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Who else could draw such huge crowds EVERY SINGLE TIME, again and again? The Toledo rally shows just how much the Democrats are hurting President Trump.

Trump wows the crowd at Toledo rally — and takes no prisoners

By Andrea Widburg January 10, 2020

People in Toledo started lining up by the thousands to see President Trump's latest rally. See the video (at the above link). Their wait paid off, for whether they were inside the Huntington Center or outside watching on a big screen, Trump was in top form, speaking about his myriad accomplishments; savaging his opponents, whether in the media or in Congress; and using the usual half-boastful, half-deprecating jokes that the Left doesn't understand but that conservatives adore.

Despite chilly temperatures, hours before the rally began, thousands of people began to line up for the chance to get a seat the venue.

Some might have been a bit worried that President Trump would lack his usual energy. On Wednesday morning, when he gave his speech to the nation about the strike against Soleimani and his promise never to let Iran get nuclear weapons, Trump appeared exhausted. Indeed, his fatigue was so great that Leftists promptly asserted that the president, who is a lifelong teetotaler, so great is his aversion to any type of substance, was sniffing Adderall.

The crowd need not have worried. The president was in fine form, with tremendous energy, and interspersing his speech with beaming smiles. As is typical for Trump, his speech had a jackrabbit quality, as he briefly touched bases with the TelePrompter and then instantly went off on free-form riffs.

While this practice can be irritating to the unenlightened, it's one of the things that keeps Trump's speeches from ever being boring. Not only does he have a comic's timing, but his speeches never fall into a predictable rhythm that leads people to tune him out. With President Trump, you've got to stay alert to keep up. And those who watched the Toledo speech and stayed alert got a rare treat.

Early in the speech, Trump made it plain that congressional Democrats were irrational with their efforts to limit his constitutional war powers (a vote the House passed today) by making him seek permission for every military strike. He riffed on an imaginary conversation Adam Schiff:

Can you imagine calling Crooked Adam Schiff? He's so crooked. So crooked. Shifty Schiff. Say, "Gee, Adam, how you're doing? Listen — we have the world's number one terrorist who's killed thousands and thousands of people. We'd like to set up a meeting so we can discuss his execution. Would you be willing to meet?"

"Well, I won't be able to make it this week."

"Well, you know, he's traveling fast. We've got it lined up, Adam. You little pencil neck." [Huge cheers.]

Nine inches. He buys the smallest shirt collar you can get, and it's loose.

"Now, come on, Adam. We've got to meet faster, Adam. We've got him lined up. We've got to take this guy out. We're not going to have another shot at him, maybe ever again."

"But I can't make it now because I'm trying to impeach Trump. Even thought he did nothing wrong."


Now Schiff is a big leaker. You know, he leaks to crazy CNN, see with the little red light on them [pointing to cameras]. Not too many people are watching CNN.

But he leaks. So he'll say, "You know, ah, off the record, I got to hurry up because everyone's watching me in the hallway on my cell phone. Off the record, they've got the number one terrorist in the world, Soleimani, and they're going to get him, they're going to take him out, in the next ten minutes. Please don't tell anybody I told you."

"We have breaking news: President Trump, within the next twenty, twenty-five minutes looks to be taking out terrorist General Soleimani. He's going to do it. Should be happening in about the next twenty minutes, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen.

Then we get back to the battlefield. "How did you do?"

"I don't know, Sir. He disappeared. I don't know what happened to him."

They want us to tell them so they can leak it to their friends in the corrupt media.

President Trump didn't limit his insults to Congress. He said he looks forward to debating Biden, because he'd ask at least eight or nine times during the debate, "Where's Hunter?" Indeed, said the president, that's his new first name for Biden's son: "Where's." He then explained briefly just how corrupt Where's Hunter's career had been.

Trump also joked that he was going to be nice about his opponent's policies, especially the Green New Deal, until the very last minute. He doesn't want them to have a chance to prepare for the challenges he intends to raise to these policies.

In addition to having fun with his opponents, Trump returned repeatedly to the fact that he had made good on his promises. His most Trumpian line, indeed, and one that was clearly intended to break CNN and MSNBC, came when he said "I've actually completed more promises than I've made."

Trump then proceeded to recite all the promises he kept: He brought work back to America, revitalized jobs in Ohio, forced accountability on the VA, strengthened the military, created energy independence for America, enhanced border security, and encouraged ICE to remove thousands of dangerous illegal aliens, especially from MS-13. The crowd was with him all the away.

One of the things that was striking about Trump's speech was that he never broke America down into groups. Aside from boasting about the historic employment figures for Blacks and Hispanics, Trump spoke about Americans and America.

