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JimbobNE comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Great job dealing with abusive critics.
DEATH SENTENCE for Tom my Robinson, sent to maximum security prison, better known as a “jihadi ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Had to download from the story. This needs to be kept and used.
When PJW makes statements like this. You have to listen. []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
God. I know putting her stupidity on television and social media helps conservatives, but it is difficult to watch this stuff. Inane fucksterism is a difficult thing to put one's self through though, I really need to take this stuff in small doses. Good God, if she loses we'll still have to see her as much as Miley Cyrus. Keep strong.
[] What is this garbage!
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Meh, at least you know you can find a taxi to get home
Chuckle More on that chair []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
"manspreading"? Damn, we are circling the bowl. This society is ready to flow down the tube into sewers.
Not a single "cage" was built under the Trump administration []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
I wonder if this is banned by Facebook yet.
Ethnoacentrism: The True Racism of White Nationalism The term "White Nationalism" is racist.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Yep we've seen more than a few muslims make comments about how they will put breed the whites and Christians in America. While I believe there is a push to make large parts of America Hispanic, it isn't the Hispanics pushing it. It is the Democratic Party. They want uneducated voters to continue their control over this country.
I wish I would smoke pot... I would watch this in another new way chuckle []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Oh and this video is banned on Facebook. Quite shocking I know. Why would Facebook object to a political argument on their uncensored website? It makes no sense. Oh wait, a Democrat has to beat Trump somehow, better hide any evidence of lies and misrepresentation from the left.
I wish I would smoke pot... I would watch this in another new way chuckle []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Great to watch. Many of these arguments are fairly well-known, but a few are new to me. Fun, although the character voices are painful to listen to. Definitely worth a run, especially the comments on free speech.
Yesterday afternoon
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Yep, needed to zoom the car up to see the dog. I was certain it was going to be an AOC joke.
I've been BANNED from Twitter - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
This says something quite positive about shepherd and I will search her podcasts out, wherever they are now being placed.
Here is Mandela singing in Xhosa with his Communist comrades 'Kill the Whites'.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
I see another peaceful member of the Nobel peace prize club. He claims to seek peace and sings of killing the white man. I never saw this man in this way before. I thank God I see it now because I understand the fog the world seemed to be in when discussing Mandela
And I will repeat it.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
This is what happens when you sign your soul over to world government. I could see several Democrats agreeing to some form of this crap. Hopefully we'll avoid this garbage in the future. 2020 will be a signpost for our direction in the future.
This is insane.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Do people, other than the media, still follow Twitter? Media builds up Twitter but maybe someone really reads that crap. Twitter to me is useless. Trump loves it and I guess billions of others must, but TV personalities seem to be the only ones who talk about it.
Buttsy ain't getting all the meme play
JimbobNE comments on Jul 17, 2019:
How did I miss this?
Buttsy ain't getting all the meme play
JimbobNE comments on Jul 17, 2019:
preach to the illegals beatoff -
If Pete Buttigieg ends up coming from behind and winning the nomination: is it not PC to say "Pete ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Fire away, but he ain't at the back of the bus, there's still little Beto hanging on to his pacifier. Which, maybe more appropriate, Buttigieg headed FOR the rear.
Jeffrey Epstein Had an Old Passport That Listed His Residence as Saudi Arabia – Summit News
JimbobNE comments on Jul 17, 2019:
We could make this world a much better place by executing every pedophile we find. These people can't be helped. They are evil degenerates who prey upon children. Bill the pedophile and his lesbian wife were just the tip of the iceberg.
Trump plays 4D chess while the Dems play checkers.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 17, 2019:
The problem is there are many Americans that struggling to play checkers as well. For some reason many love the "solutions " of the left, not knowing it is just a road to slavery of the soul and the loss of any kind of pocket book.
