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Learning from Christ
Jul 24, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Dan Studt: Freedom in Christ Ministries “Do you know why I love you?” This is a question I used to ask my girls frequently. Does that sound like a strange question to you? Well, there is a good reason I asked it. One...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 24, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: President Trump cancels the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville Florida Over Chinese Virus Concerns.I don't agree. It's a weird flu. We take necessary precautions but we get on with the busy of ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 24, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Trudeau-Appointee Julie Payette’s Office Under Investigation By Privy Council Office!Investigation follows reports that she mistreats staff.
1 comment
Jul 24, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Every person has three needs, to be accepted, to feel secure and to be significant. All these needs are found in Christ. Who I Am In Christ - Significant (Victory Over darkness – Neil Anderson) I am God’s ...
1 comment
Jul 24, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-24 HUMANITY'S BASIC NEEDS “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19”) Adam and Eve ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 24, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-24 EVANGELISM IS A MIRACLE “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Judge Issues Dangerous Ruling That Could Decimate Canada’s Sovereignty Over Our Immigration System!If a country cannot control who is and who isn’t allowed to enter, then how does Citizenship have any ...
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Canada’s Judges Are Moving The Country In A Far-Left Direction That Canadians Never Voted For!Conservatives and all common-sense Canadians need to realize that the left is increasingly achieving through the...
Canadian Politics
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Refusal To Hold Public Inquiry Into Nova Scotia Mass Shooting Is An Abomination!This will further damage what little trust remains between the Canadian People and the government. ...
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Canadian Politics
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: AuditWE: We’ve hired lawyers to demand that Trudeau’s WE Charity be audited!We’ve hired lawyers to demand that Trudeau’s WE Charity be audited. And we need your help to Every day there’s a ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News hiring a lawyer to make a presentation to the United Nations to have the two Michaels freed from China. Rebel News: Free the Two Michaels: We're heading to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. On December 10, ...
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Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-23 SHOW YOUR POWER “Summon Your power, O God, the power, O God, by which You have worked for us.” (Psalm 68:28, ESV) A number of years ago, there ...
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-23 THE POWER TO CHOOSE “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve. . . . As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15) Adam and Eve's...
Learning from Christ
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Every person has three needs, to be accepted, to feel secure and to be significant. All these needs are found in Christ. Who I Am In Christ - Significant (Victory Over darkness – Neil Anderson) I am a minister of ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
This does not sound like something Justin will enjoy! Amina M: Parliamnet Hill with Deme Clan Mothers and a traditional Willow Ceremony on Justin Trudeau.
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Canadian Politics
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: WATCH: Trudeau Slammed For “Gross & Disgusting” Attempt To Use Pandemic To Justify “Corruption”!It’s never Trudeau’s fault.
1 comment
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
How do people like Ellison get elected? Geller Report: Woman Beater Minn. AG Keith Ellison (aka Hakim Muhammad) Says He Doesn’t Want Police Officers To Respond To Rape (Shariah Law) ELLISON: “If you’re a woman who’s been a victim ...
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: Black Lives Matter Organizer Charged on Six Counts of Child Sex Abuse, Possession of Images of Underage GirlsTies to Hollywood, the pedophile capital of America? “If we divest funds from police and prison ...
The Culture War
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: TORTURE CHAMBERS: 15 children covered in scars rescued from Islamic school in Nigeria school where they were tortured and kept in chains.For years, we have been reporting on these brutal Islamic schools – ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Intelligent observations on what covid is all about. The Still Report: Comments Comments, 3147
Learning from Christ
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Every person has three needs: to be accepted, to feel secure and to be significant. All these needs are found in Christ. Who I Am In Christ (Victory Over darkness – Neil Anderson Significant I am God’s ...
