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NEWS https:// Understaffed hospitals bring back COVID-positive nurses to avoid employing the unvaccinated
'Am I the only one who perceives the absurdity of this scenario?' asked Sen. Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist.

Catch up on the insane medical policy coming out of California: []

...oh and by the way.... Commiefornia wants to make health care for everyone, even illegals, undocumented cartel members. Because why not, it will pay of itself. [Facepalm moment]. The biggest open nut house in North America. With strong competition from coastal states.

Krunoslav 9 Jan 12
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It’s almost like they don’t believe that Covid is a threat, or worse they would rather kill people than employ healthy non-vaccinated medical experts.


I read that the Jews(elite groups) brought about the deaths of 30 million Russians years ago, and focused on killing the 'thinkers, intelligent, educated' ; many regimes have done similar, Russia sending them to Siberia or using them for 'research'(read torture).
The unjabbed are the intelligent group who have studied, understand the risks, and don't want those drugs inside themselves.

I believe the establishment is actually afraid of the unjabbed. They aren't physically harmful to anyone, except maybe themselves, Maybe. This virus isn't as prevalent as some think.

And I heard omicron is mild. So why everyone going to hospital, IF that's true.
California seems cursed to me? Beautiful place, lots of great stuff growing there.
But their government has been, strange?, and getting moreso all the time.

They were the most vehement against Trump who was VOTED in.
I wondered if California would secede.

The Jews? Who writes that moronic stuff? No. There is no elite group of Jews doing the stuff people blame them for. That is complete made up propaganda. It was officially started by the Imperial Russia. They wrote the "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion " hoax as propaganda, because they were in trouble as rulers. That is so abundantly backup by evidence, that the only way Jewish conspiracy crap can be explained is by people who cannot understand what is going on in the scary world so they stick to proven propaganda. The Russian Imperial goverment, needed to blame someone, and Jews were it, and it was picked up by Nazis and here we are today, people still buying into that nonsense. But no matter how much evidence and logical arguments you present to people they stick to the story. Its like a freaking cult.

The establishment is not afraid of the unjabbed per se, they are afraid of losing control of the narrative. And yes, omicron is highly spreadable but not very dangerous as is was the case for virus from the beginning, there is a vast difference in risk factor between individuals. The virus it self and even the current batch of jabs its just a part o the large narrative they are forcing on to people. But that is a whole other story. And no its not related to Jews whatsoever.

People going to hospital for various reasons, and increasingly so because of adverse effects of the jab or the weaking because of the jab. But even those numbers are inflated or flat out untrue. Its the years of the Great Panic. Manufactured Great Panic.

@Krunoslav No, that was researched by a Jewish rabbi. I knew about the Jews being behind the 30 million Russian deaths. Old news. Knew the Holocaust was totally fabricated, easy to show, or find out.

The unjabbed are your intelligentsia today, ALWAYS hunted down, run by lead Jews.

Like Rothschild, Bildenburg, others, oligarchy control.
As the JEWISH RABBI said, those HATE the Jews.

Hitler hired a Jew to deal with the Jews. He did nothing for them, lined his pocket.

They're just a lot smarter, higher IQ in language etc., know how to set up Mammon.
I think he was on rumble, excellent video.

@2FollowHim "I knew about the Jews being behind the 30 million Russian deaths. Old news. Knew the Holocaust was totally fabricated, easy to show, or find out."?

Not easy to show because its complete BS.


Insanity is very useful. It simply avoids the inconvenience of being reasonable, and who has time for that these days. Biden, for example, talked to an audience, many of whom had lost their homes and possessions in a massive fire, about his plans to build more wind power. Hospitals fire thousands of essential employees (people who were referred to as heroes just a few months ago) and then complain about being overrun. A teacher demonstrates how concerned for children she is by forcing her own virus-positive child into the trunk of her car so that she could avoid being exposed. Macron refers to French nationals who oppose the government's vaccine policy as irresponsible and as non-citizens. It is very true that common sense just isn't that common. In fact, it has become an endangered species.

givpd Level 6 Jan 12, 2022

Why near octogenarians are allowed near any public office for a big country like US, that they CAN'T find younger people suggests strong control of these positions.

2FollowHim You wouldn't be suggesting that the judgment of people like Biden and Pelosi was any better when they were much younger. My cases in point would be AOC and Ilhan Abdullahi Omar. I don't think that these two will improve with age.

@givpd Biden did that, 45 years ago, failed. How did he get back? Obama.
But Octogenarians should never lead anything. Mentors, maybe.

I understood Pelosi was a mafia leader's kid. Bad background, disqualify.

No, leopards don't change their spots, but now? Out.

When we used to go to the zoo in Waikiki, they had the Siamangs who daily would czll(in a loud voice 'Out, out, out'. We agreed, still do.
Get younger blood, surely with MILLIONS? Hillary is considering running again!


Sadomasochism as public policy.

sqeptiq Level 10 Jan 12, 2022
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