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Duh, duh, duh, duhhhhh! šŸ¤£
guru comments on Nov 6, 2020:
That's a ladies bike
Rick-A replies on Nov 6, 2020:
That means Biden juniors surveillance is watching her! His user name and password are to help daddy remember it.
The fight has just begun. []
Rick-A comments on Nov 6, 2020:
I hope that somebody some where has the courage to step up and deliver the goods. We know it’s there.
Rick-A replies on Nov 6, 2020:
@jakuboj This all very well BUT where is the evidence that backs up your claim. I went through all the FB material and this guys FB page and could not find anything. What am I missing?
AOC Calls For Listing Trump Supporters For Future, Far left Creates Trump Supporter List ...
Rick-A comments on Nov 6, 2020:
AOC brown shirts.
Rick-A replies on Nov 6, 2020:
@Krunoslav I canā€™t see this bring resolved any other way. Corruption must be confronted. Having said that, one side has a massive advantage, the control the message.
Even with a Biden win, Portland's protesters vow to keep smashing stuff- [reason.]
Rick-A comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Makes perfect sense. That’s what they do, it’s their life ambition. I spent time in Portland and it’s a sick place. I mean really sick, not just TDS sick!
Rick-A replies on Nov 6, 2020:
@SpikeTalon I have to pass through the place south but I will not even fill up in Oregon.
Someone didn't get the joke. Only average IQ is required. šŸ˜‚
coalburned comments on Nov 6, 2020:
What is IKEA? Ok, just kidding....
Rick-A replies on Nov 6, 2020:
Find a tree, cut it down, plane, cut and shape, assemble.
I was forced today to write-in a candidate for president: Mickey Mouse.
iThink comments on Nov 4, 2020:
yes well writing in Mickey Mouse really shows your "IQ" doesn't it. - much more than you apparently realize.
Rick-A replies on Nov 6, 2020:
@iThink Agree. Writing in Mickey Mouse demonstrates nothing, unless you intended to simply advertise your stupidity to the rest of us. Your action is of no importance to the rest of usšŸ‘. Just stay at home and stand in front of a mirror! Dah! You got nothing for you time and effort and achieved nothing.
wow we are in deep shit aren't we every where in this world and it's the UN, trilateral commission, ...
Rick-A comments on Nov 5, 2020:
It’s going to move that way even faster if this corrupt BIDEN family gets in. The thought of another Obama type misfit in the WH is beyond comprehension!
Rick-A replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@1patriot Like WTF?
NYC mayor Bill De Blasio’s daughter before and after attending university.
johnlondon comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Why do so many ugly people stuff a cow nose bridle in their snout? Do they want to be led to safety from themselves?????????????????????????????
Rick-A replies on Nov 5, 2020:
A cow needs a nose ring so it can be lead to the bull. This one has no chance on her own sheā€™s so damned ugly even a goat would run!
I'm ready! Bring it on! šŸ¤£
ZuzecaSape comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Rick-A replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@Naomi Whatā€™s a riot? We just apologize and say sorry!
I'm ready! Bring it on! šŸ¤£
ZuzecaSape comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Rick-A replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@Naomi No more than yours!
Perhaps The Most Important Election Since 1864 & TCOB We are facing perhaps the most important ...
Rick-A comments on Nov 1, 2020:
No man is perfect but Trump comes close. He’s got the heart and intent to protect the USA from the Biden mafia!
Rick-A replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Believe it, you Bidonites own that word, itā€™s yours! Use it.
Perhaps The Most Important Election Since 1864 & TCOB We are facing perhaps the most important ...
Rick-A comments on Nov 1, 2020:
No man is perfect but Trump comes close. He’s got the heart and intent to protect the USA from the Biden mafia!
Rick-A replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay I said Trump is close. You'd be worshiping ā€œtrunalimunumaprzureā€ and that is pure cult.
-sight- mom tells me her friend got pulled over “for being black”. ok so what happened?
Rick-A comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Double double post. Two cream only one sugar please!
Rick-A replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@Joehlert11 No problem it happens to the best of us, welcome to the club, just delete one.
A costume also suitable for children
guru comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Only one hand?
Rick-A replies on Oct 31, 2020:
Probably in her pants.
Rudy Giuliani lays out the RICO case against the Biden crime family.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
He knows it inside and out, if you know what I mean.
Rick-A replies on Oct 31, 2020:
You are a disgrace!
WalMart removes guns for fear mobs will loot stores and shoot people- [redstate.