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-22 THE CONDITION TO RECEIVING IS GIVING “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” (Matthew 5:7, ESV) From the opening verse of this ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 22, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-22 RAISING GREAT KIDS “Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: INTERVIEW: Alberta man dies after “non-essential” surgery cancelled due to COVID-19!The former wife of an Albertan man who died when the “non-essential” treatment for his heart condition was postponed due ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel Media: What a day at the beach!One moment, Cobourg, Ont. resident Tamara Ugolini and a friend were simply walking along the shoreline of Cobourg beach. The next moment she’s being placed in handcuffs, put in a police ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: Former NY Gov. George Pataki Worried: “New York City is going to die”Former New York Gov. George Pataki says for the first time in his life he is worried about the “future” of New York City. “For the ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: Republican Senate panel seeking subpoenas in Biden, Ukraine Burisma probe.The effort to seek subpoenas appears to be intensifying after panel’s unsuccessful attempts to get voluntary testimony By: Joseph ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Ron Paul was a medical doctor before becoming a member of congress. Do you think this is only happening in the USA. Global News has reported that deaths in Ontario due to the CCP Virus will not be revealed until 2022, long after we will all ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
They wouldn't permit comments on YT on this video. Everywhere they say the word "military", insert the word "Congress". Billions of dollars have been paid out to protect members of congress from charges of sexual assault and sexual harassment! Take ...
1 comment
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Liberty Talk Canada: Pedophilia payments through Canadian tax money!! - Whistleblower!This episode is NOT for the faint of heart. The information the limo driver of Canadian politicians and the elite gives us is disturbing. ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Amazing Polly: Your Body is Their Weapon - We're all Patients Now."If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
My hero Norman Traversy exposing more of Trudeau's corruption in violation of the USMCA Trade Agreement. Norman T delivers docs to the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner! Norman Traversy delivered a letter of ...
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Canadian Politics
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
We have a stockpile of HCQ in Canada but Trudeau won't let it be used and there are expiry dates on the drug. The Still Report: "100k U S Lives Could Be Saved With HCQ!”, 3146
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
This is what was happening at the residential schools for native children in Canada Shaun Attwood: Adrenochrome And Child Dismemberment!
Canadian Politics
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Contact Your MP & Demand They Stop Trudeau From Giving A China-Controlled Company A Massive Contract For Canadian Embassy Security!All Canadians need to speak out against this insanity. Here is URL to find ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Every person has three needs: Acceptance, Safety and Significance. All three are fulfilled in Christ. Who I Am in Christ - Significant I am a personal witness of Christ “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will ...
1 comment
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-21 A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP ”The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-21 FROM THE INSIDE OUT “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:1) Some people just love ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
2 Average Dudes: Justin Trudeau looks like he’s running scared… He’s using personal days to hide from the tough questions.https:
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Canadian Politics
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: BREAKING NEWS: Chinese consulate tries to cancel my book launch in Canada!https:
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
The HighWire with Del Bigtree: DECIPHERING THE AGENDA OF BILL GATES!As the biggest financial contributor of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates and his philosophy on world population growth has come under fire, along ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Big Pharma spending Billions trying to get you to believe that vaccines are safe! The HighWire with Del Bigtree: PAID MILLIONS TO TARGET ANTI-VAXXERS
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
We shut down the world for a flu virus! Arrest everyone associated with Event 201! Geller Report: What the Media Won’t Tell You About the United States’ Coronavirus Case Low Fatality Rate. The Democrat media complex has weaponized ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
We are being warned!! Geller Report: Legendary American Intellectual Thomas Sowell Warns Our Country Is Approaching the ‘Point of No Return’ Every election is described as the most important election of our lifetime, But this time –...
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Every person has three needs: To be accepted, to be safe; to be significant. All three needs are found in Christ. I am Significant: I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go ...
1 comment
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-20 AMAZING GRACE “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and ...
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Learning from Christ
Jul 20, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-20 PERCEPTIONS AND EMOTIONS “Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 19, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Email from Derek Sloan, candidate for leadership of CPC: Thank you so much for your great generosity in supporting my leadership campaign! I’ve heard from so many people who have been inspired to see a candidate advance ideas that put the ...
1 comment
Jul 19, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Who I Am in Christ - Significant I am a branch of the true vine, a channel of His life. "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart ...
