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The Culture War
Sep 16, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: “Idiots,” ”jerks”: Health Freedom protesters react to insults from Vancouver mayorVancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart called protesters who gathered outside of the city's hospital “idiots” and “jerks,” ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 16, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Where The Hell Is All Our Healthcare Money Going?Provinces with populations in the millions being ‘crippled’ by a few hundred people in the ICU raises extremely disturbing questions. In a province of ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 16, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Do you think this is only happening in the USA? Stew Peters: IRS Feds Order Banks to SPY ON PATRIOTS! Right out in the wide open, the Feds have announced that they're going to weaponize your banks to SPY ON YOU!
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 16, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
LibertyCoalitionCanada: Dr. Roger Hodkinson: The Classic Method of Breaking PeopleDr. Roger Hodkinson speaks out on the horrifying effects covid-19 has had on our population. He also discusses psychological Warfare-how ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 16, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
True North: Maxime Bernier says election is referendum on vaccine mandatesIn an exclusive interview with True North’s Andrew Lawton, People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier says Monday’s election is a referendum ...
Sep 16, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T, Anderson 2021-09-16 THE VIEW FROM THE CROSS Whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it. For what will a man be ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 16, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY “When Job’s three friends...heard about all the troubles that had come upon him, they set out from their homes and met together by agreement to go and sympathize with him and comfort ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
OAN: Veronica Wolski: A medical freedom horror storyFrom lockdowns to vaccine mandates, COVID-19 has not only attacked public health, but has also wreaked havoc on civil liberties. One America’s chief White House ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: WATCH: Justin Trudeau Seems To Be Experiencing Real Journalism DifferentlyNotice his barely concealed rage at facing the kind of questions every other politician gets everyday.
The Culture War
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Work from home Alberta Health Services worker facing forced vaccinationAlberta Health Services is attempting to force an IT employee, who works from home, to get a COVID vaccine.
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
True North: Could the rise of Maxime Bernier and the PPC be the deciding factor in the election?In the final week of the campaign, the polls show the Liberals and Conservatives neck and neck. It’s too close to call, and the...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Toronto Sun: SPIKING INFLATION! HOUSING CRISIS! AND SELFISH TRUDEAU! PM out of touch with Millennials, Gen Zershttps:
Canadian Politics
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Mainstream media reported hospital protest as “terrifying” — don't believe the hypeDavid Menzies was on the scene outside of Toronto General Hospital where the mainstream media hyped a “terrifying” ...
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Canadian Politics
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: REACTION: $61M media bailout recipients revealed (everyone's on the take)David Menzies and Andrew Chapados react to Ezra Levant's report revealing which companies were recipients of Justin Trudeau's pre-election ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Technocracy News: Federal Judge Blocks Forced Vaccination For Medical Personnel In New York StateMedical Technocrats in New York are likely grinding their teeth after a federal judge blocked forced vaccination for medical ...
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The Culture War
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Firefighters protest in Calgary labelled “disgraceful, anti-vax” by fire chiefEzra Levant Show (FREE for a limited time during the election) Adam Soos joins guest host David Menzies on The Ezra Levant Show to ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
2 Average Dudes: Justin Trudeau Must never be in power againSpread the word, flush the turd! Justin Trudeau Should be banned from Canadian politics Let’s spread the truth I self identify as french aboriginal
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Vote you conscience, not your fear. People's Party of Canada: This campaign has been an amazing ride! Throughout, we have gained more momentum than any other party, and we are set to shock the country on Election Night! But we’re not ...
1 comment
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2021-09-15 FOLLOWING HIM “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him . . . Follow Me” (Matthew 16:24) Seeking to overcome self by self-effort is a hopeless ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 15, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-09-15 "HOW LONG, LORD? “How long, LORD? Will You forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts...
Learning from Christ
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Derek Prince: No Neutrality Pt 1 of 5 - With Or AgainstDerek Prince Sermons: No Neutrality Pt 1 of 5 - With Or Against. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince.
Canadian Politics
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Awake Canada : Boots on the Ground - Rise Up Canada!This is a call to action for Canadians. This is what we can do to fight against the tyranny of our government. Go to
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Forbes Breaking News: Rose McGowan Makes Allegations Against Gavin Newsom's Wife, Endorses Elder In California Recall Yesterday, Rose McGowan alleged that Gov. Gavin Newsom's (D-CA) wife tried to suppress her claims against Harvey Weinstein,...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
People's Party of Canada - OFFICIAL: Maxime Bernier announces policy on gender issueshttps:
1 comment
The Culture War
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: George Soros: The Man Behind the Curtain | Author Matt Palumbo joins Ezra LevantMatt Palumbo, author of 'The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros', joins Ezra Levant to discuss how ...