Rick-A comments on Oct 30, 2020:
That’s true but they should be not permitted to get away with terrorism and vandalism. Law and order must be maintained.
Rick-A replies on Oct 30, 2020:
@SpikeTalon Thatā€™s Dorsey or Zuckerbergs people sneaking in here! Just kidding thanks, I put the k not in the noose, let it rip!
Jack Dorsey Falsely Claimed Twitter Never Censored President Trump
Joel_Fry comments on Oct 30, 2020:
We should flood Twitter with our own opinions and ideas.
Rick-A replies on Oct 30, 2020:
Letā€™s get to it! All we need do is post this: Fuck Dorsey! I just did it,
Tucker: Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish Putting "Fox News" or "Tucker Carlson" on ...
Rick-A comments on Oct 28, 2020:
This is beyond belief. Do the Biden’s control the entire USA?
Rick-A replies on Oct 29, 2020:
@eschatologyguy Nah, this is unconscionable evil.
Tucker: Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish Putting "Fox News" or "Tucker Carlson" on ...
Rick-A comments on Oct 28, 2020:
This is beyond belief. Do the Biden’s control the entire USA?
Rick-A replies on Oct 29, 2020:
@eschatologyguy A dark street is the place to get revenge.
Thought for the day...
angelo comments on Oct 29, 2020:
She might sober up. Believe me, a sober Pelosi is a male's worse nightmare!
Rick-A replies on Oct 29, 2020:
Nah, just scorn her ugly face.
Damn! Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey looks like a cross between local bum and some kind of Hollyweird ...
Rick-A comments on Oct 28, 2020:
And his breath stinks of Biden feaces. He could have at least brushed his tests and tried to conceal his sexual habits! Disgusting specimen of humanity!
Rick-A replies on Oct 28, 2020:
I would not piss on this cunt if he was on fire!
so in this whole “defund the police” and police reform discussion I keep hearing how we need ...
Lexpd1145 comments on Oct 28, 2020:
As an officer I would have had no issue having, and actually did have a couple of times, a social worker along on calls. While the additional insight would have been nice in some circumstances, the other calls where you have people on drugs or alcohol, people with mental health issues, or people ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 28, 2020:
The SJW are the social workers. They are the bleeding hearts. They are the first to call the cops when things escalate. The lesson is a simple one, even if you donā€™t like cops, respect the cop in front of you or your going to get hurt. Your life could depend on a simple choice!
Corbella: Imagine if the National Energy Program never happened | Calgary Sun
Header comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Yep destruction of middle class is the prosperity of the elites! USA just want to see what life will be under Biden. Or rather Corrupt Harris, just look North to Canada to see your future! Massive unemployment not from Covid but from policies to destroy our industry with nothing but a smile and ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 28, 2020:
It only takes a few hundred votes to swing a ridding. Put in a few hostels with free food, medical and a monthly cheque and thatā€™s it!
Twitter CENSORS "Fake News" - YouTube
Rick-A comments on Oct 28, 2020:
It’s all very laughing at this shit but there is a war waiting to be fought!
Rick-A replies on Oct 28, 2020:
@guru Code red is the next level, right now itā€™s about orange/red.
Rick-A comments on Oct 27, 2020:
If this is true then the Biden family need to be charged as per the alleged evidence. If this is supported by other similar incriminating evidence on Biden’s laptop the Big Guy Biden needs to be called in to answer questions tomorrow.
Rick-A replies on Oct 28, 2020:
@jakuboj What's holding this stuff back? What if Biden wins and this breaks open. All the Democrats want is to get him elected and then hang him but the election would be a fraud!
Rick-A comments on Oct 27, 2020:
If this is true then the Biden family need to be charged as per the alleged evidence. If this is supported by other similar incriminating evidence on Biden’s laptop the Big Guy Biden needs to be called in to answer questions tomorrow.
Rick-A replies on Oct 27, 2020:
@jakuboj Itā€™s a Demo truth? Or something?
This guy beat you to it šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
Rick-A comments on Oct 26, 2020:
I don’t get it? Why? Because it refers to nothing. What am I supposed imagine?
Rick-A replies on Oct 27, 2020:
@Kjcline You can edit your post and add the link.
Happy birthday Hillary! Please join me in this Celebration by leaving your birthday wishes below.
parsifal comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Happy b-day from Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty... Cunt.
Rick-A replies on Oct 26, 2020:
I recognize that face! Itā€™s the face of a . . . . Sorry I would want to insult you, because I know what your saying and yes!
