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I hope that I'm not the only one in America who feels that are a few silver-lined clouds that have emerged from the misery visited upon us by way of the Chinese plague. These are as follows: 1) A distinctly pleasant absence of professional sports polluting our radio and t.v. airwaves; 2) Exposure of how singularly untalented and unfunny day-time and late-night t.v. talk show hosts truly are; 3) Revelation of how unfunny most newer sitcoms have become; 4) realization of how vapid and perverse our public school systems and their curricula have become ; 5) Exposure of how fraudulent and debauched main stream media news has become and finally, 6) Exposure of how incompetent, ineffective, self-serving and corrupt Congress has been for a such very long time.

pigfarmer 7 July 13
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The best gift of all is the Democrats no longer hiding who they are. They are driving the shutdown, the masks, the social distancing, the control, selling the idea of the "new normal;" all the while blaming Trump.

They are also openly supporting lawlessness and looting, and even murder.

@KeithThroop, The increase in lawlessness in America today is a direct result of people in power behaving beyond the rules, and they are justified by unrestrained contempt by the media for their law-abiding opposition. Its obvious to anyone who is interested in the truth that the Democrat leadership is corrupt and not the least interested in fairness. They are only interested in power and will lie and defraud as required to manipulate their gullible idealistic base. And they will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who threatens their power.


Nothing tests your friendship like crisis.

"The surest way to manipulate someone into condemnation of their friends and families, and into abandonment of good conduct, is to convince them without their realization that they have something to fear." - Anonymous.

@TimTuolomne I don't disagree necessarily, but to be honest I'm having a hard time finding an example to fit the quote. Can you think of an example.

@KrunoS. Global warming. Racism. Religious fanaticism. Republicans. Police brutality. And now the common cold.

These are all "invisible" threats, meaning they are not disprovable, therefore perfect to use to terrorize the American Public. Ask any newly arrived foreigner. They think Americans are hilarious because we seem to think the sky is falling.

When a truly dangerous virus finally threatens humans, there won't be anyone debating it, because people will be literally dying in the streets, and every other one of us will be among them. COVID-19? Fake threat.

See Dr Patrick Moore on "invisible" threats, as opportunities the American left uses to destabilize society and de-legitimize our Representative Republic to make socialism seem like a reasonable alternative.

Democrats founded the KKK. They want you to believe Republicans are the KKK. Nuff said?

Racism ended in the 60s in the US. I'm old enough to remember real racism in this country. We don't have it now.

The American Left wants everyone to believe that Christians are dangerous...the ones who follow the Great Commission to love every human being as we love ourselves.

Police brutality...You see through that one I hope.

I bet you can think of more.

As a direct result of people being terrified of these imaginary threats, some of us who point out that they are not real actually get socially maligned, even death threats. That's what is driving the lack of civility today. You can see that, right?

@TimTuolomne Imaginary threats. Indeed. Makes people paranoid. Yes indeed.



Excellent observation. I'm going to copy and share this.

I was beginning to think I was the only one who does NOT miss professional sports.

iThink Level 9 July 13, 2020

I missed professional sports, especially since it gave way too much time for the NFL and NASCAR to forget who their fans are, but otherwise I agree wholeheartedly!
Especially that part about the sitcoms! I thought I was the only one wondering why I didn't find them funny...

ktpinto Level 7 July 13, 2020

I don't have an issue with sports in general, though I am not a huge follower. It just sickens me to see leagues want to trash America. The NBA's hypocrisy over China just makes me sick. They want to take America to task, but say nothing over China's human rights issues. []

@Lexpd1145 The trashing America part didn't really become prevalent until Kapaernak (sp?), I don't think. Athletes used to realize they were playing a sport and getting paid good money for it and helped their neighborhoods, etc.
And the fact that their catering to their players? Um, I'm pretty sure there are ten more college kids who would be more than happy to take their place.
But nope... it's all about the money.

I just heard about the NBA situation, but I don't know all the details. I'm sure it's along the line of the NFL not letting the players honor dead cops, but now are letting them wear the names of "victims of police brutality" on their jerseys.


Yeah this whole mess has exposed alot of issues, and I am with you on your checklist.

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