3 1

Communities can be great. They can accomplish things that individuals can't.

It's great to have a community with shared goals. Then you can feel good about contributing to the community. If everyone is on the same team, you can be freely generous. It's great to be on a team full of generous people.

For example, a community can raise kids. It's great if kids have other kids around. Parents form communities to make a good place to raise kids.

Kids need school. Parents can get together and form a community school. Some classes can be taught by parents, and some can be taught by professionals. No money goes to administrators.

You don't even need a school building. Homes can serve as classrooms.

Add an elderly home. The elderly can help with teaching, and kids can help with taking care of the elderly. It's the cycle of life.

The elderly have much to teach. Young Democrats don't know this. Their loss.

America has a rich tradition of local militia. Minutemen! Rural Americans should form local militias, and they should form local communities and local schools. Ditch government schools. Parents can do better than the government, and they can do it cheaper.

It's a fine art, building a community.

A fundamental human right is "freedom of association". A corollary of this right is "freedom of disassociation from jerks". Any time Republicans build a great community, Democrats crash it.

Republicans throw great parties. Democrats are humorless. I'd rather attend a Republican party than a Democrat party. Republicans should launch a charm offensive. Out-party the foes. Republican parties must be great, because Democrats try to crash them. Nobody wants to crash Democrat parties. No Republican wants to live in Baltimore.

Republicans understand that a community needs shared goals. If it does, great! Work together and get it done! Democrats don't understand the concept of shared goals.

If a community doesn't have shared goals, then it should not engage in big projects. That's tyranny of the majority. Democrats love tyranny of the majority. If a Democrat wins an election by 1 vote, he feels he has mandate to be dictator.

If a big project doesn't have a supermajority of supporters, then it should not be undertaken. Democrats are incapable of grasping this. Democrats freak out if there are no large government projects. This is because Democrats see large government as an opportunity to build a crony empire. They don't care about the project.

Don't think "more socialism vs. less socialism". Think "smart socialism vs. stupid socialism". Hydroelectric dams are smart socialism. The NCAA is stupid socialism.

Think "bang for buck". If the government has to spend money, it should spend money efficiently. Democrats are incapable of spending money efficiently.

Pelosi often confuses "million", "billion", and "trillion". This is the person spending your tax dollars.

It's a given that governments spend money inefficiently. Your choices are: give your money to the government and hope for the best, or reject government and do it yourself with your own money.

In every case, you can do better yourself than the government can. If you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself.

Democrats are lame because they can't do things for themselves. They can't even form communities to get it done.

A successful community can be called socialism.

Democrats are antisocialist.

In socialism, if someone wins an election, everyone is expected to support the winner.

Democrats support an election winner if he's a Democrat and not if he's a Republican. If a Republican wins, Democrats sabotage the country to hurt the Republican. That's anti-socialist.

Republican politicians work to make the country better for both Republicans and Democrats. That's socialist.

Democrats work to make the country better for Democrats and worse for Republicans. That's anti-socialist. That's apartheid.

Democrats feel that with regard to education, the state knows best, and that the feelings of parents don't matter. Parents disagree.

Parents are protective of their kids, as protective as ducks are of ducklings. Parents are an army of sleeping bears that has been awakened by teachers trying to take their kids.
There are school board meetings where hundreds of parents showed up.

In the past, it was teachers and parents vs. kids. Now it's parents and kids vs. teachers. Teachers have no chance. Parents are an army of bears and kids are an army of Ewoks, and if they combine forces they are invincible.

Teachers forbid parents from watching what they teach. Teachers ask kids to snitch on their parents.

In the future, kids will snitch on teachers. Kids will tell their parents about the bullschist that the teachers are teaching.

Imagine an army of Ewok kids, emboldened because they know that the parents are backing them up. Democrat teachers will find these kids to be as rebellious as 1776 America.

Democrats are on record for sabotaging the country to hurt Trump. They declared sanctuary zones and
flagrantly ignored federal law.

Imagine if Republicans declared sanctuary zones.

Once upon a time, in 1775, Americans had guns, and the British sent an army to take them. The Americans said no, and the British opened fire, and the shot was heard around the world.

If Democrats try to invade a Republican sanctuary zone, we get a repeat of the battle of Lexington
and Concorde.

Democrats formally declared that they want to take our guns.

