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Canadian Politics
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Chinese Communist Party Orchestrating Coup In Hong Kong!Pro-Democracy lawmakers locked out of legislature by CCP thugs, as China takes advantage of a world distracted by Coronavirus Crisis to destroy Hong ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
They can only control us if we are afraid!!
Canadian Politics
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
It is a long video but scan it to hear the various speakers. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: March to Protest the Chaotic New Normal!
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-18 DISCIPLE-MAKER “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of ...
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Learning from Christ
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-18 ONE FEAR-OBJECT It is the LORD of hosts whom you should regard as holy. And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread. (Isaiah 8:13) A severe storm hit the East ...
May 17, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
They can only control us by fear!! Tony Heller, Real climate Science: All Propaganda, All The Time! Twitter breathlessly reports that Brazil is the “world’s fourth biggest (COVID) hotspot.”
The Culture War
May 17, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: All Colorado Deaths Are Due To Coronavirus!Man dies of acute alcohol poisoning, at twice the minimum recognized lethal amount and death determined to be due to covid19! ...
May 17, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotions 2020-05-17 DISCIPLES, NOT DECISIONS “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...” (Matthew 28:19-20) We often talk about the importance of bringing others to know ...
Learning from Christ
May 17, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-17 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF LEADERSHIP “Shepherd the flock of God among you . . . not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God” (1 Peter 5:2) Our ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 16, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Sayer Ji Interviews Dr Rashid A Buttar Part 2 of 3!https:
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 16, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Welcome to 1984! Brit Girl: LIVE HYDE PARK
May 16, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-16 OUR CHILDREN, SATAN'S TARGETS “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons.” (Deuteronomy ...
Learning from Christ
May 16, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-16 THE CHURCHES IN REVELATION “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelation 3:22) Amidst all the difficult imagery in ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Rashid Buttar: THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS BE REVEALED We Have To Speak Up & Not Let Fear Takeover |Dr Rashid Buttar|https:
Canadian Politics
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Sounds good to me! Maxime Bernier, People's Party of Canada: The Max Bernier Show - Ep. 24 : Let's end the lock down!
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
WWG1WGA!! Panic in the Deep State.
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
"Q" Sent Me!
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
The HighWire by Del Bigtree: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE!OperationWarpSpeed, the race to make a coronavirus vaccine, is well underway. Moderna’s vaccine candidate has been lauded by the ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Understanding the Threat: First Arab Woman to Win Nobel Prize is a JIHADI & Sits on Facebook Oversight Board!Tawakkol Karman is a national spokeswoman for the al Islah party in Yemen, which was founded by Globally Designated ...
Canadian Politics
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Email received from Maxime Bernier, People's Party of Canada: When a bully harasses you, you can either show submission, or stand up and say you won’t take it anymore. China is acting more and more like a bully. It ...
Canadian Politics
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
If only he would remain inside and not speak to Canadians. Trudeau's staying home, watching Netflix and getting really weird (LIVESTREAM CLIP)
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
SGT Report: THEY ARE IMPLEMENTING THEIR FINAL PLAN, RIGHT NOW!Justin Trudeau, the hand of the Queen, just banned assault weapons in Canada. Lockdowns around the world are becoming increasingly more draconian with each passing...
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Canadian Politics
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Still haven't signed the "Fire Tam" petition? It needs to be done!https:
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
One America News: Critics question involvement of Gates, Soros, Clintons in contact tracing efforts.The involvement of several prominent progressive global figures in "contact tracing" initiatives is being brought into ...
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Canadian Politics
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Canadians Turn Decisively AGAINST Trade With China!Support for developing closer trade ties with China falls to record lows.
Canadian Politics
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Billy Joyce: DOCTOR BUTTAR : ‘’They’’ want to kill BILLIONS – Telus, Huaweii and Northwood Seniors complex!! CANADA’S RED PILL – May 14th 2020 : In this video I feature an interview done by RealBradLea on his youtube channel ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
I don't need a vaccine to attend any sports event!! What about free choice to receive a vaccine? Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: President Trump Mobilizing US Military To Vaccinate Most Of The US Most Americans get a flu vaccine ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
The Truth About Vaccines: Charlene Bollinger Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits (Part 1) Join Judy for this blockbuster interview with Charlene where she tells the truth about the "Plague of Corruption" that has permeated the vaccine ...
