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Science or God. The choice is yours.

Is life to praise God? Is life to pursue technology?
What is your choice?

Poncho69 8 Mar 24
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Depends on your definition of science and god.
Some here have defined god in such a way that any discussion about it is futile.

What we can say is that if god exist or not, has no effect on the universe. It is ruled by science. Whether god created science and the universe is immaterial.

We can also say that the pursuit to praise god is valueless, as we do not see a material difference between worshippers of different gods or even those that don’t worship at all.

Where we do see a massive difference is where people understood and utilised science and all its applications in engineering and technology.

Hanno Level 8 Mar 25, 2021

God is real

@Poncho69 prove it...

@Hanno that will take a while. First do you know how the first life was formed.

First you need to define god... else we waste time.

Then to answer your question:

  1. Even if I did not know, it does not constitute proof that his exist.
  2. We now know that all the building blocks of life are created by non-biological reactions in geothermal vents in our oceans. We also know that lipid base cell walls form without biological assistance in the porous structures created by these undersea geothermal vents. And we also now know that complex proteins are formed inside these lipid cells and survive their until a life form finds it and consumes it.
    We do now from lab experiments that if these proteins are protected long enough from organisms consuming it, basic RNA structures form.

So yes, we are pretty sure how life started... no god needed.

@Hanno well I don't believe the Trinity. God is a spirit who lives outside time and space and has unlimited power. God is love. God is a God of justice.

How you know all that?

@Hanno stay away from religion and read Bible and talk to others about the Bible. That's how I know I talk to people like you now. Most don't believe but the more I talk the clearer everything becomes. Now do you want to my proof God is real?

@Poncho69 Yea please


You can praise God's creation as you seek to understand it.

rway Level 7 Mar 25, 2021

I understand it better than most

@Poncho69 ...then you must understand that Science or God is a false dichotomy.

@rway no


doesn't have to be one or the other.

God made the Universe. Science and the laws of physics are parts of the Universe. No matter what "scientists" say they can never explain what animates life. What was there before the "big bang".

Logic (scientific thinking) tells us that nothing comes from nothing. Zero plus zero is zero.
The human mind has limits - we cannot conceive infinity - period. The limitations of our intelligence means that we can only observe, interpret and calculate on things that are available to our limited minds. We can and do measure many things - mass, velocity, energy, force, trajectory, gravity, density, chemical and mineral composition and interaction...impressive the things we can and do measure and utilize.

We are also creative. But creativity, like God, cannot be measured. It is strictly a subjective thing. What might be "art" or "artful" to one person might be so much trash to the next person. We cannot explain where "creativity" comes from nor why some people lack it. We only know that it exists by virtue of things produced and made available to our senses. Vision, Hearing, touch...and it can only be interpreted subjectively - like God.

So ask a "scientist" what existed before the "big bang" - you can't have an explosion without material or some kind of mass that had potential force or energy. What was that - where did it come from. The answer is unknowable to the limited human intellect.

It is open to interpretation and the existence of "something" before there was a "Universe" can only be taken on faith - faith based upon the knowledge and the realization that just because something (God - or a Source to the "big bang" ) can't be measured doesn't mean that it does not exist.

God - The source of all things - created along with everything else, Science and physics and human curiosity and cleverness.

Because some people lack faith (by their own will of course) does not mean that those who do have faith are wrong. Neither can and never will be empirically proven/dis-proven.

Either you have faith - belief that things can and do exist that can never be known to the human mind. Or you don't. doesn't make you a bad person necessarily.
Personally, I'd rather be in the company of persons who believe in the existence of things - something, greater than themselves. Cynical and faithless persons are difficult to live with - to put it mildly.

iThink Level 9 Mar 24, 2021

Measuring gravity. Have not heard that one

@Poncho69 it's basic physics - we know the force of gravity on earth and we can measure the gravitational pull of the sun, the moon, the inner and outer planets...

@iThink that's calculated using inverse square not measured


"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." - Carl Sagan. The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

Science proves more and more about God's creation.


I think that's a false dichotomy. God created an ordered universe. We can see His handiwork down to the smallest detail of biology or physics.

The Bible says God created the universe out of nothing and that the first thing He created was light.

The Big Bang theory says the universe came into being in an instant, that light, the fabric of space-time, the rules of physics, and matter sprang into being in that instant. Interestingly enough, Einstein and Chandrasekhar concluded that light was the first thing to spring into existence. They were, in Johannes Kepler's words, thinking God's thoughts after him.

Certain scientists and their publicists try to appropriate the prestige of 'capital S' Science for their own selfish ends. Therein lies the issue.

Light is a form of energy. Energy is what mass is made from.


science ...with god there is too much to play with...each can have con artist........ but with science ,it would be closer to a light from above from god

atlook Level 5 Mar 24, 2021

Great balanced answer

@Poncho69 isnt there something in the bible that says prove all things , or something.......that would be science

@atlook 1 Thessalonians 5:21 - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good

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