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The Culture War
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canada Marches: April19 Day59 EndOfDayWe arrived in Regina, Saskatchewan, rest day and meeting tomorrow evening at Eagles Club at 7pm JamesTopp CanadaMarches 0 COMMENTS
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Blue Light News: Moving Toward Authoritarianism -An Interview with Daniel Bulford, Former RCMP Join us for this unsettling April 7, 2022, interview with former RCMP and Trudeau sniper-observer Daniel Bulford, as he ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Toronto brewery distances itself from Poilievre after event, is that commonplace?David Menzies tries to get some answers after the Steam Whistle Brewery in Toronto distanced itself from Conservative leadership ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: B.C.'s vaxx passport system challenged in court: Vancouverites react... on 4/20The first of four legal challenges to British Columbia’s vaccine passport system, including Rebel News' case in partnership with The ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Illegal border crossings are skyrocketing with no end in sightThe number of illegal border crossings at Roxham Road keeps increasing, with a majority of the migrants being unvaccinated. Does the government have a ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Feds delete Public Health Agency doc to avoid releasing it to Rebel News'The file has been deleted from the open government website as it contains personal information. This access request is now closed.'
Learning from Christ
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
I Surrender (feat. Lauren Daigle) - Hillsong UNITEDI Surrender - Recorded Live in Houston, TX during the 2016 Empires Tour
The Culture War
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
We are in the Matrix.
1 comment
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-24 RISEN WITH CHRIST “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-24 SATAN'S THREEFOLD TEMPTATION “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 23, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Gordon Mote - Mercy Walked In (Live).https:
Canadian Politics
Apr 23, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Exclusive docs show RCMP damage control after cops caught laughing at their own police brutalityOn last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we looked at exclusive documents obtained by Rebel News that outline ...
The Culture War
Apr 23, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Proof of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi's Satanism, Underground Biolabs, & Confirmation Putin's at War With NWO zis-satanism-underground-biolabs-and-confirmation-.html
Canadian Politics
Apr 23, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
LILLEY UNLEASHED: Trudeau's words and actions don't match!The Sun's political columnist Brian Lilley says Justin Trudeau's message for Canadians to lower their carbon footprint sure doesn't apply to him.
1 comment
Apr 23, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-22 BURIED WITH CHRIST “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:12) One day, a man...
Learning from Christ
Apr 23, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-23 OVERCOMING THE EVIL ONE “I have written to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I have written ...
General & Hellos
Apr 22, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
A lad was on his way to visit his friend. Whilst driving, his car broke down and it began to rain so heavily, he couldn’t see his own hands in front of him. (Halloween super scary story) this super scary story as told me to be last night by an ...
General & Hellos
Apr 22, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
25% of all women are currently on medication for mental illness which is quite scary.... Because that means 75% are running around untreated.
Learning from Christ
Apr 22, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
I had a debt I could not pay
Apr 22, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-22 CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST “Don’t you know that all of us who were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into His death?” (Romans 6:3) I ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 22, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-22 CHANGING YOUR BEHAVIOR “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16) A careful distinction must be made ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 21, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Either Jagmeet Singh Is Completely Ignorant About Economics, Or He’s Hoping Everyone Else Is Raising taxes to lower the price of food? How does Singh think that would work?
The Culture War
Apr 21, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
MotivHolic: "People Have To Know What Is Going On!" | Jordan Peterson (2022)https:
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 21, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Public Health admits it has no data about COVID outbreaks on ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 21, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Globe & Mail: What a tangled Web the Trudeau government is ...
Apr 21, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-21 SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; ...
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Apr 21, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-21 YOUR LIFE APART FROM GOD “If by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 20, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: BJ Dichter explains where the Canadian Freedom Convoy money wentDichter says that some Bitcoin people are working on making a crypto-only fundraiser to get lawyers for some truckers that are still in jail. Visit ...
