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Truth in humor.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I know a few states who have done that, in my state we had county commissioner get all of his relatives living out of state to register in his county. Since he was good friends with the County Clerk, nobody batted an eye when absentee ballots arrived from Louisiana to be counted in Nebraska. Corruption is all over and sadly, little is done to combat it.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Dems won't admit it but he has shown a lot of steel in his first term.
I remember being a little Idealistic and emotional, dealing with the realization that we didn’t ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I agree Donald Trump is very pragmatic, but we are still facing a huge deficit problem, because everybody, including Trump is looking at other problems and ignoring trillion dollar deficits. He has done some very good things, I didn't vote for him last time, but am leaning his way this time, for the sake of the Supreme Court. Please Donny, do something about the deficit.
Yeah it's sunday night.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I think that is the next big haircut for Hollywood.
Obviously..... She made the good choice...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Sadly, there are way too many people who would wear this shirt proudly. Oh well, I do as I wish, so others should do as they wish.
He's not a Saint but who is?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Oh you'll get a load of blow back on this, but it makes a very important point. I didn't vote for Donny, but I gotta give him credit on the economy. I just wish he'd do something about the deficit. Ughhhh.
Many great breweries in New York State.
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Thank you for coming, New York was definitely an early leader in brew pubs and microbreweries competing with the big boys. A lot of very good beer from New York.
Tomorrow tomorrow and .
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Oh my God, horrific. Thank you for that. Poor guy needs some staples to keep that crap up.
She had to ask !
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
That is just scary. This world has many problems and I don't think we'll ever get problems like these fixed. Good lord, it is just frightening.
That's it guys... Racism have been fixed by penguins
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
It's a nice picture, unfortunately individuals of all the races in the world will still cause problems.
In an astonishing turn, George Soros and Charles Koch team up to end US ‘forever war’ policy - ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Interesting quote when one considers Churchill's dealings in India
NAZI's are left wing, moron
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Oh it is the twisted thinking of the left. They nazis and communists were enemies so the nazis are the right wingers. They also claim that Germany and it's socialist medicine was started before Hitler and Hitler didn't do the kinds of socialist policies that modern day socialism likes. But they ignore what Hitler did do, while he allowed private businesses to remain they were under the right thumb of the government. Socialism is government control of most things. The society not individuals decide what is proper and how things get done. Churches only survived if they bent a knee to nazism. That is socialism at it's core. Fighting the government or popular opinion is considered criminal. You look at antifa, and they act like brownshirts. Common sense says nazis are leftists because they know better than you how to run your life.
One Godless Woman Becoming Canadian - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I can imagine the horrible pressures being poured upon this poor lady. I hope she isn't bashed as helping Islamaphobes. I don't know her, I don't know if her particular story is true or not, but I have heard too many similar stories from top many women in the middle east to just say it is false. Good luck to her, I hope she succeeds in her quest.
Evolution of SJW movement....Reach this point []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Typical SJW stuff. You can't help but think it is a parody. It would be hilarious if it weren't a serious site put out by people so deluded by inane garbage. We are facing a bad future if we cannot find a way to bring some of these folks back to common sense.
Syrian comedian on jihadi justin 😂 - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Good job. Sad to say, there are many places in the USA who look at killers as good future residents.
How do we care for ourselves, without being selfish?
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I guess it depends upon how one defines taking care of one's self and selfish. But more importantly, why should one not be selfish? Is it really wrong to look at taking care of one's self and family before looking at others? I don't think so. I guess it comes down to how well one needs to be doing to help others. Me, even if I am just above starvation, I will probably help someone who is near death. There are a myriad of different things one will look at to understand whether your assistance may harm one's longtime survival and whether the assistance will really help the person you look to aid. I want people to survive, but not more than myself or my family.
Gonna get worse before it gets better. []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Why does an AG support antifa? Easy, votes. Minnesota is a leftwing loon bin. Voters love socialism and letting Governments control the people. There are some very nice people in Minnesota, but they will always vote to restrict freedom, especially when they disagree with the freedoms being restricted.
If you don't jump on the gay pride month band wagon you're the sick - o... []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Amen, you do what you want in the bedroom and keep it to yourself. I don't wanna hear or see anything to do with anyone's bedroom activities. I don't need the discussion, just let me mow my lawn and grill my steak. You can discuss gerbils up your ass elsewhere.
