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Alex Jones: Survivor Of White Genocide


Jenna 7 Jan 5
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Is the majority just ignoring this issue? Are they afraid to be labeled.... racist?

FEWI Level 8 Jan 5, 2020

I have not looked into the situation because I look at causes, not symptoms. If the causes of such violence are the same, and the solutions for such violence are the same, in every case, then moving closer to the solution and further away from the causes works for each individual in each place, and then that polarized movement, if it takes on a "life of its own," grows more powerful as each individual turns away from the cause of such violence, and as each individual turns to the solution of such violence.

My guess is that the resources in South Africa are already owned and controlled by those who now wield sufficient power to fund the violence in South Africa (giving it a life of its own with the lure of huge profits), and they get that power to do that owning (slavery) and controlling (funding violence and thereby owning people and resources) under something called a Legal Fiction. In other words: those who have the power to stop that violence (or deter it) are the ones who cause it, and they get their power by criminal means, specifically, they get their power by deception: making the people they enslave to believe that their only hope is to give up their own power to judge for themselves.

In other words: the cause of the violence in South Africa is the same cause of the violence everywhere else on this planet, it is the universal misdirection of the actions of individual people, by removing their individual power or responsibility, taking that power, and moving that power to a nebulous, fictional, thing called (falsely) Government.

Where does the power to cause all that violence come from - in other words - follow the money and find the culprits.

A start:

@Josf-Kelley Okay, I’m stupid .. what does killing off the white people in SA have to do with OUR national debt? In layman terms please. I can understand in financial concerns, killing the leeches but killing the productive??? It makes no sense to me.


Who funds the bad guys around the world? Do you understand the tactic known as destabilization? If people won't find out who exactly causes these pogroms, then people won't have the means to defend against it. I can be as stupid and servile as the next guy, but I make an effort to find the truth.

So has the following dude:

People can be moved out of a natural state of liberty and people can be moved into destabilization, conflict, chaos, turbulence, battle, and war. The tactic is called Divide and Conquer, and it works. The tactic has worked for thousands of years, and call people stupid if you must, but perhaps they are made stupid on purpose.

Do you recall a news item concerning a few billion dollars that went missing, which was a direct transfer of money (the power to purchase) flowing from the Federal Reserve to forces unknown during American involvement in Mid East Wars? How can such transfers of power from one source to a supposed unknown source be insignificant? How can it be insufficiently significant to cause people to find out how such things happen?

Is it likely that those people currently mass-murdering people in South Africa are paid to do so, and paid very well, well enough for them to take the heat for doing so World Wide?

I don't think this a far stretch of reason, but I can be wrong of course.

"How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish."


I worked on the math in the above case.

It would take 72 5 Ton Military Dump Trucks to carry those shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, or South Africa, or East Los Angeles. The drivers dump the loaded trucks in the street, and then what do you think happens?

@Josf-Kelley Wow! I understand now. Somehow I’m guessing China is involved as well. Thanks


I think you are likely to be correct, but why guess? Why not consider the possibility that the so-called governments are counterfeit because they know, someone must know, they perpetrate the crimes, so they do know in fact. People with that kind of power (power to purchase anything that can be purchased whenever they want) know, or they ought not to be called The Government. If they have that much power, but they can't even figure out who pays people to kill each other MASSIVELY, then they are incompetent to the point of folly. If they are that stupid, that incompetent, then how is it that they can manage to get that much power?

Once you start stripping away the lies that cover up the crimes perpetrated by these criminals who claim to be the government, if you even try a little bit, the truth starts to shine.

Isn't that the claim made by those who run any government: to find the truth, use the truth found, and protect and serve all the people fairly, justly, rightfully, honestly, honorably, as if it were a moral duty?

They can't even keep the criminals out of their own gang, so how is it that people are led to believe that they can keep the gangs off your local streets?

They are the criminal gangs, it is the only reasonable conclusion, and it is not NEWS. It is a very well established fact that matters if the idea is to protect and serve the whole people honorably, honestly, thoughtfully, intelligently, reasonably, morally, fairly, justly, effectively, expediently, economically, and powerfully.

If the idea isn't to protect and serve the people as a whole, then what is it? It is an organization that has one goal: to protect and to serve its exclusive membership, at the expense of its victims.

Here is an example confession of that fact that matters, but be aware of the fact that criminals speak in lies, such as the lie that is inclusive in the word Legalese.

Example of Legalese (a self-evident confession of criminality):

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

So put on your thinking cap, I know you have one, demonstrated by the language you employ effectively, and consider just how wrong that claim above is in fact. How does that claim above jive with the message contained in the Declaration of Independence?

The so-called Law in America, proven in the above example, is an absurd claim of absolute obedience to that documented Extortion Racket, that the victims of this Racket are told that they can't even question it?

Do you believe it?

@Josf-Kelley I knew the world was ugly but had no idea of the extent. You’ve opened my eyes to a whole other realm of reality. Geeeez.


I may be able to offer a caution to anyone moving from a narrow World View (and mostly falsehood) and moving toward expanding that narrow view while weeding out falsehoods in favor of the facts that matter. My caution is first that my experience was traumatic as if having to leave something significantly important (false sense of security) and then suddenly being thrown into the deep end of despair starving for oxygen.

The second part of my caution is to realize, incrementally, that there is hope, not a false sense of hope, but an accurate assessment of the facts that matter in the awareness of true hope: actionable knowledge of just exactly what constitutes the path toward greater security against all enemies foreign and domestic.

In other words; the initial cost is relatively less costly than failing to take the plunge.

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