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Taxes are an insult to the people. The governments are implying that people are too stupid to spend their own money, so they, the government, is intellectually superior and you are a dumbass that needs to give them money so they can take care of you, a vegetable, that doesn't know how to take care of itself.

To spell it out for the stupid hanno:

The government is a dumbass. They gave millions or billions of dollars to middle eastern terrorists (free weapons). They give money to people that don't work. They spend money on communist indoctrination centers they call schools to teach you knowledge that cannot be applied in real life. The government pays themselves money such as congress etc which is all made up bullshit. They force you to go to sick obese doctors for health advice. They tell you to save money and you arent allowed to spend it. Whats the point of having money if you can't spend it?

Now, hanno, tell me, is this government really smarter at spending my money than i am?

FocusOnCourseU 5 Dec 10
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  1. When you address someone in a post, use @ so it actually gets to the person you are trying to talk to.

  2. In your case, absolutely, you are too dumb to spend your own money. We see this all the time in popular democracies where the voting public votes in elected members and governments who wants to spend the budget on nice things and not the crucial infrastructure and services we need.
    You claiming that all taxes are theft puts you directly into that demographic.

  3. Governments in democracies are elected by people and are what people vote for. So when governments waste money it is their electorates who allow it. Your issue is therefor not government but the electorates who vote them in.

  4. If you think congress etc are bullshit you have very little understanding of the US constitution and how governments have evolved over time.

5 None of the above mean that governments are not corrupt or inefficient. They are run by people and will be flawed in principle.

  1. Rather than calling other people stupid, answer the basic questions: where does the water you drink come from, where does the poo you flush go to, who pays the policeman at your doorstep or the fireman who helps you? Who made the roads you drove on and build the schools that tried to educate you?

So in your case, whatever your name is, the government is most definitely smarter at spending your money than you are.

This only applies to you though.
The majority of people posting here and everyone who posted here in response to your post are smarter than most people in government.

Hanno Level 8 Dec 11, 2022

Once upon a time, rebels formed the sovereign CHAZ zone in Portland. The rebellion is easy to crush. Just turn off their electricity, water, sewage, and natural gas. Deny them ambulances and firetrucks.


Unfortunately a sizable percent of the population is incapable either emotionally or intellectually to care for themselves. Others are so morally corrupt that they cannot be left to their own devices. When the percentages get large enough the population is ungovernable and some form of authoritarianism is invertible.

wolfhnd Level 8 Dec 10, 2022


I'm talking about the inevitable course of democracy.

The US was originally set up as a republic with limited voting rights. Generally, states limited this right to property-owning or tax-paying white males (about 6% of the population). The last state to abolish property qualification was North Carolina in 1856. Think about that for a moment. Only 6% of the population had property. While owning property may not be a good way to ensure that only qualified individuals could vote it does show that the standard was hard to meet. As soon as you have universal suffrage bread and circus is bound to follow.

The situation we are now experiencing is the "elites" wanting to return to the historical norm of a highly stratified society. It's likely that 6 percent of the population is largely in control again. It goes by various names but the NWO, corpocracy, technocracy, etc. is what happens when democracy fails. In Rome the Republic ended when the first emperor was appointed. Undoubtedly to the delight of many citizens.

Only a small percent of the population is actually knowledgeable enough to decide the fate of a nation. In the US that number has steadily been decreasing because of the quality of education but it is likely more than 6 percent. It would be made up of individuals over the age of 30 for the most part. Maybe 35 would be a better age. In any case I have no idea how you could establish qualifications and it is irrelevant because universal suffrage is irreversible.

The harsh reality is that 200 years ago it was understood that democracy with universal suffrage was not a workable system. No better example exists than the push to end student debt. The foolish simple have to much power in a democracy. The tend to foolishly elect the foolish and demand the impossible while ignoring the urgent.


Lawyer speak?

No, actually Wolfhind is very knowledgeable and you will learn lots from him, however I suspect you are unteachable and he is wasting his time talking to you.


Thank you for the cool history stories about land ownership.

The duty of government is to use its power to empower its citizens, so that citizens need less government. Government should goose access to natural resources. Once upon a time, the government gave 160 acres of western land to anyone wiling to get their asses there and farm it. It created a new class of landowners that were independent because they could grow their own food. A nation needs lots of independent voters to be strong. Democrats work to make people dependent. They put people on slave plantations.

Bill Gates owns 10000 km^3 of farmland, which is enough food to make him Jabba the Hut. Oligarchs are buying up farmland. They're also buying the Ogalalla aquifer, which is the source of power for the corn belt and the wheat belt.


Taxes are a necessary EVIL!!!!!!!!
How those tax dollars are used is the ONLY way to justify TAXES!!!!!!
And the way THIS Government uses OUR money is a crime and a SIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Dec 10, 2022

Taxes are crucial.
However HOW those taxes are spent is the issue.

And yes, THIS government (and this apply to the US as much as it applies to NZ and many other countries) spend our taxes in terrible ways.

@Serg97 @Hanno

Agree, that focus should be given to how wisely tax dollars are spent.

If your town wants a sports team, you have to play the players. Give money to good players, not bad players. Democrats spent money to build a team that loses.

Measure government spending by bang for buck. The biggest bang for buck ever achieved by a government project was Los Alamos. Roosevelt threw bucks at Los Alamos and Los Alamos built bigly bang.

Build bang better.

When Biden touches a buck, there is shrinkage.

Los Alamos was the physics Dream Team. Biden's team has Sam Brinton on it. Brinton is still being paid from tax money.

I'm putting a nuclear hazard symbol on my suitcase so that no one will steal it.

This matter of taxes is complex and there is no perfect solution. Many people make the mistake of assuming simplicity and assuming the possibility of perfection.

Perfection is the enemy of the pretty good.

The goal is to construct a balanced stance.


Taxation is theft, and Sloppy Joe Biden is the head thief.

sqeptiq Level 10 Dec 10, 2022

Worse, all taxation is theft. While we recognize the need for government to maintain public infrastructure, roads and bridges come to mind, provide for common defense, like securing the border, and enforce such laws as necessary to keep the peace, the reluctance of individuals to freely fund these out of their own pocket requires that much sanctioned theft from each to accomplish good for all. Our government, on the other hand, wastes tax money on boondoggles for kickbacks and refuses to accomplish the basic things for which we agreed to allow them to steal our money.

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