Tommy Robinson - â—‹â—‹â—‹ Upcoming Court Case Update â—‹â—‹â—‹ - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Tommy Robinson, as an American I can say free speech is one thing we do pretty well here in the US. If had a Tommy Robinson flag to fly, it would be right up next to the Stars and Stripes. Keep fighting for liberty my man. I have a great deal of respect for your courage. It isn't easy to fight a government when governments, even in the US, are looking to protect particular points of view, rather than liberty.
How old were you?
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
-1. I don't remember it well. But I've read about the summer of love and the Vietnam war. Ehh, just a child, am I. Maybe when I grow up I'll understand.
Somehow, I thought there would be more Spiritualist out there...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Straight, which do I prefer? Hmmm, nevermind I'm not picky. If it's available I'm drinking it. I don't have the ability to differentiate much, having very poor tastebuds, but I can say I've never been a fan of Anisette's. I do enjoy Cabo Wabo, tequila though. But a couple of those and I probably wouldn't mind an anisette.
Aussies should be proud.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
As an American, I gotta say that eagle is an ass kicker. Big, mean, and doesn't take crap from anybody. It may not be the prettiest little birdie, but who cares. When you have the guts of your enemies spread out over the ground and you're ready for dinner, you know who's in charge.
Hi everyone, I am trying the YouTube Premier function for the 1st time.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I'm not Canadian, but shouldn't every day be Canada Day?
You can't be pro-life and pro-war. Change my mind.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I guess it depends upon how one identifies as "pro-war". If that means a person willing to use war as a weapon to achieve a better being for peaceful people, then I guess I would be pro war. Yes innocent people will die but the liberty of my country will be preserved. I will always sacrifice the lives of oppressors for my liberty. An innocent baby who has oppressed nobody, in fact the parents willingly had sex knowing a pregnancy was possible, should not be killed. Legally I definitely allow a rape victim to have an abortion, because she did not willingly make the decision to potentially get pregnant. It makes sense to me, I suppose I should state the innocents who die from opposing oppressive nations are caught in a horrible situation but allowing an oppressor to suppress more people in order avoid killing innocents just means the world will be controlled by evil oppressive people.
How does one deal with the constant cuts in staffing, and the constant increases in case load and ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I am not a nurse, but work security in a hospital. I admit I am in awe of the hard work and dedication of all of the nurses I see. I have noticed the amount of time the spend in front of computers doing "paperwork" for insurance companies et al. and have heard more than a few nurses regretting the time away from patients and not being able to do their number one job. I know a few nurses who are contemplating leaving the hospital and possibly the profession, because if the pressure from Administrators to get the piles of forms completed so the big business interests, the government, the tort lawyers and others are happy. Good luck, you are the number one protection for patients and the system right now seems rigged against you.
But I do understand the word, Geordi.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Yes, circular logic is always fun. It is just, because it is fair and it is fair because it is just.
Resistance is USENET You will adapt to Farmville and the Social Justice way of life.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Ehh, just walk away. Convince others to leave Facebook, and rejoin the free world.
ANTIFA mob viciously assaults journalist Andy Ngo at Portland rally... []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
It would be nice if the law enforcement in the communities in which these things happened went after these thugs. Unfortunately, some of the cities bar law enforcement from enforcing criminal laws against criminals like this. Notice how often you hear from antifa in Texas. I'm from Nebraska, but all I can say is "God Bless Texas "
The Right does not have to agree with Zuckerberg’s douchbaggery.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 29, 2019:
I don't believe libertarians, like myself are calling for an infringement of lil markie's property rights. Now he could have his legal protections reduced, if Facebook is not a free and open forum. Because if the use editorial discretion to allow some things and disallow others, they may face lawsuits for some of the things posted on their site. I myself just call on people to walk away from Facebook. It is huge, it has an amazing reach, but so did CNN at one time, now they are just a little pimple on the cable TV butt. Let the Zucker do as he pleases and go elsewhere, like and idw.
