - educate yourself - for once!


Don’t let facts interfere with your story


No mention of their politics there.


@bastion Hard to say right wing and white when the facts say different.

But keep trying. If nothing else, you’re entertaining


I just read the article. I could not see where it said the perpetrator was right-wing. It did say a motive was not yet known.
If I’m wrong I’ll admit it.
Do you have more information.
That said, I don’t agree with violence - whether perpetrated by the right or the left

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