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What will happen to our culture over the next decade? Let's see some predictions.

Bumpkin111 5 June 16
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The results of the gender identity crisis will manifest. We will see a rise in suicide rates among gender confused young people, particularly those that underwent treatments resulting in irreversible physical changes at very young ages. There were be even more depression than there is now among those who suffer with gender identity issues. Right leaning parents, especially among the religious, will begin to develop awareness of just how far gone a lot of the schools are and will begin to fight back against things like gender confusion training (starting as young as 5 in some schools).

Young girls and their parents will begin to rise up against MtF trans kids participating in women's sports. More and more women's athletes and advocates will join the fray. There will be many bitter arguments over the loss of women's rights that they fought hard to earn vs trans rights. It won't be pretty. This will be one area, on the women's rights end, where part of the political left and right come together.

We'll see people begin to reject college as the only choice for their children. Many will also begin to specifically reject brick and mortar colleges that are radically left leaning. Alternatives will be sought and the market will provide. An emphasis on critical thinking and the acceptance of alternative views on college campuses will emerge once again as the majority of the rest of the states enact laws to protect free speech on campuses. There will be resistance, but it won't matter legally. The 1st Amendment protections will win out in the end.

The acceptance of alternative views outside of the universities will be a struggle too though. We may see some vie for new laws that are designed to protect people against discrimination for political affiliation or views. At the very least, we'll see more lawsuits for job terminations like those of James Damore and David Guderman when they were fired from Google for conservative views.

We will begin to see the political left fracture in several different areas. The women's rights vs trans rights will be one part of that; another will be a fracturing between Muslims and Jews and who supports who in the midst of a continued rise in anti-Semitism.

School shootings will double. If we're lucky, some very smart people will begin to conduct studies that show that the problem is being fostered by our culture in everything from the high percentages of boys who lack fathers in the home, to apathetic/disinterested parents, other instabilities within the family nucleus, lack of community, lack of interpersonal skills and socialization, etc. and that inanimate objects do not contribute to the root cause of the problem. If we're very, very lucky, our society will begin to find ways to address the actual causes.

I'm sure I could think of more, but it's late and I've written too much already.

So much of this depends on how the relationship between the media giants and government evolves. The power to heavily influence culture even to the point of social engineering, is an intoxicant that few individuals would have the character to surrender. The infiltration of politics by lobbyists and boardroom wannabes exacerbates this situation considerably.

I do hope and pray that your optimistic assessment is justified; however, as long as the post-modern Left controls the major sources of information and entertainment it will remain an uphill battle. It is difficult to grasp the hold the internet gatekeepers have on our world. For instance, an increase in post gender transition suicides, or the deleterious effects of fatherless homes, will garner little attention if media sources either spin the statistics into insignificance, or simply fail to report.

Community cohesion and sheer strength of numbers are needed to overcome this juggernaut. Without a voice, the corporate divide and conquer strategy will be difficult to combat. The one ray of hope is the rise of the independent influencers whom the media plutocrats are so desperately attempting to silence. Barring government intervention, the situation on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc., is untenable. If new platforms such as BitChute can grow without being corrupted, the odds of a positive outcome will be vastly increased.

@WorldSigh Goodness, if my predictions with increases in suicides and doubling of school shootings coupled with frictions between factions coming to a head is considered an optimistic assessment, we may all be in trouble.

I do see the pendulum swinging back in several areas though, but even if it does, I don’t think we’ll ever see the 1950’s or Norman Rockwellesque type utopias (or whatever other types of cultural utopias... I’m struggling for good examples) we might envision again.

@Krystina I agree, the situation you describe is certainly not "optimistic". Perhaps, "assessment" was a poor word choice on my part. With so many morally relativistic megalomaniacs directing our world, we would have to be very lucky indeed for society as a whole to effectively address the causes of the rapidly growing turmoil.

You make some excellent points! It is likely that things will improve in some areas, while continuing to degrade in others. In my opinion, as society, economy, morality, etc., reach darker extremes, we will eventually see a general massive shift to the right. Unfortunately, far right is no better than far left.

Hey, @Krystina one of your predictions has already occurred!

"Young girls and their parents will begin to rise up against MtF trans kids participating in women's sports."

"Three Connecticut high school track and field athletes have filed a federal discrimination complaint against a statewide policy on transgender athletes, saying it has cost them top finishes in competitions and possibly college scholarships." []


The state will provide every citizen with food, medical care, debt free education, entertainment and a safe, secure living space...

@Sheryl_Jean "There is no spoon!"


depends on the perspective of the person...some will be in a world of harmony with no understanding of how they got there as if it were overnight. Others will be in a complete state of hypnosis with no awareness of life itself, subconsciously living life on a constant loop. Then there will be a select few whom are constantly fighting day to day trying to remain present within a world surrounded by people who share the same collective thoughts and beliefs making for a feeling of being in complete solitude.


-Extreme inequality, the internet, and repression of poor, immigrant, and minority communities will continue to overwhelm organic cultural movements with professional class consumerism
-Young people will continue to live historically ascetic yet tolerant lifestyles
-Cultural aggrievement will peak as the baby boomers begin to pass on
-We'll be stuck with a historically reactionary judicial system for generations, barring reform


Our culture is under attack from many directions, Islam, technology companies, communism, socialism, and so on.
If we do not under stand this we are doomed!!!!
Our Forefathers gave us the means to create and maintain our culture, A CONSTITUTION, we only need to understand it, enforce it, and live by it to maintain our culture.
Many of those born less than 20 years ago cannot read the original Document themselves, because they have not been taught to read cursive writing. (Is this another PLOT??)
I have been around for a while. Our culture stared to decline in the mid 1960's, of course that is based on my perspective. One comment, my opinion.

Serg97 Level 8 June 16, 2019
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