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The American relationship to guns is "constitutional", fetishistic thoughts and feelings about weapons, power, and defence against vulnerability is psychologically understandable, but making it a cornerstone of national identity and a test of patriotism is batshit crazy. And profitable.

DrN1 7 Oct 12
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The only comment I don't see on here is the true one. Guns do not load and fire themselves. If the government removes every psychotropic med out there guns would not a problem. 9 out of 10 shooters has a mental problem and 8 out of 10 are on psychotropic meds. Y'all want my guns get off your prescription drugs first.

Dmwils Level 7 Oct 30, 2019

So the US doesn’t comment on other countries? We care about the US gun issue as we care about the bodies piling up. And it appears to be more than many US gun owning citizens care that are indoctrinated from birth. There are happy US students walking around now who will be dead before the end of the year. All for some line on a piece of paper (or parchment) and a nebulous cryptic concept of ‘tyranny’. You haven’t explained this concept or given a realistic scenario that is likely to happen. The US is alone in western democracies with an unsolvable gun problem. Thankfully I am Australian and this issue was solved in 1996. The US is rated well below other countries with strict gun control in the National Freedom Index.


The ballot box is the defence against tyranny.
I just can’t see A Waco style seige happening as people protest against a higher tax. We know how that went. Or if people protest against an attack on free speech like Jordan Peterson did in Canada. As the line from the song goes ‘Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep’

The ballot box is the best defense, but not the only one. Waco proves my point. The only problem with Waco was that they were not widely supported. If the government tries that with a group that is widely supported, it will be a very different outcome. It's not paranoia, it's reality. The only defense against a gun is a gun. Doesn't matter how unlikely it may be.

You act like I'm afraid of these things happening or expect them too. I'm not and I don't. The Government knows it's people. They know we are well armed, and, for the most part, they know not to push too far.

You are fine with being disarmed, I'm fine with you being fine with it. But why are Europeans and others not fine with us being armed. It's who we are, it's who we've always been. We don't want to be like you, get over it.


Ok my example was an extremist one and not realistic. I realised that when I posted it. In your example how does having a gun stop the government raising taxes or suppressing free speech? What is the armed citizen going to do about it? I just don’t understand the rationale of the argument. Please explain how this scenario plays out.

It doesn't necessarily stop them from making those laws. What is does is undermine their ability to enforce the laws. We aren't talking about isolated incidents, but rather large scale disobedience.

If someone breaks the law they will be arrested. If they resist arrest, inevitably a gun will be pointed at them to force them to comply or be shot. If enough people resist and are also armed then the ability to enforce the law is lost. This extreme scenario is only possible if the population is well armed. The men who wrote the constitution understood this. A well armed populace is the last defense against tyranny, or as I said earlier, a government trying to assert control beyond what the population is willing to give up.

I really don't know how to make it any clearer. I guess I take for granted how this idea has been ingrained into American culture for centuries. It seems like such a simple idea to me.


Judah80 thanks for the reply. I still find this tyrannical government concept very abstract. Please can you give me a concrete example of how having guns will stop the US government becoming ‘tyrannical’. For example if Trump abolishes elections and introduces a totalitarian regime will armed US citizens then shoot it out with federal agents and the US army?

Your scenario is probably the least likely thing to happen. A president can't just abolish elections. Even just mentioning such a thing would turn the entirety of the government, the military, and the people against him, including his own cabinet. With zero support, he would have zero power.

A more likely scenario would be the banning of semiautomatic weapons. Which has been discussed by many in government. A very difficult thing to do considering the constitution and the current supreme court rulings on the matter. However, not entirely impossible. If Congress manages to amend the second amendment, things will get ugly fast.

Now you might say that the constitution has been amended many times since it's inception, and you'd be right. But, it's always widely accepted by the populace, even if begrudgingly at times. In this case, it would not be accepted. Look up the numbers of guns in America, and the percentage of the population that owns them. This is not a partisan issue, it crosses party lines, it crosses regional lines, and it crosses cultural lines. There are states that have passed laws that say any new federal gun laws will not be recognized in their state. In fact, Missouri has a law working it's way through that says ANY federal gun law will not be recognized by the state, and it's looking like it could actually pass.

So what would this look like if the federal government managed to somehow get this done. Who would enforce this law? Well in many states local law enforcement would have no problem enforcing this law. But, in many other states local law enforcement would refuse. It would be up to the ATF to deal with. Now, in small isolated pockets, no big deal. We've seen this when Kansas made suppressors legal. ATF showed up and made examples of people. But on a large scale, with entire states and local law enforcement willing to stand against the ATF for what they believe is tyranny, the ATF simply is not equipped to handle such a thing. People would flock to hot spots, they would simply be overwhelmed.