So all you Trump haters out there - whatcha got to say to this:
JimbobNE comments on Jul 17, 2019:
It seems like a reasonable way to view the situation. Trump is not known for prancing lightly while talking, but all he said was if you don't like it, leave. Not racially biased, just go somewhere you like. Now, they could have reasonably replied, we love the country, we just don't like certain policies. Then again, politicians settling down and getting to the root of any problem is a thing of a long gone time. Or did it really ever happen?
What is the most over rated "classic" movie of all time?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I guess it would depend upon definition of classic. While I thought both Citzen Kane and Gone With the Wind were very good, but Titanic was a yawn fest. I mean beyond the knowing the boat sinks, the whole love story was crap you'd seen 1000 times before. Rich person gets it on with the poor person and has to deal with all of the pernicious attitudes of the family and friends. Bleh.
Wow! This is an incredible article! If you have time, you won’t regret reading it! The more I read...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I wish I could give 5 thumbs up. Well written, has notations pointing to more excellent materials and the tone and logic was very scholarly. Even better you don't have to be a scholar to understand it. If you are open to ideas, this article sets out a good argument stating that ideas are and facts are being lost to a soft-minded unity of the left. Could book burnings ne far behind?
Thought about putting this in the "Best Music Ever.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Mmmmm, not quite my cup of tea, but not abysmal. I guess it shoots for a group of which I am not apart. I hope those who enjoy this support him(if he is a him). Artists need support to grow, so if you like the music but some of his music and see a concert.
Does anyone believe we live in a Free Market Capitalist society here in the USA?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I agree, slavery is not part of the free market. But is sugar from Brazil likewise grown and harvested by slaves? The workers may not make minimum wage in the USA but it is a bit different.
The 4 Morons of the Apocalypse ?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Nice to see Democrats getting attacked for the same garbage they've peddled for decades.
A thousand Africans arrive in small German town []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 14, 2019:
I can't believe this is still going on. Too many Germans seem to buy into the "let everyone in" chant. Gang rapes, no go zones, and an abusive attitude towards the nation helping them. It is sad, and I know not every migrant is like that. There are just so many migrants that the abusive ones are able to gain power.
Dutch parliament adopts motion against ‘racially-based land expropriation in South Africa’ ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Wow, I admit I haven't paid attention to South Africa in more than a decade. It seems they have become a nation seeking to develop the same kind of racist brutality that Nelson Mandela helped to end. I am sure the ANC will claim it is retribution for the injustices of the past, but they better be careful to not chase away many of the people who have successfully farmed that land.
OAC says she would like to eliminate DHS.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 14, 2019:
I would get rid of it and have the CIA and FBI and any other government agencies who have information impacting security form a group of their people to investigate what needs investigating. Reports could be sent to the Congress and the White House etc and if criminal activity is afoot, they could streamline some of it.
STORY TIME: How to get out of a parking ticket in Toronto | David Menzies - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
It is odd that they wish to rely on a legal doctrine which limits the scope of this decision. First I would believe most other JPs would follow the logic on that case, because it is correct, but more importantly, if elected officials wish to be leaders, do the right thing and change the signs. Its an easy sensible thing to do. Dumbasses in power, ughh.
So true so true
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Preach brother. Preach!
Meet Lori, a tiny dinosaur that may help explain how birds evolved flight
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Fun article, I thank you for this. I love articles which shed light on the many subjects about which I know nothing. If you find more, please post. I will read it in a heartbeat.
John Cleese in conversation with Eric Idle at Live Talks Los Angeles []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Spectacular information and laughs from 2 Monty Python giants. I really enjoyed the history they shared talking about Idle's and Cleese's history before and during Monty Python. You hear shots fired left and right about society, show business and themselves. A very good watch.
LIVE at FreeTommy Protest BelmarshPrison - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Maybe these people need to change the people in government and create a true freedom of speech in Britain. Probably need a right to keep and bear arms to, because thugs don't like fighting people who can fight back.
