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Sep 5, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-09-05 WORSHIP GOD “At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship.” (Job 1:20) What is our response ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 5, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T, Anderson 2022-09-05 GOD'S INDICATORS “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:23) I played sports as a young man and I have the ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 4, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada:The dangerous game of Justin Trudeauhttps:
Canadian Politics
Sep 4, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
I wish, "liar, liar, your pants are on fire" was true. If it was, JT would have a fire truck accompany him every where he went. The Canadian IndependentL Watch: JT says 80-90% of Canadians must get up to date on vaccines this winter to avoid ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 4, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Chief investigator falls ill days before anti-Trudeau investigation startshttps:
Canadian Politics
Sep 4, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Trudeau’s anti-Putin moves backfirehttps:
Sep 4, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-09-04 SATAN AND THE SPIRIT “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith…” ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 4, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T, Anderson 2022-09-04 LIFE ON THE CUTTING EDGE “. . . Who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Trozzi: The Truth about IvermectinIt can cure covid, save lives, support immunity, block the business of the deadly "vaccines", and even help treat their toxic effects; but the global predators have a different plan. ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Trudeau watches on with indifferencehttps:
Canadian Politics
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Jagmeet Singh caught red-handed stealing from provincial coffershttps:
The Culture War
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander asks: "When will the Lunacy End? Whispers of More Lockdowns"; published in TrialSiteNews For over two years now we have gathered expansive evidence (Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Peter ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Catturd on Truth Social:This satanic image of PedoHitler will be around for hundreds of years. It's all anyone will remember. This was the biggest backfire political mistake of my lifetime x1,000.
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
BR Ministries: Coming Judgment on Corrupt Leaders - JD FaragPastor JD talks about how God, through Jeremiah, prophecies a coming judgment on corrupt leaders that could rightly be spoken to world leaders today, then celebrates ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canadians all over the country have clearly had enough. These political shills can’t even get a scripted speech off anymoreIF YOU FOLLOW THESE STEPS! YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IS ABOUT TO COME NEXT! - U.N. DEPOPULATION AGENDAS! ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Blue Light News: The Charter of Rights Vs. The Bill of Rights -Hon. Brian PeckfordA battle has long raged between people fighting to have fundamental constitutional rights and freedoms restored: which document underpins the ...
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-09-03 SATAN AND GOD “ replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 3, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-09-03 MANAGING OUR PROBLEMS “ must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity” (1Timothy 3:4) A...
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Young voters in Canada dig Trudeau’s political gravehttps:
Canadian Politics
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Mysterious departures are almost never mysterioushttps:
Canadian Politics
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Prairies leading the way yet againhttps:
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
The Patriot Games : Episode 6: GamechangerTrue the Vote Founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, joins me on this latest episode of Patriot Games. Catherine and I update the Games. We share our travel plans for the coming weeks...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Trudeau Welcomed In Alberta lberta.html
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Paul Alexander: CDC changed it's complete guidance on the COVID gene injection given that they realized the public was on to them & know they were fraudsters & openly lying; the third line is completely removed, ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Canada is in recession but Alberta isn’t, and Trudeau doesn’t like thathttps:
1 comment
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-09-02 SATAN AND JESUS “You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and exquisite in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God…I ordained and anointed ...
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-09-02 OUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE “The wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter” (Ecclesiastes ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 1, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
ESG = Environmental, Social and Governance. Spencer Fernando: It’s Time To Consign ESG To The Ash Heap Of History The advancement of humanity requires abandoning failed ideas. And ESG has proven itself to be one of the most anti-human, and ...
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 1, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Mike Lindell: Bought Majority of Dennis Montgomery’s Company- Full ExtendedHang on to your seats buttercups! Dennis Montgomery— software designer who sold computer programs to federal officials, including the most ...
The Culture War
Sep 1, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Both this doctor and the parents should be charged with crimes against humanity. Epoch Times: Toronto Doctor Vaccinated Hundreds of Kids Under 5: Report
Sep 1, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-09-01 FAITH IN ACTION “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 1, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-09-01 LIVING IN HARMONY “I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, ...
Aug 31, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-31 SHARE THE GOOD NEWS “Very truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it ...
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Learning from Christ
Aug 31, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-31 ONE BASIS FOR TEMPTATION "Let our people also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful". (Titus 3:14) We all...
