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The economy is already on the rebound. Three million jobs back. States are reopening. Energy again has a pulse. President Trump today delivered what we’ve needed for weeks: good news. Not wishful thinking. Certainly not more doom and gloom. Good news.

But bad news for the cabal still festering in the seedy corners of the culture. We underestimate them at our peril. Their commitment is total, their intentions nothing less than the destruction of the country.

It’s not about Trump. It never was. Same as it was never about Michael Flynn. He was just the obstacle in the way of them getting to Trump. Trump has been the obstacle in the way of their grand agenda. They’ve known that from the moment he came down the escalator. Stopping him has always been the number one priority, and it still is. Don’t delude yourself that now that this latest Hail Mary pass failed like all the others, they’ll finally give up and go home.

They corrupted the highest levels of government in an outright betrayal of the people. They manufactured a phony frame-up against a president in an effort to hide their crimes. They lied about it to the people for two years, with full knowledge aforethought. They did everything possible to stop the president through legislative means, and when that didn’t work, they created a bogus impeachment. They’ve exploited a legitimate medical crisis to shut down the economy, and kept their foot on its neck long after it was clear the only reason to do so was to kill it outright. And when the economy started opening anyway, they took to the streets, and they’re still there, burning, looting, rioting, destroying anything in their path. Oh no, they aren’t going home anytime soon.

Forget the polls: this will be an electoral disaster for the left, for the same reason it was in 1968. The country lurched sharply to the right that year, repulsed by the same mayhem in the streets we see today. But for the anomalous Jimmy Carter, courtesy of watergate, it stayed that way for 40 years. (Bill Clinton, remember, ran as a “new” Democrat with a law and order agenda.) Eight years of Obama turned it enough back to the right to give us Trump, and the latest chaos will seal the deal.

So, what do you think they will try next? You know they aren’t done, and they never will be until they are crushed. Don’t get complacent.

Edgework 8 June 5
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Rachel Madcow today called the President a liar, and claimed that the virus is increasing. The dumber half of America still eagerly follows her with heads bobbling, apparently having forgotten the last several hundred of her utterly false reports and claims.


Because of many more news sources people have been changing their minds, the anomaly was legacy media having a monopoly on the narrative which they no longer have.

The odds are high for Trump to win in 2020, the real bet is it going to a 1972 style of slaughter, where Trump wins nearly every state. I don't know. It would take the media clearly widely seen as going over the line again on crass manipulation, like BLM getting manipulated. And Biden repeatedly blowing it so bad that even CNN cannot resist. Biden will deliver but will his performance get lost in post production?


Impeachment round two and stopping Barr seem like priorities at the moment. China is likely going to try to isolate the U.S. economically. Our enemies in the Middle East will stir up trouble before the election. Round two of rioting is probably in the works if the media can whip the uninformed into a frenzy and groups like Antifa can't be suppressed. States and cities may declare bankruptcy. Never Trump establishment figures like McCain's protege Graham will stall on full accountability for the Obama administration.

It's not going to be easy to get Trump reelected based on the people I talk with. The upper class doesn't acknowledge any of his successes and the lower class are still firmly Democrats. Women still think he is sexist and minorities think he is as my "Mexican" Neighbor put it "a bad person". Some of these people may secretly vote for Trump given his opponent but not the majority.

It seems almost impossible in today's environment to change anyone's mind on anything. That leads me to believe the election will be decided based on turn out.

Don't bet your life savings on anything I predict, I didn't think Trump would be elected the first time 🙂

wolfhnd Level 8 June 5, 2020

Predicting the future’s always a losing game. My wife asks me, “What’s going to happen?” I say, “Ya got me. But it won’t look like anything I imagine,”

Still, I’m hopeful that the left has misread the voters as badly now as they have throughout Trump’s presidency.


Maybe I'm an extremist, but every single one of them are traitors to their respective countries and should be tried as such.

Freedom of speech is one thing, destroying infrastructure, attempting to silence the majority and causing general violence is not free speech. And best it's disorderly conduct.

I’d say that is precisely their game and intent. And I don’t think it’s extremist to think do.

I'm honestly concerned about the meaning of the riots. I keep wondering how long it will be before civil war 2. The left are becoming more and more violent, trying to disarm us, and trying to rile is into fury. They seem to be begging for war. I don't want that to happen any more than anyone else on this side of the line. I've worked hard for everything I have. My family, my home, work I hope to enjoy again once all of the covid nonsense goes away. I don't want to find that taken from me by violent people who want my white girl head on a platter. I just want peace, but I don't think that's coming back without a fight... and death... another generation of misery for the next generation to have peace and freedom. and that's if we win.

@DontbeanassO. Their objective is to make you concerned. For your own entertainment, give them a big yawn and watch them come unglued that it didn't work.

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