The neo-Nazi mask is fully off.
Serg97 comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Ricky, you have finally TOTALLY LOST IT!!!! You need HELP!!!!!! GOOD LUCK, you will need it to come back where you are!!!!!
Rick-A replies on Oct 25, 2020:
@2peros Loved that post BUT no this Wiley ** hasnā€™t got the hutzpah of a stall ham sandwich.
The daily circus
camerakid61 comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Yep, and he's the biggest clown of them all!
Rick-A replies on Oct 25, 2020:
TDS much or is it Biden lie fatigue. Itā€™s a bummer your sleepy old useless bureaucrat has 45 years of nothing to show and then claims heā€™s going to do it all next month. WOKEism!
The neo-Nazi mask is fully off.
Aeofric comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Where are they? I cannoit see any Neo Nazis
Rick-A replies on Oct 25, 2020:
@Aeofric I suggest a bit more than a moment a total memory relapse is more like it.
corruption must run deep
KeithThroop comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Exactly. It doesn't make me feel very safe.
Rick-A replies on Oct 25, 2020:
Itā€™s very scary and very troubling.
The neo-Nazi mask is fully off.
Aeofric comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Where are they? I cannoit see any Neo Nazis
Rick-A replies on Oct 25, 2020:
Heā€™s talking about aloud about what he is seeing in his head and clearly what he sees isnā€™t real.
The neo-Nazi mask is fully off.
Aeofric comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Where are they? I cannoit see any Neo Nazis
Rick-A replies on Oct 25, 2020:
@WilyRickWiles As usual you display classic TDS. How about you start a conversation on the open Nazi techniques being employed and on full display in social media and Antifa. Give you head a bang, you need a major reset.
[rebelnews.] CDN Gov. seeks to create a database of privately-owned lawnmowers
Header comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Never. Do a survey for the government, especially stupid ones like this!
Rick-A replies on Oct 24, 2020:
Job creation program. Medical, pension and paid Union dues. 4 day week, lunch breaks, tea breaks, every second day flex. Assured vote creation.
Since when the word "diversity" has become like a taboo word?
Rick-A comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Now you are preaching the New World Order. How can an Islamist and a Christian agree on the same concept on a city council. These tensions are being seen in most western countries. London’s mayor is a classic example, his bias is palpable! How can a commie and a capitalist agree on anything?...
Rick-A replies on Oct 23, 2020:
@Naomi Living in a Soros world much? We agree to disagree but do some travelling like to India so you understand how it works. Women in India might help you understand the term diversity.
The tragedy unfolding right now in South Africa - YouTube
Rick-A comments on Oct 23, 2020:
I missed this. The noise going on over here is so loud and the corruption is evil. I hope you repost this so it gets the attention it needs. Right now the USA is only concerned with its own security. South Africa is an unfolding tragedy that westerners do know about but are unable to do anything.
Rick-A replies on Oct 23, 2020:
@KanjaG I think that MSM is no longer about truth itā€™s about leftist NWO politics. The MSM are owned by people who could care less.
John Leguizamo Says Latinos for Trump "Are Like Roaches for Raid" - YouTube
SpikeTalon comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Damn... and at one point he was among one of my favorite actors. Oh well, just another Hollyweird hypocrite I suppose, he'll be on my ignore list now.
Rick-A replies on Oct 23, 2020:
Do not focus on actors or musicians they think they own you when you like their talents.
John Leguizamo Says Latinos for Trump "Are Like Roaches for Raid" - YouTube
guru comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Who's writing their lines?
Rick-A replies on Oct 23, 2020:
Don Lemon ade!
C'mon mannnnnnnn []
Krunoslav comments on Oct 23, 2020:
If you don't say "C'mon man", you ain't black
Rick-A replies on Oct 23, 2020:
But I thought its sexist to say ā€œCā€™mon Manā€. Shouldnā€™t he use a binary term?
More cancel culture on the right. []
Rick-A comments on Oct 21, 2020:
All those posts on Twitter were rigged. Why would any self respecting American believe anything on Twitter.
Rick-A replies on Oct 22, 2020:
@WilyRickWiles Does your TDS affect your reading skills as well?
Do you think mob rule will come to your city?
tonkotsu comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Unlikely for a long time in my area. Too far away from people and too cold. But in no way was the CHAZ coverage overblown. If someone decides to create an “autonomous zone” inside the country, it needs to be covered. If shitbags decide to terrorize a city for 100+ days, that needs to be covered,...
Rick-A replies on Oct 21, 2020:
When you least expect it, it happens. Hope you are right.