It's a powderkeg. It's certain civil war.

jaymaron 8 Aug 1
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Is the problem really between Democrats and Republicans? Granted, the Republicans lean conservative and the Democrats have redefined themselves today as progressives and socialists or democratic socialists. Many people left the democrat party in the thirties under FDR when socialism was a threat. It is a threat again today and quite a few individuals are becoming wary of the direction of the party.
The Democrat party has always been the home of political dissidents, miscreants and malcontents besides liberalism. What has been illustrated recently and highlighted by the election of Trump is that both parties have formed an alliance and work towards cementing or centralizing power to form an "establishment" or deep state that holds the interests of the two parties sacrosanct over the interests of the nation. And so we get democratic socialism.

International organizations will help Nations centralize their power and then wick it away to globalist interests - because we all have a stake in the planet, don't you know. Developed nations or first world countries cannot live at the expense of developing nations or third world countries. I mean, that's only fair. National wealth must be redistributed. And so we get communism.

Right now Democrats- and some Republicans, are in an indefensible position. Their whole modus operandi is hiding their true intentions and what they are actually doing. Some of them think they are just destroying evil in the nation. Present them with facts or present them with crimes and they do not recognize facts as truth or crimes as wrong. They will instead attack the presenter of the facts or crimes. Bizarre as that sounds remember it is justified by destroying the source of evil in the nation. Evil is of course their enemies. They are no longer just their competitors or comrades at arms -- they are evil incarnate.

"The ideal subject of totalitarianism is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced communist, it is the people who cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction or what is right or wrong." - Hannah Arendt.

The question is how the difference between fact and fiction or right and wrong is lost.
for that we must look at objectives, purposes and goals. The goal must be perceived as the ultimate in goodness, even survival is less important than the objective. So any means to achieve the goal becomes valid, even if that includes ignoring facts and condoning criminality; any destructive ends are permissible to achieve the goal.

When a person ignores, suppresses or diverts attention away from facts and crimes their objectives must be questioned. We do so but they only parrot what is good for all. Never admitting to any personal objectives. Do they want fame, fortune, save the planet? They must be full of hubris to believe they are actually doing the latter for anything but altruistic reasons. But it is their personal goals and objectives that must be excavated not their dreams for their fellow man because their dreams for their fellow man must necessarily quash the dreams of individuals.


Numbers in percents.

          Physics     U.S. Math    Putnam math  Science   Science talent    Siemens
         Olympiad     Olympiad      winners    Olympiad  search finalists  Competition
         winners      team                     winners

Asian      81            72         50          50          64             61
White      19            28         50          50          36             39
Other      <1            <1         <1           0           0              0

You can find the proof that Democrats can't make community work in great cities such as NYC, Chicago, and LA. They claim to celebrate diversity, but Democrats have miserable race relations amongst themselves there.

sqeptiq Level 10 Aug 1, 2021

There exist communities where all the kids can do calculus and play the violin. These communities should be praised.

Harvard SAT bias:

Asian -140
White 0
Hispanic +130
Black +310

What's the message? If parents build a gang community, their kids go to Harvard. If parents build an orchestra community, their kids are excluded from Harvard.

Harvard has become the Khmer Rouge.

Chuck Schumer had 4 kids that were accepted to Harvard. What's the message? If the parents are oligarchs, their kids go to college.

Hollywood celebrities were busted for building fraudulent applications to get their kids into elite schools.

Once upon a time, what got you into elite schools was merit. No longer.

@jaymaron Hell of an incentive for whites and Asians to apply to Harvard as Hispanic or black.

The college bubble: []

There are few colleges that still care about merit. Among them are Caltech and MIT.


There are many Democrats that self-identify as having come from disadvantaged neighborhoods, when in fact they grew up in privileged neighborhoods. One of them is AOC. Straight outta Westchester.

Yes, Asians applying to Harvard should self-identify as gangsters that grew up in a gangster neighborhood.

To Democrats, there is no merit. There is only greed. Democrats see Harvard as a pot of gold to leach. That pot of gold was created by all Americans, and Democrats want to arrogantly usurp that money and take it all for themselves. This is tyranny of the majority. This is apartheid.

Harvard admissions should be strictly merit-based.

At Caltech, admissions are still merit-based.

I am a man of Caltech.

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