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Essentially, freedom means the power to decide. If the power of decision is in the hands of the individual he has freedom. It is often said, pejoratively, that one political party seeks only power and control, in truth, they simply wish to claim the authority to decide. In anarchy, the individual alone would be the ultimate authority that holds the power to decide. It occurs often though that the individual seeks counsel to decide. Thus, his decision is a shared one. A democratic Government should exist to provide counsel for the individual to decide in societal affairs and democratically establish standards and principles for the purposes of order, as professionals provide counsel in their expertise. We see today that governments are not providing counsel but wish to override the power of individual decision making and usurp it for themselves as an authority

It is necessary that certain individuals be excluded from the democratic process by already democratically approved laws. Examples would be, non-citizens, felons and frauds and other deceivers only serving their own interests to usurp an individual's power over him to make decisions. The qualifying factors in attaining a vote in the democratic process should be things like a minimum age and education. By no means should there exist a universal democracy but the path toward attaining a vote should be made available to all. A vote is a privilege not a right.

FrankZeleniuk 8 May 17
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Voting is not only a Civil Right it is a Civil Duty. At the same time is must remain strictly voluntary.
However that Right and Duty should be revoked of people who have demonstrated such poor judgment as to find themselves convicted in a court of law for felonious crimes

iThink Level 9 May 17, 2022

However that Right and Duty should be revoked of people who have demonstrated such poor judgment as to find themselves convicted in a court of law for felonious crimes.

If a right can be revoked It means the power of the individual to decide, basically his freedom, is overriden. A privilege is different in that it is first granted at the discretion of another. Rights are not granted. Logically, rights exist before any second person, authority or government exists.

Ironically, Governments that grant rights do so only to turn them into privileges which can be taken away. of those rights can be taken away. The Bill of Rights in the US is not a granting of rights by the government, contrary to what the Democrats today and some other politicians would have you believe, it is an outline of every individual's natural rights which can only be overridden but never revoked. Revocation is the complete denial of a right granted or a privilege. Removal of the individual's power to decide, his freedom, his natural rights, must contain a path to be restored. Once a privilege is granted the power to decide on its existence is in the hands of the authority that grants it.

@FrankZeleniuk In practical terms you are correct and ergo - there is no such things "Rights". Because literally EVERY "Right" can be and has been taken away in certain situations.

Law (gov't) can and does revoke:

Pursuit of happiness
Privacy in our homes and papers
non self incrimination
Speedy trial
Trial by our peers
Equal protection under the law

@iThink, @FrankZeleniuk

EVERY "Right" can be and has been taken away in certain situations.

Rights, like the right to self defense, are inalienable. They do not come from the government. They're God-given and part of who we are. If they are taken away, without cause, it goes against humanity and must be resisted.

@eschatologyguy Not true!

In Great Britain for example "victims who were attacked or whose homes were being invaded" have been criminally charged for fighting off and or injuring (usually with some kind of weapon) their attackers.
In GB the people have no "right" to "take matters into their own hands"

@iThink then the British government overstepped its role in governance, which is supposed to be to protect law-abiding citizens. Liberty and the right to self-defense has been around longer than any government has.


literally EVERY "Right" can be and has been taken away in certain situations.

I think revoke is a strong word. It means the complete termination of something. A better term for usurping rights is to override them. If you are human you always have those rights as freedoms but they can be overridden. The power of choice is freedom. In a democratic society you have a choice to agree to the principles already agreed to and remain in that society or perhaps if you disagree there is the possibility of persuasion, if the case can be made, to change what you disagree with. The next best choice is to move. In order to have freedom for the individual his power of choice must not be overidden. If a government does that it acquires freedom and becomes a threat to the individual.

@eschatologyguy Yes - there is no question that the Gov't of Great Britain has over stepped its boundaries.
I urge you to go to you tube and look for vids where British people are criminally charged after fending off an attacker, injuring the attacker and in some cases killing the attacker...Truth is stranger than fiction - more often today than before.

@FrankZeleniuk I'm pretty sure that - for example - capital punishment pretty much takes away your god give right to "life" and all the rest. That is a lot more than a simple "revocation" -
Now don't get me wrong - I believe capital punishment isn't used enough. But that is a subject for anther day/post.
Then there is imprisonment - pretty much revokes the god given right to enjoy "liberty"
No, I'm comfortable with the terminology I used in my comment above.
Now granted - taking human life is all too often carried out arbitrarily and outside of Legal confines. Nevertheless it remains the most profound example of "revocation" of a God given Right.

I particularly like this line - spoken by Billy Munny - (Clint Eastwood) in the movie "Unforgiven"...paraphrasing here: "its a funny thing, killing a man. You take away all he has and all he is ever going to have"

@iThink > I'm pretty sure that - for example - capital punishment...

Taking another's life is a total revocation. So is it an overriding or revocation? I would be wary of giving a government the power of capital punishment. The next thing you know they are coming for you. I'm am not saying however that no capital punishment is an absolute. Just as I do not consider no abortion to be an absolute.

Right now. In the States there are some traitors that should indeed hang.

@FrankZeleniuk I think you and I agree in principle - we're just going back and forth over semantics.


Free to choose, as old Milt Friedman said!

sqeptiq Level 10 May 17, 2022

I think the right of citizens to vote should be considered a right, but can can be suspended during jail time after having committed crimes that show moral torpitude. For citizens of good standing, a right. A privilege is given and therefore can also be taken away.

If one right can be denied then all rights can be denied. All privileges can be denied.

@FrankZeleniuk your very life can be denied - even before you are born

@FrankZeleniuk if one's property, liberty and even one's very life can be taken away, it doesn't mean it is right. That is why you have the right to defend yourself. This is what the Left has been having some success in doing, making you give up a part of your rights to accommodate their ideology.

@eschatologyguy Yep. And their ideology is that they have the freedom; the power of choice and they know what's best for you so usurp so they will make your choices for you. You shall be as a child who never grows up. The government shall have freedom and if you are perceived by it to be a threat to their freedom they nullify your rights.

@FrankZeleniuk and they can - and they are

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