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[] - The Democrats: 'A Criminal Organization' - American Thinker

Daveclark5 8 June 14
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Democrat voters are dumb. It's obvious what's going on, yet they vote for Soros politicians.

If Trump endorses a politician, it's a good bet that the politician is a legit conservative. Trump has a record of good endorsements.

If Soros endorses a politician, it's a sure thing that the politician is pro crime.

Democrat voters are dumb. I hear them praising Soros as a philanthropist. To Republicans, it's obvious that Soros is evil. Democrats whiffed on this.

Hungary knows. Hungary passed laws specifically to hurt Soros.

I would love to think fixing this mess is as easy as getting Republicans in office, but as evil and harmful as democrats are (hard to find any redeeming values in the democrap party), republican politicians are next to worthless. The best we can hope for with them is that they’ll be too lazy to cause too much damage.

With DemonBrats in control of both houses of Congress as well as the executive branch, we have seen agressive degradation to everything good about America. However, we have seen no real positive improvements when the Retardlicans take over the same amount of government. Both line spend our grandchildren’s money as if there were no tomorrow. Neither exercises any semblance of integrity, foresight, morality, responsibility, etc...

When it comes to the future of this country, politicians are not the solution; they’re different shades of the problem.

All that being said, I agree with the premise that we need to get DemonBrats out of office and Retardlicans in if only to slow the complete destruction of our nation.

Our vote on Election Day must be preceded by careful study of the individual candidates. We need to consider if we are being called to sacrificially run for a political office where we could do a better job for the nation than any of the current candidates. Alternatively, those who have the ability need to consider if they should become a grassroots organizer for their local community. We need to aggressively prosecute those caught participating in election rigging at every level (reserving the most severe punishments/sanctions for the most egregious offenders including the foreign actors and domestic politicians)

Most voters simply wait till voting day (not participating in the primaries) and they vote a straight ticket. The majority of those who could legally vote, choose not to, because they know the system is rigged. (Even though much of the rigging depends upon the fact that most of those legally eligible to vote won’t vote). Often the choices is not “who to vote for”, but “who to vote against”. No skilled professionals in their right mind want to put themselves in the position to be slandered and destroyed by powerful, big money backed crooked politicians, even though that’s the only way to get an honest person into office.

When it comes down to it there’s little hope this nation will take a different path from any of the other leading nations in history; we will likely be destroyed from within. The only real hope that we will be the exception is if we, as a whole turn back to our founding principles and our faith and allegiance to our God. IMO.

@Daveclark5 @eschatologyguy @FuzzyMarineVet @bobbo666 @Header

I agree, that we need to put work into distinguishing between Magas and Rinos.

Trump endorsed DeSantis, and DeSantis carried the ball for bigly yards. For the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Trump and DeSantis lead the polls.

What's even better than having a good candidate? Having more than one.

The Democrats have none.

Who should we hoist up as Maga exemplars? My nominations:

Cruz (the most intelligent on this list)

Congressman Jordan is our best attack dog. He's making a big nuisance to Democrats. He published a book titled "Do what you said you would do".

Youngkin promised to nuke evil school boards, if elected. On his first day of office, he nuked evil school boards. It's a simple recipe. Say you will do Maga, and then do it.

I am a Florida resident and must agree that DeSantis was a good pick. So I must agree that not all politicians are all bad. The difference is that only the executive branch has much chance of fulfilling his promises without trading his integrity. Most in that branch can’t even do it.

I also agree that Trump did an amazing amount of good while he was in office (especially considering the unprecedented degree of coordinated attacks from every side). However, he did irreparable damage to the nation as well. I would be glad to give him a pass on even the damage he did if it weren’t for the fact that he still labels his greatest blunders as “the best thing that’s ever been done”. A prime example of this is enabling the expedited clot-shots they call vaccines. Trying to get something that would help stem the hyped panic response to the fauci virus was a good idea, but greasing the skids for the clot shot to be forced upon countless millions of perfectly healthy people for no reason at all was one major bungled mess. (Not to mention the fact that trump put fauci in a position where he could do such massive damage even though he was one of the primary reasons the virus was created and able to be used as a tool to grab and hold power by tyrants around the world, especially within the US). Another major failure was in his increasing of the deficit and debt. He gladly accepted a budget twice the size of what he needed even though He was supposedly such a great money man. (Although it takes money to make money and used wisely, that money can increase the GDP and decrease the effect of the already bloated budget, this was clearly a shortsighted decision that made him little better at managing this National instrument of power than a tax-and-spend DemonBrat. Even if he could eventually have turned this massive increase in deficit and debt, it was arrogant and erroneous to think he would be in a position to effect longterm gains, before they were reversed and turned into a bigger problem than we had before he arrived in scene). Even our best and brightest military leaders have been saying for decades that the biggest threat to our nation was our debt (which I’d driven by the deficits).

Even though his bungles are massive and his hubris was unprecedented, he was still one of our greatest presidents and I would still vote for him over any DemonBrat and most Retardlicans. I would absolutely chose DeSantis over Trump though. I thought Noem was a pretty good alternative too, but have since changed my mind on her. (A lot of good, but still some major issues.).

Thank you for the list of exceptions to the rule when it comes to potential good candidates to consider (and fully research).


We can define a variable, that ranges from Maga (+1) to moderate (0) to Democrat (-1) to Leftist (-10).

We can also define a variable: Rural (+1) vs. Urban (-1).

A-priori, these variables are independent. In America, they are tightly correlated. Rurals lean Republican and urbans lean Democrat.

Democrats installed leftist sleeper agents in local offices in Republican territory. Jerks.

Traditionally, national offices get bigly attention and local offices get little attention. The leftist conquistador invasion of rural offices forced Republicans to wake up and defend.

Republicans should give focus to local offices, and they should volunteer to be election observers.

The bigger the city, the bluer it is. Many Republican states are saddled with blue holes. In the plot, city size is scaled to text size.


Once upon a time, organized crime bribed politicians under the table. Now they do it over the table, with DAs like Boudin and Gascon.


That it is. That it is.


Well, many in the Demo are criminals. But, let's not forget their ancestral roots -- they are the party of slavery. They perpetuated it, they fought everything the GOP put up to equalize US society towards non-whites. They benefited by oppressing others.
They have not left those roots a'tall. They are still, each and very one, the party of hatred -- of anyone not in their group.

@FuzzyMarineVet I agree, BOTH parties have their problems, even before the Demos went bat-shite.

But, this should not justify the position many take, that since both have problems they are the same. BS!

Let's say each number a hundred, 100 D and 100 R -- skip the advanced math. IMHOpionion, 90 of the D's are commie-trash. Might not be in their souls, but if you repeat MSM talking points without reservation, you are corrupted beyond redemption. Up against the wall!
R RINOS are in the same category, trash but not necessarily C-T. At worst, 50% of the R's need to go against the wall.
Avoiding advanced math, 90 vs 50 is no contest. They are not the same.
I treat them this way: Call yourself a D -- I won't turn my back on you. Call yourself a R -- you have some ground to cover to convince me you are good folk, so let's hear your position on things.

@FuzzyMarineVet Suspect, absolutely. Ditto if their family gets rich --- if and only if they did so by investing in industries ........... "legislated over" by the elected relative.
A family, tho, especially one with ambitious members can get rich even if nothing crooked it going on. Still suspicious, tho.

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