“EDUCATED” Police Officers by 2020! 🤪🤪🤪 - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Many officers in the USA have degrees. It isn't necessary in most cases, but it does give those officers a chance to get promoted faster. Street officers need common sense, a controlled temperament and an ability to deal with public and physical fitness. Can college help? Yes, but it isn't necessary as long as the police forces hire the right people and give proper training. To require a college degree is saying, hey if you can't discuss Kant or Freud you won't understand how to investigate crimes and deal with prostitutes or drug dealers. Stupid.
The gun speaks the truth []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Does a good job of smacking down the lefts arguments. I love that those of who support our constitutional right to own, carry and use firearms haven't shrunk in the face of the Clintons, the Obamas or Bloomberg or any of the rest of the fascists who want to steal liberty from our nation.
Gab Has Become Completely Unstoppable By "Federating" Now They Can't Get Shut Down - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
I need to learn more about Gab. I am new to this. It's time to check this out. Authoritarians will always be, just need to be ready to fight when they come for your liberty.
DNC and violence against women... []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 13, 2019:
This whole Epstein mess is sickening when you look at the powerful people involved. Trump had a connection more than 15 years ago and a cabinet official who just left his position and this is all MSM focused on. Bill Clinton, big whigs in Hollywood and on and on. I mean I remember what happened to Joe Paterno, but what about these new bastards who hung out with Epstein and flew on his jets, some taking trips to his little island of the pedophiles. I admit nothing exists to put anybody away yet, so I'm not calling for charges, but if they can spend years on Trump for Russia crap, start looking at Epstein's friends.
m a d w o r l d - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Great another source I need to pay attention to. His humor and excellent ability to create a informative post which moves quickly and never becomes dull has garnered a new fan.
I am very concerned about the Government turnover in Eastern Mongolia.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
I am interested in this but am not finding any articles about it. If you could vote some, I would love to research this a bit.
Watch: Woman Assaults Pro-Life Activist at University of Wisconsin-Madison | Breitbart
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Yes destroy property just because you disagree with it. Very antifa of her. Except I give her credit for not wearing a hoodie or mask. Sad that at Universities this is the type of debate which these clowns engage in. The system of higher education went from a competition of ideas to thuggery and dim-witted chanting. No longer do people support their ideas with logic and facts, but instead try to brutalize the opposition in order to force them to cower in fear. I guess these individuals should understand their opponents and their views on the world, because they are riling and firing up a very resilient enemy.
Epstein's Judge Was Appointed By Good Buddy Bill Clinton
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Well, isn't that special. In the law you do everything you can to quash even the appearance of impropriety. Seems like the judge here doesn't feel bound to that. Is he trying to help this guy? I don't know, but it does not look good.
The Monastery Of The Mind is a term I pinched from some famous philosopher or other.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
I love chants like this. My mother raised me as a Catholic, taking me to only Latin masses. I lost interest in Catholicism but still love the Gregorian Chants and have numerous CD with them. I am married, as well and would miss my wife if she would go before me. Although, I believe I could still be productive and happy without her. I would just lose many things which make my life a happier place. But solitude, for me, is not a horrible thing, it is just a different thing for which you need to adapt your mind. I don't think I would be as happy but I believe I could get close because of all of the wonderful memories I have. Like you contemplative life makes me stronger. I love thinking alone and very deeply. Television, the internet etc, do get in the way, but scheduling a break alone for a weekend really can rejuvenate me.
