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This cultural war has been created by PR and that is the way you can fight back in a non-violent way. Perception is reality for people who don't question their initial ideas, that's why the left has power right now. No matter where you look, you will see the propaganda and people just take it in perceived as reality. What you need to do to push back is to create the perception of our world going back to normal. Sheeple will simply go with the flow and the radicals won't have the support anymore, rendering then powerless.

You need a huge PR campaign. Mainstream media, the academy, and the left is totally infected by ideology, but they are not right. So I suggest this peaceful technique: use art. You've witnessed reasoning gets you nowhere, so I admit this isn't the best most dignifying way to approach this, but bear me with me. You don't have many choices left anymore.

The left can't meme and they are not creative, but destructive. And that makes art the perfect approach. Art has not been defined in any formal way because is difficult, as it relates in abstract concepts for which we do not have the words yet. Allow me to offer a very simple way of understanding what art is.

Art is a communication method which relays a message from a human creation directly to the subconscious (specifically, the reptilian brain and the limbic system) whose cognitive processes are perceived by us in the form of a bodily function and/or a feeling or emotion accordingly (a feeling being a passive perception, while emotions are incite to actions,) bypassing this way the neocortex.

Think about it. We don't really think the way we think we do, rationally. We can take a cognitive output and recreate back the logical steps taken to reach given result. If it was us, we would have to do so in our "mind's voice." That's what considered "thinking." But in reality it's more like feeding our perceptions to a black box which then returns the output to us in mentalese (the mind's native language, let's say.) All we do is translate, and that's the output we can trace back the reasoning from.

Now, consider our instincts and our emotions are the same as our thoughts, except being outputs of a different system of our brains (the reptilian brain and limbic system.) It's like other two black boxes that deliver an involuntary reaction or a feeling/emotion respectively. We don't "process that ourselves" just like "thinking." We just receive the result (goosebumps from a song or touch (physical) or happiness/sadness , depending on which black box it was processed. Could be both.

The reason those people do not listen to reasoning is because they FEEL they are right. Only very emotionally self-aware people can tell the difference, but it's how we decide if we know something or not. It's a feeling. People who have never had the need to self-doubt nor any meaningful adversity can't realize it is an emotion and not "a thought" that lets you know if you are informed about certain topic. You learn that ability as you grow and mature, yet these entitled rich people have not had that chance (yes, every American is rich from the natural basic perspective of having your physical needs met, which afford you the luxury of ignoring then and focus on your emotions and ideas/goals.)

So, the left has achieved its power via repetition. It's the same thing record labels use to do to make you like their songs. You like it as you get used to hearing it. They have had to look like idiots for years, constantly on the media in order to achieve this. We know, we have laughed at them all the way. But they ultimately are winning. Because they managed to impose their irrational ideas placing them in front of everybody and censoring opposition that might bring that self-doubt ability. And this is how art might be able to help you reduce the damage they have done in their minds faster. It can be like a Trojan horse that can make them feel, which is the only sort of argument they will be willing to consider, as emotions don't lie. That's why propaganda isn't such an undefeatable weapon. You cannot fool the black boxes with art. Our mind's are smarter than we are (the reptilian brain and limbic system over the neocortex.) They have been around much longer, are bigger and much more developed. So it is not unethical to take advantage of this right now. You can only make this work if your message is true.

Now, you could also just try fire with fire and speak out straight out yourselves, which would be much easier. But you don't seem to be willing to. Fine. And you may not even be the majority in order to pull this off, but consider you, as the US, are not alone. There are lots and lots, and lots of people all around the world paying very close attention to this, as your defeat will inevitably cause our fall as well. And the left does not have power over us. They cannot get us fired abroad, or cause any social stigma against us as we do not form part of the same community.

I am Mexican, I can and an willing to do whatever I can to help. The way I see it, you are running out of time, but there's still enough resources to build up a media complex somewhat, big enough to fight this off alongside censorship. Online is easy to setup different venues that are harder to sabotage with ISPs and infrastructure all around the world.