Jul 19, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotions 2020-07-19 YADA “Come, let us return to the LORD; for He has torn us, that He may heal us;...Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD” (Hosea 6:1, 3, ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 19, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-19 CONFESSING WHAT WE BELIEVE “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 18, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 18, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
New England Journal of Medicine: Effectiveness of Masks
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 18, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
City Hall did not respond to a request for comment. Geller Report: Cop group asks de Blasio to paint ‘Blue Lives Matter’ street mural The cop-boosting “Blue Lives Matter” NYC is asking Mayor Bill de Blasio to paint a mural outside...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 18, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Ty & Charlene Bollinger: Chronic Corruption Part II: How to Exploit a Crisis rt-2/
Jul 18, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-18 ARE WE A FRIEND OF SINNERS? “While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with Him....When the ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 18, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-18 DEMONSTRATING WHAT WE BELIEVE “Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself” (James 2:17) Faith is an action word. We cannot ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
The Storm is Coming!! Julius FOX:WHO IS ? 🇺🇸🇫🇷 JVLIVS
Learning from Christ
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Freedom in Christ “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God” (Romans 15:7). Acceptance is a foundational requirement for relationship. Rejection stings because we desire to be accepted. ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Here is the truth exposing the vaccines they are planning for humanity. Ron Vaillant: Most Important Video You May Ever See. To Fast Track go to 11:34.
Canadian Politics
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Amina M: Norman Traversy goes to the L C B O - Liquor Control Board. Masks ??
Canadian Politics
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: UPDATE: Charges dropped against Calgary pastor fined for feeding the homeless during COVID-19The social distancing charges against Artur Pawlowski have been officially dropped by Crown prosecutors following Rebel ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Tam hired WE Charity for unspecified ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
COVID911 - INSURGENCYYou're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Rise. ...
1 comment
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Which Group is Next? Chairman Trudeau loves the CCP! Words and Sounds: China Atrocities -- Bound Uighurs Herded on to Train Cars! In eerie echoes of the Nazis' herding of Jews into cattle cars, drone footage thought to have been shot at a ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Which Group is Next? Words and Sounds: China Atrocities -- Bound Uighurs Herded on to Train Cars! In eerie echoes of the Nazis' herding of Jews into cattle cars, drone footage thought to have been shot at a train station west of Korla in ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-17 SUCCESS COMES IN CANS, PART II “The righteous man shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17) Believing that you can succeed at Christian ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 17, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-17 BRAVE ENOUGH TO FOLLOW “As He walked along, He saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow Me,’ Jesus told him, and Levi ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Chairman Justin just can't wind them up to spew the propaganda. Another MP heading for re-education camp! Spencer Fernando: WATCH: Liberal MP Accidentally Tells The Truth, Calls Bardish Chagger “Minister Of Diversion” It’s the most ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: China Virus: NEW BILLBOARD in Alberta!Sheila Gunn Reid unveils our NEWEST billboard promoting CHINA VIRUS: How Justin Trudeau's Pro-Communist Ideology Is Putting Canadians in Danger!
Canadian Politics
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
This just keeps getting better, unless you are a lieberal! Staff who gaffed will be attending re-education camps in Yukon! Spencer Fernando: REPORT: WE Charity Could Have Made Over Twice As Much As Liberals Initially Claimed! Ongoing ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
MikeyHardesty: OBLIVIOUS (short film about sex-trafficking)A film for SHIFT freedom ( A girl is stuck in the vicious cycle of sex-trafficking. WON: Best Picture, Best PSA (Colorful Colorado Film Festival for ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Put July 30/20 on your calendar for Human Trafficking Awareness Day! Operation Underground Railroad: People Have Been Asking Us About Wayfair...Are Kids Really Sold Online? We have been getting A TON of questions from you guys regarding ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Sweden vs New York Tony Heller: New Video : Two Paths To Herd Immunity!
Canadian Politics
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Justine: Xi Jinping, from one Communist to another, can you let up on these people? Please? Rebel Media: Falun Gong to Trudeau: Educate yourself on China's atrocities!
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: Prominent Members Of Black Community Now Calling On NYPD To Bring Back Anti-Crime Unit!“Babies are not supposed to be wearing these in a coffin.” It is the Black community who have suffered most after ...
