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Gun control.
Yes ∆
No ∆

Poncho69 8 Mar 24
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I know, I know; I'm supposed to be a libertarian, right? So how can I say this?

Well, I am libertarian...but I'm not completely ignorant to how guns are treated in my country. So I have certain non-negotiable points to the "shall not be infringed" argument.

  1. No selling guns to - or ownership by - minors. If a child's parent wants to train them up, that's their call. But just as someone on a learner's permit can't drive without a licensed driver in the car, neither does junior get to carry dad's rifle around without an adult present. Period.
  • As a corollary to #1, if junior gets possession of your gun and someone dies as a result, then you legally committed the crime and must pay the debt to society. I don't care if it's your rugrats who found your loaded gun and were "playing with it," accidentally killing a playmate, or if it's your sullen teen going all trenchcoat mafia on his fellow students, YOU have a responsibility for both your arms and your ammo and who has access to it. And if you have a problem with the idea of not having a loaded weapon available for emergencies then FFS, invest in a biometric safe. If you can afford to buy the gun, you can afford to buy a safe.
  1. No selling guns to - or ownership by - those who are mentally or emotionally unfit to own a gun. Yes, this is law now, and no, the way it is currently implemented is crap, because these folks are still getting their hands on guns. I don't know what the solution is. I don't know how society is supposed to tell the garden variety crazy people who would be perfectly responsible gun owners from the ones that'll shoot up a bowling alley from having a bad day. I'm just saying we sure as Hell better figure it out. Don't you think?

  2. No selling guns to - or ownership by - felons guilty of violent crime. Yes, I know everyone's got a story and everyone makes mistakes when they're young, dumb, and desperate that they truly regret. But there are some things in life you get exactly one chance at, and this is one of them. Would you let your daughter go out with a guy convicted of sexual assault & rape when he was "young and dumb?" Would you let a convicted pedophile babysit your kids? No, I do not believe you would, no matter how much they've come along in their rehabilitation because the weight of the negative consequences are not worth even a modicum of risk. Same holds true with giving a violent felon legal access to guns.

  3. No selling guns to - or ownership by - anyone dishonorably discharged from the military. Again, I get "young & dumb," and I repeat this is one of those things in life you get one chance at.

  4. If you use a firearm to wound or kill someone, then you WILL be tried by a jury of your peers. Period. I don't want to hear about, "looked like a classic self-defense scenario so the police didn't press charges." No, screw that. You know exactly how that kind of thing gets abused. If Rooster Cogburn can be called before the court and asked to justify why he shot a wanted criminal, then your ass can do the same. Everyone always says, "better to be judged by twelve than carried by six," so prove it. If you want to come up with some program where you trade in some civil liberties - such as registering yourself as gun owner, getting a carry license by passing a written and practical exam, doing all the work necessary to renew that license every six months or so - THEN we can start talking about giving you some benefit of the doubt in shooting scenarios. But for JimJoeBob average, you need to go to court if you shoot someone.

  • As a corollary to point #5, if you hit a bystander, then your ass is toast. Do not pass GO; do not collect $200. Where your bullets go is YOUR responsibility; not the wall's, not the car's, not the body you're shooting at (and possibly overpenetrating), and certainly not the bystander's. Society is not a war zone where your survival is paramount regardless of the cost. You aren't Robocop and can shoot a target in the head as he's got cover behind someone's wife, so don't take the shot.

Now, you all want to flame me, go right ahead. There was a time I believed there should be no infringements, but the overall stupidity and apathy of too many gun owners made me think otherwise.

If you really want to get down to it, I'm about making people think very, very hard about when it is appropriate to pull that trigger, when it is necessary to pull that trigger, when the situation is worth the consequences, and limiting ownership to people who do not have a disqualifying condition that demonstrates they do not have the ability to make that determination. I think every gun owner can appreciate that point of view, even if they believe in unfettered access to guns.