I say there is still hope.

Let's all come together.

Help me help you, because if you don't win, I lose.

As I stand now, I'm a voiceless unimportant poor Mexican guy just making a post on here, so if you agree and wish to try my suggestion, you would need to proactively help spread the idea, and really on each other to make it happen. I am a nobody, and have no platform, so... that's up to you. I am here if you want me to help in any way with your fight.

Good luck, brothers and sisters.

A1fredo 8 June 24
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I 100% agree. Art and the media is where the power is. I had friends who back in the day made a gameplan of how to make our "group" more popular and accepted. It all involved books, film, etc.

I wish there was more foresight about where it could possibly go.

Foresight? You know art and... studies? Polls? They don't mix. I can tell you what I envision I that helps. But I would ask of you not to let yourself be defeated by the lack of foresight. We are on a corrupt path, you know that. Let's just take the straight one. It must lead to a better destination, right?

And where are your artist friends? Can't they help? The more people who create, the more chances we have to succeed.


A difficulty is that art is fucking hard, and those for whom it comes easy tend toward openness to exotic experience and emotional intuition--often a trait mistaken for care, but also an aspect of the manipulative.

You, as poor Mexican, seeing us as rich and more subject to our lizard brains for preservation rather than exploration, might very well be in the better position to inspire us through art than we, you. We're in a rut. We need "the blues" of the aspirant, maybe, to help push and pull us back onto a visionary path.

The Library of Alexandria didn't burn; the esteem for wisdom and her keepers shifted. Art follows wisdom, pursues it. Enlightens the path forward. Civilizations fall, in part, because they become pragmatic rather than creative. Art doesn't rise from the rot, but from the fertility of soil not yet overly cultivated.

Show us what ya got..........

govols Level 8 June 24, 2020

I've already been working on it. I've been for a while. I'll be embarrassingly honest because it's not a time to care about the ego: I lack the perspective from which I can meet you as a wealthy person, I can't figure out how to hook you into following me into an emotional path trough the videos I'm working on. I'm not friends with any of you, so getting to know you could help me out, if someone is willing. I need to know the hierarchy of what truly matters to you, before and after I take you trough the journey, if I want to ensure success. So far, my video pieces will look to you the way you would look at me (you know, if you knew me): childishly idealistic and dramatically emotional. So a different perspective to show me how you think and feel would help.

I would also ask if you know of anybody, or anyone reading this, who can help out even when they're not artists. There's so much everyone can do. For example, me not being an American could benefit SO much from historians, and people more educated than myself. Certainly a copy editor lol People who have strong arguments, let's work together. Let's do interviews, help me build a timeline, show me what the consequences are of everything is going on as shown by our past. I am one guy, help me out. I'm only one guy, can't do that much without help, and I don't have a community in Mexico who gives a damn. The consequences are too obscure for the huge majority of Mexicans to realize yet what's going on. Even if I explain.


Okay, let's do honest. I'm rich beyond anything any of my ancestors might ever have imagined, but I'm weak and dependent, unable to hold together the means of self- and/or familial- preservation barring the trappings of culture and its demands and expectations. I am, in part, a captive to the gratitude and reverence I hold for the accomplishments and legacy of my forebears. The stacking of accomplishment has outpaced my ability to integrate a comprehensible whole from the chaos.

So, rich white male, master of the universe, stunnedly watching it burn, trying to remember what my guts whisper it once was like to stand in the fire.

Remind me what it looks like from the perspective of kindling.


First, for reference, show me the timeline from your perspective.

Find one of mine here:


@govols I really appreciate the honesty and the very clear and specific way you set the challenge for me. That is very helpful as I got clear guidelines on which to lay it out for you. I will do so and come back to you with an answer later today, so I can put some effort into it.

