
Not Reported by MSM Pedo Media Jason Mermas: Neurosurgeon And Nurses Exposed As Monsters Among Us! ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 14, 2019:
All organizations are too often the place where atrocities occur. And others see some of this, or suspicious activity, say nothing. Why? They speak out, only they are vilified. Are they accessories? I'd say so. The higher up they are, the more they're protected, the more money and power for revenge. And these never forget. They never drop it. Did you hear that the doctor was abused and liked it? So, soon you'll hear it's fine, they like it.
Justin Trudeau’s new ally against Canada? - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Here's Singh openly showing Justinhow to dance. Actually Jagmeet is a very good dancer and singer.
Justin Trudeau’s new ally against Canada? - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 14, 2019:
I wondered where Singh got his money. His clothes! I checked out his background? He's a lawyer. What kind? Guess. CRIMINAL, so you know about him. But he really put Justin down! Laughingly, letting audience laugh too. I doubt that alliance.
The Truth About Canada's Election Part 1: Immigration - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Do people even THINK at all?
The Truth About Canada's Election Part 1: Immigration - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Stefan is one of the most accurate moderators I've heard.
Bad Format, Bad Moderators (mostly) - Debate Thoughts Morning After []
2FollowHim comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Sounds crazy. Might be crazy. Problem is...this matters, and we can do nothing. All that would help JT. Jagmeet sounds pretty.
For Responsible Government that cares about Canada & Canadians, Vote "People's Party of Canada" on ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Were you the one who informed me that Andrew had all the ballots shred re Conservative leadership IMMEDIATELY after the 49/51% win against Maxime? Doesn't it smell bad, smell crooked? I think Andrew would have bullied Maxime if he hadn't left. Someone said they thought MB was petty, wanted go get AS. I think opposite now. I think AS wants to get us all, like JT. I pray daily for MB for a better break. I smell set up. Please correct if wrong?
I can hardly wait for the first homosexual wedding performed by a Tranny imam!! Omar Alghabra MP ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2019:
They actually are very perverted and incest is why so many kids.
LIVE! Ezra Levant and David Menzies discuss his ARREST at a CPC campaign event! - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Everybody? I speak to knows NOTHING about politics, not interested.
LIVE! Ezra Levant and David Menzies discuss his ARREST at a CPC campaign event! - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2019:
So openly hostile, closed, futuristic bad! Another NO CHOICE. Few KNOW Maxime so he can't win. Also, very modest, quiet which is not going to win. I like it but not powerful. Yet? He likely is.
Heads up for anyone thinking about voting lieberal!
2FollowHim comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Are you amazed how quickly people forget? How easily swayed? Is that scary to you?
Heads up for anyone thinking about voting lieberal!
2FollowHim comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Gays love him. I'd think illegal immigrants, druggies, LBGTQ. To the lawless!
Trudeau Blames Canadians for Blackface []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 23, 2019:
His forte is BLAME.
Trump still riding on Obama’s successes, no doubt. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Obama did incredible damage. Not talking about Trump's likeability but he did amazing things. These are facts, not emotions. Obama almost made USA ISLAM.
Is hate an addiction, like that found in drug abuse?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 22, 2019:
The problem I have with the hate I've seen the left display is it grows. Like an ink blot running, ruining a picture. Too far right is another story that likely fuels that hate. Hate doesn't see its destructive ways.
Boris Johnson's Speech Yesterday the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a speech that will ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I'm ignorant of this monumental meaning. If anyone could briefly tell me, I'd like that. We have our own array of disasters on the other side of the Atlantic. But since everything influences everything, if someone could tell me, someone not up on your world? If not, understood, will continue in ignorance.
Is hate an addiction, like that found in drug abuse?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I liked your comment...Much like drug abuse alters perception of reality, so too does the addiction to hate. I'd suggest hate is what the NT calls darkness. Not much light. Can't see what's up. I wonder if control wouldn't be a logical consequence of darkness. Lots of fear in darkness. Everything's out of control. Isn't hate irrational, thus out of control? And the pendulum in USA now swings to the pit. Many want in, into the pit. Some writers said there was a growing depression and despair in USA by many. Of course, seeing drugs as some kind of relief will lead into the pit for some, or many. Jesus taught love, not easy to do, in the heat of disagreement, but the answer to it. The sad tendency is thinking I am the answer. That is a tough area.