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Canadian Politics
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: BREAKING: Morneau Under Investigation!The Ethics Commissioner will now look into both Justin Trudeau and Bill Morneau.
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Canadian Politics
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Masks are for the Sheeple! NO scientific evidence to support mask wearing! This is about control and submission! Don't accept either! OPP shoot man dead hours after mask dispute leads to alleged assault Frances said workers shouldn't have...
Canadian Politics
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Time to take back control from the oligarchs and give it to the Canadian People! Maxime Bernier: The Max Bernier Show - Ep. 35 : The WE Charity Liberal Scam! Is the WE Charity the propaganda and recruiting arm of the Liberals among young ...
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-16 RELIGIONLESS CHRISTIANITY “Everything they do is done for people to see…” (Matthew 23:5) Are there things that we do so that others would ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 16, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-16 SUCCESS COMES IN CANS, PART I “I do believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24) Someone has said that success comes in cans and failure in cannots. ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
But Andrew Scheer is pilloried for making a phone call w/o a mask? Perhaps McKenna was holding a protest? Spencer Fernando: Catherine McKenna Seen Without Mask In Public, CBC Silent! Why didn’t CBC do a bunch of huge breaking stories on...
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Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Subject: WHO latest recommendations for NOT wearing a mask FRIENDS; HERE IS PAGE 8 OF THE W.H.O LATEST RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NOT WEARING A MASK= Potential harms/disadvantages The likely disadvantages of the use of mask by healthy people...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Attempted control through fear and intimidation.• Even though the COVID-19 curve has been flattened, mainstream media outlets continue to push doomsday predictions of an impending explosion of deaths • According to Stanford...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
The Culture War
Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: Fake News WorksMichael Bloomberg read a Washington Post climate article, and actually believed that they were telling the truth. At his age, he should know better.
Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-15 FEAR THE LORD “Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.” (Acts 5:11) How do we feel towards God? If we were ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 15, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-15 UNMET SPIRITUAL NEEDS “The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17) Over the last...
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Antisemitism Remains The Most Prevalent Hate Crime In Canada!But you wouldn’t know that from watching the biased establishment media.
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Canadian Politics
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
I will not voluntarily take any of Gates from Hell's vaccines until every member of parliament, federally and provincially and every member of their families have been vaccinated! Spencer Fernando: Moderna Says Their Vaccine Produces ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
This is the lady who kicked off the Way Fair Gate on June 14/20! Amazing Polly: Way Fair Questions Need to Be Asked I know the W@yf@ir story is not bait. I know it isn't a Leftist ruse. How? I tell you in this video. I go over some of ...
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
This video is 49 minutes long. I made notes from it to send to some sheeple. My notes are in the responses and will only take a few minutes to read. Stand Up Michigan: Tammy K. Herrema Clark DESTROYING the mask 😷 narrative especially masks ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Conservative Memberships Surge By 100,000 Almost 270,000 people are eligible to vote in the upcoming leadership race.
Canadian Politics
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
My brother, in Stratford Ontario, is planning an anti-mask rally in their city's park, this Friday. he has speakers and pamphlets to hand-out and a large contingent of family to support him. Being an obedient citizen, he phones Parks & Recs to get a ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Official Definition of a Covid Death:
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report One-Year-Old BABY in a Stroller Shot to Death in Mayor de Blasio’s NYC!The good, decent and rational (the Right) should not have to live under left-wing barbaric rule. This is what the Democrats have been ...
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-07-14 DO NOT BE DECEIVED “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals’” (1 Corinthians 15:33) Is it really possible for Christians to deceive ...
Learning from Christ
Jul 14, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-07-14 RIGHT AND TRUE “Then Peter said, ‘Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some...
Canadian Politics
Jul 13, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: “White noise”: American Trump supporter in Canada takes on Black Lives Matter!About 50 people in Vancouver gathered to protest the "New Normal" of COVID-19 restrictions — that's where I met one pro-Trump ...
Canadian Politics
Jul 13, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Maxime Bernier, Leader of the PPC, looking better all the time! Under the Liberals, Canada is quickly becoming some kind of banana republic, where a small clique controls the state and exploits it for its benefit. We saw it with the SNC-Lavalin...


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