Fireside Chat Ep.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
I think the government could help the medical situation by reducing patent protections. Look, I agree it costs a lot of money to create medicine. But to allow a company 25 years protection is too much. I mean I could live with that, if the government stopped allowing extensions for any minor change. Allow the base drug to become public and grant a protection for the change. I also believe these megacorporations should not be allowed to keep the patent protections when they buy smaller corporations. Allow them to take the company but the patents disappear. It would reduce the drug costs a great deal.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Yep, the internet does require some work to protect yourself from the sellers. I have gotten better by understanding exactly what this gentleman explained. I have changed my thoughts to who all can I buy from and work to find different sellers who aren't listed by Google et al. It does take work and when pressed for time I will just look for what I want in an easily found provider. But being not an easy buyer I generally look for a long time before I purchase, because I am a cheap bastard. This can cause problems as well and you have to look to make sure you will get what you are promised. I realize this happens with political ads and many other things. Thank you for this article, it reminds us to be careful about our options and not to skimp on doing homework.
Stones or Beatles AC/DC or Guns & Roses Coffee or Cola
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Stones, Sympathy for the Devil, was my favorite song in my teens. AC/DC, love Long way to the top. Any band who can rock a bagpipe deserves respect. I'll go coffee, hot and black.
Heather Locklear Farrah Fawcett or Susan Dey obviously this is not really for people under age ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Yeah I ain't running away from any of them. All way too hot for me. But, if I had to choose, Farrah, without a doubt. Mmmmmm.
Finally they make a Prius I would be proud sitting in my driveway! []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Ok, now this is the kind of Insanity I support. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that black rifle company did this. I need about 50 pounds of coffee.
And here’s Jason Statham, the godfather of the Bottle Top Challenge []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 12, 2019:
I can't even imagine having that kind of control and precision, much less the dexterity and flexibility. Those folks got it done.
Government bullies want to seize this man's home because of overgrown grass... []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 11, 2019:
John Stossel added a post on this
Government bullies want to seize this man's home because of overgrown grass... []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 11, 2019:
This is insane. At least most people have a choice whether to get into an HOA or not. This guy is just being destroyed by government bureaucrats looking for money. I understand why people want neighbors to cut lawns. Great, but $500 a day is sickening. Why not mow the lawn and charge him for it. They could do that, but no they want to foreclose on his home and take the money to increase city council salaries I'm betting.
I'm a "believer" myself, but my beliefs about God are based entirely on personal and subjective ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 11, 2019:
This is a spectacular piece. I love the way he presents different multiple modes of faith and non-faith. He really does give almost a lecture without disparaging any beliefs. He could be a philosophy professor. I very much enjoyed the mode of parceling out information without destroying anything. This is basically a starting point for people to have a discussion of beliefs in a very non-contentious manner. Thank you for this piece.
Every news cast I have ever seen. []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
This so damned true. This post should be put on every newscast.
Police were searching for a suspect. A loud fart gave his hiding spot away.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
I suppose it is a good thing I never became a criminal.
The Vancouver Women's World Cup brought in almost $73 million, of which the players got 13%.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
People want to say women don't get paid enough, so make it simple, go on strike. Don't get paid what you think you are worth go work elsewhere. A few of the players could make good money at MSNBC, a few others could get jobs as soccer coaches, maybe at universities, so make your point and walk away until you get paid what you believe you are worth. I guarantee I'll watch as many women's soccer games in the future as I watched in the past, none.
Trump just lost the case that he can censor his own Twitter feed string posts.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Yes, but they invented it. If someone comes up with something better and gets people to leave Facebook, Facebook can collapse. With the net and people today, nobody loves Facebook they just go there cuz nobody is really competing with them. Get a libertarian with a few dollars and promise people you won't sell info or won't ban things just because one party or the other doesn't like it and I bet people would come. I won't quote field of dreams, but it's true.
Something that I've been wondering about modern day anti-semites and holocaust deniers, do they just...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
It doesn't matter how weak the arguments are, you will find plenty of people to believe them. We have a rash of flat earthers, holocaust deniers, alien abductions believers etc. If you can create a conspiracy you'll have followers. But, if government hadn't made so many horrible mistakes, I guess this wouldn't drive them so much. Witches, Jews, governments, satan, aliens, it will never end. Thank God Mel Brooks entertained us for so long.