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2019-09-21 ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I once researched the etymology of God, and learned it is pagan, relating to fertility, not holiness. Love is amazing. When we even seek to do His will, the Lord is pleased. Being on Yahoo answers for a long time, I witness the increase of ignorance and also thinly veiled hate for Jesus. It's a learning experience to stay 'out of it's yet reply kindly. It changes me.
The Crazy Racist Brothers of Canada - Jagmeet Singh, Leader of the NDP - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Grimm's fairy tales were better. This is a real horror story.
I was told a vote for Maxime was a vote for Trudeau. Is it counterproductive?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 18, 2019:
How much does Maxime Bernier have to win to change things so Truseau doesn't benefit?
John Myers: Edward Snowden is a simple traitor []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 18, 2019:
I'm most grateful this happened. He admitted he liked hacking, stumbled on this. Knew he must vamoose. Wise moves. US government is corrupt at some levels. Is it better this not be discovered? I'm glad it was. Have you read WHISTLEBLOWER stories? None of the people I read were looking. They DTUMBLED on it. Most were not nearly so savvy as Edward Snowden. It was always corruption, money, and all avenues closed rank so there was nowhere to go. Snowden knew he couldn't just pass this on. What's done is done. Why they, not the culprits have trouble is curious.
De-Programmed: Confessions of an Ex-SJW (Interview on "Unsafe Space") - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Good points. Peterson has helped. He makes sense. I stay with my beliefs, they seem good, balanced. But I don't like labels. Nor criticizing others I've never met. True, I've seen enough of Trudeau that I pray he can't ruin Canada. I'm glad these folks are cutting their own path.
Canada may be saved by new political party []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Someone said a vote for him helped the current leader. They thought it was a grudge match. I like his approach if he could do it, but could he? He's got 1% at polls.
The choice cannot be clearer for all Canadains! "It is good that Ali Amirsalam has finally been ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I hope they all know this. He is against, well, Canada as far as I see?
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I think of...if we lack wisdom, and this area needs our wisdom, how to see it and often the attitude going through things. And accepting that we're likely not going to have perfect understanding of what is happening. Perhaps later sometimes. I also think being there for others without judgement.
This is how you can rest assured that it is not the end times.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 9, 2019:
I relate to Christians becoming the body of Christ, as Christ is the body of the Father. Christians are part of Christ. Thus not the bride.
Fireworks are Coming | Tommy's coming home .. He's coming home ! 11th SEPTEMBER!! - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Wonderful. I hope many come to welcome him. I hope he made a big impact. I pray for his safety home!
Living Truth Daily Devotion ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 7, 2019:
We are IN the world but not OF the world? This, as I ponder it, includes polarizing views. For example, I have come to not be delighted to be called Canadian. This saddens me but I cannot support the way Canada is being run. This is nothing to do with my personal opinion of the leader. Undoubtedly very smart, quite wise, so personally I can feel positive but how this person applies this leads me away from feeling good to be in Canada. None of this is true with Christ. I love all aspects. Just think of all those willingly killed for the Lord! To have that life requires much awareness and change.
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Yes. Some call it 'easily triggered'. We all know what has a TRIGGER! Anyone 'triggered' is shooting someone, maybe killing them...spiritually or psychologically. Once receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter became a fine leader for the Christian Jews. Sometimes satan knows who will follow Jesus and sets that person up. Many ways this can be done. Healing from these damages can be a long, difficult process. A corollary to this might be that we aren't easily excitable except for Godly things. Very important especially today with all the polarizing groups that then hate each other. Quite a satanical trick, to bring someone to hate bcuz of opposing views. I never 'agree to disagree', just disagree, but keep love for the person. Love can require overcoming and must be done.
Vote People's Party of Canada! Vote your conscience, not your fear! Maxime Bernier interviewd by ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Few know Maxime! Know of him! Not a household name, so how to get known much more.
