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The Future is now

Poncho69 8 Apr 12
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I'm glad he said "it's not some dreaded government microchip to track your every move", I feel so much more reassured that it would not be abused in it's usage, PFFFT!!!

That's the next step


Anything injected under the skin at this point and time in history should not be trusted.

They made lockdown to stop asymptomatic spread. But it is still spreading. Why? Sick people spread it not healthy people. So why continue this lockdown instead of just locking down the high risk sector?
Why not do a study to test to see when the virus is most transmissible?
Why not just get symptomatic people and close contacts to isolate?
We know you can still test positive at different times; some 3 days after going into isolation, others up to 16 days of quarantine. Why the difference? Is it some just get a droplet other get direct contact? If you get direct contact you get more virus transmitted. So is it direct contact that makes it go faster? Is it the stronger immune system that suppressed it longer? Is it the vitamin D levels that drop off as isolation continued that makes the immune system weaker and allow the virus to thrive? The levels of vitamin D are a well known factor with cold and flu.
A regular vaccine they put an inert part of a pathogen and then your immune system makes a response: it recognises the pathogen as a foreign object. It then grows antibodies and tcells.
The new vaccines carry code mRNA that is normally only found inside cells. It is normally short lived and it is very unstable; that's why it is stored differently.
Is this going 3 steps backwards? Why are they not giving an inert part of the virus like normal vaccines?
Our defence system has a normal immune response to stop mRNA. Which is very effective at stopping mRNA from entering the cell wall.
How long does the effect last?
Which cells is are the mRNA designed to go into?
Are they gene based vaccines?
It has a spike protein (docking protein) a binding cell receptor. It has fusogenic properties. So has the potential to cause blood clots.
Some people manufacture lots of immune response, some a little and most medium. It is the ones that have the largest distribution of the uptake of the vaccine that pose the greatest risk of blood coagulation.
Is there a test to test for the distribution and subsequent immune response? I think so. So why not test routinely to manage the side affects? What site is this taken up in the body? Is there a test for this? Why do I say this, because if the site is in the brain this is when at risk of cognitive vein thrombosis (stroke or death), but if site is in the abdomen it is less risky and easier to treat. These clots still poses a risk of entering the blood stream and entering the heart. But as asked earlier how long does this remain active? Could thrombosis be a long term effect that will become more evident as the time passes?
Unlike regular vaccines where you get a measured dose, these new treatments are distributed differently in every single person. Some high, some low, and most medium: so people with high response have higher risk. This first come to light when clusters of young healthy women died from blood clots.
Hydrochlorican ivermectin and a couple of steroids have had positive results without the serious complications. No one has done clinical trials just doctors stumbling around trying something. Ivermectin is said to be given at 1.5-2mgs/kg, depending on different doctors experiences.
Why aren't these alternative treatments getting trails?
Why are they shunned by media?
Why banned is some instances? Like Victoria, Australia has banned hydrochlorican and ivermectin.
Ivermectin can be used both as a preventative measures and treatment. It has been used for decades so there are no unknown side effects.
Phase 3 studies are usually done over years not done on general population.
Why are pregnant women with miscarriages now coming in to be recipients of this treatment?
So far this pandemic, not one dead child of 10 million children in England. But according to the latest statistics if inoculated at least 12 will die, and hundreds or thousands will get bells palsy. So why give to children?
Risks factor in covid:

  • age; over 70 is when it is a significant contributor
  • medical condition; average of 2.6 pre-existing conditions.
    Benefits of vaccination: no lockdown and freedom to carry a vaccine passport.
    Variants have only a small difference of .03% so should we be scared? Will our immune system notice the difference? Will the vaccine work on new variants?
    So what next boosters?
    Are they going to just roll out these new boosters without additional testing? Because if they wait for the normal time, the vaccine will be redundant.
    Should this be mandatory?
    Should you wait to see the long term effects?
    People demand that I give a reason to not get the new experimental treatment? Well I demand more information before taking part in a trial and don't see in a free country why I should.

@Poncho69 IMHO it was planned and they are working on the Great Reset. If this plandemic doesn't work for them they will set another one worse to get it done. We all have a lot of questions that will never get answered by them. The Great Reset is very good info.

@energymixer Klaus IMF

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