New Republic writer Osita Nwanevu calls for abolishing The Constitution Nwanevu argued that the ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Coney-Barrett is the harbinger of revolution.
Rick-A replies on Oct 21, 2020:
Spoken like a true Marxist! Nothing gets in your way when you have an idea like Antifa.
United States file major lawsuit against Google These big tech operate all over the world, rake ...
Rick-A comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Like Gates thinking he could defend his browser and block others on Windows. Trump needs to use a missile on these people because their tactics amount violence against the people.
Rick-A replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@eschatologyguy Canā€™t see that happening because the DOJ and FBI are on the left and have the levers in their offices. So as I see it, The Biden Crime Gang will simply retain control via the deep state unless of course Biden manages to riggvtye election in which cases itā€™ll be all over! SELF CENSORSHIP?
Naomi comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Hello. Maybe you're overreacting? The comment you received is probably not telling you to censor yourself about your posts. It's probably simply about the number of repeated posts?
Rick-A replies on Oct 21, 2020:
Trying to score points like this is juvenile. As if we donā€™t get it.
How Can Anyone Possibly Defend This?
Jmann44492403 comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Keith Olbermann made very similar commentary on his YouTube(?) channel; certain individuals (all conservatives) need to be rounded up, prosecuted, and removed from society. They’re not hiding it anymore; they HATE us.
Rick-A replies on Oct 20, 2020:
I can only reply, go for it and be ready to defend.
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 19, 2020:
"Steve Bannon says" is not saying much.
Rick-A replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Glad you managed to find that usefully.
Guess there aren't too many Libertarian Free Thinkers on IDW.
Boardwine comments on Oct 20, 2020:
I doubt there are many "freethinkers' on the planet. Let alone on a web site.
Rick-A replies on Oct 20, 2020:
Only because of Google!
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 19, 2020:
"Steve Bannon says" is not saying much.
Rick-A replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay What a concept! Jeezus u r suffering from TDS.
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 19, 2020:
"Steve Bannon says" is not saying much.
Rick-A replies on Oct 19, 2020:
I would have expected you to say, exactly what you said. Howā€™s that for reading your leftist ā€œI thinkā€ moment. Here is my answer, not everything you think is real.
A binary choice. šŸ˜‚
EgyptianRedpill comments on Oct 18, 2020:
I love these stuff. Keep them coming! šŸ‘ Here is one: "There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't." šŸ¤“
Rick-A replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@Naomi You set it up, hahaha, itā€™s a politically correct version of ā€œdrink thisā€!
Great to see you @EgyptianRedpill!
Rick-A comments on Oct 17, 2020:
How do I get my uninformed PHD?
Rick-A replies on Oct 17, 2020:
@KanjaG That really sucks! May I ask, if there is any chance of a program to identify ā€œfruit fliesā€?
Wonder if he means those BLM guys who hate President Trump.
Rick-A comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Here is the Biden LIE of his career. He told a blatant boldfaced lie to every American.
Rick-A replies on Oct 17, 2020:
@Lightman He is senile, and he repeats himself over and over again. Itā€™s proof the man is missing mental components!
This is too far, even for Donald Trump.
ktpinto comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Where is this from? Any article I could find about Trump and Jared is from 2018, and is about Trump not helping him... I'm so confused. :O
Rick-A replies on Oct 16, 2020:
The source is Trump deranged and itā€™s a distraction from whatā€™s actually being covered up by Twitter and FB. The Democrats have arrived at the place where Nancy and Biden get certified.
This is too far, even for Donald Trump.
Rick-A comments on Oct 16, 2020:
It’s not enough yet. How about you wrap your head around this. I posted this 25 times on FB and 30 times on Twitter.
Rick-A replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@1patriot Well this is scary if itā€™s true. Democrats will likely try to spin this away from Joe Biden but the future under Biden is very dangerous.
This is too far, even for Donald Trump.
RobD1 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
I will not support the NFL until the BLM crap goes. My team is undefeated this year but I still wont watch. Donald Trump or no, I take a principled stand against Socialism.
Rick-A replies on Oct 16, 2020:
I support your stand wholeheartedly!
Hunter Biden email detailing Chinese ties confirmed by source: report
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Link broken: page can't be reached.
Rick-A replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Itā€™s back up.
How did this post get almost 500 reactions!
ScottforKing comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Am I allowed to say retarded?
Rick-A replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Sure, go ahead say it again!