@govols I've yet to read your timeline perspective, btu I was wondering if you would be open to clarify some points for me, maybe like a video chat or something. Because I cannot possibly know what sorts of trappings of culture you've perceived, or the demands and expectations are for somebody like you. From where I'm standing, the world just wants me not to bother them and die quietly, so I can't even imagine where you're coming from. I might get ti from your timeline, but wanted to ask if you're open to it while I have you here just in case. I'm pretty sure I could use some help with that. I'm off to read your timeline and take some notes now. Thanks!

@govols Hello, I disagree with the premise of your timeline, which can be basically summed up with these three phrases: “The nature of man is ever to fail to live up to expectation. Every system we concoct will fail to live up to expectation. Nature itself is too fucking complicated for even the very brightest of us to comprehend.”

I will state my disagreements and why sentence by sentence, and offer an alternative timeline for our current problem afterwards.

“The nature of man is ever to fail to live up to expectation.”

Your timeline seem cold, and read as one huge rationalization. You seem to be too deep within your perspective, and oblivious to the passion of the fire below you. Please don’t take offense, I understand where you are coming from. This seem to me to be the problem with intellectuals, they have to spend so much time working hard in their field in order to achieve their “greatness,” let’s say; that they don’t have time to live, which limits their human experiences of basic interactions.

Here is a clip of Eric Weinstein. I just couldn’t help myself but to do this as some sort of homage to the love and respect that was growing for him since I met him in his The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. He just fails miserably to realize he was inflating the standards for everyone else, while he felt what he does is right because everyone around his acts in the same way. I can’t “diagnose him,” but I think he’s too smart for this to be just him sucking at manipulation. He never seemed to catch his own moral failures. Just look.

If you lack the hard experience of an emotion, you will go ahead believing you know what the words referring to that emotion means because you will have experienced it somewhat during your life, it’s inevitable. However, at a much lower intensity. I don’t know if someone else has named this phenomenon already, but I call it “Emotional Relativism.” Ever noted how everybody feels as if they have suffered like no other human being? That’s the emotion that just can’t fail. Measuring agony is even more troublesome than measuring penises.

It’s quite simple, imagine an emotion as a field. An objective one for human capability. Let’s say you have been hurt to an objective level of 76% capability. That’s the amount of the land you have explored, and therefore you are unaware of the rest of the land. You will consider that the capability for human suffering is at 76% or the objective level, and consider that to be the 100%. That’s why that discussion can never be won. Everybody feels they know the 100%. That’s why nobody wants to hear others’ sad stories, you just -feel- you already know it all.

The way you realize this is by going trough incremental tragedies. You might not be able to believe it just by hearing it, but what do you think that happens when the worst thing that’s happened to you is that you made a fool of yourself in an extremely important and distinguished contest; but then you work three times as hard next year to assure you nail it, and actually beat your opponent; but he somehow cheated and he was given all the credit and the glory you deserved, and you were left impotent with no recourse for correction. As a consequence of that, you fall into clinical depression for years, making you realize that worse than anything that -happens- to you is nothing compared to the constant lack of willingness to carry on. I always compare it to a roller coaster. You ride it once for five minutes, you wanna go at it again. You ride it for an hour straight, you wanna vomit. But then you ride it for a year and a half. That’s how you lose hope so bad that you beg for death. Years after, you get arrested by some crime you committed and you go to jail. Have you ever gone to jail? It is the cruelest punishment you can give to a person. If that person in jail dares to keep his humanity (his emotions) inside, he won’t be just extremely depressed with the reason for his depression staring him at the face every second of every day. But there is not even the choice of suicide, plus you are forced to move and do shit you really don’t want to do. You got to force yourself in the worst emotional conditions to make the effort to work for pointless purposes that are dictated to you by people who are probably no better than you, and shouldn’t have that level of authority over you. This is a biggie. I don’t think rich people know what it’s like to destroy your sense of self-ownership little by little when you are forced to make efforts for others in disproportional amounts just so you can get to eat. You feel like a worthless dog after you’ve been broken. Then you finally get out and your son get brutally murdered in front of you just because you were being a stubborn bastard who claimed to know how much a person could suffer just because he spent a few years in jail…. I think you get it.

