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Has anyone read Karl Marx Manifesto, written 1847?????
It explains what has been going on for the last 50 years and what is coming next!!!!!
It is a must read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serg97 8 July 19
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Read it in translation back in high school. Rejected the concepts quickly as I compared its ideas to what was actually happening in countries that supported the concepts.


A more recent and practical handbook based on Marx is Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals." It is a "Revolution for Idiots" manual that is far easier to follow than Marx, and you will recognize the steps that have occurred even more clearly.

Good suggestion, thanks!!!!!!
Hopefully, our young adults have not been so brainwashed that they use it as an instruction manual!!!!
Oh Ya, they already are, silly me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97. Yup. I only share the existence of that handbook with those who I am confident will not somehow understand it as an actual rational concept.

Unfortunately, it is out in the World for any idiot to discover.


Yes, I have read it.

And live by it????????????????????????

@Serg97 No.

@WilyRickWiles Hard to tell from your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I read it in my 20's, but don't remember too much. Refresh me, if you will, as to what you believe it prophesies as coming. Thanks

dmatic Level 8 July 19, 2020

Before you read Marx's manifesto read about his personal life,. Marx's ideas are in many ways just a disguised version of Henri Rousseau's noble savage. It is a rebellion against the harsh reality that wealth is created by management not labor. It's not surprising that Marx largely ignores agriculture because subsistence farming is proof of how insane it is to believe that productivity arrises primarily from labor. Marc having no experience with labor and living off what he could con friends and relatives out of is in his personal life an example of how irresponsibly destroys families. Very much as Rousseau's personal life had proven earlier.

Communism is the adolescent dream of those prone to embrace the fast lifestyle of more primitive times, the people who can't see emotions as instincts. Artists, the effeminate, and those that can't see that what they call civilization is just a byproduct of productivity, efficiency and unforgiving management.

wolfhnd Level 8 July 19, 2020


Civilization is a tyranny. It is the abandonment of the free life style we are evolved to inhabit and that everyone wants to return to. Realizing that being "free" is living fast and dying young is a poor trade off is what it means to become mature.

We really should be organizing to voluntarily accept lower wages in order to increase justice for the job creators!

@wolfhnd Yes, it worked well 15,000 years ago, but what was the human population of the earth at that time???????????

"Artists, the effeminate, and those that can't see that what they call civilization...

What these people call civilization - or being "more" civilized - is really an unwitting expression of their own fears and cowardice. Liberty and self-reliance literally terrifies them.

@M1959 .

That is a simplistic view of slavery. As soon as people became dependent on agriculture they became "slaves" to defending a small plot of ground.


Better than being a slave to the primitive instinct for "fairness" .


Management is providing your, water, food, housing, transportation, and everything else you need to survive while you are basically doing what in return to further civilization.


You are only able to pay for anything because someone manages the money supply.

It's easy to criticize what you are not responsible for. That doesn't mean that labor is not an essential resourse. Ideally everyone participates in management if that means nothing more than not wasting your time networking and playing with your cell phone.

At a deeper level you can think of excessly low wages as bad management. Henry Ford and the economic boom which expanded the middle class after WWII should have made that clear.


One example?


A bit more specific please.


This isn't Twitter, you are allowed to expand on your thoughts without being restricted to a couple sentences.


What parts of it give you insight to what's coming next? ... and what to do about it?

Admin Level 8 July 19, 2020

Just look at China, then you'll know what is next, if THEY get their way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What to do about it, VOTE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@M1959 Maybe we will get lucky and Junior will run!!!
Wouldn't that get the LIBs in an uproar!!!!!!!!!!!

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