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Any comments about this meme?

iThink 9 June 1
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They can lecture all they want. We have freedom of speech or at least we did have. I have the freedom to not agree. I have the freedom to my own thoughts on those subjects. I really am not interested in another person's private sexual life unless it involves children or myself. They can think they are a giraffe and I can think they they are not. They can say I must change my speech to keep from offending them. I have the freedom to not care about their feelings. Feelings change, facts rarely do.

Nettie Level 3 June 2, 2019

So true . In the past 10 to 15 years since FB , internet became reality our morals have gone from acceptable to outright outrageous to the point where we will end up destroying ourselves . We don't have civil debates anymore instead we get shouted at called racist , bigots homophobic, islamaphobic and the rest we are being silenced by the new world order . Facts are irrelevant in this modern world acceptance is now the only thing that matters . Such a bad predicament the world is in . We will be at war one day soon we are human it's inevitable.


Sure, I'll bite.

Perhaps homosexuals have a better take on the golden rule. As did people who found themselves left-handed 50 years ago. Or people with the misfortune to be African American in the Jim Crow era, or even today (see your local prison).

Since I've never met a warrior for Christ who even knew about androgen insensitivity syndromes (testicular feminization), let alone much about pediatric endocrinology, perhaps they need some educating from transvestites, who have at least thought about it. If God creates testicular feminization, what was She thinking?

Baby killers? Fetus killers. No person exists in at least the first half of pregnancy, and even Christians didn't think so, until 1850 or so. Human rights do not allow unwanted parasites. Fundamentalists speak of a baby with a "one celled body" (fertilized ovum). Or is that two babies with a one-celled body, in the case of identical twins? Since identical triplets are not unknown, how many babies are there in there, anyway? Can you define or even spell homunculus? Are you absolutely sure when the soul goes in? Show your work. At least half of fertilized ova never develop into a baby. If God kills more than half the humans ever created before they are born, what was She thinking? Seems an inefficient process. Heaven must be full of little ova or embryos with wings. Maybe anencephalics or teratomas with wings (which would explain certain parts of Ezekiel, I suppose).

Early Christians were fairly socialist, I've heard. Socialists can be Christians, or Marxists, or democratic socialists (religious or not), or any one of a number of views. They have as much right to lecture on economics as anybody else. Economics is about what DOES happen. Don't confuse it with politics, which aims at what SHOULD happen. Do you want your economics all taught by Christian fundamentalists? Or Randroids, huffing at their cigarettes or smokestacks? At least socialists can explain the idea of an "externality." The GOP has never heard the word.

Babou Level 7 June 1, 2019

Heavy dude - just one thing - don't assume that because I created this post that I am a "warrior for Christ" or any such thing. Do you drive nails with a sledge hammer too? LOL!


Just read through the discussion below. Very lively. The best thing I got out of it was the definition of "Pedantic", good word. I will have to add it to my limited vocabulary.

Serg97 Level 8 June 1, 2019

Welcome to the 21st Century. Human Beings have succeeded in creating CLOWN WORLD!


Or perhaps we live in a society where culture warriors lecture us on freedom.

Yes but only in order to soothe whatever it is that makes the "culture warriors" feel guilty about themselves and to project their insecurities outwardly and vociferously so that everyone else can see how "virtuous" they truly are! LOL!!! So, Ricky, Is "culture warrior" the softer gentler way of saying "social justice warrior"?

@iThink From []

Definition of culture warrior noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

culture warrior noun
(especially US English, often disapproving)

​a person who is active in trying to protect a particular culture or set of values that they think is under threat, especially conservative political values in the US
A self-proclaimed culture warrior, he campaigns against abortion and gay marriage.

@WilyRickWiles note the words "self proclaimed" in the example from the dictionary.

@iThink So you have to identify as a culture warrior to be a one, gotcha 😉

@WilyRickWiles you're the one claiming to be the culture warrior - I didn't bring it up

@iThink Uh, no.