That is how you create an incorrect “picture” of the emotional abilities of human beings, which results in giving you a distorted view of the world. And you seem to have adopted a view in which the most important thing is to satisfy other people’s expectations. Which brings us back to your first sentence. However, how do you know what people expect from you? People lie so much, and beyond that, they even fail miserably to know themselves most of the time. When people are expected to be “successful,” that’s misguiding because of an abstract term which is defined by the bubble you live in. I don’t know your friends, but I expect them to be there for my with compassion and brutal honesty when needed. I expect for my partner to love me, and allow me to give love back in return. I expect from my enemies that they can be mature enough to consider my side of the argument. Do I expect so little from other people? It seems to me you live in a stressing world of unrealistic expectations. A comfie one, but still. Just as a little extra, have you ever felt “intimacy.” that’s when you reach a level of such pure love that your brain gives completely into the delusion that nothing, nothing whatsoever, nothing at all matters other than you and your beloved one right then and there, as that is perfection; and as long as you have that, everything will be okay. There is no drug nor any amount of money can give you that feeling. It’s an upside of being poor, I guess. You are forced to roam around into the unknown depths of positive emotions, and there is definite an oasis that allows you to escape your crappy reality. It’s like a miracle when you realize that level of intensity that love can bring.

So the nature of man isn’t to fail to live up to expectations, as expectations differ for everybody. Plus is silly to take other people’s perspectives as the focal point of purpose, when you have a heart of your own. Why would you consider other people’s hearts to be more important than your own? You definitely need to explore it more, as one of the main characteristics of emotions is to strengthen the sense of importance something has. That’s how we select memories to pass on trough into long-term. Their importance get measured based on how strongly we felt about them.

“Every system we concoct will fail to live up to expectation.”

You have zero basis for this. You are underestimating the capacity of human creativity. We have been under the control of alpha males throughout history, and we have yet to try out so many perspectives. And I do have an argument why we have failed. Alpha males all have a similar view of life, which is based on the reptilian brain with the neocortex as the second motor, yet lack the feminine. I suggest that if we create a system in which we take human nature as the basis, taking into account all of our needs and capabilities, we can create a balanced society. A societal homeostasis, which would work. We just haven’t been able to talk our way into it yet because we are still immature as a species.

Just to strengthen the point, here is one we haven’t considered (keep in mind this is just my lame attempt, which of course will be wrong; but could be built upon by people with complementing inputs as we talk it out🙂 so, okay, it’ll be overly simplified as I don’t mean to take too much time on this, but imagine we adopt both capitalism and socialism at the same time. Let men and women’s worlds be divided as they used to be, where each gender has their own hierarchical structure. Men (and women with masculine personalities) would take care of the constructive capitalist side of things and the defenses of the territory from outside forces. While women (or men with feminine personalities, like me) could take the maintenance social role where they build upon what men have created, with no political power whatsoever not any kind of economical compensations as that would conflict with the nature of pureness needed for emotional development.

For example, they would actually help with drug-addictions, they would future future school shooters from acting out, they would help figure out which criminals would need of the masculine justice system, and which could be healed back into the community with nurture. All of this done with love and empathy. I would suggest crimes are somewhat half masculinity-driven (by selfish convenience) and others are crimes of passion, which are basically hurt and unfairly treated people acting out where probably both sides are at fault. Society commits what I would definitely consider crimes against the outcasts. Let me tell you about evil. Crimes of greed are just people being bad, but there is a level beyond that. When somebody is wronged, or shit jusut happens, that’s okay. We have the ability to get over it. However, when somebody who has been wrong gets rejected, blamed and isolated by society in general; that’s when evil happens. The difference is that evil is not to get yourself any advantages; but to hurt others in the most cruel way possible. It’s about revenge. And…. I…. I’ve felt it. I’m very introspective and self-aware, I’m strong emotionally, so I know giving in is not a good choice; so I haven’t. Yet. But I can tell you: when society at large hurts you just by not caring enough about your hurt (usually because they think they know what it’s like to suffer at an objective 100% level,) that… That just seems somewhat… I mean, not “justified.” But if it’s for long enough, it’s either take dignifying revenge, or decide to die as a perpetual victim for no reason, which his humiliating. And the less thing you need in your life is more hurt.