If Biden wins we may end up with some unusual, very bad woke inspired poorly thought out policy.
iThink comments on Oct 15, 2020:
the answer is yes but it has little or nothing to do w/who wins or loses this election cycle. The economy is already operating on hopes and wishes.
Rick-A replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Yuh but saying Biden wouldnā€™t be the worst pick is like saying a mule is better than a horse.
Twitter Locks Trump Campaign Account Less than 3 Weeks Before Presidential Election
tonkotsu comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Hunter speaks
Rick-A replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Bout sums it up.
Twitter Locks Trump Campaign Account Less than 3 Weeks Before Presidential Election
David42 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Who controls Twitter ?
Rick-A replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Twitits a tribe of Democratits, and leftits.
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The NY Post is to conservatives as MSNBC is to liberals.
Rick-A replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@Hanno Is the world round? Is Hillary still emailing? Is Biden senile? Ask CNN?
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The NY Post is to conservatives as MSNBC is to liberals.
Rick-A replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@govols That threw a spanner in the grinder! No coherent answer from the middle way, like talking to Obomber.
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
Afterthought comments on Oct 14, 2020:
As in 2016, the average loyal citizen will face a choice: immediate death of America and Americanism, or delay. In 2016 they/we chose delay, but Trump did not govern as to honor that. He desperately wanted politics as usual when this is an ancient and eternal conflict between Order and Falsehood....
Rick-A replies on Oct 15, 2020:
The operative word being ā€œshouldnā€™tā€.
Let’s see if we have this right.
dmatic comments on Oct 15, 2020:
"Is it just me, or does it seem like there may be a lot more to this story than we’re seeing? Like maybe a Ludlumesque dimension behind the scenes?" Not just you, but what are you saying? (Ludlumesque?) Revealing my "naivetee", but I'm not familiar with that term...
Rick-A replies on Oct 15, 2020:
If a google search. Ludlumesque (comparative more Ludlumesque, superlative most Ludlumesque) Plotted in the style of Robert Ludlum's novels, noted especially for their intricate and extensive use of thriller tropes.
OECD drafts principles for $100bn global corporate tax revolution [ft.
SpikeTalon comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Isn't Washington DC usually the main cause of lack of progress on deals, deals of which could possibly benefit working class Americans?
Rick-A replies on Oct 13, 2020:
This would not help the USA, itā€™s regressive and will cost jobs. When does the link between production, entrepreneurship and jobs get through? To make matters even worse this would be a UN submission! The reason this is stalked is because itā€™s a no. Only Biden would know how to deal with this because heā€™d be told what to do.
OECD drafts principles for $100bn global corporate tax revolution [ft.
govols comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Name the "treaty" being negotiated so I can find non-subscription sources, please. Why in the hell would a US president be attempting to participate in a global corporate tax structure? The office has such a power delegated where, exactly?
Rick-A replies on Oct 13, 2020:
Biden would sign this, its right up his NWO agenda. Iā€™d be told to sign it by Harris et al,
Oh, look its our old friend Gov.
FrozenSoul comments on Oct 13, 2020:
I am about 1/8 Cherokee and 7/8 German. I think it should be INDIGENOUS people Day !!!!! The Native s got the true shaft
Rick-A replies on Oct 13, 2020:
Thatā€™s life, sorry. Anyway you claim 7/8 German descent so stake a claim in Germany-there, itā€™d be worth more donā€™t you think?
Look at all this stuff coming out about the russia hoax, but all the media wants to talk about is ...
Flagherty comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Humans are psychologically incapable of acknowledging that their first impressions were the exact opposite of reality. That's why accusing your enemy of that which you are guilty is such a powerful weapon, especially when you have "authoritative" media on your side. Every media company that ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 13, 2020:
Very true and the way to do this is to steadfastly attack them everyday. We need an army of shares to get the message out. Let me say this CNN and Acosta suck.
Are you a fascist?
Rick-A comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Anything that works like Antifa is fascist to me. Yuh suppose Biden thinks Trump et al are fascist but Biden still running for the senate so that’s enough to convince me he’s planning something really big and we don’t get it.
Rick-A replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@Admin Yes thatā€™s going to be the program until it totally blows up in his face. Itā€™ll keep his idiots in tow for the election, which Biden will lose. I have an aircraft hangar for rent if Harris needs one to use as an echo chamber.
Hashtag Clownworld Chloe Eudaly is an American politician and former bookstore owner from Oregon.
Rick-A comments on Oct 12, 2020:
How stupid does stupid get. If looks could explain, I’d know!