This article's recap of the 1921 battle of Blair Mountain is a stark reminder of the difference ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Maybe I'm a bit lost here, but how can a "right libertarian " support a corporations" ability to bomb a unionist? I thought libertarians only supported the use of force to protect one's life, liberty or property. Now the workers always have the right to unionize, but the business likewise should have the right to bring in other workers if unions go on strike. The business deals with lesser skilled employees at lower wages and unionists deal with no wages from the business. Seems fine so far. Now if unionists destroy property of the business, some problems could arise, but that shouldn't allow a business to kill anybody unless someone's life was in danger or if the people at the business rationally could believe their lives were at risk. Well I admit this is what should be and I know those businesses hired private security which did unspeakable things and paid off law enforcement which also did bad things, but those shouldn't be supported by any libertarians unless the dangers come to light.
Couldn't resist:
JimbobNE comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Trump never would have become president if the dems hadn't made Hillary their candidate. Donny is an interesting individual, but he excels at slamming the inane garbage the Hillary and aoc and beto et al throw out. I would love to see a campaign between two people who argued the simple facts and left the imagined hyperbole behind, but America has no interest in simple common sense and logical discussion. Democrats and republicans have killed intelligent discussion. I have no faith in either party right now. Lies and fecal matter are now the root of politics. I guess civilization is stuck here for awhile.
Saw these recently:
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I hope they succeed at losing. I would not be able to deal with any of them as President.
Pro gun group wins lawsuit against New Jersey State Police... []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Great job NJ2AS, people like you are Patriots. Trying to save our rights from those seeking to allow government unfettered power over us. Thank you for your strength and perseverance. You are examples for all of us.
Great YouTube channel to follow.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Good commentator, I need to hear more from him. I like his knowledge from both the black and Hispanic backgrounds. He also does good research.
I don't if tim is and expert on this.. but ok []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Look all of this stuff if barely useful to anybody. Many women do like strong guys, and there are more than a few who like weaker men they can control. There are plenty of women who don't fit in either group. So, who cares, find the person who fits you. End of story.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Well, if parents allow their children to see this stuff, that is their issue. We can't control the world, we have to raise our children the best we can and teach them to not be afraid to disagree with things with which they disagree. Never be afraid to boycott and let your feelings be known. But, if people choose to raise their children with these kinds of entertainment products, they may do it. Freedom often means seeing and dealing with things with which you hate.
Indulge me with an archaeological tidbit, will you?
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I love the BBC, thank you for this video!
Moe Money....Foe the Wall. []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
He's right, Bushy Republicans love illegal immigrants, they hardly did anything to stop illegal immigration and did what they could to slow immigration enforcement. Good job Donny, this is impressive!
Bwaaaaaaaaahahahha SJW versus Logic.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Very good. I had fun watching it. Wasn't the sharp fact-based barbs of a Ben Shapiro, but a few facts and enjoyable. Every once in awhile we need some of this.
Supreme Court allows warrantless blood draws of unconscious drivers... []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I agree with Gorsuch, the case should have been brought before the court and decided on the implied consent issue. This was an improper decision, especially when the state admitted they could have gotten a warrant.
Adolph Hipster ??? LOL []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Bit slow developing for me. I listened for several minutes and never really heard anything very interesting. I think it is out of my demographic.
Men who dress as women and get pregnant ?
JimbobNE comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Sad thing is, one of these people may become president. Trump has done well in the economy, but with the mind control the dems have used in the media and the way Hollywood and the schools have constantly sold Marxism, we may not see logical thought by enough voters to get a president who won't end freedom in America.
I wonder if anybody has considered what's going to happen when Google gets around to deciding that ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 27, 2019:
It will happily when some bright folk understand that there is a very large group of consumers looking for an alternative. I know I have money to invest in one as do many others, just takes somebody with the skills and vision to create the right corporation.
Could it be that those whom label groups based on a certain way of thinking are more harmful than ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Labels need to be used just to help us keep track of a ton of single items. They can be dangerous, but only because we don't understand that they don't necessarily always describe the items in the group they find themselves. We can use labels, but just need to reevaluate the individuals so changes and misevaluations don't cripple are judgements.
The Truth About SMART Cities - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I think she is right, Google has so much money and power, that governments and people will go along with what they do and say, but there is always a point when people say "no". It may take a lot of time and blood but a revolution will come, even if Google is in control.