This stands in stark contrast to any speech any of the Democrat candidates give. Those speeches are micro-targeted to specific identity groups: blacks, gays, transgenders, women, Hispanics, tennis players, coffee servers, illegal aliens, and electric car drivers. Just last month, Elizabeth Warren announced in all seriousness that when she is president she will set aside one day a year to read out loud in the Rose Garden the name of all transgender people who had been murdered that year. Nobody should be murdered, but pandering to microdemographics is not the job of the President of the United States of America.

Each Democrat candidate wants to be the president for special interest groups and the foreign nations whose admiration they crave. However, Trump showed tonight, just as he always does, that he is America's president.

Clarken 7 Jan 10
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I think Trump is the only man who could have gone through a 3+ year witch hunt, and still fulfill the promises he made during his run for the Presidency. If any other candidate had to endure the Democrats unmitigated attack, they wouldn't have the fortitude to survive. Trump will not be impeached, and will continue to rescue America. I can only pray God delivers us from Trudeau and gives us someone like Trump.

I've felt the same way. I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries. But I'm glad he won. He's the only one of the 17 Republican candidates that could have beat cheating Hillary in the general election. If any other Republican somehow had won, they too would have been attacked relentlessly just like Trump because that's what the Democrats do. They did the same to Reagan and both Bushes. But NONE of the other 16 Republican primary candidates could have survived these last 3 years - there's just no way. And NONE could have actually accomplished what he has.

And, you're right, Trump will not be removed from office. But, as you're a Canadian FYI, he HAS actually already been impeached in the House of Representatives. Since it was a totally partisan Democrat ploy (not one Republican representative voted in favor of it and 3 Democrats did not vote in favor of it) in the Democrat controlled House where they only had to get 50% +1 to pass it, it was obviously going to pass. We have 435 House seats (232D, 198R, 1 Indepndt, 4 vacant) so they only needed 218 "yeas" to impeach. Now (if and when Nancy Pelosi releases it) it's time for that impeachment to be reviewed in the Senate to see what is to be done to Trump if anything. And that's a totally different story. There are 100 senators (2 per state) with 53R and 47D. But they have to have 67% to convict him and sentence him. That's just not going to happen.

So this whole impeachment process has most likely hurt the Democrats more than it hurt Trump or the Republicans because it is becoming more and more obvious to voters that the Democrats are desperate to get rid of him before the 2020 election which they know they won't win. The Dems have shown they have nothing positive to offer the country - only hatred for Trump. The Republicans have everything to offer and the last three years have proven the conservative policies work for all Americans whereas Obama's socialist policies only hurt us and put us in the mess we're in.

Yes, I hope & pray for you that Trudeau will not last- of course it affects America, too. Unfortunately, it seems the crown is probably pleased with him. And now that Prince Harry & Meghan are coming to live in Canada (with their leftist ideals), it is likely Trudeau will be around for a while, eh? God only knows and He can change things in an instant if He so decides. So we pray!


I still think Michelle O. Is going to enter the race at the last minute to save the day.

I kinda think she's enjoying the good life of ease now. She can give her views to the media when she wants but has no real responsibilites. They've made it to the top and gotten their piece of the pie! No real benefit in actually having to get her hands dirty fighting for the small people anymore. Just do some nice virtue signally ever so often to prove their sigificance.

@Clarken To bad HILLARY won't follow that plan! A lot of lives could be saved!!!!!!!!!!


I am waiting for HILLARY to announce!!!!! Then things will really get interesting!!
The question is who will "DIE" for that to happen!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Jan 10, 2020

Just heard that Bernie won here in Iowa. I honestly hope he keeps winning. There is absolutely NO way Trump loses to Sanders.

I say there's no way Trump loses to any Democrat. Everything points toward the largest landslide victory in US history. That's probably the main reason the Dems are so desperate to impeach him.

One way or another, the general election debates are going to be hilarious!


The Communists are like a pack of wild dogs and they are driving the herd toward Trump.

iThink Level 9 Jan 10, 2020

You say "communists". I assume you're saying that's what the Democrats really are. Socialist, communist, progressive (actually regressive), leftists are all what the Democrats really are.

Yes, I agree, they are driving people from their party toward Trump because of their absolutely idiotic ideas and policies and hatred. They are Trump's best promoters just like they are the best gun salesmen - as they say they will take away our 2nd Ammendment, people go out and buy more guns and ammo.

@Clarken it seems fairly obvious to me that the Democrat Party is in reality the CPUSA. I don't know about anyone else but I really grow weary of dancing around the truth in such matters. Dem Party is the Communist Party - Clintons are criminals - Legacy News media are propaganda dispensers - Our Bill of Rights exists only in a facade of Democratic elected bureautocracy.


I loved every second of it! He roasted them and the crowd was behind him every step of the way. I was surprised to see just how riled up the crowd was, after standing in line for hours, and sitting their waiting for even more hours. It was stellar! He's like a rock star, wherever he goes!

I missed it - watching Jeopardy. My son sent me the link just before it was to start. But I wasn't on FB then to see his message.
Guess I could find a video of it online.

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