@WilyRickWiles there is an implicit self identification of being a culture warrior in your post...quoted verbatim here: "Or perhaps we live in a society where culture warriors lecture us on freedom."

@iThink I simply followed the syntax of your meme. If there's an "implicit self identification" in my post, then there must be one in yours. Never took you for a "homosexual, transvestite, baby killer, socialist" by the way!

@WilyRickWiles nice try Ricky. LOL! so you resort to the ole stand by game "I know I am but what are you" LOL!!

@iThink If only there were a word for "so pedantic that you imagine nonexistent details to quibble with."

@WilyRickWiles Ricky, I think you are so triggered right you have a safe space to go to for a while? LOL

@iThink Triggered about what?

@iThink You realize the meme says "Warriors for Christ" at the top, right?

@WilyRickWiles you seem to bristle at being called out as a self identified "culture warrior" they way there is something in the meme with which I vehemently disagree. That being the message that homosexuals and trans could not lecture with authority on morality...I just thought the meme would stimulate some fun activity here so I posted it without commenting on my feelings or ideas about its message.

@WilyRickWiles oh yes! I also do not like most folks who would identify as "warriors for Christ"...although I am definitely and decidedly NOT an atheist.

@iThink "Bristle" is a bit strong. I'm simply taken aback at an accusation that doesn't make any sense.

@WilyRickWiles ok - taken aback then...

Does everyone know what pedantic means? Might be worth looking up.

@chuckpo It's french... It means a person who is excessively concerned with formalism, accuracy, and precision, or one who makes an ostentatious and arrogant show of learning. I can be guilty of it sometimes.

Ya know... snob is enough in many case chuckle

@RemiDallaire, I didn't know you posted outside of the youtubes. Good to see you out.

@chuckpo Yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhh every time I come out here it usually end up badly. chuckle. Since some people got banned.... I prefer speading the youtube stuff...

@chuckpo Pedantic is usually used in a pejorative sense - describes someone who is annoyingly precise in criticisms of usage and context of others. Someone who might take the time to correct usage and spelling/typing erors on a social media platform would be an example of one who is "pedantic". Ricky and I go back and forth like this often it seems. He has used the word pedantic before but not directed an I - or maybe it was...I replied to him that he as rather "pedantic" himself...LOL he took it well then and today he tossed the word back at me in the above dialogue.

@iThink, @RemiDallaire, pedantic is like the logic fallacies. Once you use them in an argument you're guilty of your own accusation--just an amusing sidenote to the conversation. Second layer...

For some reason there have been times when I was caught up in a back and forth dialogue with someone who thinks of himself as an SJW or perhaps a Culture Warrior (same thing?) and I have thought about the Euthyphro dialectic on Piety. This particular dialectic stuck with me because it made me think twice about whether my arguments were based upon a search for truth or if I was guilty of being "right" in the sense of popular thought of the day. The most popular ideas are all too often accepted and defended based solely upon the fact that they are widely accepted as true (popular). As Socrates points out in the dialectic the popular idea if carried out to its logical conclusion might often result in negative and unforeseen consequences thereby rendering that "popular" and presumably "pius" idea as in the end being particularly bad or "impious". Here is a link to the Cliff notes sites article "Summary and Analysis Euthyphro" - Although I did encounter the dialogue in Jr College many decades ago I took the time to read this summary and analysis to refresh my memory of it. It might make some very interesting and enlightening reading (its a short article and won't take much time) for anyone who has not been exposed to the dialogues of Plato and the dialectics of Socrates. Here is the link: []

@iThink Thanks... You know the funniest thing...??? My dayly task in ancient greek study was to translate...The Euthyphro... So I am pretty familliar with that dialogue... And I'll answer as Eutyphon did to every Socrate questions....Panu ge...(Which means prefectly...Or better yet... I agree) LOL


As I once heard it said , we live in day and age when things anything but what they say they are .

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