Er…. Yeah, so I think we still have many, many new creative ways in which we can setup society, so no need to give up on ourselves yet. Next.

“Nature itself is too fucking complicated for even the very brightest of us to comprehend.”

Maybe, but we don’t need to understand nature, but just ourselves. As long as we have cohesion between us, we can face the challenges of nature together. Plus, we don’t need the brightest man, we don’t need a dictatorship. We just need enough people who are very self-aware and who can work with others of complimentary personalities to create a basic understanding that will work well enough for the future generations to build upon it as we keep maturing. Remember, we don’t need to be perfect, just to head towards the right way, so we keep improving as a species. We need to understand and accept the fact that we are all wrong. Always. We can hope to do our best (with an honest conviction of being pure in our aims.) And if we managed that, we could teach the future generations how to see each other in an empathic way understanding we are the same, as in we have the same 100% brain, yet the 10% we are said to use, it’s a different 10% of it in every one of us. But as long as we are being honest and ethical in our speech, we can trust that our needs and claims are valid and worth to be attended to.

Wow, this definitely didn’t turn out the way I thought it would be. I wanted to include lots of clips of the videos I’ve been working on, but that is a different approach, as those videos are meant to take you into an emotional journey so you can explore the different fields as you watch it somehow, and I didn’t want to risk loosing your attention when we were having this very interesting intellectual dialogue.

I also haven’t checked if you replied since last time I replied to you because I got passionate writing this and I’m done now lol So…. Sorry, hope you understand. Let me know what you think.

@govols I totally forgot about my timeline, but that's even longer. However, I would suggest it need not to go further than 2010 or so to explain what's going on. Still a lot, but anything past is not part of the actual problem. Those would be different issues. To be treated with different aproaches. The left may think it's about the past, but it's about their inner needs not being met and them not even being aware of it... plus the indoctrination, whichb helped them misplace the rage.


Just stopping in to let you know I'm still chewing on this.

@govols Thank you, good to know. I confess, I was already feeling very disappointed cuz I thought you just ignored it. So thanks for letting me know.


Okay. Please allow me to redirect just a bit. The expectations I mentioned above--the ones we never meet--I was talking about our own expectations that we have for ourselves. That little fucking monster that walks around in our heads and tells us how we're failing, what we ought to be doing, how poorly we're living up to our own idealist expectations. If you don't have one of those little monsters walking around with you, maybe I'm not quite sane.

We haven't always been dominated by some alpha. We've very often been actually leaderless, not being told what to do but doing, instead, what we think might win the approval of that competent guy over there. Part of the reason I believe this is personal experience. I'm the guy who has spent his life rising to the level of my incompetence. I've been alpha, and I'm competent to about the leadership by example of maybe 5 or so people. Beyond that, leadership gets too complex and I fuck it all up.

Knowing ourselves is far more complex than coming to know the natural world. We're nearly eight billion individuals, each reacting to and participating in both the natural world and the actual human environment of putting up with one another. The hardest people to really tolerate are those with whom we've managed to share intimacy, and that's in part why we have to set as few as possible into our in-groups; we can't tolerate intimacy with eight billion people and we can't do basic empathy without some intimacy.

I'm being unfair to your effort, but it isn't fair to leave it hanging, either.