Rick-A replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@Krunoslav One thing is for sure, whatever comes next will be a surprise. I spend a lot of time in Oregon and wow it the Twilight zone for sure. The place will implode under its own steam!
Hashtag Clownworld Chloe Eudaly is an American politician and former bookstore owner from Oregon.
Rick-A comments on Oct 12, 2020:
How stupid does stupid get. If looks could explain, I’d know!
Rick-A replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@Krunoslav Itā€™s a parallel universe, the mad magazine version, off to the left.
From AND Magazine: “Recent revelations, including the declassification of key documents, have ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 11, 2020:
> The speculation is over. The record has become clear. The only people who would argue otherwise pretty much place themselves in alignment with the traitors. Until we get non-anonymous information or anonymous information that points us to verifiable information (ala deepthroat), the record is ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Read and be ready to write the exam.
From AND Magazine: “Recent revelations, including the declassification of key documents, have ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 11, 2020:
> The speculation is over. The record has become clear. The only people who would argue otherwise pretty much place themselves in alignment with the traitors. Until we get non-anonymous information or anonymous information that points us to verifiable information (ala deepthroat), the record is ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 11, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You are in total denial. Clinton smashed phones erased texts and is a compulsive proven liar. Do your self a favour start researching.
Shooter at pro-Trump rally in Denver has longstanding ties to leftwing protest groups- [redstate.]
tonkotsu comments on Oct 11, 2020:
It won’t be enough for the left.
Rick-A replies on Oct 11, 2020:
Who cares. Understanding TDS is complicated. Many of the mental experts suffer from it so itā€™s circular logic, a dog chasing itā€™s own tail is a good example.
From AND Magazine: “Recent revelations, including the declassification of key documents, have ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 11, 2020:
> The speculation is over. The record has become clear. The only people who would argue otherwise pretty much place themselves in alignment with the traitors. Until we get non-anonymous information or anonymous information that points us to verifiable information (ala deepthroat), the record is ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 11, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay As long as MSM like CNN et al are controlling the narrative the TRUTH will never get out. We know that Clinton plotted and attempted to stage a coup, that makes the Democratic Party the de facto enemy of all democracies. Recognizing the fact is the solution, letā€™s not even discuss the failed impeachment and current and ongoing shenanigans Pelosi is conspiring.
LEE KELTNER The right-wing protester allegedly killed by a security guard during clashes ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 11, 2020:
I've heard the same. From what I've heard, the demonstrator got into an altercation with the individual including pepper spray and actual physical confrontation and he was shot for it. That news channel then said that he was a security guard hired to protect their crew. I'll be very interested to...
Rick-A replies on Oct 11, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Another failure by ā€œleftist bleeding heartsā€ to hold criminals accountable.
LEE KELTNER The right-wing protester allegedly killed by a security guard during clashes ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 11, 2020:
I've heard the same. From what I've heard, the demonstrator got into an altercation with the individual including pepper spray and actual physical confrontation and he was shot for it. That news channel then said that he was a security guard hired to protect their crew. I'll be very interested to...
Rick-A replies on Oct 11, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Try reading the report. You leftits are all the same, to the rest of us you are all cooped Antifa ā€œterroristsā€ and city burners one way or another. Just look at the state of California and San Fran they are a mess. This guy got shot by a member of a private security army. I hope the shooter gets a 12ā€™ drop at the end of a rope!
You are not a real Canadian until you apologize for saying, "Sorry". Canadian Riot:
Rick-A comments on Oct 10, 2020:
That caught me off guard. Yes, I will not apologize for not apologizing and I am not upset, I am steaming mad at the turds-n-singh.
Rick-A replies on Oct 11, 2020:
@warminster100 Yuh, she sent me a txt from her luxury diesel power yaaaawt in the Caribbean. She says school sucks and bring on the Proud Boys, in scants!
Does anyone want to discuss the elephant in the room that this election is ignoring?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Maybe nobody cares because nobody is against the abolishment of nationalism as much as you. Especially those that grew up with Star Trek and other Sci Fi where the world is run more efficiently by not having our actions dictated by artificial boundary lines.
Rick-A replies on Oct 9, 2020:
What? ā€œnobody is against the abolishment of nationalismā€ I have a crow sandwich thatā€™s a week old for you it might help your misguided Biden type ā€œideaā€.
The Great Communicator, in the 1984 election Reagan carried 49 out of 50 states, Mondale got his ...
pbuck0145 comments on Oct 8, 2020:
A great orator and statesman! Canada needs someone like RR.