While watching the first round of Democratic debates last night, I was struck by how choreographed ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I can't figure out if the far left agenda appears to be on the brink of winning this time or if they know that the next election it will sound more moderate and reasonable. The left knows if they push the agenda hard enough, enough Americans to make it reality will eventually materialize. Trump lost the popular election last time and his harsh rhetoric may make just enough people in just the right states to vote for the most popular marxists. Everyone on the right seems to think the good economy is gonna give Trump the victory, but it is very close and just like 2016 nobody should take anything for granted. Google has been working since 2016 to make sure trump loses. Watch out, 2020 will be scary until the winner is declared.
Hitler reacts to VERITAS GOOGLE Leaks []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 27, 2019:
That was a very good re-text of that scene Sadly, many people would not understand or believe the connection to reality. I guess we keep trying to teach and help people understand what is going on.
I thought of this while contemplating the Clinton's and Obama being investigated by the DOJ.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
He was a man who wasn't afraid of anyone. He took on all sides and called BS every time he saw it.
This is what happens when you think instead of just doing as you are taught. []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I like the idea, but wow it will be very difficult to convince landowners to go to open range. But the idea of vast herds of bison grazing the plains sounds interesting.
So who would let the violinist die? []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
The famous violinist scenario often is used to say fetuses aborted as a result of rape are fine to kill, because the woman did not choose to have sex and thus did not bring the fetus into being by her choice. But it still would say a woman having sex or a man who agrees to hook up to a violinist is responsible to carry that person through to the end of pregnancy/treatment. A person kidnapped and hooked up could unhook and leave without a problem and the quack who hooked him up would go to jail.
This sounds promising I just wish he had given a link to his source for the poll. []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I'm gonna have to look at this study and understand it. How widely was it conducted and what does it really mean. It is interesting though.
Reddit restricts access to the very popular "The_Donald" subreddit over alleged policy violations by...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
We just need to find every free forum we can and keep speaking the truth. I accept people who disagree with me and wish them to keep speaking. It is only by hearing the other side, that you are able to learn. But finding those sites willing to let people speak is very important. Spread the names of those sites and keep talking them up on the censored sites. We need to keep open minded people learning about the other places who don't have billions but do have thought provoking discussion.
Yale Convinced Her To Report Him For Sexual Assault.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I understand why the settlements happen, I just wish it were possible to get more verdicts against schools like this. Especially, since the settlements usually require non-disclosure agreements as part of the settlements.
Bring back the Crusades, or at least the 21st Century version of the Crusades []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Well, I don't believe the Catholic church would be too interested in that, these days. The USA and others governments are too mired in their own politics too make it happen, and the cost would be prohibitive as well. There are a billion or so muslims in the world, trying to conquer them is a very hard task which failed in the past and may wind up in nuclear war today.
Shame, shame, shame! Yemen – this is Britain’s war, too - spiked
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
America needs to get out. I understand Yemen is a site of training for terrorists, but why can't we just bomb those sites and move on. We do need to fight the people who wish to kill us, but killing children ain't right. Then again, knowing how these terrorists organize, they probably have numbers of children in there camps as shields and possibly future recruits. A messy situation with no good answer.
Nothing new here... A social media platform has banned support of Trump... []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I hope free thinking individuals do walk away, but I doubt it. Too many people don't know or really understand what it means when someone bans open discussion of political issues for just one side. It is a sign of the times, and all I know is if the dems win in 2020, conservatives and libertarians could be facing very serious consequences to their freedom.
Winston Churchill Gets a Doctor’s Note to Drink “Unlimited” Alcohol in Prohibition America ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Winston, that is awesome. Just another piece of evidence showing that prohibition of private property is usually pretty easy to get around.
Having taught for a few years, I had to post this. :) []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Great video, thank you. I am sure some would decry an adult taking cracks at students, but we must also remember there are students who do deserve it.
A look at the new censorship and discrimination plank  []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Thank you for the video. We need people fighting for freedom of speech in as many countries as possible, in order to be sure free speech will survive our generations
Got to love what is deemed OK and not OK.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 23, 2019:
I am sure they are both inappropriate for different groups in society. Who cares? Look at the ones you like, ignore the ones you hate. This is actually pretty easy. If someone is showing the ones you seem inappropriate to your children, that is where the issues bebin.
