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Federal government = Domestic terrorism

Lt-JW 8 Aug 17
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Hit the Bullseye!


one of my favorite memes and I had been thinking of posting it, glad to see some one else beat me to it 😉


I wasn't aware that everyone else was taking home classified documents?

Remember Rebekah Jones? The Florida State Police raided her homes, guns drawn, pointing guns at her children. She wasn't given a year and a half to turn over assets like Trump was.

This is seriously bonkers thinking. You really think you have the protections that Trump has? That you could get away with half the stuff Trump has without facing harsh penalties or jail time? You honestly think that Trump is the only thing protecting you? How is that working out for the Jan 6th rioters facing jail time?

Remember when Trump bragged about sending in US Marshals to murder a man? No due process no attempt at arrest no justice - just a straight execution of an American citizen. "We sent in the U.S. Marshals, it took 15 minutes. We got him. They knew who he was, they didn't want to arrest him. Fifteen minutes, that ended."

Remember when Trump wanted to take away guns? " I like taking the guns early...take the guns first, go through due process second." Yeah, really seems like someone trying to protect you.

Whatever happened to "don't do anything illegal and you have nothing to worry about"? Maybe you should tell Trump that.


An attack on Trump is an attack on all Republicans.

In Ancient Rome, the Tribune of the Plebes spoke for the Plebes, and by law, the oligarchs couldn't touch him. The oligarchs had to accept the office of Tribune of the Plebes because if they didn't, the Plebes would have revolted.

What we are headed for is not Civil War II. It's Revolutionary War II, with Democrats playing the role of the British.


100% correct!

angelo Level 8 Aug 17, 2022

Meme nails it.

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