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What Critical Race Theory really is []

WilyRickWiles 8 June 20
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Wily , Wily ,Wily . Really, there is no excuse to troll members like this , With these half baked racist , backward thinking , tribal, destructive diatribe of lies.
Teaching a whole upcoming generation , that no matter what they try to achieve . You will never be as good as the White man . It's Just so Racist .There are no winners with CRT..

Not trolling. You don't know what CRT is.

Typical leftist argument. Pathetic. CRT = Completely retarded tribalism. A woke cult religion designed to confuse historical fact with historical revisionism. . It's cancer Wily , why would you support such ......

@Seriousreason Nope.


You can try to be a purist and refer to original dogma but dogma is what it has evolved to be.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 20, 2021

Nope. CRT, corporate antiracism, and history are unrelated.

@WilyRickWiles Thing is, calling it "CRT" is less inflammatory than calling it "anti-white," which it is. You should be glad so many opponents call it "CRT."

@sqeptiq I should be thankful that the far right uses CRT, a term that has its own definition, as a dog whistle for the white genocide and cultural Marxism conspiracy theories? No, actually it would simplify things if they didn't misuse terms and instead chose to be blatantly racist. The terms don't change the reality.

@WilyRickWiles You're operating against your own interests and don't even spot it. 😄

@sqeptiq I wish that all of your comments were as well thought out, instead of your usual flippant knee-jerk comment to every post.

@WilyRickWiles The tweet you cite above perfectly highlights two phenomena:
The Law of Unintended Consequences
The Road to Hell being paved with good intentions

Whatever CRT may or may not have been at its inception - it's what it has become in the here and now that matters. And in 2021 it's nothing more than divisive, racist bile. It's grasping, grievance-centric focus aims not for equality but revenge; revenge meted out on today's society for sins committed centuries before by people of a different time. And much of this grievance is empowered by lies, half-truths and ignorance of inconvenient history.
Since the time of Martin Luther King Jr US society was doing a more than reasonable job of dismantling racism and bias.
CRT is taking you all back to a new dark-age of race-baiting and vendetta.

CRT Apologists like you; with your willfull rejection of reason and logic fuel the problem.
Rant over.

@stevie-f So tell me more about the lineage from legal CRT to ... whatever you allege it has become.

@WilyRickWiles We've talked about this in other threads. You already know what I think of CRT.

@stevie-f I'm not asking what you think of whatever you think CRT is. You've never drawn the line from actual CRT to ... whatever you allege it has become. Surely you weren't just talking out of your ass!

@WilyRickWiles I’m not buying into your premise that there is some sort of real CRT that is wholesome and pure / that somehow differs from my perception of it.
Not playing your game - sorry not sorry.

@stevie-f Then you've contradicted yourself. You wrote a lot of blather that you've now disavowed. Guess you have little of substance to say on the matter.

@WilyRickWiles I owe you an apology. I've clearly given you the impression that I give a fuck about what you think of me. I think by now we've established that you and I have different opinions.
If your avatar is to be believed then I assume you are a socialist or communist. Do I have that right?

@stevie-f I never presumed you did. I just presumed you had something to say.

@WilyRickWiles You claimed I disavowed something I’d written earlier - which is not true. That demonstrates to me that you won’t debate in good faith - but rather, appear to resort to deflection and distraction when you don’t have a viable argument.
And you appear to be dodging my question - are you a socialist or communist?
Let me phrase it differently if that helps. Do you believe in Socialism or Communism as a better way to structure society?
Hint: the question only requires either a Yes or No answer.

@stevie-f You made a long-winded post premised on the notion that the original CRT had evolved into what you currently perceive it to be via "The Law of Unintended Consequences." Then you denied that there was an original CRT that was different: "I’m not buying into your premise that there is some sort of real CRT that is wholesome and pure / that somehow differs from my perception of it." Call if what you want, but you contradicted yourself.

And now you resort to gaslighting by accusing me of dodging the question you used to dodge my question on the original subject. What a laugh! If you're interested in clarifying your contradiction, feel free to describe the lineage from legal CRT to ... whatever you allege it has become.

@WilyRickWiles You know exactly what I think about CRT and how it's evolved. And in fact, the premise that it started out purely as a Legal concept seems a bit thin and is yet to be established as fact to my satisfaction. When Kimberle' Crenshaw wrote Mapping The Margins was intended to be used in court?
Anyway, we had this discussion on another thread. James Lindsay articulates it better than I can. And he's absolutely on the money. Oh wait, you don't like what he had to say. And that's fine. We are entitled to our opinions.
If anybody is gaslighting it is you sir.
I note you are still deftly avoiding an answer to my question. Do you identify as a Socialist or Communist?


It's about teaching kids to be political Kardashians (suck every black dick that crosses their path).

sqeptiq Level 10 June 20, 2021

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