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Loving Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-15 REALITIES OF THE CHURCH “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” (2 Timothy 3:12) Imagine for a moment that we ...
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Learning from Christ
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-15 AN INTACT BELIEF SYSTEM “In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Jesus Christ, constantly ...
Canadian Politics
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Unusual discussion about Trudeau and some deepstaters in Canada! QDIGS 4 JUSTIN TRUDEAU EXPOSED AND THE PICKTON PIG FARM,FRANKGUISTRA, BY NORMAN TAVERSTY!
Canadian Politics
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Please sign petition to get rid of Dr. Tam!
Canadian Politics
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: CIA says China pressured WHO to downplay coronavirus and Canada's Theresa Tam played along!A new CIA report says China pressured the World Health Organization to downplay the extent of the coronavirus pandemic. ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Krystal Tini Interviews Dr Buttar!https:
1 comment
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
No fake news media in USA will interview her? Rebel News: GELLER: Left wing media is threatening civil liberties in locked down NYC! Author Pamela Geller calls in to explain why she's suing NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner...
Canadian Politics
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Turdeau's tyrannical censorship continues!. Elections Canada is investigating pro-lifers! The Commissioner of Canada Elections is investigating RightNow, a pro-life political action group, for its activities during last year’s federal ...
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Republican Mike Garcia picks up Katie Hill’s California seat as Dem candidate CONCEDES race!For the first time in over 20 years, the GOP flips a California House seat. It's a glimpse of what's gong to happen in November. he ...
1 comment
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: President Trump ‘totally’ disagrees with Fauci on school reopenings!Sixty years ago, polio was one of the most feared diseases in the U.S. By the 1950s, polio had become one of the most serious communicable ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: WINNING: Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Gov. Tony Evers’ lockdown order!Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Tony Evers’ stay-at-home order that closed businesses, schools to limit spread of ...
Canadian Politics
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Doug Ford might just have become a one term Premier! Rebel News: Doug Ford BETRAYS his voter base? (LIVESTREAM CLIP) Why is hydroxychloroquine not permitted in Canada? Produce stats showing total numbers of deaths, by year, in Canada, Jan...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
ChristinaAguayo: Judy Mikovits PhD Drops The Hammer On Dr. Fauci & Medical Corruption! REAL, RAW & TRANSPARENT Part 2!
1 comment
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-14 DEPENDENCE ON GOD “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5)...
Learning from Christ
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-14 PEACE IN THE MIDST OF PERSECUTION “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
The Truth About Vaccines - Part 9.
Canadian Politics
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Canadians Turn Decisively AGAINST Trade With China!Support for developing closer trade ties with China falls to record lows.
Canadian Politics
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
CanadaPoli: 216 - How Are We to Manage this Crisis When the Prime Minister Can’t Answer a Yes or No Question? Fake News Polls Indicate: 1. 67% of Canadians believe we should be vaccinated before opening the economy. 2. 40% say they are not ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
One America News (OAN): CNN launches racist attack on OAN over COVID-19 cover-up report!CNN continued to emphasize the debunked Russian collusion in its latest attempt to disprove an OAN report on alleged conspiracy behind the...
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-13 LOVE IN THE MIDST OF HATE “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) There once was a man born ...
Learning from Christ
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-13 SPIRIT-INSPIRED BOLDNESS “Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9) The third ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: He threatened South Park in the name of Islam: Ex-jihadist Jesse Morton tells all! Jesse Morton converted to Islam and became a Jihadist — while living in America. How did that happen? Jesse explains his entire ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Amazing Polly: MORE Public Health Mafia Connections!Citizen journalists are on the case! More connections come to light. First half - Wuhan Virology Lab links Second half - Victor Dzau is EVERYWHERE. His fingers are in the ...
Canadian Politics
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Hey Justin: Can you read? Forbes: Hydroxychloroquine–Number Of Prescriptions Explodes In France! Despite the warnings around taking hydroxychloroquine to combat the symptoms of COVID-19, prescriptions in France have increased by as much...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
The HIghWire With Del Bigtree: CENSORED DOC DOUBLES DOWN!Dr. Daniel Erickson, owner of seven CA urgent care facilities, was thrown into the spotlight after his press conference on the COVID 19 stirred up enough controversy to...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: $880 ticket for using metal detector in Ottawa park | FightTheFines Case 9!Last month, Mark Sylvestre visited Strathcona Park with his trusty metal detector, looking for discarded collectibles or coins. He came ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
RonPaulLibertyReport: Fauci Tells Senate: 'Indefinite Lockdown!' Why Do We Keep Listening To Him?Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus ...
