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LINK Chris Attig Was Arrested for Going 30 Seconds Over Their Allotted Two Minutes to Speak. The Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group Representative Who Spoke Before Them Talked For 40 Minutes.

The father of a transgender teen was arrested while testifying against an anti-trans bill in the Arkansas House because their speech went 30 seconds over their allotted time, even though they said that far-right representatives of hate groups were allowed to talk for nearly an hour over their allotted times.

“Your time is up,” said State Rep. Jack Ladyman 🌈 near the two-minute mark.

Attig wanted to finish his pre-written speech, so they kept talking. The legislators cut off their mic, but they kept going until they were escorted out of the building while everyone sat silently.

Attig said that they were taken to jail, where they stayed for several hours and now faces a charge of disorderly conduct. They said that representatives from Alliance Defending Freedom and Family Research Council were allowed to talk for up to 40 minutes and that only opponents of H.B. 1570 were held to the two-minute time limit.

JacksonNought 8 Apr 29
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Lost me at far right, won't read let alone swallow.


In general, putting aside the question of who's right or wrong between Republicans and Democrats, it is an undisputable truth that

Democrats are attention hogs. Selfish narcissists. Stage hogs.

They out-scream their foes. If anyone that disagrees with them dares take the stage, they attack them.

Shame Democrats as attention hogs.

Republicans are sensitive. Republicans know how Democrats feel. It's not hard. Democrats scream their feelings. Democrats don't know how Republicans feel because they refuse to allow Republicans to speak, and they judge Republicans with negative prejudice.

In politics, it's your duty to understand the other side, and to work with them as team players. Democrats don't take the effort to understand the other side. Democrats are morally negligent.

Democrats are also spiteful. Instead of working as a team player with Republican America, they seek to cripple it. They are apartheidists.

The audience is more important than the orchestra. Democrats are a poor audience.
They cough during the symphony.

Since we are talking about one side not understanding the other...

I could say exactly what you said, but about Republicans instead. The entire Republican party and platform is currently based around Trump, a man who is one of the most narcissistic attention-hungry media whores in modern history. Prominent members of the Republican party like to go on rants about nothing so that they can pull sound bites and throw it on Twitter and go on Fox News to pat themselves on the back and "own the libs" and lie. Nothing but attention hogs.

Republicans build up strawmen to attack Democrat policies without every actually caring what they are. Marjorie Taylor Greene attacked AOC over her Green New Deal bill, then admitted she never read it. This weekend Fox News railed for hours about Biden's attempts to ban red meat, but then had to come out with a retraction when it was pointed out that they misunderstood a random college study that had nothing to do with Biden or his policies. Constantly you will see Republicans call Democrats godless and evil (even though their are no Atheist congressmen) and they like to float Q conspiracies about Satanic cabals eating babies. Republicans do nothing but lie about Democrats and insult them and speak over them. They don't care to understand the other side at all.

Republicans would rather have special exemption to the rules, and won't agree to anything unless their demands are met 100%. They are not team players. They would rather shut the country down rather than allow any Democrat policy to see the light of day.


Unequal application of policies... Sounds like the sort of thing a corporatist media company would do... or just about any politician on either side of the aisle who is presented with an opportunity!

For the record, to the extent that a propaganda site like can be trusted to report fairly and accurately, I oppose the way the evidently Republican-controlled house apparently handled this hearing, despite the fact that I am on their side of the issue that was under debate.

And I just have to say... What a name for the Republican chairman - Rep. Jack Ladyman! The name would have been better suited to someone on the other side!


Do we need to wipe out the population and start over? Elon Musk wants to have a Martian colony out of harms way so when the Earth is nuked, there is a seed base to repopulate. There are simply too many rats in this global cage.

Seems we have to decide which religion is more dangerous.

The belief that there are too many rats in the cage is one that the Rockefellers have been pushing for a century. Bill Gates' father was an active eugenics enthusiast who believed in "population control". We have been brainwashed by the world's elites that we are over-populated while they buy out land masses and corporations for themselves.

Funny how "over-population" is most severe in impoverished, destitute regions including inner-America. Natural phenomena? Yup!

How do you halt over-population? Answer: By raising the standard of living within a population including a stable system of food security, economic security, and cultural security. This type of system naturally embraces law and order, justice, and personal freedoms.

Why doesn't Bill Gates put his money towards these known fixes? Gets you thinking, huh?


Yes. I now think that is what we're fighting about. Humans seem to almost universally do religion if they're to do culture, and culture if they're to do civilization. We're fighting over the Spirit of the Age, the soul of Age to Come, it seems

@wolfhnd According to "Ra and The Law of One", ALL religions are a distortion of the truth.

@wolfhnd, @BubbaLouie That sounds like a grand idea, but not even Bill Gates has enough money to feed the whole world. Though he has stated that he plans on spending all of his money before he dies.

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