Best Product ad I have ever seen - enjoy! []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Ok, I now have a new coffee brand. I am sold.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
You wonder if anyone even looked at it before it was produced.
Recent poll suggests gun control not nearly as popular as claimed... []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
I know 2nd amendment issues are one of the major issues which have kept Nebraska Republican. God knows the Republicans here love the ethanol handouts.
The Truth about Border Crossers []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Funny in it's absurdity. Unfortunately, dangerous criminals do come north this way. Also it lacks the numbers of non-mexicans who come north with the illegal immigrants.
How Libertarian politician Jeff Hewitt won in California... []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 9, 2019:
I think he is right that there are some Democrats who could be swayed libertarian. I have spoken to a few Democrats who are shocked by the way the party has gone full socialist and anti 2nd amendment. There are a few out there who could help a candidate in local races. There are also Republicans who are in shock by the way too many Republicans vote for big government spending. It takes bold candidates like this guy to help make a change.
You Had Me At Beer
JimbobNE comments on Jul 7, 2019:
This is an example of fine artistry! Perfect post.
At this point you would have to ask.... Would Staline win against Trump in a democratic vote ?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Nice, he takes a good shot at many things, but Kamala Harris was my favorite target. I just hope her campaign does soon. It's kind numbing twittery is just painful to suffer through. I pray none of the dems get elected, but knowing how much this country is so unstable with its relationship to either party, it is unclear how this election winds up. One major screw up could give one party or the other an easy unsettling victory.
A Libertarian in Canada? - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Be careful, just because Trudeau is from big money and wants to take money from people who work and hand it out to people have their hands out, doesn't mean he will lose. Look what happened to FDR here in the USA.
Tim Pool says it .... AOC is a disgusting person []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I understand Poole's discomfort with outside money, but free speech says we should be able to support the candidates we like, even if they aren't in our district. It is up to the opponent to say, "look, where does X get his money? California? Do you want an official who owes his election to California?" And see if the voters care.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Politics and the law. The dems probably gained more than a few votes in the house on this one.
It's MA'AMMMMMMMMMM chuckle []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 7, 2019:
It's California, nobody can be surprised by this. I wonder what would have happened if the guy called the police and tried to have them removed for trespassing. It would have been funny to watch those 2 dudes flip out about his "discrimination".
Proud Boys Rally Rocked by Sex, Cocaine Allegations
JimbobNE comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I really need to learn what the Proud Boys are. Western Chauvinists? WTF is that? Oh well, judging from the names at the rally it doesn't sound like they are very important from any perspective.
Is your country communist? []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Just look at Bernie Sanders and his love of socialism. All you have to do is look at some old videos of him speaking of the wonders of the Soviet Union. With all of the young people swayed by the "genius " of Bernie. They want to say brutal Marxist nations didn't do it right, but if they ever got power I will guarantee tax rates would be nearly 90percent. You would not be allowed to spend your money on the things you want and freedoms would be limited by a desire to create the correct kind of world.
Are you tired of Orang man Bad ? []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Tim is a man with whom I agree at times and disagree with at times. Here he hits it out of the park. He is logical will study issues and look at criticism seriously. Very good host and his take on the streaming platforms is great. I booted Netflix because of its socialist outlook, he suggestion could help them immensely.
60 Minutes on Sweden's 55 Muslim No Go Zones, Media Attacks & Immigration Crisis - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 6, 2019:
How could anyone predict that happening with poor uneducated people from a war zone where they were taught westerners are soft and evil? Oh yeah, anybody who doesn't have his head up his ass. At least they could do something about it, if they choose to. Immigrants who commit violent crimes should be immediately deported as well as those who threaten violence or harm to others.