Trudeau's $42 billion Chinese steel project will cost thousands of Canadian jobs | Ezra Levant - ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 5, 2019:
As bad as Putin is, (I'm told), he LOVES RUSSIA, Russians. As bad as Trump is, he loves USA. Not true Canada.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Things seem to be melting. What will be the impact??
"A new Canadian poll shows that divisive issues like identity politics aren’t what’s top of mind...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Canadians may be beginning to realize that you can't force identity. They're turning to their lives which could be better.
Please help STOP this awful trend. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 2, 2019:
If you're buying chances items, yes.
Abortion: Nothing is as Destructive as an Abhorrent Idea backed by Zeitgeist “Nothing is as ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 1, 2019:
With respect, I am 180' opposite. Glorifying foetuses has no merit. Sad how many block their ears when I say that HITLER?, murderer supreme? That Hitler? His MOTHER? He had a mother who seriously begged for an abortion. My thesis is EVERY foetus a WANTED foetus from BOTH mother and father. A baby NEEDS both, not just one. The foetus FEELS, KNOWS if it's wanted. Lives in the amniotic fluid either embued with love, acceptance or hostility. And it has an effect. If you believe in God, then God will see a baby is born if he wants this. Medical miscarriage should occur within a few weeks before development escalates. Why is it so many rail about the foetus yet drop interest in the baby born? That's where the concern must be. With those here. Let women decide. If you were a woman, tell me in the midst of your career and not ready, that you'd go ahead? Cheerfully even if raped by a Muslim terrorist? This is emotionalism without critical thought. Even GOD does not prohibit it!!
My Take on the Abortion Debate The Abortion argument disappoints me on many levels, and I do ...
2FollowHim comments on Aug 31, 2019:
My view is every foetus wanted. Not many unwanted. As the foetus grows it picks up exactly the mother's feelings. Hitler was unwanted, his mother sought an abortion due to acute scoliosis. Denied. And humanity suffered. I believe women should be able to know if it is good they do this. I believe it's their right. I think it denies basic human rights to force her. But it should be soon done. And there are natural ways apparently. Do you think the first lady of US only got pregnant once? The wealthy will never have this situation. Just the poor.
Get Max in the debates! - People's Party of Canada []
2FollowHim comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Nobody I ask has heard of him!!
This Is The Video You've Been Waiting For (2019) - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I couldn't watch all but easy to see destructive influences. Not sure then if she gets into who or why or knows. Who would have thought this would happen? Does Trump approve? Or powerless?
The very basis and structure for all the variations for Christianity is inherently Anti-Jew ...
2FollowHim comments on Aug 12, 2019:
God does not forget His people. But not all Jews are Jews. If the LIGHT of the eye becomes darkness, how great is that darkness. Is it true that Tel Aviv is the main center for homosexuality? Certainly against Torah. When Jews convert, it's just amazing!! Revelation speaks about the 144,000, all Jews who will endure everything for the Lord and bring very many into Salvation. Remember Jesus saying about the marriage feast? Jesus is Savior. Saves. That's why He was called Jesus. And to DO what He did, He is God. Christians are to be the religion of love. But wickedness is an abomination. Destroyers at any level are part of evil.
$19 Billion Dollars Part of Saskatoon’s UN Commitment - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jul 27, 2019:
I've never seen so much insanity in so short a time, had you? Sure, even if someone else gets in, how can they cope?
It is getting bad out there for the Christians of the world. []
2FollowHim comments on Jul 25, 2019:
There comes a point when we see nothing worth holding on to. Then we're ready to serve. That takes time.
Buzz Aldrin still packs quite a wallop... Do you think the punk got what he deserves?
2FollowHim comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Those 11 boxes lost?? Eleven?? Now they lost the technology? Then they made a mistake, said the moon is NOT way out in space. Buzz got the name bcuz he was depressed, drunk when he got back. Kept holding his head, saying, did we go? Nixon, Kubrick, Disney, Clarke, all shown together. At that time? But not now? You buy that?? I pass on it.
Apollo 11: What We Saw | Part 1 - We Choose to Go to the Moon - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jul 22, 2019:
So much for the men taking off their helmets!!