Trump says we are going to have over 400 miles of wall built by the end of next year.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Ok 400 miles to be built, there is still 1600 or so miles after that. Sorry Donny you'll never find any votes in Congress to cut their favorite welfare programs in order to build the wall. You won one lawsuit, we'll see what happens when the Democrats keep filing and slowing construction to a crawl. Maybe you'll get it started but it will probably won't be finished by the end of your presidency. Even if you win re-election. Then again, I've been wrong before.
Bernie Sanders says his Medicare for all plan would absolutely include illegal immigrants.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 22, 2019:
We are already 20 trillion in debt, what's another few trillion? Thanks to Barry and Donny, we may be 22 or 23 trillion in debt by the time the next inauguration in 2021.
Advice columnist tells father to evict daughter from his house for owning a gun... []
JimbobNE comments on Jun 22, 2019:
It just hurt to read Amy's response. This kind of half-witted thought is so common, it is painful.
New Law Would End Social Media Censorship, Big Tech Is Outraged - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Freedom means the ability to do whatever good and bad things you wish. So if IDW wishes to open up a platform for people of all stripes to discuss issues, excellent and if Facebook wishes to open up a platform in which people with who they disagree are censored, enjoy your souless dialogue on Facebook. If you wish to protect property and speech rights, you need to allow Facebook the use of their property to tilt the election they wish to tilt it. Just like CBS et al did for years. Find a cabal of friends, and start raising money to build another social media platform. Have friends and relatives start convincing others to visit that site ad avoiding Facebook like the plague. It can work. Just look at ESPN, their ratings were suffering because of their leftist politics and they started to pull away from that and started focusing on more on sports again.
Congressman Danny Davis Explains Why Juneteenth is an Important American Holiday ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 19, 2019: Definitely a day to be remembered.
New Law Would End Social Media Censorship, Big Tech Is Outraged - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jun 19, 2019:
I think big tech should be allowed to censor whatever it wants. Those who don't like their policies need to step up and support the social media who don't censor. IDW,, etc. Yes Facebook et al have a huge size advantage, but if more people seek out freedom and work to convince family, friends and associates to steer away from the huge sites and move to others.
Popular sovereignty is false in principle and pernicious in practice. Abraham Lincoln.
JimbobNE comments on Jun 19, 2019:
There is so much to contemplate in the issue of sovereignty. I tend to dislike popular sovereignty and prefer personal sovereignty. Unfortunately, I also think a divided north and south would have created 2 substantially weaker nations who played a very weak role in the world. Imagine if the south had legal slavery into the 1940s. Would the south have supported Hitler with his racial dim-wittedness? So many questions and so many possibilities.
As Trump kicks off his 2020 campaign, he will need to respond to criticism of unfulfilled promises ...
JimbobNE comments on Jun 19, 2019:
I like Trump better than Hillary, but he failed in regards to the deficit. He, like Barry both promised to fix it and then ignored it. Republicans and democrats have stuck us with trillions of debt and trillions more in promised payments in social security, Medicare etc. There was money for that but those parties spent a great deal of it already. I used to be a Republican, but the party failed me too many times to trust again. Billions for farm subsidies, to pay off voters in rural areas. Trillions spent defending nations who should be defending themselves. Trump has done some good stuff, but didn't even try to balance the budget, and leftist republicans like Susan Collins helped keep Barrycare in play, so nothing could be saved there.
Face Book censorship. Thoughts?
JimbobNE comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Facebook censorship is just an opportunity for other social media to expand and grow. I know I learned about several new sites and visited them.
Brexit Happened...They're OUT...technically []
JimbobNE comments on May 4, 2019:
Thank you Tommy6915. This was a great video. Grahm Moore is new to me. I will love learning more about him and picking up a few more bits of information.
Can the IDW help finally create a legitimate 3rd party?
JimbobNE comments on Mar 4, 2019:
While the IDW can't create it on it's own, it can help, as you asked. Creating a third party is something which is needed by many people. Not just a third, but 4th and 5th parties as well. Let's face it, many people have many different views and two parties do nothing. Then again, maybe more parties won't help because if we have 5 or 6 parties and the parties have to trade support on different issues to get what they want, we may end up in the same boat we are in. Money buys votes and the country sinks further into the abyss.


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