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Has anyone considered that we are less than 48 hours from the 09-11-2001 Anniversary???
Twenty years ago, the TERRORIST had knives and hand guns!!!!
Now they have over $80 BILLION dollars worth of our best military equipment, including "Facial Recognition Equipment" !!!!
SO, just a question, how do you think the Taliban might want to mark this Anniversary???

Serg97 8 Sep 9
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The Taliban aren't so different from the hard right evangelicals in America, who would support a Christian caliphate in the US if they could. There's more than a few similarities, only Islam is still fairly pure in their range of beliefs, with only Sunni and Shia as their major denominations. Texas recently outlawed abortions. Is that really any different to what the Evangelicals are trying to accomplish in the west?

Satch Level 7 Sep 13, 2021

So you se little or no difference between the Christian and Muslim religions????

@Serg97 There's obviously differences, though both are seated in the Abrahamic tradition from Judaism. I mean there's not much difference in the religious fervour of either. Muslims are just doing what they truly believe is right, just like Christians banning abortions in Texas.

@Satch Well, at least Christians quit burning witches a couple of hundred years ago!!!
Muslins still beat and kill women for not covering enough skin!!!!!!

@Serg97 Yes, I think that's because Christianity has had more time to dilute and diverge, while Islam is several centuries younger. Modern Christianity has become a smorgasbord religion, with so many vastly different denominations and sects within it. It's turned into a kind of choose-your-own faith, and I think that's largely a reflection of the Bible being comprised of so many different books, which often conflict with each other and orthodox doctrine. The Qur'an on the other hand is a single book, written by a single man, with far less internal inconsistencies. Also Christianity has been translated into most of the world's languages, with each adopting elements of their target cultures, while Islam is still strictly seated in Arabic, with all prayers globally by Muslims spoken in Arabic.

@Serg97 Also it was only a century or so ago that mainstream Christianity slowly stopped promoting the abuse of women. If you look at 19th century church writings, they blatantly subjugate women, and men were allowed to beat their wives.

@Satch Interesting, if my dad was still alive he would be pushing 120 yoa!!!!
I do not recall any of his friends or associates beating their wives, in fact if one of them had beat their wife the others would have returned the beating!!!!!

@Serg97 A lot of that is more a reflection of regional culture than of religion itself. You can see the same in Islam, with some countries allowing far more freedoms for women than Saudi Arabia or Iran. In either case though, the religious texts themselves do not condemn such abuse, and historically church leaders have tendered to allow it until relatively recently.


Not that I am defending the Taliban or anything (unlike many Republicans who have been quite vocal in their support recently), but the Taliban were not the ones who did 9/11. That would be Al-Qaeda, which was distinctly separate from the Taliban. Also interesting that the majority of the terrorist hijackers were Saudis, not Afghanis... and Bin Laden was found in Pakistan...

Funny thing, the Taliban actually offered to get Bin Laden and hand him over to us, if Bush would cease bombing Afghanistan. Something which Bush rejected. Something which could have ended the war many years ago. But yeah, can't deprive those war profiteers from their money.


Various government figures seen and unseen are currently destroying the US more effectively then the taliban could.

It certainly appears that way.


with any luck they will target DC

Why would they do that, who would take care of them if they took out D.C.?????
OH, YA, CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@JacksonNought DC is not even part of the USA, it is a city state like the Vatican

I repeat: traitor.

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