1 comment
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: "Not in our Canada": Justin Trudeau's hateful hypocrisyOn yesterday's Rebel News DAILY Livestream, Ezra Levant discusses Trudeau's twisted and divisive rhetoric, pointing out the hypocrisy in our prime minister's ...
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
1 comment
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: The PPC Surge Is Real & Could Change Canadian Politics In A Profound WayFor a long-time, the CPC has formulated strategy on the basis of right-leaning voters having no alternative. That may no longer be ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Up to 30 PPC Candidates not included on ballots due to bureaucratic time limited request. RedWolff88: A RIGGED CANADIAN ELECTION What else is new..They're also handing you pencils and telling you that you can't bring your own black pen ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Pastor Artur's lawyer in court regarding the punishment Pastor Artur will face in upcoming hearingPastor Artur Pawlowski's lawyer, Sarah Miller of JSS Barristers, is in court this morning to submit vital documents ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Every news media who secretly took Trudeau's $61M pre-election pay-offEzra Levant has the list of journalists who secretly took a $61-million pre-election pay-off from Justin Trudeau. READ THE FULL REPORT ► ...
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
True North: CBC town hall shows why O’Toole must defund the CBCThe Debates Commission has been a complete disservice to Canadians. It’s an insult to voters that we had three debates this election — two in French and all ...
1 comment
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
2 Average Dudes: Justin Trudeau wants to make Criminals out of CanadiansWhat He wants to do is wrong Let’s spread the truth I self identify as french aboriginal
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Canadian Politics
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Chelsea Hillier: Great Canadian Comebackhttps:
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2021-09-14 PICKING UP THE CROSS DAILY “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him . . . Take up his cross” (Matthew 16:24) The cross we are to pick up on a daily basis is...
Learning from Christ
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-09-14 TAKE REFUGE IN GOD “…Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.” (Psalm 2:12) If we are honest, some of us are living according to our ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
All 5 of the leaders in the leader's debates support mandatory injections. For freedom, vote PPC! Spencer Fernando: As England Abandons Vaccine Passports, Trudeau Doubles-Down On Demonizing & Dividing Canadians Leaders must end these ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Canadian Politics
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
VIVA FRI: LAWSUIT: Is the Vaccine FDA Approval Legit? Lawyer Explains - Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHThttps:
Canadian Politics
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Toronto Sun: JODY WILSON-RAYBOULD UNLEASHED: Three biggest bombshells from tell-all Indian In The Cabinethttps:
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The Culture War
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
It is the information war, perhaps someone got to Boris about what will happen to people who are committing crimes against humanity? Technocracy News: Stunning UK Reversal: Scraps Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns And PCR Tests It is unclear ...
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Canadian Politics
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
2 Average Dudes: It’s Great when Justin Trudeau gets called outI love When an insider turns on Justin Trudeau Let’s spread the truth I self identify as french aboriginal
Learning from Christ
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Psalm 37: Instruction in godly wisdom. (timely)1 Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; 2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. 3 Trust in the LORD ...
1 comment
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
President Trump calls America to 21 days of Prayer at LetUsWorshipPresident Trump’s address to America on 9/11 and call to 21 days of prayer at LetUsWorship on the National Mall
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Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2021-09-13 DENYING SELF “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself” (Matthew 16:24) A primary reason why we struggle to fulfill Christ's Great...
Learning from Christ
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-09-13 LIGHT AND DARKNESS “For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.” (Psalm 36:9) When we see Jesus, we see the full expression...
Canadian Politics
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Randy Hillier: Gathering of all Ottawa Valley PPC CandidatesJoin the biggest gathering of PPC Candidates, all in one place.
1 comment
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Stephen Makk's Speech Midland August 18 2021 (PPC Candidate for Simcoe North)Stephen speaks about freedom and government at a stop on the Mad Max Tour of Simcoe during Election 44.
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
I voted for Stephen Harper, but he signed us up for UN 2030! A vote for any of the existing parties in parliament is a vote for communism. ⁣⁣ Info that matters:AGENDA 21 BECAME AGENDA 2030, TO WHICH MOST OF OUR GOVERNMENTS SIGNED UP ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Stephen Makk: Splitting the Vote. Thanks for the compliment, ConservativesStephen's thoughts on outdoor gatherings and medical privacy.