Rick-A replies on Oct 9, 2020:
I think we have guy, his name is Pierre Poilevre. Straight talker - doesn't like the turd at all .
Premier Ford: Remember when you were elected and you said, "Ontario is open for business"?
Rick-A comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Ford has flipped and is now a Liberal. It’s a fact he’s an ass sniffing Liberal.
Rick-A replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@FrankZeleniuk More like the money he is getting from his new leftist tribe run by ā€œthe genius over thereā€.
The only polls I trust are the ones that say 2/3 of people lies on polls.
Rick-A comments on Oct 8, 2020:
The Democrats are working very hard to rig this election. They are using every trick in the book. Rigged polls, bought media, corrupt moderators, fraudulent votes, intimidation, violence and even possibly corrupt election officials. All of those issues must be watched and documented, if you see ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@Triumph Well itā€™s not going to go down quietly.
The only polls I trust are the ones that say 2/3 of people lies on polls.
Rick-A comments on Oct 8, 2020:
The Democrats are working very hard to rig this election. They are using every trick in the book. Rigged polls, bought media, corrupt moderators, fraudulent votes, intimidation, violence and even possibly corrupt election officials. All of those issues must be watched and documented, if you see ...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@Triumph Allow? You are talking revolution or civil war?
Gretchen Whitmer: Feds charge six men accused in plot to kidnap Michigan governor
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Just saw! No wonder the FBI put militia groups on the terrorist list!!!! I hope Trump denounces them clearly, directly, and without obfuscation. I get that at some point they might have been seen as part of his base and thus didn't want to lose them. But I think it's safe to say he can lose these...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Why should Trump waste his time on an event that has nothing to do with him. Heā€™s should note be saying anything about an issue that a MSM lie. Why doesnā€™t MSM condemn Antifaā€™s acts of terrorism? They are essentially leftists being backed covertly by Biden et al. Trump isn't going take responsibility for stupid acts that ā€œyouā€ think stem from your imagination? Trump is more honest on his own than all of MSM and leftists dystopian TDS. Stop imagining things up!
Gretchen Whitmer: Feds charge six men accused in plot to kidnap Michigan governor
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Just saw! No wonder the FBI put militia groups on the terrorist list!!!! I hope Trump denounces them clearly, directly, and without obfuscation. I get that at some point they might have been seen as part of his base and thus didn't want to lose them. But I think it's safe to say he can lose these...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
Did you hear the Bidenā€™s line about Antifa being an idea. What a dystopian concept. If this is how you can be influenced itā€™s scary. When you decide to focus on reality and stop thinking ā€œthat everything you think is realā€, you might grasp your own unfiltered bias. Ask somebody at home to help you get the facts right because frankly you are essentially just BSing yourself.
Gretchen Whitmer: Feds charge six men accused in plot to kidnap Michigan governor
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Just saw! No wonder the FBI put militia groups on the terrorist list!!!! I hope Trump denounces them clearly, directly, and without obfuscation. I get that at some point they might have been seen as part of his base and thus didn't want to lose them. But I think it's safe to say he can lose these...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay That I can see? Isnā€™t that an indictment of your eyesight, or maybe your inability to find facts beyond FB fact checking?
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
Lightman comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL Harris talks bout the Democrats believing in Democracy ROTFLMAO Really? That is not what they have shown since 2016. BTW this debate was loaded in favour of the Dems yet again... At one stage the moderator asked Pence a loaded question then when it came to Harris's turn at it, she changed...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay And we know how well the Democrats like rules, written the way they like them, Russian Gate etc. This is a waste of time, go back to your basement suite!
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
tonkotsu comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Yup, flies on sheeit
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@JacksonNought Yuh, hate fools, for once you got something right - end of conversation! Itā€™s just a quote, ā€œwaste of timeā€.
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
Lightman comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL Harris talks bout the Democrats believing in Democracy ROTFLMAO Really? That is not what they have shown since 2016. BTW this debate was loaded in favour of the Dems yet again... At one stage the moderator asked Pence a loaded question then when it came to Harris's turn at it, she changed...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay And Harris says nothing? Were you listening or did you just miss out on her diatribe. Maybe you need a hearing aid? You must be meds or something if you canā€™t understand what I said. Harrisā€™s lies had to be addressed, even at the expense of causing a disruption to the time allotment. Harris did it! Now go back and read up what the Democrats have been doing the last 4 years. You must be missing a few bricks on your load if you think Pence was going to allow that type of rubbish. If the moderator isn't fair, then fair conduct must be imposed. Pence did that! Good for him. Harris used her time to sell aggrandize and blow her own horn. Thatā€™s what she is full of shit and self admonishment for her rich entitled life! She rides the backs of the African American for her own benefit. Lying opportunistic leftists. I wonā€™t be responding. You Democrats havenā€™t got the capacity or courage to accept the facts. Itā€™s tough I know but you gotta grow up.