1 comment
The Culture War
Apr 20, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Permission to Breathe Freely, Sir? MaskMandates Either You Are Fighting For Good Or You Are Complying With Evil! THERE IS NO MORE IN BETWEEN AFTER OVER 2 YEARS OF THIS SHIT! ...
Apr 20, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-20 “MY LORD AND MY GOD!” “And said, ‘The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief ...
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Apr 20, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-20 YOUR NEW SKIPPER “We are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh--for if you are living according to the flesh, you will die” (Romans ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 19, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Freedom train continues to oppose emergency power grabsDoug Ford's Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act would essentially prohibit Ontarians from protesting along or on anything that the Government deems as ...
Apr 19, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-19 A LIE FOR THE TRUTH “When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene.…She ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 19, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-19 NEW AGE DECEPTION “There is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1Timothy 2:5) The fourth ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Creed of TruthI recognize that there is only one true and living God (Ex 20:2,3) “Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold.” (1Tim 4:9-10), “This is a ...
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
A Bend in The Road When we feel we have nothing left to give, and we are sure that the song has ended, when our day seems over, and the shadows fall and the darkness of the night has descended, where can we go to find the ...
1 comment
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canada Marches - James Topp: Heading toward CaronportSK Apr17D57AM onportsk-apr17d57am.html
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canada Marches - James Topp: Near ChaplinSK EndOfDayApr16D56PM insk-endofdayapr16d56pm.html
The Culture War
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canada Marches - James Topp: Reaching Out to American Influencers Apr17D57Extra influencers-apr17d57extra.html
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Fighting sexual exploitation in Canada: MP Arnold Viersen on Bill S-211MP Arnold Viersen gives Rebel News an update on his important work in the House of Commons to combat online sex trafficking and sexual ...
The Culture War
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
TommyRobinsonOfficial: Telford RAPE Gang Target Tommy's Children With Rape And Violence!!!We need your help more than ever before, tensions are rising in Telford, we are over the target and the CHILD RAPING drug dealing pimps ...
1 comment
The Culture War
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
And We Know: 4.18.22: A WEEK to REMEMBER! They are AFTER OUR CHILDREN, a SPIRITUAL BATTLE like no other! PRAY! ber-they-are-after-our-children-a-spiritual-battle-l.html
The Culture War
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
This is an excellent discussion on countering government propaganda. Vaccine Choice Canada: Dr. Mark Trozzi and Michael Alexander discuss implications of proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-18 THE TRUTH FOR A LIE “ gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, ‘You are to say, “His disciples came...
Learning from Christ
Apr 18, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-18 NEW AGE THINKING “Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD--that you alone are the Most High over all the earth” (Psalm 83:18 NIV) The New Age ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Consequences of Running From Responsibility! Where are the Jonah's of Today? - Artur Pawlowskihttps:
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
nonvaxer420: Trance: The Cathy O'Brien Story (2022) - Project Paperclip - MkUltra Mind Control -C.I.A. NAZI'S - Government Pedophilia - Human Trafficing
1 comment
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
nonvaxer420: Discovered infant bodies may indicate infanticide after attempted abortions dies-may-indicate-infanticide-after-attempted-abortions.html
The Culture War
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canada Marches (James Topp): Morning Update from near ValjeanSK Apr16D56AMApril16 Day56 DailyRouteUpdates Just outside of Valjean SK JamesTopp CanadaMarches
1 comment
The Culture War
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Veterans 4 Freedom: What V4F stands for and how we will help ...
The Culture War
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canada Marches (James Topp): Recap and ShoutOut Day51Pushing On - 48.8 Kms, in the Top 5 longest days. Shoutout to Lorne and Cristian. JamesTopp CanadaMarches
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-17 THE FIRST WITNESSES “After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week…there was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came ...
