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I like to remind people that partisan politics are what is tearing our country apart by causing division amongst Americans. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book and we fall for it over and over again.

I implore American citizens to find common ground. So, let's talk about term limits. I am interested in hearing from anyone who is against term limits and why?

Do you want term limits?

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FOTD13 7 May 2
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You don't understand. Haven't you tried to make one of these leftist reconsider by showing him how wrong he is? That I not the correct approach. Their main motor is not logical, but emotional, like a teen who want to break up with a boyfriend, but her heart won't let it. Regular argumentation won't work here. They are not even aware of their own motives. They believe what they utter, but I suggest they simply have emotional needs they are not aware of which are not being met, and not knowing the reason of their emotional pain (its like stomach ache when you're hungry because you haven't eaten,) they cannot solve this via dialogue. They can't externalize it into words because they lack self-awareness. I suggest it's a problem of lack of adversity, hence lack of objective evaluation of their own status in life compared to others. Just imagine you send one of them to Mexico for three months without access to any US resources whatsoever. They will be BEGGING desperately to come back, and they will think America is the number one and would never ever complain again.

A1fredo Level 8 June 14, 2020

There is no common ground with the corruption on both side more so on the left because of graft and greed. They only want power and control. The Right's main problem is being weak and rolling over to what radical unconstitutional law breaking controlling from cradle to grave wants. There isn't common ground when only capitulation is what one side considers is reasonable in crossing the isle. When you stand up for your own rights, when you try to control spending, when you want people to be productive members of society without being dependent on government handouts... you are a Nazi, a hater, xenophobe....


One can only find "common ground" when the right ingredients are present. Unfortunately, America has tilted too far to the left. The only common ground that may be left is the common ground of the battlefield.


This is an intentional tactic of the Left.


I very much prefer partisan politics to monolithic governance

iThink Level 9 May 2, 2020

One half of the partisan political discussion is not playing fair.

@TimTuolomne founding fathers intended it to be partisan as well as 3 co-equal branches of gov't. If someone isn't playing fair it is the citizens responsibility in a constitutional republic to remove them from office via the electoral processes. IMHO - I'm pretty sure you would like a monolithic style of governance either.

I agree. I guess my problem is not partisan politics but the us vs. them mentality. Particularly when we have common ground. Term limits, State's rights, immigration reform, health care. We fight, they get rich. By they I mean politicians and the special interests they work for.

@iThink, I agree that a monolithic government is anti-Constitutional in every way, and the value of our Constitution depends on that distinction. However, fat and happy voters, utterly unconcerned about the founding principles or who is minding the store, such that the majority no longer bothers to vote, can not be overcome by any system. By definition such an irresponsible, apathetic electorate, dooms the system to monolithic function, no matter how inspired it may be. Thomas Jefferson warned us.

@FOTD13 yes - agreed

@TimTuolomne very accurate and well stated analysis. couldn't agree more w/you


We already have term limits. They're called elections.

Term limits haven't made California less corrupt. They haven't made Colorado less corrupt. They've made appointed bureaucracies and political machines more powerful.

How so?

Howdy @Tati,

  1. Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, all in their late seventies or eighties have dominated California politics since the 1970s. It's the most expensive state for media, yet they still run things. Governor Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew, BTW. Term limits only served to move Willie Brown from Speaker of the House to San Francisco mayoralty for as long as he wanted it.

  2. California politics are dominated by public employee unions. CALPERs (California's public employee retirement system) is California's largest outstanding liability ($1.5 trillion). They "balanced" it by passing a large "temporary" increase on upper income earners. I say "temporary" because it's about to sunset and California now has a Covid recession. Look for it to be made permanent. Look for those high earners to leave (my relatives are doing just that).

  3. I live in Colorado. Term limits passed in 1990. A retired state senator I know says the current legislators have no institutional memory. They are proposing laws that were already passed years ago. Legislators come and go, staffers stay forevermore. Guess who accumulates power.

  4. Colorado Department of Transportation ignores what people want. We want better roads. In the old days legislators got 20 years seniority and could influence CDOT because they knew how to draft budgets . These days, 3 terms and they're out.

Thanks for your post. I really needed to hear some of these arguments. I wish voting was the answer. But, I'm afraid it doesn't work especially because once elected they suddenly gain wealth. That wealth and influence beats a new comer any day. Maybe the answer with term limits is if they want to keep that citizen paid healthcare they must be available to new represtatives for questions and or help with the law. that would help to solve the issue of institutional memory. And all of these people staffers and representative should not be making more than a school teacher.

That is the fault of voters allowing the Constitution to be crippled by Wickard v Filburn, the LRRA, Obamacare..... When that stuff is repealed, bureaucratic rule will cease, Constitutional protection will resume, and term limits will mean something. Time for a Convention of States to get this done.

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