@govols So... you're not going to...? Okay... Well... I'm used to it, I guess. All good...

About the expectations thing, I understand perfectly what you are saying; and I cannot objectively say this with any certainty or proof, but I do believe (and I'm pretty sure) that most people do not share that quality with us. I think that is a problem we develop because of the lack of parenting during early infancy. In my case, it was total negligence. There's lots of theories, let's say, but I've heard the best ones from Stefan Molineaux in case you are interested in knowing more.

I wish you did follow up. I used to think that when you exchange arguments with someone, one of the two would change their mind when confronted with points he can't refute anymore. However, every single time I try to reason with people, beginners or expert, they always just leave it alone when they can't keep the discussion going. I don't think that's helpful... and... I thought you were interested in the perspective... Don't you want to get to know that side of you anymore? It hurts in a way you may not perceive as "hurt," call it cognitive dissonance if you may, but aren't you willing to do more than mere reading in order to get to know more about yourself and the world? In my theory, you would need different types of personalities to come together in order to figure out humanity as an integer entity. That's why we haven't been able to create a functioning society. In my case, it's very difficult to develop intelligence when you are constantly on emotional drugs throughout your life. And for the other side, I realize it must be very difficult to develop courage and strength of character while working so hard to achieve academic goals within the secure confines of your ivory tower.

I don't mean to bully you, but to encourage you. I really wish that we as a species would just stop avoiding the problems we really need to get into. I may just be crazy and you can just call me out on that, that's fine...

By the way, I don't know where you came from with your comment about feeling intimacy with every single person on earth. You only feel it with very, very few. Most people don't ever get to feel it at all. We feel empathy toward our inner circle, and if you are wise enough, you will develop empathy toward all humans as your extended family. You know, as a group, as a concept, because you realized that helping each other is the way to go, and that nobody is really at fault of anything, so we should all support each other. I could give a long explanation about that as well, but... I realize it may be pointless so...

Sorry if I got preachy. It's just really demoralizing and disappointing to realize that not even with people who seem very committed and interested in knowledge, you can ever get anywhere. Maybe it is all inevitable after all, and I just wasted my life trying to be good instead of learning how to make fucking money... Sigh... Thank you anyway, man. Have a nice day...

@A1fredo, I'm not sure how to engage. I can't put up with Molyneux for any length of time. One thing at a time.... You don't think most of us have a critic riding around with us? Only a few of us, suffering from inadequate parenting, have the nagging passenger? I think that's almost universal.

@govols Nope, regular mentally healthy people just go on aut pilot. Ever asked someone, "what were you thinking about?" and said "nothing"...? It took me like decades to believe it, but apparently they do not think all the time like you or me do. They have had no reason to because they lacked the adversity that causes self doubt. it's not as helpful, but sure makes it easier for you.


I think we need a truth and reconciliation commission.

Why? Do the left extremists, Antifa and BLM want to confess that they could not care less about black lives?
Do they want to own up that their actions caused now dozens of deaths and the destruction of tens of thousands of lively hoods?

In that case I a fully support that. It worked really well in South Africa and healed many wounds.

That is a very interesting comment, as I hold a very similar idea. Would love to hear yours first if you don't mind, to feed on your perspective without possibly tainting it with mine.

@Hanno Man, if that's sarcasm, he is really into something. I think the deepest layer is as simple as the lack of the value of honesty. Everything else derives from it, so let's hear him out?