Canadian Politics
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: REVEALED: Trudeau's office decides which media outlets get to ask him questions!I have called in to the Trudeau Morning Show 20 times, and I have recorded my conversations with the phone operators.
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Canadian Politics
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: REVEALED: Trudeau's office decides which media outlets get to ask him! We’re living in a country where the prime minister has near-total control over the media — but his power might be greater than we first ...
Canadian Politics
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: APPALLING: Trudeau Government Working With Company Linked To Chinese Communist Military On Testing Vaccine On Canadians!What the hell is wrong with those in charge? How have they not realized what a threat ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
RonPaulLibertyReport: Weekly Update --- Authoritarians Using Coronavirus Fear to Destroy America!Ron Paul on the hypocrites and anti-American thugs who are locking the country down...
Canadian Politics
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
What is happening to Canada? Watch: Hamilton Police Arrest Alleged Anti-Government Couple In There Home, Under Mental Health Act This story comes from Hamilton, Ontario and it is a developing story, we do not have all the...
Learning from Christ
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Jesus Culture: Jesus Culture - Love Has A Name (Live) ft. Kim Walker-Smithhttps:
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Avi Yemini: Hero cop FIRED for begging his peers to do the right thing!An American police officer has lost his job for uploading a video begging his peers to STOP enforcing tyrannical laws. In his first video posted six days ...
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Canadian Politics
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
My name is Leslyn Lewis, and I decided to run for Leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada because I saw fundamental freedoms in our country slipping away. Freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion...all have been ...
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-12 TRUE HUMILITY “Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:10) The second qualification for demonstrating authority over ...
Learning from Christ
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-12 DYNAMITE IN THE MIDST OF FEAR “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7) When we read ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Thank you President Trump! Trump 2020! Spencer Fernando: VIDEO: Trump Tells Reporter, “Don’t Ask Me! Ask China”. US President pushes back on media continuing to push CCP line.
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Refuting MSM Fake news attacks! Dr. Rashid Battar: URGENT! Full Disclosure from 'INSIDE’ - Dr Buttar!
Canadian Politics
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Justin either a puppet or an idiot (or both)! Toronto Sun: TRUDEAU'S GUN BAN: Full of 'lies and stories' that won't make us any safer!
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
The people trying to publish their documentary had their website cyber atacked to today. They have received threats and legal letters threatening them. It is about Britian but don't think this is not going on in North America. It might be taken ...
1 comment
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: LL and Dan Dicks - Here's What We Think About The Call To Prayer!https:
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Hope thousands come out in support of these people. Rebel News: Edmonton police DETAIN three men at anti-lockdown protest — help us find them! Three men were detained at an anti COVID-19 lock-down protest in Edmonton, Alberta and Rebel...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Don't miss Hillary celebrating her presidency!! Josh Bernstein Show: BULL DURHAM: FORMER FBI COUNSEL JAMES BAKER IS NOW WORKING TO HELP CONVICT DEEP STATE COUP LEADERS! Flynn exonerated. Obama in the crosshairs, Biden on the ropes, and ...
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Hope they have 1,000 show up tomorrow!! COVID-1984: Florida woman arrested after she sat in the sand at Miami Beach and refused to leave! A woman who was protesting closures put in place amid the COVID-1984 outbreak was arrested on bogus ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Hope they have 1,000 show up tomorrow!! COVID-1984: Florida woman arrested after she sat in the sand at Miami Beach and refused to leave! A woman who was protesting closures put in place amid the COVID-1984 outbreak was arrested on bogus ...
Canadian Politics
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
love it, first lady interviewed, "I used to be a liberal but ...." Laura-Lynne Tyler Thompson: Freedom March from Vancouver on May 10, 2020. Marching for our children's future!
