5 10

I never owned a gun until I watched Obama give the " LET FERGUSON BURN " stand down order which paved the way for the Black Lives Matter RIOTS and the idiot traitor politicians who encouraged them . I never had plans to be a White Separatist until dumbass guilty white liberals started identifying me as a white supremacist for disagreeing with Democrat/Socialist policies that caused animosity where there previously wasn't any . There , I've used my 1st Amendment rights and I've got my 2nd Amendment rights to back it up . Comments by Communists and other political cucks will be ignored as is also my right . Glad that I got that off of my chest . Onward .

GORG 6 Aug 13
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Unless you are part of a very small group of agnostic/atheist conservatives… that is unfortunately not all true.

Religious conservatives have been condemning homosexuality and bashing people till today. “Conversion therapy “ is still being promoted by many even here.

Non-whites were discriminated against until very recently.

The rest is true to some extent and what the left is doing now is every bit as bad as the conservatives used to do in the past.

However very few people could actually say what you did there even 20 years ago.

Hanno Level 8 Aug 13, 2021

Aren't we all tired of painting everyone with a wide brush yet? YOU don't want to be painted with a wide brush, so why use one for everyone else? Lumping all religious conservatives into one bunch without having gone to every single one and knowing exactly what they think, teach, and feel is you being a profiler, uninformed, and biased.

Are there fringe groups who ruin things for the rest? Yes! But "fringeness" shows up on both sides of the aisle, which is what the OP's meme was about.

PEOPLE are more resilient, kind, and understanding than what the media has been spoon-feeding you.

Ah, so religious people who believe that homosexuality is a sin is now a fringe group? I know hundreds of conservative Christians, not one of them thinks homosexuality is acceptable and all believe they need to “repent”.

Please name these religious conservatives who’s believes that homosexuality is great and that the Bible accepts it.

If you are a religious person and claim that homosexuality is ok,
Then either you never read or don’t believe your own Bible or you are a hypocrite. Your Bible is very clear on homosexuality. And you are definitely not a “conservative”.

So broad brush it may be, but it is a very accurate brush.

Free Grace Theology teaches that homosexual believers go to heaven. That teaching was more common in 80's. John MacArthur has made Christian conservatism worse.

@RebelAlliance @jasonc65 @GORG @sqeptiq @Hanno

Yes, it's about fringe control. Both parties have a fringe. The Republican fringe has little influence over the Republican party. The Democratic party is dominated by its fringe.

The Republican fringe looks moderate compared to the Democrat fringe. The Democrat fringe is more extreme than the Republican fringe.

The Republican fringe is dying out. The Democrat fringe is expanding, and moving further fringeward.

Fringes are how "induced war" happens. The Democratic fringe will commit atrocities against Republicans and start a war, and the war will drag moderate Democrats in. Moderate Democrats are oblivious to this danger. They had better get busy quelling the Democratic fringe, or they had better flip to Republican. The only thing that can stop the Democrat fringe is for moderate Democrats to flip to Republican.

Failure doesn't stop the Democrat fringe. When they fail, they continue on with the failing agenda. Even after Democrat cities collapse, Democrats will continue on.

Most white positivists are moderates. All they want is for whites to be not be hated. That's a pretty moderate request.

Most identity politicians are not moderate. They want more for their tribe and less for other tribes. In particular, they want less for the white tribe. They are apartheidists. Slavers. []


If you're white and a white supremacist, Democrats hate you.

If you're white and not a white supremacist, Democrats hate you.

If you're not a straight white Christian male, Republicans hate you.
If you're not a straight white Christian conventionally attractive and stereotypically feminine woman, Republicans hate you.

@GORG uh huh. But no yawn on the comment I responded to. Of course. Nothing but a troll.

@GORG aw what happened, did he block me?

If you are white and a white supremacist, demorats will hate you to your face and offer you a sweetheart deal, writing the next crime bill and supporting African dictators.


Even a lot of people who hate guns have bought them since Democrats turned openly pro-crime (eg claiming that looting is social justice). It really is striking.

sqeptiq Level 10 Aug 13, 2021

Even a lot of people who hate guns have bought them since Republicans have been threatening civil war and attempting coups. It really is striking.

@JacksonNought One of your black Democratic friends is more likely to shoot you than is a white Republican. 😃

@sqeptiq there's your racism again. I hit a bingo.

@JacksonNought If one of your black friends shot you, would you figure it was your fault for provoking him with your whiteness?

@sqeptiq I've been threatened more by white people than black.

@JacksonNought Making sure to minimize the number of blax near you while swearing you love their company, eh? That's common enough! 😉

@sqeptiq I doubt you've ever actually seen a black person.


Come on, you've always been an out Nazi.

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