Are you a Feminist or an Anti-Feminist?
2FollowHim comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Just some personal 'facts'. My friends were always men, although very best was females. Being female was quite a privilege to me. But discussions were great with men. I liked what Stephan Molyneux said about difficult comments. He said to not let bad comments(in your view)slip by. He said we tend to not want to stir things up but we must speak up. It seems to me women have freedom now. They might be overextending themselves but only they can correct that.
Trudeau's got us.
2FollowHim comments on Jul 15, 2019:
And all his own group are agreed? Sure he picked them but do you think they like it? We've sure come to a horrible place. Canada is a bad place.
Secretary of State Clinton CRIME “Charity” This List is Quite Long .
2FollowHim comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Trump doesn't bother her but doesn't help Julian Assange who got the goods on her while in office. I don't have a view on Trump but this doesn't look good. I watched a video of her lying for 18 minutes straight. They started early, that team. Sold dirty blood in Canada. Corruption is their way. That's terrible about those folks who were willing to do something. I feel we're all watched. And so many like to spy on others.
Something that I've been wondering about modern day anti-semites and holocaust deniers, do they just...
2FollowHim comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Please don't link anti Semites with Holocaust deniers. I found no evidence for Holocaust but plenty for abuse, killing, and starving due to war. I'm only anti satanist pedophiles who sacrifice kids, otherwise everyone shows who they are. It turns out to be emotionally loaded, a heavy trigger.
How any Black person or anyone who supports the call for reparations can possibly accept ...
2FollowHim comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I read that, too. I think false CHRISTIANITY of wrong doctrines plus Islam hiding this may lead to thinking Islam good. Nothing is further from truth of any kind. I wonder of MSM contributes to this?
2FollowHim comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Forgot to include I totally have noticed this. I think hard not to.
2FollowHim comments on Jul 1, 2019:
While I think I can't imagine worse, I may be somewhat wrong on that. I can't imagine being in the Conservative party. How could they support him? The liberals likely don't care, they can't afford to do so. Who Canada can vote for is a mystery. Maxime is unknown to Canadians. I doubt they take to new parties quickly.
One Godless Woman Becoming Canadian - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jul 1, 2019:
The leadership of Canada is very Islamic, converted to be one. Recently the Conservatives seem won over. Anything said against Islam is LABELLED hate speech. Nothing to do with FACTS. The leadership is very much into payoffs, deals behind the scenes, under the table. Canada may be more dangerous than USA. No point now in hindsight. Knowing who's at the 'table' helps with rules of conduct. The heads are pro Islam, like a puppet of Islamic states. That dictates underground, strong group. Proceed slowly with caution. But it's silly saying it now. It pressed on me, so put it forward. Her account is true, she's not making anything up. Maybe some good lawyers will want this case. Maybe Ezra Levant with the Rebel. Need a lot.
The Muslim community in Toronto is one big sleeper cell and if activated a lot of Canadians will ...
2FollowHim comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I think Canada is in big trouble, especially Toronto. They plan years ahead, generations.
Is science-denialism the same on the Left as it is on the Right?
2FollowHim comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Uh oh, a lot of BAD labels flung out if I dared deny Holocaust. I do deny it. No evidence for it. Now it's good to define words. Science comes from the word meaning to know. Not a theory. Not a hypothesis. Until there's solid proof? And yes, it might be too late then, there's so much conflicting information on climate that I am a climate agnostic. Apparently volcanoes pollute far more than other things , but is it really the same? Isn't how they combine important? I read both sides, both good. I'm all for no cars. And all that factory pollutant? Surely bad? Nobody agrees. It's all over the place. I see no answers.
A really long look at Scheer's environment policy announcement. []
2FollowHim comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Could you summarize?
[] Justin Trudeau Stands Up For Islam, Suggesting Conservatives Are “RACIST”
2FollowHim comments on Jun 21, 2019:
I thought this was not just Islamic? We aren't the middle East, Saudi. We have many religious groups. How does JT view those? Shouldn't be be asked specifically?
The truth about the 2019 Canadian elections - For those not interested in politics - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Body language is very telling. Maxime is so balanced, and I doubt people want that.
