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Romney uses his faith to justify his vote. As in a court of law, when someone introduces a topic - that topic then becomes fair game so let’s consider Romney’s faith for a moment as the basis for his decision, one he says is predicated on Trump’s phone call, withholding of aid and Trump’s inquiry into Burisma corruption, conditioned on investigation of that corruption and Hunter Biden’s role therein.

First consider two tenants.

First, is the High Crimes threshold Romney asserts in his Fox interview has been met because of the sanctity of 'elections'. How is it that Romney is the only Republican that sees this piece of impeachment logic the same as the opposition party? Even Republicans and some democrats who thought Trump’s phone call inappropriately timed, or even just inappropriate could not accept that it reached this threshold.

Second, he claims there is hard evidence that Trump did indeed make aid conditional. This is peculiar when we all saw, or at least I saw, the testimony in which only assertions were made. I won’t put you through the many times that witnesses confessed they had no more than “this was my impression” or when pressed, admitted that Trump said in clear language that there were no conditions. And what of the aid being delivered and none of the demands having been met? Is Romney privy to Shift’s secret vault of evidence he has repeatedly asserted but repeatedly failed to produce? Again, how is it that this man of faith sees it exactly like the most partisan of Trump's political enemies?

Since Romney brings up faith, let’s look at some issues that reflect on the faith of Democrats with whom Romney aligns himself.

  1. First, are not Democrats the ones who elected to remove God from their Party platform?
  2. Are Democrats not for unbridled abortion, in many cases even after a botched abortion produces a live infant, and most certainly in the case of late term abortions and even partial-birth abortion?. If you’ve never explored the barbaric means by which the latter is accomplished you really should. It’s not just barbaric, its anything but Godly.
  3. Do not Democrats shelter criminal aliens in Sanctuary Cities & even States who have preyed upon both their fellow illegal- immigrants as well as our citizens? Are Democrat policies in this regard not actually and directly responsible for many Americans having lost loved ones to these criminals? Have they not endorsed the wholesale refusal to abide by US law, acting as agents for hardened and dangerous criminals.
  4. Is it not the Democrat party who advocates throwing open our borders, causing harm to working class Americans who have the most difficult time among us caring for their families in minimum wage and unskilled jobs? Is it not Democrats who light the beacon that draws people to their death in the desert and makes them hostage to crime and criminals along the way?
  5. Is this not the party that withholds equal education for the poor and underclass by protecting inferior schools from competition of school-choice while their party leaders send their own children to private schools?
  6. Is not the Democratic Party home of identity-politics whose aim is division and discontent? Isn’t this Party where envy-politics is brought to crescendo with programs and promises that would make Venezuela blush?
  7. Isn’t this the party that would remove Religious Liberty in favor of Sexism, Racism and Genocide and Oppression as the driving principles of our history? Listen to their leaders if you have not resolved that one yet.

These are but a few of the positions and practices that qualify the faith of those Romney stands with while professing his faith. We have seen corruption in both Parties. But wasn’t it the Democratic party under Obama who weaponized the IRS and other government agencies. In the case of the IRS, it was a restriction of partisan organizations non-profit standing to raise money for elections… virtually all on the Right. Was Romney as concerned with our election process then as much as he is now? After Benghazi, on the eve of another US election, was Romney calling for impeachment as the President and Secretary of State sent out government minions to lie on every talk show that would book them in order to tell a lie to protect that pending election?

Mr Romney claims his Profound Faith dictates the ‘faithful’ execution of his oath. I think a lot on the Right would like to see corruption rooted out everywhere… particularly in political nepotism and in Swamp-like nature of all politics and especially corporate influence on government. But there is real danger when standards, whether based on Faith or just Conviction, are only leveled in one direction.

In the face of the corrupt process begun by Democrats before Trump even took his oath there are clear battle lines drawn for all the marbles and they are involve our economic, cultural and political future for generations, maybe forever. At this historical moment in time they are between a party who exhibits faith only in power, and Trump, who with all his faults has delivered on promises like no other candidate in modern history. Like those promises or not, he has gone further to protect faith, to protect innocent life, allow economic opportunity for the poor and working class and to bring trade more in balance – which sets a fair stage for the working class in America for years to come. If he does not believe it then he is doing a good imitation of a man who wants a better life for the Americans to whom he made those promises. Mr Romney’s faith is the kind of faith you don’t want on the battlefield. It looks too much to me like the faith a Bo Bergdahl might espouse. I believe in Faith but I’m real partial to Faith with Reason. And when I see “faith” used to obfuscate political positions I have to ask how can Faith require you climb over the fence into a pig pen.

SgtDog0311 5 Feb 5
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Romney nor any other high profile politician would dare say such a thing as argument in a campaign for electoral office. The press and the atheists would eat him alive! LOL
Imagine for one second; Trump saying such a thing as: "My faith in God" would allow me to...fill in the blank...
or something like this: "my faith is the reason I ultimately chose to..." fill in the blank.
Laughable - right?

Romney got away with his little bit of phony devout self righteous horse shit because it happens to align perfectly with the Dem/Communist movement now afoot - really running rampant - within our Gov't and particularly within the institution of "Journalism".

I believe Romney is laying groundwork for a party switch looking forward to 2024. As a "Democrat / former Republican" he would be very electable in a run for POTUS.

iThink Level 9 Feb 5, 2020

He could probably switch right now and get as many votes as anybody. Ride the wave Mitt...

That was to be my question you answered.
Does Mitt Romney still have aspirations to run as president going forward?

To be honest, if I were a US politician I would join the Democratic Party and start preparing for 2024. The Democratic Party has no leaders and you would stand a good chance when the population decides its time to give them a chance to govern, to go in and win the thing.
Whereas a Republican you face a lot of strong competition and the unlikely result of Republican remaining in power for 16 years.

@Hanno True enough - my point is that Romneys life as a Republican is for all intents and purposes over. I am all but assured the RNC will primary him out of his office next chance they get. If he still has aspirations of becoming POTUS his ONLY chance would be to switch to Dem party. (I wonder how his "faith" my reconcile him to things like abortion, homosexual marriage etc). Nevertheless, I see no Dems on the horizon who have any chance of defeating Trump (unless the Dems do some kind of fancy dance and draft Michelle Obama in the end) will be interesting to see what becomes of Romney in a couple years from now.

@SgtDog0311 agreed! LOL


You are confusing Mormonism with Christianity.

Mormonism, along with a few other organizations who try to align with Christianity, are at best Cults.

Glenn Beck is the worst of them.


Everyone has an opinion.

@WilyRickWiles Ha ha... never listened to him much at all but if I'm correct he said last election he was voting for Hillary over Trump, right? Anyway I thought caught that and never wanted to listen after that. Amazing to me that Rogan endorsed Bernie this time around. He'll never live that down.

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