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
tonkotsu comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Yup, flies on sheeit
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@JacksonNought Not everything you think is real. Thatā€™s clear from your hate. You need medical help because your listening to yourself and another voice that occupies your vacant mind, now go duck yourself.
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
Lightman comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL Harris talks bout the Democrats believing in Democracy ROTFLMAO Really? That is not what they have shown since 2016. BTW this debate was loaded in favour of the Dems yet again... At one stage the moderator asked Pence a loaded question then when it came to Harris's turn at it, she changed...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You managed to confuse this, let me help you. Pence tried to address Harrisā€™s lies within the allotted time, that meant he lost time trying to answer the question and the moderator tried to stop him! Again it was the moderator and Harris vs Pence. Pence did an amazing job considering the way the debate was set up, it was set up to neuter Pence and eventually Penceā€™s got through this tangled web of deception and MSM bias. PENCE WON HANDS DOWN. Harris is an uncouth liar and commie.
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
tonkotsu comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Yup, flies on sheeit
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@JacksonNought Racism is something you donā€™t understand. You are a stupid as Obomber and your race and colour are irrelevant. Stupid is a mental condition. You can bleat like a sheep all day but you have nothing of value to add to this conversation. You hide behind the regular leftist dogma about race but itā€™s just an anti American hate.
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
Lightman comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL Harris talks bout the Democrats believing in Democracy ROTFLMAO Really? That is not what they have shown since 2016. BTW this debate was loaded in favour of the Dems yet again... At one stage the moderator asked Pence a loaded question then when it came to Harris's turn at it, she changed...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@JacksonNought You got it right! Harris is an arrogant, narcissistic, liar and sheā€™s very self opinionated. She couldnā€™t say anything but bhaaa, bhaaa to focus her sheepie.
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
Lightman comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL Harris talks bout the Democrats believing in Democracy ROTFLMAO Really? That is not what they have shown since 2016. BTW this debate was loaded in favour of the Dems yet again... At one stage the moderator asked Pence a loaded question then when it came to Harris's turn at it, she changed...
Rick-A replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@JacksonNought You suffer from the ability to interrupt yourself, frankly nothing you say resonates unless itā€™s Obomber! Thereā€™s that name again!
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
Lightman comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL Harris talks bout the Democrats believing in Democracy ROTFLMAO Really? That is not what they have shown since 2016. BTW this debate was loaded in favour of the Dems yet again... At one stage the moderator asked Pence a loaded question then when it came to Harris's turn at it, she changed...
Rick-A replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@Triumph Howā€™d you like your chicken, momma, tenderized or just punched?
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
tonkotsu comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Yup, flies on sheeit
Rick-A replies on Oct 7, 2020:
Um, actually itā€™s shit on flies, Obomber threw himself at them to make them stick. Fly abuse!
Pence stinks so much he has flies landing on him.
Lightman comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL Harris talks bout the Democrats believing in Democracy ROTFLMAO Really? That is not what they have shown since 2016. BTW this debate was loaded in favour of the Dems yet again... At one stage the moderator asked Pence a loaded question then when it came to Harris's turn at it, she changed...
Rick-A replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@DeplorableToo Pence won hands down. He rebuked Harris at every opportunity and he managed to answer all the questions unruffled and courteously. Harris hate and arrogance everywhere! Pence won hands down!
Singu's affair with the great turd
johnlondon comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Which one is Obama?
Rick-A replies on Oct 7, 2020:
He is a mix of these two.
So, I have noticed a particularly large amount of anti-Trump hashtags/mentions trending on Twitter ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 5, 2020:
At this point, we're legitimately concerned about his well-being. I mean, just look at him. This man is not well, mentally or physically.
Rick-A replies on Oct 6, 2020:
The Royal ā€œWeā€ is it? Weā€™re legitimately worried? All your worried about is the loss of your dog catcher job. You suddenly have become the local mental health man? You need a full health check because you are riding a leftist thought, not everything you think up is real. Stuff printed and created by Cooper and CNN et al is total garbage, so stop worrying get off the couch and go find a better job.
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