The military is not allowed to engage American citizens on US soil and they know this. Any order to do so will be refused at every level. This is known, and has been discussed within the military. So that option is out. A national emergency could get the national guard involved, but that would only escalate the situation and there would be mass desertion. It would be a huge disaster.

There have been government funded think tanks on this very issue. The conclusion is always the same, epic failures, and massive civil unrest the likes of which have not been seen since the 1860s.

Gun control is not the only issue that could lead to this scenario, it's simply the most likely. Other issues could be free speech or massive tax hikes. The thing is, it's estimated that 43% of the population own guns, and there are enough guns in the US to arm every citizen. Those are incredibly daunting numbers for anyone who wants to control a population beyond it's will. And that's the crux of the issue, tyranny is control that goes beyond that which the people are willing to relinquish. And Americans are historically very willful people.


What exactly is the ‘tyranny’ that US citizens fear of their government? I hear this word bandied around all the time without any expansion of what it means. At what point does a government become tyrannical? And how does owning a gun stop this tyranny from happening?

It's literal meaning is oppressive power. In the American sense, it would be in the form of an unconstitutional law that crosses a line where a large portion of the population decide not to adhere to it. I frame it like this because it can be argued that many laws/amendmeants are already unconstitutional, like taxation without representation. But, without mass resistance it simply becomes normal or understood. But there is a line, and we do have many checks and balances to keep the government from crossing it. If all else fails, the final check and balance is an armed populace.

How does a tyrannical government enforce tyranny? The only way to do so is at the end of a barrel. So, how does an oppressed people resist tyranny? At the end of a barrel. The first step for tyranny is to take away the ability of people to resist it. Therefore, it is widely accepted in American culture that the line to cross is the disarming of the American people.


Those groups did not represent a large portion of American citizens.

@Judah80 What does this make our government in New Zealand.Our government made it illegal to buy or own semi automatic fire arms with in weeks if not days after our prime minister first said it was going to happen.They have passed law making it a jailable offence to view,possess or share a certain video or read a certain document.They have also passed laws on what is hate speech.All done with out any chance of the citizens of this country to voice their opinion one way or another.


Sanity is a matter of perspective. You could say there are a lot of guns in America, but I say there are too few guns in the rest of the world. Too many people have allowed themselves to be disarmed.


As a citizen of New Zealand, you tell me.


I watch this BBC show on Netflix called Great Irish Castles. The only thing Irish about those castles is the ground the Normans built them on. Since when did the Irish oppose invasions?

Facci Level 7 Oct 12, 2019

Batshit crazy, or crazy like a fox? What is at the very heart of the American constitution? Why it's individual freedom, of coarse. A firearm as a tool to defend one's individual freedom is the greatest equalizer that's widely available and relatively cheap. For instance, a 150lb woman can defend herself from two 250lb men who seek to rape and or kill her. On a larger scale, it can be used as a tool against tyranny and oppression from a government, assuming, of coarse, enough of the population has and is willing to use said tool.

The constitution is laid out in a way to reflect that the free exchange of ideas is the most important tool for a free society. But words alone are not enough. Take our 150lb woman for example, simply screaming do not rape me may not be enough to dissuade her would be attackers. This can easily be scaled up to a national level as well. A tyrannical government may not be dissuaded by words alone, but the knowledge that compliance at the end of a barrel will be met with resistance at the end of a barrel may be enough to dispel any idea of tyranny before it even starts.

For me, a "cornerstone of national identity and a test of patriotism is" a willingness to exchange ideas while holding an AR15 over my shoulder and a glock 9mm in my waistband. In other words, I'm willing to discuss with whomever the validity of the second amendment, but the instant you try to take the second away from me, words will cease and action will begin.

Your word "fetishistic" shows your ignorance. The vast majority of gun owners in America are just regular people. Some really like guns, possibly to a fault, and some just have one just in case, but most recognize it as a tool. A tool for defense, a tool for entertainment at the range or hunting, but mostly a tool for freedom.

One man's batshit crazy is another man's last hope for sanity. You can balk all you want, but.....DON'T TREAD ON ME!

Judah80 Level 7 Oct 12, 2019

We are nation born in rebellion. The number 1 reason most people own weapons is a healthy distrust of authority. America is a unique country with our own culture and traditions. I get that others may view it as “bat shit crazy” but it works for us.