Well holy crap...thoughts? []
2FollowHim comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Sounds good. Get the word out so they know. No surprises.
I Know How We Can Hurt Them - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I don't have one, always joke that I'm not smart enough. I work to know my banker etc. Yes, they turn over, and it doesn't stay the same. But I tell them that we can try not to be a number. They like it, mostly. They're targeting youth, little kids. I think they have a lot of them. From their point of view, they need to know who is dangerous in society. Of course, it will fall into the wrong hands!!
Maxime Bernier: Make Canada FREE Again. A new hope. PPC. - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I hope
No it's not the government and the system abusing and trafficking people and our children! ...
2FollowHim comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Russia does take some 10,000 or more from N. Korea as slaves in Russia. Sadly? Israel is one of the worst, and linked to China. Palestinians, Syrians all for body parts. This will be anti semitism, not fact! But it was found. I have no issues with Jews. But they aren't good people.
Be it speech, guns, religion, policing, political leaning, or just about anything these days, if an ...
2FollowHim comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Wonder if it's Dumbing down?
2FollowHim comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I'm always amazed at how incapable many are of thinking, assessing. To me FE sure lined jp, and the spheroid did not at all.
2FollowHim comments on May 31, 2019:
Why don't people trust their senses? Use logic? Since WHEN??!!,, can big, heavy buildings not move AT ALL going some 1000 mph? Orbiting...get this 67,000!! mph? Really? Nothing would be left!! Gravity was invented. Whether people follow the bible or not, earth doesn't move. This is HEAVY brainwashing.
Unfortunately I listened to a CBC interview with Catherine McKenna minister of the environment ...
2FollowHim comments on May 31, 2019:
And improve the financial state of leaders.
Trust no one! You can't!
2FollowHim comments on May 30, 2019:
I know I can trust you? HUMANLY, so to a degree. I don't even TOTALLY trust myself. I've made enough messes. I've THOUGHT strongly, and been very wrong. I trust God, the bible completely. That's it.
Can You Read or Watch ATLAS SHRUGGED and Get the Wrong Message?
2FollowHim comments on May 29, 2019:
Anything can be 'taken out of context'. I thought her one book, likely A.S. made the point that we DON'T bother with others. If I remember. A good writer, but sad story all the way around. I think it suggested callousness. Sort of a catch 22 situation. You all remember Catch 22, right? I use the phrase but missed that story. I'm all for levelling if that would work.
This group is being raided by the arm of the CIA by THE ULTIMATE MINION FB FOR.
2FollowHim comments on May 29, 2019:
Always planning, plotting, making their moves. Anything perceived as taking from their domain will come under scrutiny.
Trudeau’s DIGITAL CHARTER And The $600M Media BAILOUT Explained!!! May Canadian Journalism RIP - ...
2FollowHim comments on May 24, 2019:
Certainly looks like he thinks he's getting the job done!!
Question: can someone believe in both GOD AND SCIENCE when comes to things like, the earth's ...
2FollowHim comments on May 21, 2019:
I've been, I'm afraid justly accused of being too abrupt! So, I'll continue by quoting Paul, 'Let God be true and every man a liar. The longer I live, and the more I see, the more this rings true. I include myself. The word 'lie' in Greek means mixture.
I'm going to be very frank here.
2FollowHim comments on May 21, 2019:
Hi! There's a spectrum of people out there. Jesus said 'out of the heart', so it shows us the person's operating system. Or non operating. I figure the Lord has put up with such for 'a long time!', so I can manage also. But that's just my view on this, The NT says 'apt to teach', so I SOMETIMES remember to do that!! And sometimes NOT!
The Power of Grace We all have that one person.
2FollowHim comments on May 16, 2019:
Rise above through Christ or get dragged down.
Free speech has nothing to do with vax-trolling.
2FollowHim comments on May 16, 2019:
Freedom to THINK?