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2021-09-12 ONLY GOD IS GOD “The serpent said . . . ‘you will be like God, knowing good and evil’” (Genesis 3:4-5) Adam was the first to be tempted by the notion that he ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 12, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-09-12 HIS FINAL REVELATION “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away,...
The Culture War
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Under the Indian Act, natives cannot refuse injections made by a qualified medical person (nurses). If this isn't stopped, why should we be allowed to refuse? Kevin A.: Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to ...
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Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
2 Average Dudes: Justin Trudeau’s Liberals Should Not Be Allowed In Alberta.... and the NDP can stay out tooJustin Trudeau Is insulting Albertans by having MPs campaign in that province. Let’s spread the truth I self ...
1 comment
The Culture War
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: "My heart really breaks for the kids": Calgary teacher Russell Hillier speaks with Sheila Gunn ReidRussell Hillier joined Sheila Gunn Reid to discuss the to discuss the damage of mandatory masks on children and a ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
There were 5 people in the video who agree that we should get the Experimental Biological Agent Injection! They are all socialist/communist Globalists! Rebel News: Justin Trudeau too cowardly to answer questions from Rebel News Ezra ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Maxime Bernie, People's Party Canada:Did you watch the leaders’ debates this week? If not, you didn’t miss anything! The five leaders agreed on almost everything. They all want more government spending, more federal ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Today I took my wife and a friend to the Orillia Fair Grounds so we could meet the PPC candidate for Simcoe North, Stephen Makk. We purchased our tickets and then there were two guys standing there, requesting people to sign their names and give ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
STOPWORLDCONTROL: ENCOURAGEMENT from an ill freedom fighter - Trump, Q, Future!In this video you see how multiple nations collaborated to remove Trump from office - clear evidence he is not on their side. You also hear several...
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Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Premier Legault of Quebec said Trudeau is dangerous and pledged support for the CPC. Spencer Fernando: Election Campaign Rocked By Revelation Of Liberal Plan To Bring In HOUSING TAX With the cost of living surging under the Trudeau Liberals, ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Tomorrow, there is a greet and meet for the PPC candidate for Simcoe North, Stephen Makk, in Wasaga Beach 12 - 2 pm. Then they are forming a convoy to drive from Wasaga Beach to Orillia. All cars will be flying PPC flags. The meet and greet in ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
I'm voting PPC. I was told I was walking on thin ice, if I am walking on thin ice, I might as well dance!
Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
True North: It’s Fake News Friday: the debates, CBC fake news fact-check and more!The Federal Leaders Debate was a colossal waste of time. It was heavy on leftist pet causes and light on any economic or COVID-related issues....
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Canadian Politics
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Video starts at minute 21. Viva Frei: They Didn't Invite Maxime Bernier to the Federal Debates, So We Hosted Our Own! The Leaders Debates Commission did not invite People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier to the federal debate. So we ...
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T. Anderson 2021-09-11 THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13) It's not hard to know the truth ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-09-11 HIS LOVE “The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.” (Psalm 2:4) Some of us may imagine God sitting on His throne in ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 10, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Purple Wave? People's Party leader Maxime Bernier on being excluded from leaders' debatesPeople's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier joined Ezra Levant and Sheila Gunn Reid last night during our election ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 10, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
2 Average Dudes: Justin Trudeau’s Liberals Are The Dangerous Vote.The Priemier Of Quebec called voting Liberal dangerous. Let’s spread the truth I self identify as french aboriginal
1 comment
Sep 10, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T, Anderson 2021-09-10 LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES “Do not hold back discipline from the child” (Proverbs 23:13) Some children are effectively disciplined when they must experience ...
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Learning from Christ
Sep 10, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-09-10 OUR RAGE AGAINST GOD “Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Maxime Bernier discusses his campaign trail assaultIn this full report Drea Humphrey interviews several of the local PPC candidates, who were not being invited to participate in the federal leaders' debates, are ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Justin also gave an additional $60 million to "deserving media" just before he called the election, but he won't reveal who got the money!. Viva Frei: Trudeau BRAGS About Buying Off Canadian Media? FACT CHECK Viva Frei Vlawg I saw a video...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
I hope the PPC are ordering more signs as people flee socialism! Spencer Fernando: Election Campaign Rocked By Revelation Of Liberal Plan To Bring In HOUSING TAX With the cost of living surging under the Trudeau Liberals, their scheme to ...
