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Teacher reportedly wishes teens in park die ‘long, painful death’ from coronavirus


Rosary_Trace 7 Apr 27
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My goodness but they all secretly want to be dictators, they really need uniforms with gold braid epaulettes.

Andyman Level 8 Apr 27, 2020

To be fair they should not be playing football . With everybody practicing social distancing and or in lock down ,them playing football is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool .

Yeah, unless social distancing turns out to be an overreaction, which is inevitable. No matter how much the media tries to become profitable again by sensationalizing that everything we know about viruses is now wrong (and that we should listen to them and not medical professionals), the truth will eventually be known, and what will be left is statements like that, who show who they really are.

@TimTuolomne You may be very well right that this is a attempt to sell more subscriptions to various news outlets , but the thing is we don't know , not even the experts . If you look at the Spanish Flu where no action was taken it killed 3 to 5 million people in the first wave . Because after the first wave was done everybody thought it was all over everything went back to normal and a second wave hit a killed 20 to 30 million . Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it .

@beekeeper, Don't be listening to the media as if they actually know something. You have made some statements about the Spanish Flu that are only half right. And what you can conclude about SARS-COV2 from that are almost completely wrong. Do the research. Then you won't be guessing about what will happen next. Right now, that's all you are doing is speculating.

@TimTuolomne I did . And I don't know anything about SARS . []

@beekeeper, SARS COV2, is the actual virus that causes COVID-19.

And "" is not one of my trusted sources. I am old enough to have directly experienced some of the things they have "reported" on with gross inaccuracy. To me they are a Leftist site, willing to re-write history to fit their agenda.

@TimTuolomne Don't get me wrong , I'm not a fan of main stream media .And that teacher went overboard even to the point of hysteria . This may turn out to be just another flu but we , even the experts , don't know , But the fact remains they should not have been gathering in a group . They ,being young enough that the Wuhun virus would not be fatal to them or even make them sick, but they could bring it home to their parents and small babies at home or even grandparents who are vulnerable to the virus or anybody else they come in contact with . I've also watched a documentary on the Spanish flu which said basically the same thing as the said link .
As a side note I'm also old enough to have seen the excess's of the media . Hell I was around when polio was a thing and we were hiding under are school desks against a nuclear attack .

@beekeeper, sorry, I flat disagree that social distancing was ever going to be effective in the US. Doing the math on the Ro of the virus, shows that it hit a billion people in 20 days around the World. "Experts" know this. Sweden never instituted social distancing and has 286 COVID-19 deaths. It means that virtually everyone in the US was exposed by the time we started social distancing. 99% of deaths from COVID-19 are people of ANY age with PRE-EXISTING conditions like smokers, cardiovascular disease, cancer, tuberculosis... We all have a greater chance of getting killed driving for toilet paper than dying of COVID-19 if we are not among that group. It is the 2019 cold virus, not dissimilar to all other cold viruses, except it is the first time through the human population, which is typically a bit more virulent than after herd immunity is established. You can find all this in the medical literature, and you will find almost none of it in the media or

@TimTuolomne I don't necessarily disagree with you on some of the stuff I do think it has been over hyped . You even had doctors scolding the media for their scare tactics . I also think that there is a political side to this as well .. But , it IS the so called experts that are telling us to do this . The thing is these kids contract the virus and because it is contagious two weeks before symptoms show they themselves pass it on to someone who is in contact with someone with preexisting conditions . Before this people that are at risk could go get a flu shot but for this there is no flu shot .Are they going to stop it ,probably not , but it will slow it down and buy us some more time to work up a vaccine .

@beekeeper, apparently you didn't get the part that we all were exposed by the time social distancing was ordered.

What was happening to teenagers is irrelevant. About 80% of us are asymptomatic.

And the media claims "experts" are saying stuff that is not in the medical literature - just like they are claiming the president was advising mainlining Clorox.

Its scare tactics designed to keep you tuned in so they can recover their lost advertising dollars because of their lost credibility in the last decade.

@TimTuolomne I would be very pleased if you turn out to be right and all of this turns out to be over hyped BS. Sweden is a hard compare . They have a total population of only 10 to 11 million and 6 out of 10 do not live in a city of 50,000 or more . And you mean I bought all that bleach for nothing ? I guess I'll just have to drink the Lysol

@beekeeper, []


This is not love, it is pure evil. How many teachers do you know like this who hold their political agendae higher than the safety of their charges?

Education in the US has been very effectively co-opted by Leftists. I know because I have personally met hundreds of teachers and asked them. Ask them yourself. After you have some practice, you will find out how to penetrate their resistance to being honest with you.

Nice distillation. There does seem to be an ever increasing number of teachers "in it" for themselves with little genuine regards for kids in general. Kids for many are but empty vessels with which to be filled with whatever propaganda will help further their agendas most.

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