Kevin J. Johnston BANNED from Youtube - Ordered to pay 2.5 mil by activist Judge in Canada - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on May 14, 2019:
Right now Muslims are IN, completely supported, heard. Kevin has a reputation of being a 'disturbance', and many won't LIKE him. Facts are not important EVER. It is EMOTIONAL response. I'd sure research this judge. Sounds off to me. YouTube will have sponsors, those who PAY, and offend them? They remove the channel. This has leader of our country imprinted. They want to destroy him. Good reasons why Jesus said LIVE your enemy!!
Maybe AOC stands for Age Of Craziness.
2FollowHim comments on May 14, 2019:
Comic books?
I encountered this guy on FB.
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
The Holocaust has to be about #1 money making scam of the ladt, and THIS century. Immediate label flies up, ANTISEMITE, so I preface that I'm ANTI semites that lie. Get that out of the way. I'm convinced the human mind is not logical or critical thinking. Emotions seem to run things.
This is the conversation that was the first that made me think it was time to concider a group for ...
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
Toxic garbage, wish to fault find. I usually try to outline to them the good, the bad and the ugly!! I've been on yahoo answers for many years, tough area. Very insulting at times. I surely reply, but hope I pray first so I'm not just a knee jerk reaction. When I was in Puerto Vallarta, some mothers told me schools were bad for bullying. That affects kids...changes them.
I posted this post in other group I as of yet did not get a answer as to why it was removed and not ...
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
Yes, the bible discusses serious changes, but that's later, and we'll know it?
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
How do you stay...out of it?
A question from another group was formed, and there wasn’t much traction with it, so I thought ...
2FollowHim comments on May 8, 2019:
I read a good article, I felt that explained 'deserved suffering'. Quite simply, it said when we sin, suffering may be the Lord's way of leading us to repent, get back on track. And what with satan around who ALSO knows when we sin, I think it's better to suffer and repent than have satan set me up for later. Satan won't forget!! Even Jesus learned obedience through suffering. So surely I need the more to learn much through this. Let us consider the opposite..UNdeserved? Actually, then, we are commended for suffering patiently, or for the gospel.
Is Christ an alpha male archetype?
2FollowHim comments on May 6, 2019:
Jesus, being SON of God, aka God, surely seems to be both, or maybe can shift around. Actually, we also can do this to a degree also. In our marriage, we are variously male, female like.
‘More than 700 scientists from 400 institutions in 40 countries have contributed peer-reviewed ...
2FollowHim comments on May 3, 2019:
And would man's efforts help or hinder?
Headline from 9 years ago... Bernier urges skepticism on climate change | CBC News []
2FollowHim comments on May 3, 2019:
Now? What did he mean? Sorry, no time to look into it but that's in character, a cautious person. Might be a fault. There's a raging battle on it: we NEED carbon dioxide, there's TOO much CO2, etc. I THINK electric cars would help?
Personally I do not have much faith with the conservatives with smiling Jack at the helm .
2FollowHim comments on May 2, 2019:
Still, we need to vote who we want, but that's bad news.
Cities affect temperatures for thousands of miles -- Science Daily []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I read Agenda 21was getting people off land so nobody except the few own land. Thus more very high rises. And people have far less personal space. A lot of high rises have a lot of glass? This would raise temperatures. We found it warmer near them. Cities near water, eg. Oceans are very heavy, I think change water levels. Seems there may be a crisis, but can't isolate, say lower carbon. Needs more study than that.
This is a Texas bill to stop vaccinations until proper safety testing has been done.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 30, 2019:
To me? Babies need mother's milk if possible, plenty of rest, fresh air, laughter. Cats do very well with babies,and can be hilarious. Babies do not need a chemical cocktail. Every baby is unique so why say one way is for all? I hope concerned parents will write expressing appreciation for good concern. Keeping babies away from sick kids is important, again, if possible.
Ok so Joe Biden has formally entered the race for the Dem nomination for POTUS.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 28, 2019:
She didn't even live in US for an extended time. Unless now she has. Yes, she's likely it.
Have the thought police taken over Canada, and how soon before they come for Jordan?
2FollowHim comments on Apr 26, 2019:
I think you're right. They'd hate Jordan. Kind of hard to know though?
Why do you think IMMIGRATION is a VERY touchy topic?