If only police and soldiers had that same standard

As a pragmatist I have a few problems. Law and by that I mean all laws are built around the redline principle. That means all law is arbitrary to some degree. In practice what that means is that presumption of innocence overrides public safety. If we actually want to stand by the presumption of innocence then there is little reason to bring every shooting to court. If you shoot someone it is up to the police to determine if a crime has been committed as a practical matter. The courts are already overburdened placing many people in the position of serving their time before their case goes to court. Or even worse pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit. What you are suggesting is a utopian perspective where legal resources are unlimited and everyone can afford a fair trial.


What you are suggesting is a utopian perspective where legal resources are unlimited and everyone can afford a fair trial.

Only if you believe that people will exercise the right to shoot people willy nilly. I would expect the exact opposite to happen, with fewer gun use cases than we see today.

Again, my purpose in suggesting this as a non-negotiable because taking a human life SHOULD be examined and questioned. As you astutely point out, it is expensive to go to litigation and there is no guarantee of fairness. That should make a person seriously think about whether it's truly worth it to pull the trigger, which I believe is the proper approach to using deadly force that too many people do not force themselves to seriously consider before picking up a gun.

Nothing disturbs me more than the idea of, "Okay, I've got castle doctrine and I hear someone outside; I've got carte blanche to shoot this MFer." NO. Castle doctrine states you have the legal right to stand your ground and defend your home; it does not make one 007 with a license to kill. And how many times have you heard of a tragedy based on this, with someone shooting a loved one or an otherwise innocent stranger who was seeking help? For me, it's more than one time too many.


I don't know where you live but here in the ghetto we have a more realistic idea about the size of the criminal problem. Most gang banger murders go unsolved and the police seem to be withdrawing from the fray because of "Social Justice". I may personally agree with you and have always thought withdrawing is a better option that confrontation but Castle Doctrine is just recognition of the fact that the criminal justice system is overwhelmed. It serves no practical purpose to put additional strain on justice system not to mention that juries have become unreliable and will undoubtedly send innocent people to prison under your scheme. I'm saying it is already broken beyond repair.

Proof of how broken the entire system is was brought home to me today when I contacted the IRS. They told me I will just have to wait for them to process my 2019 tax return. They also told me to ignore the letter I got telling me that my tax return was overdue. All despite the fact that they processed my check on April 2nd of last year. We no longer live in a competent society. Forget how corrupt it may be it is collapsing as much from incompetence. It's the settlers against the natives times once again.


If I'm understanding your argument correctly, you're suggesting that we shouldn't make laws that we think make sense(1) because the system to implement them is utterly broken, apathetic, incompetent, and overburdened.

Why make law at all, then?

(1) At least, insofar, as attempting to socially engineer a behavior of personal responsibility, which I believe we want from gun owners.


What I'm saying is the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's why California is so dysfunctional and failing. The cost for some social justice especially that which is impractical is often less social justice.


Following up on my previous post. If you don't understand group selection and how unconscious instinct rules the world you can't understand this issue.

We are engaged in a genetic struggle between the open and the conscientious. The technocrats fall into the former group and Trump supporters the latter. Unconsciously the technocrats are intent on the same solution that was applied when blacks were denied their gun rights. They want to put Trump supporters in the same ghetto as blacks where they are only a threat to each other. The proof of the process being systematic is in how little concern there is for black on black crime or economic development. If blacks had been allowed a militia tradition inner city violence would be almost non existent and their economic condition much improved. Openness as it turns out can be systematic but it is seldom conscientious.

