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[] ..... Canada Touts How 'Assisted Suicide' Is Providing Human Spare Parts. So Hurry Up and Die, Already. ..... There was a time when organ donation was magnanimous, now you might be signing your own death warrant .....

RCGibb 7 Jan 8
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Sooo, after loading a person up with killer meds to assist their dying, they're going to use them for spare parts? Who would want a brain, liver, heart, etc. that had been exposed to that many narcotics?

I'm sure they have drugs designed to protect the desired organs ..... just my opinion .....

@RCGibb from what I know of the drugs they are definitely a concern.

Can't be as saturated is I was, been cleanish for a decade now but one put 9oz amphetamine sulphate up my arm in 8 days and lived, 1994


Im safe, after the frightening amounts of illegal chemicals I've pumped into my body over the years , anyone accepting my organs would be dead before the surgeon closed up


I read this book back in late 70s - it's about corruption and greed that leads to Doctors putting people into induced comas and keeping them on "life support" in order to harvest their vital organs for sale. Scared the hell out of me then. It is the reason I never sign the organ donor line on my DL. I don't fully trust those greedy people.

iThink Level 9 Jan 8, 2020

Now there's something I never knew the answer for if the hospital can charge for an organ and if someone is dying legitimately why isn't the family compensated for the organ? Morbid I know but just asking.

@RCGibb I not a legal scholar nor am I in any way connected to the field of medicine. But I imagine there is a rule of ethics involved in that question. If it were legal and if society in general did not recoil in horror at the idea of it then I suppose we would have thousands of people selling a kidney - or selling the heart and lungs of a family member in order to get money with which they'll likely spend on frivolous things.

Indifference IMHO is the opposite of love. To market and to sell the organs of another human being is immoral at worst and simply a macabre and disgusting idea.

The reason Doctors and Hospitals get money for transplanting human organs is to cover the costs associated with the whole process. Everything from training and education of staff members to use of facilities and equipment and down to the minutia of tape and gauze costs a LOT of money to put together into a structure where transplanting hearts and kidneys and cornea are possible.

@iThink I understand all that, but still the hospitals make millions on the process, so morally the issue is that hospitals should charge only for the cost? And we are still talking about what is literally a source of supply in the hospital sense. Seems the hospitals make profit off human organs, and there is the pressure to cut off the life support early with donors waiting. When a person dies, does the family know if there is a viable recipient, I don't think so. So there is no guarantee. How about a credit on the hospital bill for those wo are strapped for payment?

@RCGibb credit for organs donated is the same as selling the organs. I don't know that hospitals and doctors are making millions but I am fairly certain insurance companies are.

@RCGibb I've wondered that too. We're supposed to donate the organs but the recipient pays huge amounts of money to get those organs. Plus, the rejection rate is high so the pharmacy makes millions on anti-rejection drugs. I have one of the more rarer blood types so I only donate when called. I remember once, back in the 70s the nurse asking me how much I was charging the recipient. I was shocked. So I asked how much they were charging her. I had overheard that a woman in labor was in trouble and without blood, she and her unborn baby were at risk. The nurse replied the hospital charged around $100 for what I was donating.
It sickened me.


I don't think they are charging for the blood per se' - I think it costs a hell of a lot more than $100 to do a blood draw, and a transfusion.

Consider the man hours the equipment the use of disposable items like surgical tubing, syringes, needles use of the facilities like operating and examination rooms, beds, sheets, gowns surgical gloves etc.
Believe me the costs associated with drawing that blood and then infusing someone with that blood are well above $100. If your blood saved that woman and her baby you should be glad

@iThink I am glad. This was way back in the early 70s in Kentucky. So at that time and place, the average costs would have been far below $100 as it was a very depressed area. A gallon of milk was $1.25


RCGibb: would you give permission to post this in the Canada news forum or just post it there as well.

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 8, 2020

Go ahead, being from US I don't feel qualified to post there ..... permission not needed .....

@RCGibb Holy doodle RC, you are entitled to post anywhere that you are a member. We brash Canucks are certainly contributing to American subjects and groups.

@WayneHawthorne thought you had to be a member of the group to post?

@RCGibb Sure RC, just click to join any group. It's all quite democratic. It's also great fun to troll the Liberal FakeBook pages.


This should be under the Canada news forum. Anyway, the maligned has this right again!
“Ontarian's who opt for medically assisted deaths (MAiD) are increasingly saving or improving other people’s lives by also including organ and tissue donation as part of their final wishes.”
Make sure you have close friends around you before you get duped into giving away you last breath!
The slippery slope to a spare parts facility just got very slippery. The cure for a medical problem might is just a cooler box of human parts.

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 8, 2020

Unless you have someone watching in your interest, you can be left to die, they tried that with my 74 year old brother, he got cheap shot and was unconscious and wanted to take him off life support after 1 day (my other brother who assumed his Power of Attorney refused, he was the wrong person to ask anyway, he was n a coma for a month when he was 7), he was strong as an ox though and had the constitution of a 50 year old, came out of it 2 days later. Then the shits let him leave the hospital with bleeding on the brain and didn't tell anyone, he died of a coma a month later.

@RCGibb That really sucks. I’m sorry.


Will Soylent Green lose its label as a science fiction movie?

FEWI Level 8 Jan 8, 2020

it will if ever and whenever there is a globally wide famine - and you'll eat it too before you allow yourself to die of starvation.

@iThink I live in the country and fortunate to have survival skills. Unless I get too old to function or out of ammunition .. it ain’t gonna happen.

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