2FollowHim comments on Apr 24, 2019:
So often I gave heard on other social media how...the bible promotes slavery, as if slavery 3,000 years ago equates to what it is today. I raise this issue bcuz I think the Torah had a good answer for people who lost their living. There was no Welfare. I think the situation is similar and a sanctuary city could be made but inhabitants would work freely for the USA for a given time. Unfortunately, so many people being cruel, the people would need protection from abuses. And maybe human nature could prevent it from working.
I believe humanity doesn't so much inhabit the earth as it infests it.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 24, 2019:
True.. I'm Christian, but sola scriptura, based on Gr., Hebrew where necessary, but I am not fluent as some. The bible indicates God will REDO, somehow, both but seemingly using some of it. I'm FE, since have we EVER been lied to!! Finally, scientific types spend their OWN money to disprove. Make NO MONEY. Many do as you say, not ALL!! I feel GREAT responsibility for all that's here!! Plants, animals, birds. When I go on holidays to beautiful places, I bless everything. Everything has essence, and I feel it. I believe others can learn this. The bible says,nthe earth GROANS for redemption. Some of the WORST offenders to earth are some Chinese dumping toxinx, selling fake meat, eating babies. Very corrupt. No, I NEVER give up to find wonderful people, and dogs are great too!! Best!!
Acceptable posts and comments on this site.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I'm not as up on this? But if we could see what was said(removing personal identifiers, so a little 'whitewashing', might not the point be emphatic rather than philosophical, hypothetical? Eg. What could we do in this scenario? ...And request it be kept to 5 lines. A little precis work is good. What should we do? Then, even though some details are altered (ha! to protect the guilty!!), they might see this, change?
Any one still wondering why J. A. is still disliked so much? Wonder no more.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 22, 2019:
I noticed that, very honorable, doesn't play games, won't sell out. VERY rare. I hope, a faint hope, enough are watching over him? I see the president no better than Obama. Obama was greatly aided in Indonesia. He took what they gave, turned his back totally. They needed so little to stay out of complete poverty. The current president lets the Clinton's be free but won't help J.A.?
Did anyone else have troubles getting here this morning? 4/22/19 morning EST
2FollowHim comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Couldn't connect yesterday
Just joined this group. Am wondering what teaching of Christ you have discussed so far?
2FollowHim comments on Apr 20, 2019:
Ut WORKS. I'm the major impediment to it. A real crucifying of self must happen, and continue. Very hard.
Thinking of doing a stream about religion and whether it's necessary today?
2FollowHim comments on Apr 20, 2019:
I hope this is not a mandatory, universal slogan? Necessary today? For EVERYONE, anyone? Big world. And what religion? Is New Age a religion?
Godlogic LIVE- Good Friday and the Crucifixion of Jesus! []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 20, 2019:
I believe in the sacrificed Lamb of God.
Is it true Pelosi is 78? Couldn't find younger?
2FollowHim comments on Apr 20, 2019:
I'm older but I just don't think I can well represent younger people? Their music, issues, concerns?
Question of the moment is; is it really worth dating anymore or seeking a wife on my part as a man ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Yes and no. It's always wrong, in my view to seek a wife, or husband. But seeking friendship WITHOUT an agenda, just friendly, on both sides, women meeting men, men meeting women. In many ways, I believe relationships, nevermind marriage are hard to navigate. We've been navigating now for 47 years, and there are tough spots. It's wonderful ALSO, ...but not at those times. By making friends, you learn a lot, don't get hurt, don't invest.
"Remember humility, love and tolerance every waking hour of the day.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 19, 2019:
I've been rescued by God all through my life. It was ALWAYS bigger than me. Really scary events, rescued. I feel indebted to the Lord(I am Christian) and I was about maybe 1 or 2 MINUTES from a 'fate worse than death'. Good you tuned in!! The SLIGHTEST shift could start something. Yes, humility. I'd say it's all bigger than us.
Christanity has Extremists Too!
2FollowHim comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Actually, this is false doctrine. Christianity is what is taught in the New Testament.
David Wood is off Facebook! The biggest social media platform continues to alienate Liberty-minded ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I avoided FB like the PLAGUE.
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