5 1
Unbelievable behavior. Being raised in a democratic household, I have never seen such outrageous lunacy from our side, in history. It is disheartening, embarrassing, and shameful. More of the Dems who aren't this chronically deluded, need to step out and call out these despicable, psychotic behaviors. Uuuuggggh.🙄👎
EAL_Flt1979 7 Feb 25
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Another libber sobing coz they were not born beautiful and rich.


Liberals seem to believe there "should' be a better way, but without considering the consequences of trashing the best system ever devised by humans to deal with human flaws. So they believe that every deception, lie and fraud is justified to achieve their utopia, even though their solutions like socialism have killed more human souls than any other except Islam. Brilliant. The truth is that they are the only ones lying. That makes their high ideals fraud and they are the bad guys, and delude themselves otherwise. They can't face that and blame Trump and Republicans. Taking responsibility is totally foreign to them.

Yes, I do agree with that. The extreme left is unreasonable and morally bankrupt, similarly to the Alt-right. I don't agree with either extreme.

@EAL_Flt1979, if you bother to dig a little bit, you may find what I discovered: the “alt-right” is a fabrication of the Left to characterize the Right as at least as bad as themselves. There are just enough militant white supremacists around (less than 1%) to make it seem credible. “Accuse the opposition of what you are doing as you are doing it, to create confusion.” - Karl Marx.

Don’t let them manipulate you into repeating what they assert. You become an unwilling part of their propaganda.

@TimTuolomne 🤔💭Hmmmm. I will take that into advisement. That same rule can also be applied to how the right views the left though to be fair, as not all on the left are leftarded. I had been falsely accused in one specific thread of being a triggered 'NOT my president' type, and a triggeredeftist, where I had felt compelled to respond with a counter. I'm left of center, and generally do not follow a strictly republican line of political thought. However, I am neither a supporter of the extreme left. So... some people will use that as an excuse to target me on here to Assert that I am anti-Trump, and I am not anti-Trump. I am however at odds with some of his political decisions. Unfortunately, sometimes I feel more or less forced into a position of defending my ightly leftward sentiment, and have to make hard choices in a vastly rightist website.I suppose it's just bound to happen, but I try to maintain a friendly attitude with people on here. It tough sometimes, I'm sure you can understand that.😎
Have you checked your message yet? I had asked you in a private IM approx. a week ago, if you were an aeronautical engineer. Are you? What type of an engineer, are you?🤔

@EAL_Flt1979 I answered in a post sir. I do not use Messenger, since mine was corrupted by Fabricio Bambrillo. I am not aeronautical.

I wouldn’t be so certain the Right is as willing to slander. For example, the US Senate Republicans have a rule requiring censure of Republicans for even the taint of wrongdoing. The Democrats have no such rule.

The Left is happy to reinforce the suspicion that all politicians are corrupt. It evens the playing field so those on the fence are oblivious to the party taking the high ground.

If you bother to digest the platforms, you will find the Democrats promising things they can’t deliver and avoiding stating what they do: trying to destroy the principles that limit their power.

Republicans clearly state that they intend to preserve and defend the Constitution.

Most voters are oblivious to those facts and blindly, irresponsibly repeat media talking points. That benefits the Left and cripples the Right.

@TimTuolomne I just modified me comment, prior to your latest response. Please go and re-revies it. Tha KS, T.

I was not aware that you had answered my question, sorry!!😳😩😁👍

I can learn alot from your political knowledge. I admit that politically, I'm a bit lackluster, but I'd greatly appreciate your teaching me as much as you're able to.

Who the heck is Fumicino Bambooger?😳😂🤣😩😂😂 Nevva heard of him!😁😬

@EAL_Flt1979 No worries sir. I broadcast the name of the hacker so that anyone reading this is aware of this guy, and hopefully will benefit from my loss of connectivity.

If I am lucky, I’ll learn something new every day. I engage in discussion for that purpose alone. I am gratified if you find something of value in what I share, however I benefit mainly from what I learn from you.

@TimTuolomne Cawll me sir one mo time, and see what Im'a do.😳😳😳😳😂

@EAL_Flt1979 No disrespect intended

@TimTuolomne Yes, thank you for that compliment. Berry much.😳😁👍👍

@TimTuolomne Hahaaaa... No, yer fine.😁👍
Please tell me more about your line of work.

@EAL_Flt1979 I have a BSME from Western New England University. I have been lucky enough to practice every discipline I gained there, and a few more, including nuclear, and was certified by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners as a solar thermal installer in 2010.

And you?

@TimTuolomne Woooowww. Awesome. Me, I'm still young, dumb, and full of fun. (In reality, I'm 47!) 😳😂
I'm retired with a series of health problems, but are looking to get into some p/t work, to accompany my SSD. I earned my GED in 02/2000 which wasn't an easy task for me. I grew up with ADD, and it has really been a long road for me to have neurologically compensated to the degree which I had, from school. I had been sent to a series of boarding schools, all of which were fun because I got to fly there, but... after I left school, I had just pretty much worked menial jobs, and had spent much of my time teaching myself aeronautical drafting and design. I have gotten to a professional level with that art, and can easily challenge somebody from either Boeing, or Airbus, and give them a serious run for their money.

For the past half a year or so, I've gotten into more tricking out my mountain bike into an actual Boeing 727, which the project will be posted in its entirety, in the next several weeks.😎👍


Their main beef is that they were not born beautiful, good looking and rich. I am totally serious. That is the real basis for feminism. Think about it.


Nothing or no one is as vile as those that HATE their own race, color, country, sex and creed. Only in America are HATERS called Liberal Progressive Leftist.


All very enjoyable to watch. Additionally, they represent a real gold rush for psychologists

@Xtra Yup😁😱😂

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