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Apr 17, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily In Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-17 THE SEDUCTION OF OUR CHILDREN “Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4) What are parents, Sunday school teachers, ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
World’s Top ‘Nazi Hunter’ Condemns Trudeau For Spending $794M Training Neo-Nazis In UkraineThe world’s most prominent “Nazi hunter” has condemned Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government supporting Nazism and ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Canadian Taxpayer's Federation: Canada's Communist Government Prepares to Strike Again Ottawa is thinking about a new tax on your truck or SUV. They’re the most popular vehicles in Canada and now the feds are eyeing them ...
The Culture War
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Bright Light News: Gates' $460 Million Project Fast-tracked Vaccines for Next Epidemic (WEF 2017)Bill Gate's project, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), raised $460 million to fast-track warp-speed ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Veterans 4 Freedom: Veterans 4 Freedom Fundraiser Dinner - Join Us 28 April 2022Only 40 tickets left as of 16 April 2022
Canadian Politics
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
nonvaxer520: Freedom Train Live In Niagra Falls Ontario April 15, 2022Start at 9 minute mark to learn how corrupt our justice system is!
The Culture War
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
nonvaxer420: Niagra Falls Canada April ,16, 2022 Keep Fighting Canada Never Back Down!JOIN THE FIGHT FOR CANADA HERE: FOLLOW AMERICAN GRAND JURY: FOLLOW EUROPEAN GRAND JURY:...
Canadian Politics
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
People's Party of Canada: Mad Max Live Let's keep in touch in case cancel culture comes for us! Subscribe to our free newsletter: . Support the PPC by making a tax-deductible donation: ...
1 comment
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Tony Hiller: A Century Of Socialism“Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does ...
The Culture War
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Tony Hiller: Progressives Terrified By Free Speech“a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” –John F. Kennedy ...
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Elon Musk’s Bid To Buy Twitter Should Be Supported By All Who Value Free SpeechThose who are intimidated by freedom of speech should reflect on why they lack confidence that their beliefs could win in a ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: RCMP bill $234k for buffets during Freedom Convoy protests: Cosmin Dzsurdzsa with Ezra LevantCosmin Dzsurdzsa of True North joins Ezra Levant to talk about his exclusive investigation into the costs to feed RCMP in...
The Culture War
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Awake Canada: PROOF of EVERYTHING and beyond!This video will turn the Covid 19 vax hesitant people to full on haters of all the vaxes created. I suspected this after Covid 19, and this road of investigation has led others to ...
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-04-16 THE STONE “Joseph bought some linen cloth, took down the body, wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then he rolled a ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 16, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-16 A SOLID BELIEF SYSTEM “You have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"” (Romans 8:15) Claire attended...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 15, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Canadian entrepreneur running his pickup truck on fuel that costs 25¢/L running-his-pickup-truck-on-fuel-that-costs-25l.html
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 15, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Poll Shows Charest-Led CPC Would Suffer Massive Loss Against Trudeau LiberalsA hypothetical Charest-run Conservative Party does far worse vs the Liberals than if Poilievre was at the helm. ...
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Apr 15, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-15 “HE HAS DONE IT!” “Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” (John 19:19) The ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 15, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-15 SATAN'S VOICE “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 14, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
True North: Can Canada become a global power? (ft. Irvin Studin)Under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada is one of the only countries in the world, in the history of the world, to routinely sacrifices its own national ...
Apr 14, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-14 “WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT?” “So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, ‘Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas or ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 14, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-14 THE POWER OF THE BELIEVER “You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32) When I was a boy on the ...
1 comment
The Culture War
Apr 13, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
James Topp: 40Km Challenge Apr11Daye51ExtraAre you up for the challenge? Record a clip of yourself and use our 40KMChallenge hashtag to let us know you did it or ►Contact: JamesTopp CanadaMarches
1 comment
Apr 13, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-13 BROKENHEARTED “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 13, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-13 A TRUTH ENCOUNTER “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore, it is not surprising if his ...
