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'It's irresponsible and it's dangerous': Experts rip Trump's idea of injecting disinfectant to treat COVID-19


He's the MASTER of triggering the BIASED LYING press!

How do they know it doesn't work anyhow!? I'd imagine Trump knows far better than them and is probably close to a cure with disinfectant!

bastion 7 Apr 24
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In nz it was fully presented to us as he was seriously suggesting people inject disinfectant.

the biased media are so sick!

I hear America and the UK are doing better than NZ with this "virus" anyhow, I hope the lib government aren't restricting your rights too much!


This looks absurd to a Trump supporter, you have to understand that or you look foolish yourself to them.

He always talks in word salad, you can pick out anything you want to believe from his words.

You likely won't see this phenomenon again, but if you don't understand why he is force for good, you are likely to believe almost anything.

Of course he's a force for good! He's amazing, there's never been a better president, and he's EXACTLY the president America needs at this time.

He's achieved so much and it's only the CRAZY libSjws and biased media that don't love him.

@bastion Notice that when there are opposing perceptions of reality, sarcasm is impossible to discern from enthusiasm.

Do you honestly believe that's what he meant?

@SupraLibrix "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?" Trump said during his daily briefing at the White House. "Because, you see, it gets on the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So that you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds — it sounds interesting to me."

He knows what he's talking about! Americans ELECTED him for a reason!

@bastion You can pick out nonsense all day.

Did you read the part about the light?

Do you believe that UV light has no effect?

@SupraLibrix I believe that Trump is close to the cure and it will drive the libs that hate him mad when he does.

I'm sure light and disinfectant are part of the cure.

@bastion sarcasm is impossible to discern from zealotry.

Have you noticed?

@SupraLibrix I'm bored of your liberal complaints.

@bastion Funny, I'm a libertarian type but do honestly believe he is an imperfect vessel delivering the right message, I honestly thought you were being sarcastic until I looked through your other posts.


@MaskedRiderChris I was never into politics, and when he got elected, I have to say I was a little worried, there are some things I think he could have done differently with his skill set, but to do what he has done under those conditions I don't think could have been done by anyone else in the world.

I keep thinking a tipping point will be reached, but I don't think it's possible until we are all speaking a different language.

Amazing times we are living through.

He's a hero


He didn’t actually say inject with bleach or alcohol. He was saying to the doctor that he wondered if there was a way to disinfect the body with an injection. The reported asked if injecting bleach or alcohol was a good idea.

He had the idea of injecting disinfectant! the biased media KEEP LYING and he keeps WINNING!

@bastion You are looking deranged and confirm every bias of clear thinking people.

Aren't you curious about the phenomenon?

@SupraLibrix Most people on here LOVE Donald Trump and I'm shocked that you don't.

@bastion I can't see any reason to think he doesn't love America. He's a top predator of capitalism and seems to be applying those skills for the benefit of the country.

Normally, politicians seem to have other goals.

@SupraLibrix He's doing amazingly, the best president ever.

@bastion This is an endless loop you are in. I don't care if you like him or not. I value clarity of thought.

Other than what others have told you, do you have any evidence that he has hurt the country?

@SupraLibrix I don't care what you think.

I think he's AMAZING and is helping the country.

MOST Americans agree.

@bastion it's funny, I just came from Facebook, and it looked like you were trolling.

I see him as kicking the pendulum back hard in the right direction.

it must be very demoralizing for the Democrats to see the DNC put Biden up as their champion.

@SupraLibrix Biden is a sad old man that doesn't know what day it is. Trump will kick him about and it's going to be AMAZING.

@bastion the DNC should be prosecuted for elder abuse. 😂

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