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Far Left is anarchy (everyone is king)
Far Right is monarchy (the individual is king)

Both work as long as there is trust.

SupraLibrix 7 Apr 1
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Delusional thinking

You have to be delusional in order to overcome the terror of considering the void.

What deludes YOU?

@Supra_Librix the hope for common sense and middle ground

@BikerPetehall70 we share delusions.


Corona Is King

N0DD Level 7 Apr 1, 2020

King of Flus

We have evolved selecting for resistance to the diseases from the animals we choose to domesticate and eat.

Just a blip.

If course we evolved to the point that we can create viruses in a lab...

You never know, right? 😉

@Supra_Librix well you never know, right? Wrong, know this, viruses have been around longer than humans and will still be around when we are long gone.


Please prove anything I say is wrong.

Laughter is a response when presented with a novel idea that is perceived to be inferior or harmless.

I've run my statements through the wringer of reason.

Laughter to me shows that you haven't considered what is true.


My laughter, demonstrates I feel the same about you.

There is nothing to debate.

The whole subject is futile.

@DonProvolone philosophy ignored is futile.

@DonProvolone you are right, perfect trust is impossible in our world, but going to the moon was impossible for a long time.

You gotta try, right?


prove it.

In God we trust.

Linux is the most used operating system in the world.

@Supra_Librix so the church uses linux?

@CuriousFury there is trust in the GNU community. It yielded the most versatile OS in history.

If you are a man of faith, you trust God, a theocracy.

@Supra_Librix damn, mannish, can't come full circle with your arguement, though so it is faulted

@CuriousFury sorry, I thought that was a clear circuit, what do you mean?

@Supra_Librix obviously you are trying to argue for your positions of random nonsense you are currently spewing, but the knockout blow would be able to contextually connect them together in a way that multiplies its authorship.

@CuriousFury the philosophical sleight of hand is trust.

Ultimately, you can't even trust that your next breath won't be your last.

Government is meant to increase trust, if it doesn't, it's corrupt.

How corrupt is governed by those in power.

@CuriousFury please, give it to me with both barrels. From my experience, the theory is bulletproof.

You would be the first to find a flaw.

@Supra_Librix well then i propose your initial statement falls out of line with your current belief as it states that every one is king, twice. you would have a better definition if you said someone is king, for the right.

i mean, your arguement is flawed out of the box, just for me to kick the ball around i guess.

@CuriousFury Anarchy works as long as everyone is king: infinite power and resources. And everybody uses them to benefit each other.

Monarchy works as long as the king can be trusted to use his infinite power to benefit every subject.

This is utopiaspeak, but a thought exercise to expand the mind.

@CuriousFury it's meant to be thought provoking to make people realize that we all want the same thing in the end.


As long as that includes helping and caring for others and excludes hurting them, it's the ideal.

@DonProvolone, this thread.

@Supra_Librix maybe a thought exercise for you... i didnt know this was an online course. ...maybe start yourself a group for educational purposes.... again you are just kinda carpetbagging ideas that are incomplete, vaguely defined and never universal.... intellectuals smell the manure in the soil...and usually won't take the bait...i am just a shit kickin, catfish noodled, troglodite that doesnt know he's hooked yet.

@CuriousFury is that a satisfactory resolution?

@CuriousFury if everyone thought like me, we'd have world peace and free electricity.

I did start my group, I'm filtering for likeminded thinkers.

You are right, philosophy smells like manure.

Nobody likes the smell of someone else's. 😃

@Supra_Librix without urgency, nothing would get done. without work, the battery gails.

@CuriousFury there are 2 things universal to everyone: Life and Death.

That's binary.

Physix is the quantum leap: happiness.

It can't be defined universally except by one measure: Time.

Free time for those who are alive to make themselves happy.

If we had a currency based of Einsteinian time, it would be trust based.

The dollar is based on competence.

@Supra_Librix anarchy is trust based. barter is trust based. even elections parade as trust based. which trust bank are you basing.

@CuriousFury it doesn't exist except in your mind. You know who you trust.

The idea is to get a reliable way to evaluate trustworthiness on a universal scale that is trusted.

Tall order, but now there is a theoretical way to do it.

@Supra_Librix anyway. you are here to roll out some branding campaign in a funhouse mirror show of i know you are but what am i, i guess

@Supra_Librix nothing is on a universal scale, so you can make any claim, and throw your magic blanket on it, and presto, you win.

like playing matchsticks with one person. you either the winner or loser.

@CuriousFury life and death are not universal?

I get your response, it's common.

The reason is because this is a perfect philosophy that determines where YOU are at fault.

No one wants to hear that.

It could be seen as theology based on ONLY empirical data. Faith is antithetical to the theory.

@Supra_Librix your universality is off. life and death are the same thing in universality, so splitting up the same thing doesnt make it two punches. and you skipped time where even death dies in.

@CuriousFury time is relative.

@CuriousFury what is universality?

@CuriousFury this is pragmatic, life and death aren't the same to humans.


I'll reply where I'm quoted.

@DonProvolone got it, I'm learning the culture here, thank you

@DonProvolone I'm trying to be efficient, this thread addresses a common pattern of rhetorical jousting.

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