Openness is associated weakly with intelligence but ironically with a fast lifestyle. That things such as stable marriages and economic success are associated with intelligence says less about personality type than simply exploiting opportunities. The preference for a fast lifestyle is seen more in culture than the individual. It's not surprising that openness leads to an easy acceptance of the mechanistic and naturalistic philosophy. To a denial of the values of freewill, agency and dignity. Eventually to the kind of genocidal attitudes prevalent in the socialist utopia of the Soviet Union. To a genocide by cancel culture today. You cannot get morality from an amoral or naturalist philosophy. Don't be fooled into thinking empathy is the same as caring.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 24, 2021

depends on what you mean by "control" -

If on one hand by "gun control" you mean gripping the gun firmly, properly aligning the front sight w/ the rear sight and exercising good trigger control repeatedly until the threat is dead and or gone then HELL YES! I am all for "gun control"

On the other hand if you mean any - any Gov't interference with the God Given Rights of the people to possess and to carry guns - then HELL NO! I am steadfastly against that!

iThink Level 9 Mar 24, 2021

I am all for the second amendment 1000% However, I wish we stop calling it a “God” given right. It weakens our argument as to why we should carry. It is our constitutional right. And the constitution is hand written by some very smart individuals who knew that government which removes rights is a hostile government and therefore we the ppl need to protect ourselves from such hostility. “Our God given rights“ are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The second is the individual right to protect himself.

@neverover the "right to life" more than implies the right to protect ones own life from anyone who has the means, the will and the intent to take our other words you have a God given right to keep and to bear arms.
Furthermore, (I know this is off topic but...) why does "Right to Life" NOT extend to human life in the womb? hmmmm? go figure.

@iThink right to life o does indeed extend to life in the womb. We have to reverse roe vs wade. It is highly unconstitutional. Life begins at conception. Because if it does not we do not exist. It is as simple as that. Even the evolutionists recognize that. Life does not exist without conception, a fertilization. Like begins at that very instant. It is less then a blink of an eye . To deny this is an anti life. Anti everything that exists.

@iThink 125,000 abortions a day worldwide


We have been ignoring the Constitution for over a century. The first gun control laws were passed to keep guns out of the hands of blacks and the Supreme Court did nothing. From there it has been a slippery slope.

The second amendment not only insures the right for private individuals to keep weapons but to form militias. Militias of the sort that would have insured a race war to prevent Jim Crow laws. What the Supreme Court has consistently done is ignored the right to form militias. Blacks needed military grade weapons to defend their communities but they would have been so disadvantaged that the Federal Government would have once again had to militarily occupied the South. Nobody cared enough about black rights to continue the Civil War.

The militia wording of the Second Amendment is key to understanding it. It means that the right to keep and bear arms must include military grade weapons. It's easy to see why neither the Supreme Court or even the NRA wanted to go their. Roving bands of militia would not appear civilized. The question becomes what does well regulated mean exactly. It can't mean National Guard because that conflicts with the right to keep and bear.

The gun debate illustrates the hideous consequences of political pragmatism. When politicians and courts choose to ignore some inconvenient aspect of the law it undermines all law. That is how all rights are undermined.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 24, 2021

You are correct. The NRA likes to forget that they supported gun control when they were scared of black people owning guns.

The definition of "arms" is also very loose. The National Firearms Act makes it that you can't own grenades, bomb, missiles, etc - but why are they not arms?


The left has finally understood the game and some of them are arming up.

@JacksonNought i use my gun every still a tool used in many places in the world....i just chose not to shoot people or thing am not suppose too, i guess that's law abiding




Not under any circumstance...

govols Level 8 Mar 24, 2021

What if they stop selling to crazy people

@Poncho69 if the people are that crazy (or criminal), they should be removed from polite society to a well ordered public facility designed for their care.

@govols well if doctors give them sycotic drugs they should not be able to have guns.


If society deems them unfit for gun possession they shouldn't be no-noed on guns, but institutionalized.


By definition 10 percent of the population has an IQ low enough to qualify as not being competent? They are not legally allowed to serve in the armed forces.

Add to that another 10 percent that are not emotionally capable of caring for themselves, either due to mental illnesses or various addictions. That means 20 percent of the population quality for some sort of institutional management.


It seems probable that is the unfortunate reality. It's a difficult conclusion.

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