Howdy @DrN1,

This is an oversimplification of the US and firearms. America did not watch one too many episodes of Gunsmoke and then suddenly get up and buy a hundred million firearms. Firearms are woven into four centuries of American history.

The colonies were established on the edge of a continental wilderness. You needed a weapon for protection if you went much further than your barn. Firearms became a ubiquitous tool in a way they never did in Europe.

Wild game was an essential part of every family's diet. The essential food part lasted well into modern times. From Annie Oakley to Audie Murphy people wrote about learning to shoot well to feed their families. Biographies of WWII pilots mention this as a common thread in American aces' childhoods.

In eighteenth or early nineteenth century Europe, the country had to buy firearms and train new soldiers to fire them. In America people bought their own firearms and trained themselves. They were a vast, nascent guerilla militia. They made America unconquerable. This applied as late as WWII. The Japanese never considered invading America, even after Pearl Harbor, because they feared the inevitable guerilla war. This is a historical taproot of our Second Amendment.

Europeans made tales of Roland and his sword, Durendal. Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote of Arthur and Excalibur. They wrote of a man and his trusty weapon taking stand against fearsome odds. In America those tales involve a gun. Maybe it is a fetish. Maybe all national myths start as fetishes. But it can't be simply turned off like a light switch.


By the way, we have some suggestions on how to get the EU empire out of your business.

Facci Level 7 Oct 12, 2019

It is racist to smear my culture as you are doing. Not that I care, but according to leftist rules, you're racist.

Facci Level 7 Oct 12, 2019

@DrN1 I'm not an Irish Socialist Republican against violence and open to foreign invasion and imperial control.

@DrN1 You have zero historical perspective. I'm an immigrant. Now get on your knees for your Norman/German masters. "Whatever you wish, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Ma'am. Anything you need, my German overlord. " Grab the ankles slave.

@DrN1 My home city was founded by the Dutch.


Our country is free and independent. Yours is not.

Facci Level 7 Oct 12, 2019

there is a why to fix that problem.


I beg to differ.

What’s “constitutional,” as you so quaintly attempt to marginalize the term, is The Bill of Rights, which is unlike any other such founding document of any other government in history, having been fashioned, as it was, by men with a profound distrust in governments of all stripes.

It’s actually misnamed: the document doesn’t address our rights as citizens, which are, as The Declaration of Independence states, inalienable and a given, as much as it sets out in clear, unambiguous language, what government cannot do to encroach on those rights.

It is cleverly deceptive to focus on the 2nd Amendment, when it is the entire Bill of Rights, and the freedoms enshrined therein, that are under constant attack. The freedoms that have made this country, yes, exceptional. It’s why Barak Obama complained that The Constitution was a document of negative liberties, setting out what government can’t do, while ignoring what government must do on our ‘behalf.”

Duh. In other words, a little freedom’s okay, BUT...

That’s the whole point of freedom. There is no BUT. As an Irish Socialist Republican, a left wing libertarian and citizen of Europe, I wouldn’t expect that notion to resonate with you: it’s not in your DNA. You are content with government that has a say in all facets of your life; that will put you in jail for your ideas and the words you speak. The DNA of this country derives from men and women who said, for myriad reasons, “no thanks, I’m outta here.” I don’t expect you to defend the “constitution,” having nothing like it in your own society. Just know that over here, it doesn’t just resonate, it defines. So whine all you want about unnecessary freedom. Truth is, we expect it of you.

Well said sir
Governments are corrupt because they are people.
Just as Capitalism is extremely successful because it harnesses humanities basic greed


"a test of patriotism" - "If you love your country, pick up your weapons and fight".
If this is supposed to define patriotism, I don't necessarily agree.

Naomi Level 8 Oct 12, 2019

You're not American.

Hello Facci. You're right, I'm not American.
Do you think this mindset is unique to the American people? In general? Or ALL the American people?

@Naomi The Second Amendment is the first tier of national defense as well as a stalwart against tyranny. It is a particularly American sentiment. We have dissenters who support foreign infiltration. We defend ourselves from them as well. This post is an attack against America. Yet there is still but a lone voice on this site against the tyranical South African government. And no criticism of China. I get it. Our superiority is your license to criticize, so have at it. The double standard bigotry has been noted.

"The Second Amendment is the first tier of national defense as well as a stalwart against tyranny. It is a particularly American sentiment."
That's an interesting insight - thank you.

"This post is an attack against America. Yet there is still but a lone voice on this site against the tyrannical South African government. And no criticism of China."
Oh, Facci, that's a bit of an overreaction, no? DrN1 is mischievous, sometimes, but he is alright, really.

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