The Culture War
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Liberty Coalition Canada: Dr. Roger Hodkinson: The Classic Method of Breaking PeopleDr. Roger Hodkinson speaks out on the horrifying effects covid-19 has had on our population. He also discusses psychological Warfare-how ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
CBC reported today that the People's Party of Canada is at 11%. Yahoo!! Rebel News: RECAP: Final thoughts on the French-language leaders' debate In this clip from our debate coverage, Ezra Levant and Sheila Gunn Reid are joined by Alexa ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: CBC’s 'Marg, Warrior Queen': your tax dollars hard at workA “comedian” playing her character Marg, Warrior Queen from CBC's This Hour Has 22 Minutes was in attendance at the French-language leaders' debate ...
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Canadian Politics
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: SUPERCUT: Rebel News poses questions to leaders at French-language debateSee all of the questions posed to federal party leaders by Rebel News journalists following the French-language debate last night. FULL ...
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Canadian Politics
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: The Danger Of Canada’s Increasingly ‘Managed’ DemocracyThere is supposed to be a free-wheeling & unpredictable feel to democracy. In Canada, those in power have done everything they can to take ...
The Culture War
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: My body, my choice...except when it comes to the COVID vaccinesOn Tuesday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, David Menzies filled in for Ezra. He interviewed Rebel reporter Drea Humphrey who is based in B.C. to talk ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
PPC hold bigger rallies than any of the other parties! Ron Vaillant: Maxime Bernier - When Tyranny Becomes Law, Revolution Becomes Our Duty. It's High Time to Kick the Justine/O'Toole Uni-Party to The Curb, for a PPC Majority. ...
1 comment
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Dr. Neil T, Anderson 2021-09-09 PERSEVERING TRIBULATIONS “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces ...
Learning from Christ
Sep 9, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2021-09-09 AN INVITATION You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted; You encourage them, and You listen to their cry, defending the ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
True North: Exclusive True North polling shows the Liberals have blown a spectacular leadLiberal leader Justin Trudeau called this vanity election in order to achieve a majority government. That is the only reason we’re in ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News LIVE! French Language Federal Leaders' Debate language-federal-leaders-debate.html?mref=6zof=13
The Culture War
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
This is a Canadian event. Redwof88: ALUMINUM NANOPARTICLES IN VACCINES "Can stay in the brain for years and decades, causing neurodevelopmental disabilities"... And wonder why kids get "adhd, autism", etc..
Tucker Carlson Fans
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
ChristianPatriotNews: BREAKING! AZ Audit Released! 270,000 Fraudulent Votes! Maricopa County Canvass Initial Report ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: “You're not welcome”: Conservative Party comms director kicks Rebel out of eventCory Hann, communications director for the Conservative Party of Canada, kicked Alexa Lavoie out of an event hosted by the party ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Bars based on vaccine status? Montrealers share their opinions on vax passesAlexa Lavoie was in Montreal, Quebec asking people what their opinion was on hypothetically dividing nightlife in the city based on ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: TRAILER: PILOTS, FLIGHT ATTENDANTS TEAM UP TO PROTEST TRUDEAU'S COVID VACCINE PASSPORTSCaptain Derek Grigor is a pilot and member of Free to Fly, an organization comprised of over eight hundred pilots and flight ...
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
BREAKING: Rebel News wins case against Trudeau gov't, will send ELEVEN journalists to federal leader's debates!Rebel News wins case against the Trudeau government in a huge victory for freedom of the press in Canada. ...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Viva Frei: Canadian Media Justifies ASSAULT, Rune HARD COVER For Trudeau Government - Viva Frei VlawgIt's nuts. the mental gymnastics.
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Trudeau projects to others what he is! True North: Trudeau dismisses pro-freedom protesters as “angry, racist and misogynistic” When far-left protesters are “angry,” the legacy media celebrate them and push their causes. When ...
The Culture War
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Amazing Polly: Sep 08, 2021 Freedom is Contagious!I document a Pro-Freedom rally and talk to regular citizens in Ontario, Canada who are standing up against medical mandates. An agent provocateur gets shunned by the crowd, & ...
The Culture War
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
CanadaPoli: Dr. Julie Ponesse. A lesson in courage and integrity. Western University in Ontario fired this ethics professor after she refused their mandate.
1 comment
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
Randy Hillier: Tell them Freedom can be found once again in CanadaI want everyone to tell their friends, family, and neighbours that on September 20th, freedom can be found once again in Canada, but only if we all do our part....
Canadian Politics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by warminster100
The Observable Thing: Justin Trudeau being heckled in Newmarket Ontario, September 5th 2021https:
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