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Why do so many people believe that cloth masks, and the blue disposable surgical masks protect them against Covid-19?

DeplorableToo 7 July 13
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solopro Level 6 July 14, 2020

I can't argue with that.


Here is my question: Can you smell a FART after is buffered by underwear and and jeans???????????
If you can, then cloth mask don't work because odors are caused by SMALL particles entering your nose!!!!!
So any mask that allows SMALL particles through, does not stop a virus, which are smaller than bacteria!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 July 13, 2020

Good one. But, with that humor there is fault, as a virus is larger than a methane molecule. But, 😂🤣😂 that is probably enough logic for a nonscientist.


Because they're told to wear them, and like good sheeple, they comply without question. My company tried to force me to wear one, until I started writing on them. One mask I wrote "Fear Mongering", then when they didn't like it and told me to change the mask, I wrote "Fear Mongering for Profit". They liked that one much less. Now, I just wear a face shield I got from of the American flag. I can breath through it like it wasn't there, and they think there's protection with it. And, it acts as a nifty goatee guard.


If it makes you feel better, go for it. I myself will only do it for the simple fact that if I dont, I can't buy food or any thing else that I might want.


The mask is a symbol of your obedience to your tyrannical masters. Wear your obedience cloths

😂🤣 I think I will be defiant, and start a revolution.

@DeplorableToo Color me there!


@Deplorable Too
Not science. I won’t even call it fear, given that most people have been exposed to reasonable discussions of the faulty projections that they must have at least some doubts about the usefulness of masks. We’re witnessing the largest experiment in mass conditioning ever seen. And it’s turning out to be successful, given what you pointed out in your post.

I agree, except that the Cultural Revolution was probably the biggest. The Bolshevik Revolution and NAZI Germany were probably smaller than the size of the American Left's experiment here.

@TimTuolomne, True!

@M1959, if the dead could, they would surely agree with you.


They’re meant to protect other people.

GeeMac Level 8 July 13, 2020

Exactly how is that? I'm a Molecular Biologist and can readily dispute the science behind your flawed answer. But, I would rather hear how you (as a non scientist) believe this to be true?

@DeplorableToo I am not a scientist, though I do enjoy learning about science. As someone who is skeptical of much of what the leftist dominated establishment says, I would be interested to know your scientific take on it.

It would seem reasonable to me that a proper medical mask would filter some of the air the wearer exhales, thereby reducing the danger for the people around them.

In terms of a person wearing a mask to protect themselves, I don't hear about this as frequently. I have heard the rationale that if someone touches a surface that has the virus on it, and then touches their face before cleaning their hands, the virus can enter their system through the facial orifices... the idea being that a mask would keep them from touching their nose and mouth. They would touch the mask instead, thus reducing the likelihood of being infected.

It would seem reasonable to this non-scientist that proper use of a medical mask should be helpful. I would sincerely appreciate any scientific explanation you can give as to why this might not be the case.

@DaveO276 ok, bear with me, and I will try to put it in layman's terms (and try hard not to sound condescending, not my intent at all, but sometimes I talk in a matter of fact way. Sadly, it is a habit of the occupation, and I have to remind myself I am not speaking at a seminar 😂)

  1. You said that you felt a mask "would filter some of the air the wearer exhales" An N95, medically fitted mask would filter viral particles effectively. A cloth mask would not. With a cloth mask the pores (open spaces between the weave) are too large to prevent the 130 nm in size viral particles from entering or exiting straight through the mask. In addition, if you simply hold your hand to the side of your mask and breathe in and out, you will feel airflow. Viruses of this size (Coronavirus) are extremely small in size. You literally need an electron microscope to view them. Being si minuscule they are airborne. Meaning they are released when you breathe out, and taken in when you breathe inward. They may also be found on droplets, but most of the viral particles are not attached to droplets.

  2. Virus spreading on surfaces. Even the CDC has retracted that statement. The virus does not spread easily via surface to surface (table to your respiratory tract), as it is an enveloped virus and has a very short survival rate on surfaces (including your hands).

Your best protection is a tight fitting (molded to your face) N95 mask, and distancing yourself from other people. The closer in distance that you are to a person breathing (with one of those cloth face masks on) the more exposure you have to the airborne viral particles. Be smart, wear a N95 fitted to your face mask, wash your hands (because there are lots of other germs out there) and stay healthy.

@DeplorableToo Ok, thanks. So if we were able to produce N95 masks in sufficient quantities, would you be in support of everybody wearing them?

@DaveO276, only if they were properly fitted to your face, and disposed in accordance to the manufacturer's recommendations for effectiveness. Otherwise, you defeat the purpose.

@DeplorableToo I am definitely not a microbiologist, and I’m the first to admit many of my opinions are flawed. I’ll own all of that! I also agree with most of what I see you post, so I’m not some crazed leftist troller.

I totally understand the American concerns with personal liberty; but here in Canada it’s a different culture and a much different story. Not better. Not worse. Different.

Here in British Columbia, we have an extremely close relationship with our neighbours in Washington State. Now, I’m not statistician either, but Washington State (pop: 7.6-million) has has 1,439 deaths. BC (pop: 5.1-million) has recorded 189 Covid deaths.

So a question. If we are in a supermarket, would you prefer me to sneeze into the open air, into my elbow, or into a tissue?

@GeeMac, first what are the Canadian case reporting requirements? Second, I prefer you to sneeze into your elbow or a tissue (because that is proper), whether you are sick or have a dust or pollen attack. It makes no difference to me. I consider it rude to sneeze without covering your mouth (it is the way I was raised).

@DeplorableToo as a scientist, are you seriously suggesting differences in body counts on the magnitude of 78 times — 1,439 deaths vs 189 deaths — is attributable to reporting inconsistencies? That’s a profoundly specious assumption even to a layman like myself.

Washington State and British Columbia have cooperated extremely closely on the pandemic from the beginning. The dramatic difference in the body count is largely a result, not of science and medicine, but of politics and culture.

@DeplorableToo of course it’s rude to sneeze openly in the vicinity of another person. That’s the principle of wearing a mask. Not perfect, not absolute, but helpful.


I don't think they believe the masks will actually protect them - they are merely complying with the dictates of our new politburo.

iThink Level 9 July 13, 2020

"If you don't stand for something, you'll believe anything."


I know it is to protect "them" from "you"..

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