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Cloud of fear grips University of Washington as DEI tenure requirement advances

“People are all careful. People are afraid.”

In 2021, the University of Washington began requiring “new faculty applicants to submit a statement on contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion,” according to faculty senate meeting minutes.
In October of that year the Faculty Council on Race, Equity, and Justice developed legislation “to ensure that contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion are recognized as important elements in faculty achievement and leadership during the promotion and tenure processes,” the minutes stated.


Garsco 8 May 29
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There needs to be deterrent. Leftists attack recklessly, knowing they can get away with it.
U. Washington won't be punished for trying to fire the professor. They should be punished.

DeSantis bodyslammed Disney. If I were governor of a red state, I would defund all public schools, K-college. There shall be only private schools.

Leftists professors are fueled by reckless student loans, and Democrats want to cancel the loans. That's being a jerk.

We must take away the tuition money from leftist professors. If leftist students want to study gender studies, make them pay for it themselves.


Clearly the woke is thumbing its nose at the US Constitution - in this case it is a direct assault on the 1st amendment.

iThink Level 9 May 30, 2022

What are they afraid of? The unknown? What they don't understand? Difference? Discomfort? Inconvenience? Accountability? Fairness? Being careful (thoughtful? respectful?) sounds like a good thing.

Like we'll listen to the opinion of a white male.

@Penrodster Or anyone that agrees with probably the MOST LIBERAL University in the country!!!!

Civilization requires meritocracy,

@wolfhnd Three non sequitur responses--what's the deal?


It's hard to respond rational to an emotional comment.

I believe Gibbon was right in that Christianity contributed to the decline of Rome. Today a new cult of DIE, diversity, inclusion, and equity is having a similar effect on Western Civilization.

You could argue that the Roman Empire was evil. Similarly you could argue that Western Civilization is corrupt. When civilizations collapse they are rarely built back better. The Soviet Union is an excellent example. Burning it all down may feel good in the moment but it takes a lot of pain to restore what has been destroyed.

What empower Christianity was a growing tolerance for questioning existing institutions. Similarly what empowered DIE was over a century of reforms in Western Civilization. Growing tolerance of alternative lifestyles and luxus have destroyed the meritocracy along with declining general intelligence.

We have pasted into an age of half wits and incompetence. The current administration in the US being an excellent example. Bread and circus has replaced work ethic and character. Without conscientiousness civilization simply will not function and part of conscientiousness is meritocracy.

DIE for the most part is a rebellion against harsh reality that two generations raised in relative luxus can't cope with. Reforms come without the strength of character to make them succeed.

@wolfhnd What's emotional about my comment? I don't think you understand the word. Ironic that you respond with idealism untethered from material reality.


I know you think you are very clever but I'm unimpressed. You are actually over a hundred years behind the curve on material reality. Determinism worked well for Newtonian physics but relativity and then quantum mechanics made things more complicated. When talking about biological systems you don't even need to go there as pseudo randomness such as seen in Brownian motion is sufficient to make your hubris and scientific pretentions a joke.

Putting that aside sociology and especially scientific socialism is little better than astrology or palm reading as a science. Almost every experiment that liberals have tried have been an abject failure. Years from now people will look back and find the current popular science little better than that of Trofim Lysenko.

Most disturbing you seem unable to comprehend the difference between physical reality and abstract reality. The materialism of Marx and unfortunately most scientists today is pure idiocy.

Finally emotions are the physically expression of instincts colloquially known as feelings. Many of those instincts are incompatible with the abstract reality we call civilization. Stop monkeying around with things you don't understand.

@wolfhnd Your extrapolations from quantum physics are popular scientism. A throwback to Esalen-type mysticism. I understand and have my own models for intuiting quantum physics, thank you very much. And once again, ironically it is you who confuses metaphorical language--the abstract--ideology--with reality.

So what's emotional about my comment?


These are the people that are "educating/indoctrinating" our children!!!!
And THEY have been at it for the last 50 years!!!!!!!
Is it all starting to make sense?????????????????????

Serg97 Level 8 May 29, 2022

as DEI tenure requirement advances

It should be changed to DIE. More apt that way.

That’s the end result.


Welcome to Stalinist Amerika.


Sounds like they're installing a woke clown show dictatorship.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 29, 2022

This is unconstitutional and should go to the Supreme Court, who should stop it once and for all.

Leftists will take total control of education, and then require college degrees for most jobs. Universities will ostracize Republican students and professors. It's cultural genocide of Republicans.

Democrats require a teaching degree to teach in public schools. This must be abolished.

We need conservative universities.

Will take control? They're about 70% to 90% in that door. But you're right, it should be brought to the Supreme Court.

Dumb it down!

There can be no doubt at this point, cultural genocide is the goal. It is a remarkable “coincidence” that this dovetails nicely with the Great Reset…

@WorldSigh If this realization came to the general public during Obama's term, we would be living in a different world.


Is see the takeover of western education by the neo-Marxist Frankfurt School continues. This should end well…

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