The Culture War
Apr 12, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
James Topp: April11Day51EndOfDayUpdate ril11day51endofdayupdate.html
1 comment
The Culture War
Apr 12, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
WHY IS JAMES TOPP MARCHING?1. James is protesting federal government mandates that require, as a condition for employment or continued employment, vaccination, testing, quarantine, and/or isolation; 2. James has stepped ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 11, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Stew Peters Show: WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATERThe plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 11, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
MotivHolic: "It's Getting REALLY Serious" - Jordan Peterson with Preston Manning (2022).
The Culture War
Apr 11, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
nonvaxer420: "The Real Epidemic Is Now" - Destroyed Immune Systems and Alarming Excess Mortality Numbers Attorney Todd Callender
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 11, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
WeThePeopleUSA: “We Are the Dirty Little Secrets” – The Vaccine Injured and Their Families Speak Out“President Biden and Dr. Fauci… It’s time to help us.” “We are real people fighting to be heard… the CDC or ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 11, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Western Standard: Globe and Mail editorial complaining about Canadian tax breaks. ial-complaining-about-canadian-tax-breaks..html
1 comment
Apr 11, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-11 CLEAR OUT THE TEMPLE “Jesus entered the Temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the ...
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Apr 11, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-11 BEHAVING YOUR WAY INTO GOOD FEELINGS “If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them” (John 13:17) What happened to mankind emotionally as a ...
The Culture War
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
nonvaxer420: Dr's Speaking Out At The Arrest Bill Gates Rally Vancouver B.C April 10,2022 he-arrest-bill-gates-rally-vancouver-b.c-april-102022.html
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
James Topp: A Soldier Joins Canada Marches Apr9D49ExtraOn our way from Medicine Hat to SK border, a man in the army uniform joined James Topp to march for freedom. Thank you Canadians, veterans and soldiers!!!
The Culture War
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Veterans 4 Freedom: I Am One of the Minority With Unacceptable Views! da.html?mref=6zof=13
The Culture War
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Veterans 4 Freedom: Rolling Thunder 2022Why are the bikers going to the War Memorial?
1 comment
The Culture War
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
nonvaxer420: NAP TIME IS OVER CANADA - THE TRUTH ABOUT FREELAND & TRUDEAU! ada-the-truth-about-freeland-and-trudeau.html?mref=6zof=11
1 comment
The Culture War
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Real Climate Science: Australian Footballers Dropping Dead“AFL great Dean Wallis has become the third high-profile Australian to suffer a major heart attack in recent weeks, just days after the tragic deaths of Shane Warne ...
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
247FM: The Movement, episode 1: Oikophobia - 🇺🇸 English (Engels) - 6m23sThierry Baudet presents The Movement. Episode 1 Oikophobia
The Culture War
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
247FM: The Movement, episode 2: Climate Change - 🇺🇸 English (Engels) - 7m59sThierry Baudet presents The Movement. Episode 2 Climate Change
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2022-04-10 PALM SUNDAY “When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred…” (Matthew 21:10) Just over 2,000 years ago, Jesus ...
Learning from Christ
Apr 10, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2022-04-10 CONFRONTING SPIRITUAL OPPOSITION “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of ...
The Culture War
Apr 9, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
CanadianGirlRumble: Canadian Doctor's warning ref=6zof=14
1 comment
Learning from Christ
Apr 9, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Christians are the body he wishes to get rid of. Thrivetime Show: Yuval Noah Harari | "God Is Dead It Just Takes Awhile to Get Rid of the Body." Says WEF Advisor " Who is Yuval Noah Harari? Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 9, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
Bright Light News: He Fathered the Charter of Rights and Now Fights to Save It: Hon. Brian PeckfordCanada, like many countries, has become a lawless country since Covid. Is its cherished and once mighty Charter of ...
The Culture War
Apr 9, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by warminster100
James Topp: James Topp shows you how to write to your MPsCanada Marches:
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