@A1fredo It's not my idea, but it's as simple as the fact that we have two narratives in this country that have moved farther and farther apart. One of the roots of that is the fact that we have never come to terms on a shared set of facts about slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, overpolicing, red scares, the Mexican-American War, Chinese exclusion, Japanese internment, the genocide of indigenous people, and US imperialism. Many of our social problems today have roots in local histories that have gone unexamined. Some of our politicians think they are outside of history and it is their prerogative to make myths. Here's a column on the topic. []

I just read it. It's much better than I thought it would be. However, I think it's way too late for that now. Because the government it's too corrupt and too influenced by the left to set it up. They would never let it happen. That being said, it is definitely a part of what need to be done. Your culture (and as well as globally,) the appreciation of emotions and femininity has been in decline. Hard. It is my personal opinion that you are too out of touch with it in your society that you can't even self-diagbose what's wrong with you (I mean the rioters of course.) It's clear to me that most people are well-intended, yet mislead toward the wrong path because they cannot seem to be able to make judgements on the hierarchy of grief when it comes to distributing justice, if that makes sense. It's clear with Floyd for example, that the medicine was worse than the solution, but that's just too easy. It should have been dealth with around 2014 when intersectionality took over feminism. They were all wrong and as the type of victim they were allegedly fighting for, I could tell they had no idea what they were talking about. And it was horrendous when the opposition gave into their demands which meant they couldn't get it either. And I understand why. Please don't think I am putting you down or something. You were so lucky to be so well, you havent met the adversity to put your mind into perspective.

There's something I want to say, even though I feel dirty, real dirty saying this, but I've thought about it a lot. Progress have been made in scientific development in incredible ways the part decades, and that's because of funding. Money empowered public perception of it's value. The problem right now is that the mind and the soul are very unbalanced. And true artists (as opposed to Hollywood, record labels, etc,) and emotional people have a really hard time just surviving, let alone prosper and influence society. I can tell you by first hand experience. Nobody gives a single shit abour what a poor emotional artist has to say because we are perceived as total losers. Emotional strength and fortitude in morals just don't show in the picture, you know? And women just let themselves get deviated from femininity when they gave into the greedy sense of competition against men when the third wave of feminism hit. So support an artist maybe? It makes me feel shame, as I know how this could read, but me for example, I have been working on the videos I talked about in previous comments literally for years now, because surviving as a poor man it's really hard and even though I realize capitalism is the best choice, there is a conflict between an artists' moral values and the masculine traits necessary to succeed in the business world, like self-interest. You just can't be selfish and selfless at the same time, you know? If you can't make the art, you can enable for an artist to make it, who could previously couldnt on his own.

I so wish I was in your country, I am so very motivated to help because it is so personal for me. Since 2014, the way the left has been using the outcast's victimhood for their own political game just makes me sick to my stomach and makes my heart set on fire. And taking free speech is the worse you can do to somebody who is afraid to talk already, plus it's the only alternative to violence. You just can't legisslate hate away. It's like trying to ban hunger. Hate is a bodily function and you need to deplete it. Dialogue is the optimal way, but when people don't care enough to engage, snapping is the last resort before you must turn to violence. And not even willingly, but a human can only hold so much until he/her snaps. I think that's why you used to have so many school shootings in your country. It wasn't the guns. And trying to take the guns away was like saying to the future shooters: "I don't give a fuck about your problems, I just want to make sure you don't hurt me." And that is hurtful. The hateful isn't the source of the problem, he/her only reacts to the hateable attitudes of inconsiderate people.

Sigh, I'm ranting... Sorry.

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Posted by JohnHoukAmerican Intel Spies & Withholds Info from Trump! WAKE UP AMERICANS! SUMMARY: Americans who still support The Democratic Party (which should be re-labeled Dem-Marxist Party) are supporting spying ...

Posted by FocusOn1Clown world: when people cant figure their shit out, they run to a woman who says she doesnt know what a woman is and wears a black robe for guidance.

Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewzHow quickly it all turned.

Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewzMuh Diversity...

Posted by JohnHoukAn Intro to THE EXPOSÉ Look at Occult Influence on Elitists SUMMARY: THE EXPOSÉ has delved into a Substack post by Elizabeth Nickson … I am unsure if THE EXPOSÉ had this in mind, but my take ...

Posted by FocusOn1An0maly on facebook.... Communists violating the first amendment in america

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