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Call to Afrikaners...

JennaGardner 7 Apr 27
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Hi Jenna,
The answer is simple but long to explain in full and I cannot do it here.
In short, the Afrikaner in general and the Boer specifically, always wanted only one thing:
To be left alone, do our own thing, not be ruled by anyone and not rule others. Not to be subjected to crime and live under a government who does not care for us... we have always left and restarted to do our own thing somewhere else.
We left France in the 15th century to go to the Netherlands for that reason... religion persecution the main reason, but the reasons are the same. Then we left the Netherlands in the 17th century and came to the Cape for the same reasons. We left the Cape in the 19th century for the same reasons and I saw it written out for the first time by the Trek Leader and we formed the Boer republics.
Now in the 21st century we are leaving again for the same reasons and are creating new free lives in Australia, New Zealand, the US and elsewhere.
We have always been at the top of the demographic after every migration away from oppression... and we will do so again if need be.
Always looking for a place where we will be left alone to do our own thing... not to be ruled by anyone and not to rule anyone...

Hanno Level 8 Apr 27, 2020

I have bee, to SA and seen the poverty and shanty towns, and ask these questions, why do white people think it their country? Histort tells us that the country was invaded by the English French, Dutch, Germans etc and to show how stupid they imposed their Culture and Religion onto the inhabitants and treated like slaves, and the worse thing they divided the country by straight lines, anyone who has a brain would know that tribal borders are never in straight lines, and many tribes are at logger heads with each other as demonstrated with the fates of the Tutus and when Rhodesia was freed from UK rule, so wake up and realize the they want their lands back and its wealth in gold and diamonds

ieuan Level 7 Apr 27, 2020

That is the typical response by modern eyes who does not understand the history and the people’s of Southern Africa,
or the world for that matter.
As always, this is a much more complex issue, yet very simple principles that is the same everywhere else in the world.

You must be either stupid or blind and do not like the truth since you do not accept this was not your cfountry at all your forefathers invaded it get a lifeplease do not show how blind to the truth you are

I noticed your a Kiwi and the Moari who are the orginal people and whitw migrants get on well, but if you have not been to SA you have no idea how the Blacks have been treated for centuries like slaves door mates

if the European people had never colonized Africa the Black tribes would still be living in the stone age - FACT
Same for the North American indigenous tribes many of whom still prefer living in squalor on Tribal lands.

@iThink You Americans are just as bad you killed the Buffqalo to starve the Plain Indians your just as guilt of genocide so have no room to judge or comment your just as gulty

The Koi San Bushmen were the original tribes in South Africa. And they are not Black. They are Bushmen and wouldn't be considered black by other blacks.They have their own cultural heritage. The Bantu tribes invaded from North Africa. Europeans settled in Cape Town and formed the Cape of Good Hope Colony. Europeans or Boers trekked into the interior because of British conquest etc.

Every country, race, tribe has warred against other tribes for space and freedom since the beginning of time. Think of all the different tribes that invaded Britain. The Roman's imposed their standards on Britain as did the Francs, Moors, almost every european country at one stage or another.

@JennaG I see you knoe little about anything and by the way after the Romans invaded UK it was mostly Celtic so go and do more reseach but when GH went io SA the indigenous population at the time were tribes who had tribal lands

@ieuan you must be very young - you are certainly very immature. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of deaths among the Natives after Europeans arrived in North and South America were the result of disease contamination - NOT violence or war.

The Native Americans had no immunity to diseases like small pox, influenza, typhoid etc and millions of the Native population did indeed die - but not because they were wantonly slaughtered by "White Europeans". BTW, Spanish conquistadors did indeed slaughter native peoples in South America.
Furthermore, exactly like the native tribes of Africa the North American people would still be living in the Stone Age if European people had not arrived. Which brings me to a larger point.
It was advanced technologies that ultimately spelled doom for the Stone Age living tribes. Their failure to develop beyond stone tipped arrows and spears and to develop ways to prosper and to live in relative cooperation are what is really the honest explanation for the demise of their Cultures.

While it is true that there was wanton and sinful slaughter of the Plains Bison herd you should know that the Native Americans were not so gentle and discerning in their hunting/killing strategies either. Whenever the opportunity presented itself the Native Americans would stampede the large herd of Bison over a cliff sending hundreds of the animals to a slow and painfull death on the rocks below. They killed much more than they could harvest just to "get what they could take and carry" before the animals bodies began to rot and stink.
Thankfully someone in OUR Gov't saw that the Bison herd was being hunted to extinction and put a stop to that kind of behavior saving the species. Today the Bison are not in danger of going extinct because positive action was taken in the nick of time.

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