The Culture War
Aug 30, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
A Warrior Calls: Massive Evil Exposed
Canadian Politics
Aug 30, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Veterans 4 Freedom: BREAKING: Chrystia's Caribou Crush Canadian Crude, Killing Alberta Chrystia Freeland's now-infamous trip to Alberta had an ulterior motive: to kill 30% or Alberta's Oil and gas sector. With tensions on the rise, and ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 30, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
The Dive With Jackson Hinkle Published August 30, 2022: trudeaustan falls
Learning from Christ
Aug 30, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
1 comment
Aug 30, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-30 BE A HARDWORKING FARMER “The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.” (2Timothy 2:6) During spring, many farmers ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 30, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-30 EXPRESSING YOUR NEEDS “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1) If you have legitimate needs in a ...
Aug 29, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Ukraine doesn’t need enemies when it has Trudeau as a friendhttps:
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 29, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Dear conservatives, it’s time to weed out the Black Sheephttps:
1 comment
Aug 29, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-29 ATHLETES FOR CHRIST “Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 29, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-29 SELF-CENTERED VS. GOD-CENTERED “You are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's” (Matthew 16:23) The apostle Peter is a...
Canadian Politics
Aug 28, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
What a degenerate this PM is. The Post Millennial Clips: Trudeau: "Can I tell you how great it's been to see Pride events coming back in person again this year?"
Canadian Politics
Aug 28, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Albertans expose Justin’s plan to malign their provincehttps:
1 comment
Aug 28, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotions 2022-08-28 "LIKE A GOOD SOLDIER" “ a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 28, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T, Anderson 2022-08-28 THE VALUE OF COUNSEL “Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory” (Proverbs 11:14) No one person has complete ...
Canadian Politics
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Patrick Brown now has a $200,000 hockey rink in his own backyard — but who paid for it?Visit to help fund our ATIPS | Being mayor, Brown has friends in high places — including Brampton Fire Chief Bill Boyes. ...
1 comment
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: After Truckers, now Canadian doctors unite against Trudeauhttps:
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: NATO chief sets warning bells ringinghttps:
1 comment
The Culture War
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: Mission Accomplished"British households were told on Friday that their power and gas bills will increase from Oct. 1 by 80%"
Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
82C Army: Pete Santilli drops bombshells on election forensic evidence - Mike Lyndell has it all! shells-on-election-forensic-evidence-mike-lyndell-h.html
The Culture War
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: The New Kind Of DroughtThe new kind of drought appears to be extremely wet.
Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Man In America: Tom Renz: Trump MUST Speak Up About the Vaccine Now Before It’s Too LateWe’ve gotten to a place where vaccine injuries and deaths are hitting a number the media and politicians can no longer hide. So what ...
Canadian Politics
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Canada’s 2 Principal languages are on a declinehttps:
1 comment
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-27 WHEN WE PRAY, THINGS HAPPEN “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” (Psalm 20:7) When we pray, ...
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Learning from Christ
Aug 27, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-27 THE DEATH OF FEAR “The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1) How do you respond to fear situations ...
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Canadian Politics
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Something Very Interesting Is Happening Within The Liberal Party : An internal divide appears to be growing over anti-Semitism and to what extent Canadian values should be sacrificed to political ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Trudeau’s new move against Saskatchewan is pathetichttps:
Canadian Politics
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Poilievre Slams Hypocrisy Of Trudeau Liberals On Racism“Justin Trudeau, who dressed up in grotesque racist costumes so many times he lost count, gave hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars to a ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: The great Canadian Splithttps:
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Piece on Canada starts at minute 58. Brighteon: Situation Update, Aug 24, 2022 - Canada building INTERROGATION ROOMS to elicit "climate crimes" CONFESSIONS
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Paul Alexander: Of excess-mortality & vaccine: dramatic rise in US excess death shortly after booster rollout early 2022; alarming U.S. Insurance Report Shows Double Excess Mortality in 35-44 Age Group in Q3 2021In 2020, ...
The Culture War
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Jordan Peterson: Article: Message to the Christian Churches"Forget Social Justice and Stop Trying to Save the Planet" Young people, particularly young men are facing an unparalleled demoralization inculcated by an ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
SPS: Breaking Exclusive: Trump HHS Senior Official: “I Was Brought To Dismantle The CDC”Trump’s former CDC director EXPOSES CDC fraud from the inside. The CDC is no longer a public heath agency, but it is now a political...