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Catherine McKenna made this statement when she was drunk in a bar. If I was a lieberal, I would probably be drunk most of the time also! Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Climate Barbie Speaks
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Just what Dr. Rashid Buttar and Dr. Judy Mikovits have been saying all along! Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Fauci : People Should Not Be Wearing Masks!
1 comment
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: BOMBSHELL REPORT: CCP China Dictator Xi Jinping Pushed For WHO To DELAY Warning Of Human-To-Human Transmission Of Coronavirus!Report from German intelligence service says Xi Jinping-WHO scheme cost the world ...
Learning from Christ
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: California churches plan to defy Newsom’s tyrannical orders, re-open May 31.I can just see the little tyrant Newsom sending storm troopers to storm the churches. Sound familiar?
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Arrest Fauci, Birx, Gates to Hell and George $oro$! Geller Report: China Proxy WHO Prescribed LOCKDOWNS that were followed by Fauci and Birx to Destroy US Economy! The objective isn’t “safety,” the objective is global subjugation to the...
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Canadian Politics
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Peaceful protest is the only way! CanadaPoli: 214 - Arrested in Alberta and Covid Testing Criteria and Collateral Health Outcomes and Meat Packing!
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The Culture War
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
It is not the most intelligent who become policemen, it is usually those who have a need for power and control over others. In the end, when push comes to shove, who they are will always show: Ari Yemini: Watch the most shocking 'social ...
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-11 GOD CAN REACH OUR LOVED ONES “For even His own brothers did not believe in Him.” (John 7:5) The Bible tells us little about Jesus’ childhood or family ...
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Learning from Christ
May 11, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-11 BELIEVING IN CHRIST'S AUTHORITY “Truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it shall ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Q sent me!
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
ChristinaAguayo: Judy Mikovits, PhD Exposes Dr. Fauci For Contradicting Statements On Hydroxychloroquine!https:
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: The Worst Virus – Big Government.Big government is destroying the lives of tens of millions of people, for no reason other than they can.
Canadian Politics
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
He is talking about the marxist / socialist media PRIORITIES: Canadian Establishment Media Has More Stories On Trump Than Trudeau. As we’ve seen from much of the ‘Canadian’ media coverage, there is far more attention on the US than...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Bill Gates has stated in a Ted Talk that we need to perfect the vaccines so we can reduce the world population by up to 15%! THE REAL BRAD LEA: What They Don’t Want You To Know About Covid-19. Dropping Bombs (Ep 264) | Dr. Rashid Buttar ...
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Learning from Christ
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Freedom in Christ - Neil Anderson: LIVE 39 - Victory Over Satanism.Join Dr. Neil T. Anderson in a live discussion on the topic of Satanism. His first attempt on this video was ended from unusual technological obstacles, but ...
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-10 SURVIVING A CRISIS “A house divided against itself falls” (Luke 11:17) Satan's strategy is to use a problem situation to put you and your spouse...
Learning from Christ
May 10, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion FIVE MOTHERS 2020-05-10 “Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar…Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the ...
May 9, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: China-Controlled Shandong To Buy Canadian Gold Mining Company, Gaining Access To Canadian Gold On Our Territory!This never should be allowed. The sale must be blocked.
Canadian Politics
May 9, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Moms, listen to chairman Justine!! Do it and shut-off the tv as you leave!! Spencer Fernando: VIDEO: Trudeau Asks Mothers To “Step Out Of The Room For A Minute, So I Can Talk To Your Kids.” Trudeau is getting even more full of ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 9, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
MAKE CANADA FREE AGAIN AND LET US GO BACK TO WORK!! Press for Truth: COVID-19(84) Puts Canada Under SOCIALIST SIEGE! Here’s What They DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW!!! Canada came under socialist siege when a social justice warrior in Canada ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 9, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Trudeau is a young Grabby Joe, wanting the children to run their hands up and down his leg and then sit on his lap! Justin has 3 convicted pedo acquaintances! Spencer Fernando: VIDEO: Trudeau Asks Mothers To “Step Out Of The Room For A...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 9, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
When you are getting "flack", you know you are over the target! SAY NO TO FAUCI AND BILL GATES TO HELL RF CHIPS AND VACCINES!George Orwell: “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” From the ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 9, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Buffalo Chronicle: Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials. …I’m a peripheral witness in the matter of Jared Nolan, as well as a journalist and a former ...


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