What films would you suggest young Liberals watch to better appreciate classical liberal values - ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 6, 2019:
The suggestions already listed are good. but classical liberalism in something you could learn about from some of the very leftist films Hollywood is known for. Have them watch the leftist movie and then have them discuss the movie giving some students the liberal view to back some libertarian some conservative and you could even break the groups into smaller subgroups. Then force the students to learn and understand their viewpoints and be able to debate it in a proficient manner. Then you could have each group to defend another group's view. Forcing them to understand and debate for a view teaches them to understand why it is important to learn the other sides of a debate and how to predict the opposition's arguments. This is the basis of classical liberalism. Understand the arguments and why people believe them and don't be afraid of changing one's mind. For winning an argument is not the important thing, but being exposed to all the ideas and being able to openly process the facts, in order to find the most logical and consistent way to use those facts is what is important.
Being beautiful, without being perfect ... []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Great education for me. I never heard of Wabi Sabi before. It does make you think in a different theoretical fashion, I welcome the gift of this new, to me, thinking. I will definitely look more deeply into it.
Chosen Generation Radio Show Interview - Recorded July 4, 2019 - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Sharia law is absolutely the theft of liberty. Keep fighting. Hopefully the loons in America will see the trouble it caused and the liberty it takes from women as well as the rest of us.
Uncle Bernnie would wear them..
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
If had any skills of designing such things it would be a Nike shoe eith an antifa logo. Probably more a future reality than a joke, sadly.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Goebbels is perfect person to quote for antifa. His lies and sludge were a huge reason nazism took control of Germany. Phil Brown and others are very helpful in leading the fight against this foul brand of dishonesty.
Do you think it's truthful or propaganda that the globe and mail said Trudeau will likely get in ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Canada and the United States have differences, but you never want to trust the media. As you know everybody has an agenda and nobody is a dead lock for any election in a free nation. Public opinion is a mercurial thing to predict.
We need more cops like these ones.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I give credit to the officers, and I am hoping the woman helped will not do this again. It was probably a petit theft and they may know her and the difficulty she may be going through. But, it is tough, because there are more than a few con artists who will pick up on this and may try to get some free food out of it. Sad seeing people in need suffer because of lazy bastards trying to get an easy freebie.
New John Ward Video... Yeah it's that good. []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Kaepernick is somebody who really doesn't deserve to be paid attention to. Then again, how do you ignore somebody who creates false narrative, lies and generally tries to portray his millionaire self as a victim. Go away Colin, you bore us.
Hyper Woke Demand: CANCEL AMERICA - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
No Trump, no wall, no USA at all? Couldn't they just solve that problem by moving and ignoring all American products, like apple iPhones, etc?
Spider-gay ???? Really ? []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Oh I thought he was gay when Toby McGuire was spiderman.
[] mmmmm, never had it, but need to find it
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
A picture of the beer from my last post.
"You inevitably become the thing you hate the most" - paraphrased from Nietzsche.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
To some degree yes. But, I am not sure it is absolute. It would depend upon the person. Some libertarians may embrace government in order to increase freedom to make people more free, but in essence create a more restrictive government for some. There is some legitimacy for some people, but I do believe it depends upon each individual.
Metallica- One []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I love this group because I hear a lot of new music I've never been exposed to before. But, this is one I've known since it was released. Just a great song, by, in my opinion, one of the greatest bands in history.
[] An old favorite of mine. Hope you enjoy it.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
When was this recorded? Where are they out of? Ate they still together?
Samuel Rousseau: Fantaisie Op.73 []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I have never heard this before, thank you. I have always heard Bach's various organ works but am very to get an exposure to something new, for me anyway.
Got these for Easter! 7 in total.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
May I ask what breed they are? Are you raising them for meat or for pets?
How do you like your beer served?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Well I would like it from a tap into a frosted chilled glass.
Politicians are the most dangerous subset of human beings on planet earth.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I agree, but the problem is they are people. Too many are weak and can't ignore the offerings of money and power which comes with any kind of office. That is why I believe we should take power from the government and leave it in the hands of individuals. I know that is no easy road either, for more than a few private organizations have worked to take rights from individuals. Sometimes with the assistance of government and sometimes without. People are animals acting to increase their holdings at the expense of others, when people do that we always need to work with our neighbors to fight that kind of oppression.
