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Tens of thousands of kids mounted a one day climate strike across Canada today, causing massive traffic jams for adults with jobs.

No one ever taught these Vancouver kids how to articulate their perspective, so they have to rely on four letter words. Their teachers and parents must be so proud!

GeeMac 8 Sep 27
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What annoys me is how when these children use F bombs, they think they’re being so novel and daring and really sticking it to the man. This mentality has been passed down to them via the left of the 60s generation which has infiltrated all levels of institutional power and have monopolized the message that the only valid response to demanding change is to take to the streets and shout profanities. This really shows a lack of originality on the part of millennials and how deeply they’ve been indoctrinated in the ethos of the sixties.


Unfortunately for these kids that they have no knowledge of what a climate change is. They are pushed by propaganda alone. In the 70s the Left screamed that we are reaching the ICE age which didn't go well, then they shouted - global warming, also didn't go well. Now they howl - climate change, as if the climate never changes since the beginning of earth and as if we can do anything about it. They try to convince us, by bringing a mentally ill girl from Sweden (who has no idea what she is talking about) to lecture us about climate change. However, they don't speak about climate manipulation and the destruction it brings with it. By the way, no body mention India or China which is the biggest (air and plastic) pollutant. I say to these kids, don't listen to lies. Climate change hysteria is a hoax. Enjoy life because life is good.

Mindyou Level 5 Sep 29, 2019

The people that allowed/encouraged these kids to "skip school" should be fired.

Serg97 Level 8 Sep 28, 2019

Just the total disrespect kids have for adults these days. We would never use that language in front of adults... now it is cool.
Meanwhile back in China children have respect, they go to school, they become educated and will lead the world while the West “emancipate” its youth.
How stupid are we?

Hanno Level 8 Sep 28, 2019

Hello. This is absurdity. I would like to believe that their passion and belief in environmental conservation is genuine, which should be channeled into education. For example - Don't pick up placards and go out on the street. Instead, learn more about green energy, become qualified as scientists and engineers, get involved in improving green energy technologies, make green energy more reliable and more economically feasible so that it can replace coal fired energy eventually. They should know that green energy is currently very expensive and very unreliable - just imagine that there is a prolonged power outage while a child is undergoing a heart operation... the child could die... Children, who I would like to think mean well, need to recognise the importance of being pragmatic and not too idealistic.

Naomi Level 8 Sep 27, 2019

It is the whole tell your children their parents screwed them over thing. It's been going on for a long time. This generation which has had everything given to them is going to complain about the fashion in which their parents earned their livings to give them all of their goodies without thinking that if their parents had lived a carbon neutral lifestyle, they may not have been born, wouldn't have iPhones, or cars, wouldn't have access to a lot of the medical devices and technology which has made their lives as they are. Oh, and the food. How many of these children would have enjoyed growing up eating dandelions, bean sprouts and crickets?

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