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The only polls I trust are the ones that say 2/3 of people lies on polls. That being said, when it comes to presidential election in United States, democrats have done themselves a disservice by making it politically incorrect and socially dangerous to say someone will vote Trump in USA.

When people get called on telephone by some company they don't know to ask them about who they will vote, most people won't say anything, because they don't want to make their private telephone number political, and get unsolicited mail, or be threatened by cancel culture and SJW police. So it is to be expected that with such low trust in companies that do these polls and so much social penalty for saying you are pro-Trump.... that most people will simply lie and say Biden, but vote Trump or say nothing, and do nothing, or say nothing and vote Trump. Some will in fact say flat out they are for Trump, but they will be minority because they are not many people who can afford to pay for price of being Trump supported in America today.

That is why many will lie and Biden even more so than Hilary last time, will seem to be wining on polls. But anyone who is been engaged in culture war knows that polls just does not seem to reflect the other cues we see all around us. The so called silent majority is real and they are pro Trump. So if polls are showing swing states as moving in Trump direction that is telling if you can read between the lines, because unlike national polls that mean nothing, these are more important because of electral collage and the fact that they are swing stats and not state name California.

But don't get complacent, go and vote for Trump if you are against the trans-communists. (I didn't have to take my clothes off to ask you to vote. Shocking, I know.)


ALERT: TRUMP is polling BETTER in swing states in 2020 than he was in 2016!


In the time when democrats control the media, and are in the most populous states and biggest cities which they control, Electoral college is particularly important, to mitigate mob rule.

Electoral college, the system by which the president and vice president of the United States are chosen. It was devised by the framers of the United States Constitution to provide a method of election that was feasible, desirable, and consistent with a republican form of government.

One of the most troubling aspects of the electoral college system is the possibility that the winner might not be the candidate with the most popular votes. Four presidents—Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000, and Donald Trump in 2016—were elected with fewer popular votes than their opponents, and Andrew Jackson lost to John Quincy Adams in the House of Representatives after winning a plurality of the popular and electoral vote in 1824.

The divergence between popular and electoral votes indicates some of the principal advantages and disadvantages of the electoral college system. Many who favour the system maintain that it provides presidents with a special federative majority and a broad national mandate for governing, unifying the two major parties across the country and requiring broad geographic support to win the presidency. In addition, they argue that the electoral college protects the interests of small states and sparsely populated areas, which they claim would be ignored if the president was directly elected.

Opponents, however, argue that the potential for an undemocratic outcome—in which the winner of the popular vote loses the electoral vote—the bias against third parties and independent candidates, the disincentive for voter turnout in states where one of the parties is clearly dominant, and the possibility of a “faithless” elector who votes for a candidate other than the one to whom he is pledged make the electoral college outmoded and undesirable. Many opponents advocate eliminating the electoral college altogether and replacing it with a direct popular vote. Their position has been buttressed by public opinion polls, which regularly show that Americans prefer a popular vote to the electoral college system.

In 2000 George W. Bush’s narrow 271–266 electoral college victory over Al Gore, who won the nationwide popular vote by more than 500,000 votes, prompted renewed calls for the abolition of the electoral college, as did Donald Trump’s 304–227 electoral college victory in 2016 over Hillary Clinton, who won the nationwide popular vote by nearly three million votes. Doing so, however, would require adopting a constitutional amendment by a two-thirds vote of both chambers of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of the states. Because many smaller states fear that eliminating the electoral college would reduce their electoral influence, adoption of such an amendment is considered difficult and unlikely.

The system calls for the creation, every four years, of a temporary group of electors equal to the total number of representatives in Congress. Technically, it is these electors, and not the American people, who vote for the president.

In American politics, the term swing state refers to any state that could reasonably be won by either the Democratic or Republican presidential candidate by a swing in votes.

If these swing states are in polls in favor of Trump, despite all the peer pressure and political pressure not to be, that is a potentially good sign for Trump supporters and sane people.

Krunoslav 9 Oct 8
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The Democrats are working very hard to rig this election.
They are using every trick in the book. Rigged polls, bought media, corrupt moderators, fraudulent votes, intimidation, violence and even possibly corrupt election officials.
All of those issues must be watched and documented, if you see anything suspicious call it out, take photos and record what you see. Make you actions obvious and apparent. Keep your eyes and ears tuned to the process making sure that you are not oblivious to anything. If it’s suspicious document and record it.
If you are coerced into doing something you were not intending doing call attention to it!

Rick-A Level 8 Oct 8, 2020


I hate to be such a black pilled individual. But I can't imagine the Bolsheviks allowing Trump to retain the Presidency.

There has been a 24/7/365 effort to destroy Trump's Presidency since even before he took office. The 2020 election will be an all out effort to place the Bolsheviks in control by any means necessary.

@Triumph Allow? You are talking revolution or civil war?


No civil war or revolution. The left is simply going to steal the election regardless of what lengths it has to go through to do it.

@Triumph I feel your black pill and you could be right. They seem to be hell bent on taking over, by any means. And if now now, at some point in the future. So far no one really pressured the lefties to a negotiating table. And they continue to as for more and get more. If Trump wins, and somehow manages to stay in office, he will have to go full force in the offensive. After all offense is the best defense. Not sure if he is that kind of guy, he seems too civilized. But whatever happens we will know more soon enough.

I imagine Trump will be elected, despite voting fraud, and they will probably try to cheat during counting of votes and than try impeachment or something like that if Trump despite it all stay in office and they will push for more riots. If Trump somehow manages to survive all that. Than will see what he does.

I feel that you could be right, the trans-communists are hell bent on power by all means. And they have lot of power already.

@Triumph Well it’s not going to go down quietly.


It's hard to say. There's many people in America who have been propagandized to the point that they're no longer rational. It's very odd.


There's propagandists on this forum. There's also quite a few useful idiots. If you read along for a while you can separate the leaders from those being led.

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