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-26 INTERCEDING AND THANKSGIVING “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always ...
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Learning from Christ
Aug 26, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T, Anderson 2022-08-26 GOD'S PROTECTION “But resist him , firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your ...
The Culture War
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
True North: Why people are turning on vaccine mandates (ft. Rupa Subramanya)These past two years have left Canadians feeling more divided than ever. Justin Trudeau’s government has inflamed this by vilifying the unvaccinated...
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Canadian Politics
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Trudeau faces the ultimate challenge of his lifehttps:
Canadian Politics
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: So much for the Canada-US camaraderiehttps:
Canadian Politics
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Jordan Peters: 'He's a narcissist': Trudeau 'corrupted' by powerClinical psychologist and public intellectual Dr Jordan Peterson argues Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a "narcissist" who has been "corrupted" by the ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Stew Peters TV: LIVE: Operation Warp Speed EXPOSED! "Vaccine" Regret Sweeps Nation, Laura Loomer Refuses to ConcedeKaren Kingston joins the show to expose the premeditated plan to dispense a bioweapon into the global ...
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-25 PRAYERS DIRECTED TOWARDS GOD “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-25 SPIRITUALLY AWARE “Solid food is for the mature who, because of practice, have their senses trained to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14) In many ...
Canadian Politics
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Pierre Poilievre: Breakfast with Justin
Canadian Politics
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Alberta minces no wordshttps:
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: The Trudeaus: Canadian Bonnie and Clydehttps:
Canadian Politics
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: “Alberta for Albertans” – The message is loud and clearhttps:
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Justin Trudeau announced the discovery of the remains of 215 indigenous children in unmarked graves in the middle of June 2021 and used this "revelation" to eliminate formal Canada Day celebrations. Federal institutions and companies supporting the ...
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Paul Alexander: MODERNA (Bancel) MADNESS! You want to see what madness & corruption and money making theft is all about? Look no further than MODERNA; UK approves 1st bivalent (Wuhan & BA.1 OMICRON); both don't ...
Canadian Politics
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: The mind behind the excruciating demise of the Canadian economyhttps:
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-24 SEEK HIM EARNESTLY “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help.” (Psalm 18:6) Like the psalmist’s prayer from the ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 24, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-24 THE GENUINE PROPHET “If they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people, and would have turned them back from ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 23, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: Dear nationalists of Canada, Beware!https:
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Aug 23, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
TFIGlobal - Canada: No playing with the lives of Farmers here!https:
Aug 23, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-23 PRAYING TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.” (1Timothy ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 23, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-23 REFLECTING REALITY “For as he thinks within himself, so he is” (Proverbs 23:7) Telling someone that they shouldn't feel the way they do is a ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 22, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Taken From The Book, "Revival: God Breaking Through" for our encouragement.1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the ...
1 comment
Aug 22, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
RSBN: LIVE: The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-21-2022 - DAY TWOThis historic two day event will take a further deep dive into the corruption of the 2020 election. Mike Lindell, CEO of My Pillow, ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 22, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
WeThePeopleUSA: You Have To Get Rid Of The MachinesThe Netherlands turned to computer programmer Clint Curtis for advice, and they successfully switched from machine voting to paper ballots in six months.
Aug 22, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-22 A PRAYERFUL LIFE “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 22, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-22 YOUR CHILD'S MUSIC “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and ...
The Culture War
Aug 21, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Sacred Cows and the Dangers of Eating Bugs - GREG REEESE ngers-of-eating-bugs-greg-reeese.html?mref=7ju1=6
Learning from Christ
Aug 21, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
This is Happening to Thousands - Take Heed That You Are Not Deceived - Derek PrinceDerek Prince Sermon: Take Heed That You Are Not Deceived - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Vital questions for the ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 21, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
RSBN: Selection Code Movie Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that. You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” What about those who code the vote? What if ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Aug 21, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
MESSAGE TO THE UNVACCINATEDGeneral Flynn: I thought this message written by an anonymous author was well worth sharing
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Aug 21, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-21 OUR PRAYER LIFE “I call on You, my God, for You will answer me; turn Your ear to me and hear my prayer.” (Psalm 17:6) During a car ride ...
Learning from Christ
Aug 21, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-08-21 HIS DISCIPLE “I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice” (Romans 12:1) An ...
Aug 20, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-08-20 HAVE A COFFEE WITH GOD “The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant.” (Psalm 25:14 ESV) ...


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