New law stops IRS from stealing people's money simply because it deems their bank deposits ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
The IRS is a foul organization. When you pay people good salaries to take people's money, you can't be surprised by this. They have plenty of other tricks up their sleeves and this is just small potatoes. I would love to think the dems and repubs actually care about working people and their money, but I know there are too many backroom deals and bridges to nowhere to build.
A thought provoking video on racial relationship in America: []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Well, there is a problem for the plan, blacks are spread out across the country. Granted, there are large populations in many places, but it couldn't work to win. If this is a plan, it would be very useful in creating division and destruction of infrastructure. Many deaths and dollars lost could create a country unable to act effectively on the world stage. That is what the Russians would love. If the USA has 12 percent of its population in revolt, we could not act to stop Russia in Ukraine or anywhere else. It could be, definitely worth looking at.
Hell yes we will!
JimbobNE comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Too many jokes come to mind to even begin.
Don’t Blame Karl Marx for ‘Cultural Marxism’ –
JimbobNE comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I agree certain parts of the right have missed the real reason for many of those changes. It wasn't a plot, it was a lot of people who just wanted to do things differently. You could make a long list of billionaires who supported those things and more than few 1 percenters who made their money from a few of those changes. It's just like the left saying conservatives wanna push grandma over the cliff when they oppose a new raise in social security. These things are the cheap and easy route to rile up the easily swayed individuals. SJWs, alt-right, etc are part of the new targets. While both do things which are disagreeable, neither is as powerful as many claim. Both dems and repubs are controlled by one overpowering force, money.
Sky Views: What happened in Alabama is like an episode of The Handmaid's Tale | US News | Sky News
JimbobNE comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I missed it, how far along in the pregnancy was she? Could she still have legally had an abortion? If it was early in the pregnancy, I could see your point, but after 12 weeks or so, the baby is considered human in many states and the woman may not have an abortion. But an early pregnancy, she would have been allowed to murder the baby at a clinic and it does make this very interesting.
New Video Shows Antifa Crowbar Attack, Macing of Elderly Man – Summit News
JimbobNE comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I wouldn't recommend a trip to Portland anytime soon. Down 130 cops, a mayor who supports thug and no law to protect non-violent people. Oregon should be proud of itself. I'm sure there are many folks there who are proud of the mayhem being inflicted upon people who aren't hurting anyone.
Seagull Steal Crisps from Greggs - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Yeah there are smart animals out there. I do have a bit of a question as to why the guy happened to have his camera on when the bird did that. Then again, he may have seen the bird do it before and was ready the next time.
Can any conservative city-dwellers explain what the hell Trump is talking about here?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I guess I am kind of conservative, but I have no idea. Trump's deficits are already over 1 trillion per year and he wants to subsidize left coast cities who created their homeless problems with God awful property restrictions and huge tax burdens and they want to spend money on illegal immigrants rather than their own citizens. The left coast talks about it's amazing economies, well have them put it to use picking up the garbage.
New Zealand struggles enforcing new gun control measures... []
JimbobNE comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Yep, bans don't work for drugs they didn't work for booze, and they didn't work for porn. Why would one work for a right people hold dear. I will never understand the take something away from people who have never committed crimes to stop criminals from committing crimes idea. I read about lawful gun owners saving their own lives and others lives, way too often to take responsible people's guns away. Government needs to prove a gun owner will commit a crime before I take a weapon away.
What is happening in Hong Kong makes me so fucking angry I can hardly think.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Yes Hong Kong was a great example of free enterprise and now the boys from Beijing are taking the liberty Hong Kong had and turning it into a farce.
Is Maxime Bernier wise to criticise Conservatives? Doesn't that help Liberals?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I hope this is the video you are talking about.


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